AFT In the News

Agape Press: Commentary & News Briefs (Sept 7, 2006)

Thursday, September 7th, 2006

..A pro-family advocate believes Americans are losing their “tolerance” of the “gay” activist agenda.

Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth says it looks like most U.S. citizens are getting “fed up” with the push for special rights for homosexuals, and “are more frustrated than ever with the homosexual agenda.” He says one can hardly turn on the TV news or a sitcom, or even open a magazine without having “this very obnoxious agenda sort of shoved in your face. So, in that sense, people are upset.”

But LaBarbera believes many people feel powerless to do anything about this agenda since it has such strong forces supporting it.

“The media is practically an arm of the gay movement right now,” the Americans for Truth spokesman contends. “Hollywood, of course, promotes homosexuality,” he says, “and gay activist groups have tens of millions of dollars at their disposal to promote the homosexual issue.”

Nevertheless, LaBarbera insists, the current state of things cannot go on forever; he expects a backlash eventually to rise against the pro-homosexual movement. [Bill Fancher]

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Reporter Contrasts AFT with PFLAG

Saturday, August 26th, 2006

Excerpted from article by Jake Griffin, published in Aug 2006, in Daily Herald:

Peter LaBarbera has resigned as executive director of the conservative Glen Ellyn-based Illinois Family Institute to breathe new life into the inactive Americans For Truth, he said Tuesday.

“I’m trying in some way to answer the many, many groups spending millions and millions of dollars promoting homosexuality,” LaBarbera said. “It’s a lopsided political battle.”

Continue reading in Daily Herald…

That Changing Market

Saturday, August 26th, 2006

From the Star-Telegram:

Welcome to Wal-Mart, comrade.

Surely there’ll be a price revolution in China with the discount giant opening a Communist Party branch in Shenyang…

But why should opportunist politicians and opponents of big-box blight be the only ones caterwauling about Wal-Mart?

The retailer’s decision to join the corporate advisory council of the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce set off an anti-homosexual group called Americans for Truth, which said the company is “passing the wrong kind of ‘values’ on to its customers” and is “hell-bent on alienating its heretofore greatest and most vocal supporters: Conservatives, Christians, and Traditionalists.”

Just wondering when the greeters offering shopping carts started checking religious affiliations at the door…

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Agape Press: Commentary & News Briefs (Aug 25, 2006)

Friday, August 25th, 2006

…Wal-Mart’s recent decision to partner with the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce and to begin talks with homosexual activist groups about extending domestic-partnership benefits to its employees (see related AdAge article) has prompted several pro-family leaders and groups to express disappointment and heap criticism on the retail giant.

…And Americans for Truth Founder Peter LaBarbera says he is “very surprised” that this corporation, which has enjoyed broad support from Middle American customers with traditional values “would now bite the hand that feeds it and thumb its nose at those very customers.” LaBarbera says the retailer’s “unsavory alliance” with extremist homosexual activists “risks entirely alienating the vast majority of its customer base.”

Meanwhile, Matt Barber, Corporate Outreach Director for Americans for Truth, calls Wal-Mart’s partnership with the NGLCC “a real shame.” Barber says consumers who value traditional marriage and biblical values need to take note of Wal-Mart’s support lately for radical groups and policies that “seek to destroy the time-honored institutions of marriage and family” and that try to “silence proponents of traditional family values.”

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Wal-Mart Partnership May Be Boon to Gay Companies

Friday, August 25th, 2006

By Zack Hudson of New York Blade:

Wal-Mart’s decision to link with the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce is expected to open doors to gay-owned business suppliers, but is also bringing backlash from religious groups who call the partnership an “unsavory alliance.”Peter LaBarbera, founder and president of the fundamentalist Americans for Truth, is decrying Wal-Mart’s move, accusing the retail giant of “thumb[ing] its nose” at its “God-fearing Middle American customers.”

“It seems to me that Wal-Mart should reconsider its unsavory alliance with these extremist homosexual activists in today’s heated and polarizing culture war,” he said in a statement posted on the group’s website.

Continue reading at New York Blade…

Anti-Gay Group Sets Up Organization In Suburbs

Thursday, August 24th, 2006

From Chicago CBS Channel 2:

Naperville Will Be Base For “Americans for Truth

(STNG) NAPERVILLE, Ill. The executive director of a well-known anti-gay group is leaving the organization to start up a new group that will be based in Naperville.

Illinois Family Institute said its executive director, Peter LaBarbera, was resigning to pursue his goal of creating a national organization dedicated to confronting the “homosexual activist agenda.”

LaBarbera, 44, who joined the institute in September 2003, is recognized as a leading opponent of the gay movement. Under his tenure, the group’s visibility and grassroots network grew tremendously, the institute said in a statement. In the weeks leading up to the November election, he will stay on at IFI as an advisor to help with the transition. LaBarbera‘s new group, Americans for Truth, will be based in Naperville.

Also here and here

Group’s Aim: Counter the Homosexual Agenda

Thursday, August 24th, 2006

By Tim Waldorf, published in Naperville Sun:

Naperville resident and conservative activist Peter LaBarbera is leaving his post as the Illinois Family Institute’s executive director to pursue his goal of creating a national organization dedicated to “confronting the homosexual activist agenda.”

In a few months, LaBarbera, 44, will re-launch in Naperville an organization he founded in 1996: Americans for Truth. But now AFT‘s work will be dedicated solely to issues of homosexuality.

“Homosexual, bisexual and transsexual groups spend tens of millions of dollars every year to market and normalize their aberrant lifestyles,” LaBarbera said in a statement announcing his decision. “Yet, after all these years, there is not a single, serious national group dedicated specifically to exposing and countering their agenda.”

LaBarbera said that agenda “is anything that seeks to or has the goal of normalizing homosexuality as a societal good.”

“It’s basically anything on the side that says homosexuality is really just a mere alternative lifestyle and should be divorced from moral concerns, or it’s actually a good thing,” said LaBarbera, noting he believes “gays can change.”

“We’re saying that it is a sin in the context of biblical Christianity.”

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P.O. Box 340743
Columbus, OH 43234

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