AFT In the News

Republican Party + Homosexuals = Anti-Life

Wednesday, November 15th, 2006

From Republican Party + Homosexuals = Anti-Life, by Jill Stanek, published Nov 15, 2006, by WorldNet Daily:

jill-stanek.jpgI wrote in my previous column that revelations during the final weeks of the autumn 2006 election season shifted my thinking on why national Republican Party leaders have been reticent to advance the life issue.

It may be too easy to dismiss them as cowards. It may well be they are compromised.

…The revelations about the GOP were of corruption and homosexuality among legislators and influential staff.In October, while Mark Foley’s homosexual and pedophiliac proclivities were coming to light, gay activists circulated a paper called “The List” to conservative groups outing several high ranking queer GOP staffers, some who worked for conservative legislators.

It’s easy to connect dots between corruption and ideological concession, but it may not be so easy to connect dots between homosexuality and same, specifically the sanctity of life.

But the homosexual and abortion lobbies are evil twins with the same agenda. Both want the freedom to commit illicit sex without physical or moral consequences.

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LISTEN ONLINE: Why Wasn’t the Murder of Mary Stachowicz a “Hate Crime”?

Tuesday, November 14th, 2006

Originally broadcast on the fourth anniversary of Mary Stachowicz’s murder, Peter LaBarbera addresses the contrast between how the media covered Matthew Shephard’s murder and how they covered the murder of Mary Stachowicz, a pious Catholic, by a violent homosexual.

Crosstalk Radio with Jim Schneider

To listen, click HERE.

Americans For Truth Blacks Out Website on Four-Year Anniversary of Mary Stachowicz’s Murder

Monday, November 13th, 2006


Americans For Truth blacked out the front page of its website today, with the following message:

“The Americans For Truth website is blacked out today, the anniversary of the brutal murder of Mary Stachowicz by homosexual Nicholas Gutierrez. Four years ago on this date (Nov. 13, 2002), Gutierrez raped and sodomized Mary, and stabbed, beat and strangled her to death before hiding her bloodied, mangled body in his crawl space. Gutierrez later claimed that Mary, a Catholic mother of four devoted to her family and her church, had inspired the assault by “taunting” him about his homosexuality—a blatant and bigoted appeal to liberal stereotypes of Christians as crazed ‘homophobes.’

“This screen is also symbolic of the media blackout of the Stachowicz case and the trial of Gutierrez. The same media that hyped the murder of homosexual Wyoming college student Matthew Shepard as a “hate crime” showed little if any interest in Mary’s case—demonstrating that in the eyes of the media, some victims are more important than others.”

“The media drive the ‘gay’ agenda in this country by choosing what to cover and what to ignore,” said Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth. “The brutal murder of Mary Stachowicz was no less ‘hateful’ than the murder of homosexual Matthew Shepard—yet only one case, Shepard’s, is celebrated as a ‘hate crime’ and even used as a teaching tool for American schoolchildren. That’s just plain wrong, especially since Shepard’s murder was not the clear-cut ‘hate crime’ it was portrayed to be.” (ABC reported that his killers were motivated by drugs and money, not anti-gay hate.)

On Nov. 3, a Chicago jury found Gutierrez guilty of first-degree murder and rape. He could be sentenced to the death penalty next month.

Focusing on Associated Press’ failure to cover the Stachowicz case (AP ignored the Gutierrez murder trial), AFT has asked people to “tell AP that ‘gay’ victims are no more important than Christian victims. Hate is hate–and that there is no logical reason why Shepard’s case deserves any more coverage than Stachowicz’s.”

Matthew Shepard vs. Mary Stachowicz: Why Did AP Hype One Murder Victim and Ignore the Other?

Monday, November 13th, 2006

The ugly truth is too much for most in the media to admit:

they would have cared a lot more about Mary Stachowicz

if she were “gay,”

and if her murderer, Nick Gutierrez, were not.

TAKE ACTION – Call the Associated Press and ask why they ignored the Mary Stachowicz case while continuing to devote extensive coverage to the Shepard case. Politely tell them that “gay” victims are not more important than Christian victims–hate is hate–and that there is no logical reason why Shepard’s case deserves any more coverage than Stachowicz’s.

National Associated Press:

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by Peter LaBarbera

All murder victims are equal, but some are more equal than others, to paraphrase George Orwell.

mary-stachowicz.jpgOn Nov. 3, a jury took just three hours to find Nicholas Gutierrez guilty of the first-degree murder and rape of Mary Stachowicz (pronounced Stack-OH-vich), a 51-year-old Chicago mother of four and former co-worker who attended church nearly every day. Gutierrez, a homosexual, is now eligible for the death penalty, and his horrifying crime is the sort that cries out for that form of justice.

On this date four years ago (November 13, 2002), Gutierrez, then 19, raped and sodomized Mary, and stabbed, beat and strangled her to death before hiding her bloodied and mangled body in the floor crawl space of his apartment—above the Chicago funeral home where she worked and where he had been laid off. For three days, family members and friends searched frantically for Mary until Gutierrez guided police to her body and gave a warped “confession” filled with self-serving lies.

nicholas-gutierrez.bmpThe trial revealed evidence of the brutality of Gutierrez’s murderous assault on Mary: the tip on his hunting knife was bent from the force of his 11 stab thrusts against her body, and he broke 10 of her ribs.

As if his savagery were not evil enough, Gutierrez, a stocky man about six feet tall, and his public defender lawyers effectively blamed Mary for her own murder—arguing that the five-foot-five-and-half-inch tall Stachowicz had attacked him because she was obsessed about his homosexual lifestyle. By attempting this preposterous “anti-Christian panic defense,” Gutierrez’s lawyers played to bigoted and crude stereotypes of religious people as crazed “homophobes”—in a desperate ploy to reduce his sentence to second-degree murder.

To demonstrate the folly of Gutierrez’s defense, prosecutor James McKay showed the jury a crime scene photo of her bloodied and disfigured face—which he mockingly contrasted with the superficial cut sustained by “Mr. Band-aid,” Nick Gutierrez, on the day of the assault.

Thankfully, the jury didn’t buy Gutierrez’s story and took just three hours to convict him.

If you are the typical American—even if you live in Chicago—you probably have never heard of Mary Stachowicz because she simply was not the right kind of victim. Matthew Shepard, a “gay” college student from Wyoming murdered by two drug-induced thugs in 1998—now there’s a victim who deserves worldwide sympathy and fame. Shepard’s is now one of the most famous homicide cases in all of history, thanks to media hype and homosexual activists’ “spin” that:

1) falsely linked his tragic death to the rhetoric of Christian pro-family groups; and

2) erroneously reported that he was targeted for murder “just because he was gay.” His tragic killing is now exploited as a teaching tool to promote acceptance of homosexuality on high school and college campuses across the country. (Six years after the murder, ABC finally did some serious journalism challenging this myth, revealing that Shepard’s killers were motivated by money and drugs, not anti-gay hate.)

A whole industry has arisen to exploit Shepard’s tragic killing, which has been used as a teaching tool to promote the acceptance of homosexuality to millions of impressionable high school and college students across the country.

Enter Mary Stachowicz, who may have been killed, at least in part, “just because she was a faithful Catholic”—not that the media cares. (A recent Nexis media database search on Mary’s name found a grand total of only 13 articles; a similar search on “Matthew Shepard” found 997 articles in the last month alone.)

Associated Press completely ignored the Gutierrez trial, ensuring that it would receive little national attention—despite the heart-rending details of the Stachowicz case. (On the day that Mary’s killer was convicted of murder, her daughter Angela gave birth to another grandchild whom she will never get to see. Mary’s widowed husband Jerry was forced to endure the humiliation of testifying as to when they had last made love, to prove that the semen found on her murdered body was not his.)

Adding insult to injury, as Gutierrez’s trial was going on, AP ran a feature story about Judy Shepard, Matthew’s mother, who was speaking to college students in Chicago about “hate.”

I called AP’s Chicago office to ask why they weren’t covering the Gutierrez trial—right there in the Windy City—after all the attention they heaped (and continue to heap) on the Matthew Shepard case. I was told that the Shepard case is different because that was a “hate crime.”

Such is the folly of the “hate crimes” concept. It is hard to conceive of a greater demonstration of hatred than Nick Gutierrez cutting Mary’s life short in such a ghastly way and then cravenly exploiting his victim’s strong Catholic beliefs as a way to reduce his sentence. Did the “monster” who sodomized and killed Mary do so because she caught him stealing from her purse, as prosecutors argued, or did he fly into a rage after she “taunted” him about his homosexuality (as a headline in the Chicago Sun Times gratuitously stated)? Or was that just a convenient yarn he concocted to save his hide, knowing that the media and some gullible defense lawyers might play along? (The Tribune reported that Gutierrez’s homosexual partner, Ray Scacchitti, testified that “Stachowicz knew he and Gutierrez were gay and never questioned them about their lifestyle.”)

All this could have made for some fascinating coverage of a trial that might have yielded larger questions, such as: Was Matthew Shepard more a victim of hate than Mary Stachowicz? Are some homosexuals so obsessed with others’ approval that they pose a threat to religious people? Are Christians a growing target for “hate crimes” in America? No surprise that the local media failed to pursue these angles, seeing that most big Chicago media corporations march every year in the “Gay Pride” parade.

There is no logical reason why Matthew Shepard should be a household name while Mary Stachowicz, by all accounts a good person who devoted her life to her church, dies unknown—a victim of bigotry and slander even in her death. The ugly truth is too much for most in the media to admit: they would have cared a lot more about Mary Stachowicz if she were “gay,” and if her murderer, Nick Gutierrez, were not.

Marriage Protection Amendment Would Pass in Illinois

Sunday, November 12th, 2006

Excerpted from Marriage Protection Ballot Measure Passes Easily in Cartwright Township, Would Pass Statewide in Illinois if Given the Chance Says IFI, a press release from Illinois Family Institute, published Nov 9, 2006:

Peter LaBarbera, Protect Marriage Illinois board member and president of the Naperville-based Americans for Truth, said Wisconsin voters’ 59 to 41 passage of a Marriage Protection Amendment — which also clearly precludes “civil unions” — has lessons for Illinois.

“Pro-marriage forces were outspent 10 to one in blue state Wisconsin, yet the Marriage Protection Amendment there passed in a landslide,” LaBarbera said. “Here in Illinois, gay activist Rick Garcia has paid for some biased polls to cast doubt on the prospects of a Marriage Protection initiative here. But Illinois citizens should not believe those polls. With hard work and a strong grassroots push, Illinois will join the list of states providing the maximum protection to marriage. We must do so to prevent judges from usurping the power by radically redefining marriage, as occurred in New Jersey, Massachusetts and Vermont.”

Continue reading at US Newswire… 

Why So Little Media Coverage for Mary Stachowicz?

Sunday, November 5th, 2006

On November 13, 2002 in Chicago, Mary Stachowicz, a devout Catholic woman, was brutally murdered and her body hidden for days by Nicholas Gutierrez, a homosexual man she had been witnessing to. Peter LaBarbera, President of Americans for Truth questions why there was little to no media coverage of this trial.

Click HERE to listen.

Thanks to DOMA, No Pension for Studds’ Homosexual Partner

Sunday, November 5th, 2006

Thanks to passage of the 1996 federal Defense of Marriage Act, the homosexual partner of former Congressman Gerry Studds, D-Massachusetts, will not be receiving federal death benefits or congressional pension. The pension alone is estimated at over $114,000 annually. Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth discusses DOMA, Studds, and the drastically different treatment by homosexual activists of the Studds legacy versus their treatment of former Congressman Mark Foley, R-Florida.

Click HERE to listen.

Cliff Kincaid: Homosexuality & Pedophilia

Thursday, November 2nd, 2006

From Homosexuality & Pedophilia, by Cliff Kincaid, published Nov 2, 2006, by Accuracy in Media:

cliff-kincaid.jpgIn connection with media coverage of the Mark Foley sex scandal, the pro-homosexual media enforcers have been attempting to refute the idea that there is any connection between homosexuality and pedophilia. Yet Foley targeted young boys. This is something you are not supposed to write or talk about because it undermines the cause of homosexual rights.

Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth says, “…isn’t it telling most of the tiny number of homosexual male U.S. Congressmen have been caught in sex scandals-remember Barney Frank, who let his male lover, a hustler, run a prostitution ring out of his D.C. apartment? And Massachusetts Rep. Gerry Studds, who had sex with a 17-year-old boy and then turned his back on fellow House Members during the censure vote against him? And Bob Bauman, who in 1980 was charged with soliciting a 16-year-old boy for sex?”

Adding it up, LaBarbera says, “Let’s see: three homosexual Congressmen involved in sexual seductions of minor boys-ages 16, 17, and 17 (Foley). And yet homosexual activists ridicule anyone who suggests there is a predatory or pedophilic component to male homosexuality…”

On October 2, when the supposed right-wing Fox News Channel aired a “debate” on the matter of the Foley scandal, the two sides were represented by liberal Democrat Bob Beckel, who got caught in a prostitution scandal, and lesbian Republican Tammy Bruce.

“Being homosexual has nothing to do with attraction to children,” declared Bruce. “I agree. I agree,” Beckel said.

Read the rest of this article »

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