Political Correctness vs. Truth

20 Resolutions for Pro-Family Advocates Battling the ‘Gay’ and Transgender Agenda in 2013

Tuesday, January 8th, 2013

It’s time to get beyond defensive, naive and just plain bad thinking in the face of aggressive and deceitful homosexual activism…

Homosexual activists like Dan Savage (creator of the vile "Santorum.com" website mocking Sen. Rick Santorum -- get a free pass in the media, while Christian pro-family groups like AFTAH are labeled "hate groups" by the same media.

Homosexual activists like Dan Savage — creator of the vile “Santorum.com” website mocking and “redefining” former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum — get a free pass in the pro-“gay” media, while Christian pro-family groups like AFTAH are labeled “hate groups” by the same media. Too many pro-family advocates are still defensive about fighting this expanding evil in our midst — which now directly threatens Americans’ cherished freedom of conscience. Click on graphic to enlarge but be forewarned: it is vulgar and exceedingly nasty.

Today we begin a 20-part AFTAH series offering resolutions for “Culture Warriors” and everyday Americans who oppose the highly organized and well-funded LGBT agenda. For you novices out there, ‘LGBT’ stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender – the modern sin movement built around the affirmation of deviant (homosexual) sex and gender confusion.

Each day, AFTAH will publish an essay explicating a “resolution” that addresses a bad intellectual habit or “gay” talking point that many well-intended Americans have fallen for — e.g., indulging in the false guilt that is aggressively cultivated by our adversaries. We will expose the lies, leftist tactics and erroneous thinking that are at the root of people’s ideological and spiritual compromise in the face of ardent “gay” activism.

What follows is a rough list of our resolutions for the New Year. There will be some overlap, but each entry stands alone as an answer to erroneous thinking that buys into homosexual activist canards. Please pass them on to your friends, family members, and co-workers; they are intended for anyone who is worn down by society’s ubiquitous “gay”-affirming propaganda. Let’s face it: we all are affected by media manipulation on the homosexual issue and need to get back to confidently defending what’s right.

Editor’s Note regarding AFTAH’s Christian rhetoric: Americans For Truth is an openly Christian organization, perhaps more so than most pro-family groups. So we do use Scripture and even mention Jesus Christ in our work. However, the moral and practical principles we espouse are generally universal and have wide appeal — even for the agnostic who is moral-minded and recognizes that homosexuality is unnatural and should not be encouraged by governmental and cultural elites. AFTAH is supported by people of all religions and no religion, and we welcome anybody who agrees with our mission of returning to wholesome sexuality in (real, man-woman) marriage.

I hope you benefit from AFTAH’s resolutions. This list can be expanded upon, so we invite you to send us your own ideas; send your e-mail to: americansfortruth@gmail.com. May the Lord help you to speak out boldly for the Truth — in genuine, God-fearing love — in 2013! – Peter LaBarbera, www.AFTAH.org


20 Resolutions for Pro-Family Advocates Battling the Homosexual-Transgender Agenda in 2013

1) Get OFF the defense, and back on offense – (get rid of that false guilt and incapacitating ambivalence; YOU are defending Truth; homosexual activists are promoting immorality, self-deception and lies).

2) Follow God and not man (shore up your biblical beliefs) – do you fear God or the reaction of people?

3) “Question Authority”: Don’t trust elites – even “conservatives” — on the homosexual issue (e.g., Newt Gingrich’s recent capitulation urging a GOP accommodation on “marriage equality”). [See Numbers 9 and 12.]

4) Get back to the BEHAVIOR and its consequences (try Googling “MSM [men who have sex with men], CDC [the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention], HIV” or “MSM, CDC, Syphilis”…)

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Matt Barber: Jerry Sandusky Laws (Banning Reparative Ex-Gay Therapy): ‘Sick and Twisted’

Monday, December 3rd, 2012

Sounds alarm over criminalization of ‘gay’ change counseling

This column was first published by WND.com two days ago

By Matt Barber

In recent months, “progressive” lawmakers, activist attorneys and militant homosexual pressure groups have launched a fierce campaign to ban therapeutic help for child victims of monsters like homosexual pedophile Jerry Sandusky. California has already passed such a law (SB 1172).

On Friday, Liberty Counsel founder and chairman Mat Staver challenged this twisted ban in federal court, seeking a preliminary injunction to halt the law from taking effect on Jan. 1. Judge Kimberly Mueller will likely issue a decision within a week or so.

SB 1172 would make illegal any counseling to diminish or eliminate same-sex sexual attractions or high-risk behaviors, even when, as is often the case, those attractions and behaviors derive from sexual abuse.

Thousands of people, many of whom once identified as “gay,” have received positive, life-changing benefits from such counseling. Yet, among other things, the fact that people can, and do, leave homosexuality bulldozes the politically motivated, scientifically discredited “born that way” meme.

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AFTAH Interviews Banquet Speaker Dr. Judith Reisman – Exposer of Alfred Kinsey – Part One

Monday, October 8th, 2012

The infamous and sickening Table 34 from Alfred Kinsey’s book, “Sexual Behavior and the Human Male,” showing “data” from a pedophile who timed the number and duration (“time involved”) of “orgasms” of babies and children.

This is the first of our two-part interview with Dr. Judith Reisman [click HERE to listen], who will be the keynote speaker at the Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) dinner-banquet Saturday, Oct. 27, at Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights, IL. Reisman describes Alfred Kinsey as a “sexual psychopath” and America’s first “sexologist.” She says his deeply flawed research became the foundation for the pro-homosexual “rights” movement, and how it inspired Hugh Hefner (founder of Playboy magazine) to become — as he called himself — “Kinsey’s pamphleteer.”

“Another key person who read Kinsey at the time, ” Reisman said, was then-secret homosexual Harry Hay, who saw the value of Kinsey’s work in shifting the discussion on homosexuality away “what we do, which is sodomy, to who we are as a minority.” Reisman says Kinsey is guilty of abetting “sexual torture” with his “academic” publication of “orgasm” data of infants and toddlers.

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it.  Left click once on the link below to play.  (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

9-28-12, Dr. Judith Reisman, Part One

Catholic League: Homosexuality Implicated in Boy Scout Child Molestation Files

Monday, October 1st, 2012

The Boy Scouts expelled Rhode Island assistant troop leader William Lazzareschi after he forced a 12-year-old Scout boy to perform oral sex on him.

Male homosexual predators (pederasts) go where the boys are, which is why see the Boy Scouts of America being forced to deal publicly with an issue it would rather shove behind close doors: adult male Scout leaders molesting innocent boys. It goes without saying that the Homosexual Lobby and its media apologists will strive to divorce this crisis from homosexuality itself:  they conveniently insist that “pedophiles” — and “ephebophiles” (adults who sexually desire adolescents) — are separate categories unto themselves. But this academic legerdemain is self-serving and amounts to the glorification of semantic technicalities designed to obscure common sense.

And common sense implicates male homosexuality (which of course is not to say that all or even most “gay” men are pedophiles or into sex with minors). The Catholic League gets it right below, especially their observation: “whenever there is an overrepresentation of any demographic groups with deviant behavior, it bears scrutiny.”

We must return to the question: If practicing homosexual/bisexual men represent a mere a sliver (1-3 percent) of American society — why is there such a big problem of boys being seduced into sex or raped by adult male predators like Jerry Sandusky? Wouldn’t only a tiny percentage — and not double digits — of victims be boys, since 97 percent or more of men are straight?

In other words, assuming very few boys are molested by women, why are there so many boy victims of pedophilia?

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VIDEO: Exodus International President Alan Chambers Apologizes to ‘Gay Christian Network’

Sunday, September 2nd, 2012

UPDATE: Gay militant smears AFTAH, again: Shortly after we posted the article and video below about Exodus International’s tragic embrace of “gay Christianity,”  AFTAH founder Peter LaBarbera was attacked by notorious homosexual militant Wayne Besen (who came up with the hateful smear “Porno Pete”): see Besen’s lie-filled “report” here: http://www.truthwinsout.org/blog/2012/09/29105/


Words cannot express my disappointment in Exodus International President Alan Chambers’ “exodus” from biblical truth on homosexuality. This 17-minute video of Chambers addressing a pro-homosexual, ostensibly “Christian” group (Gay Christian Network) aptly sums up his tragic defection. [For a rebuttal, see Prof. Rob Gagnon’s paper, “Time for a Leadership Change at Exodus?] Poor Alan is way beyond his pay grade here: imagine heading up an “ex-gay” umbrella group — which is how Exodus once described itself — and apologizing to unrepentant homosexuals for the simple slogan “Change is possible.” Shame. Substitute another sexual sin (say, pornography) for homosexuality (“sexual orientation”) — and Chambers’ “apology” makes no sense at all. (For that matter, would anyone take a “Porn-using Christians Network”–or a “Christian Lusters Network”–seriously and “dialogue” with them?)

Sad but true: these days when Christians “dialogue” with homosexual activists, as Chambers often does, it is usually the Christians who bend toward the world (sin) rather than vice versa. Stay tuned for more on this stunning story of Exodus’ and Chambers’ break with historic Christian teaching on homosexuality. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

This video was produced by Oklahoma City-based First Stone Ministries, led by our friend and former homosexual Stephen Black. First Stone recently broke away from Exodus International and is now part of a new, biblically-faithful umbrella group for sexual struggers, Restored Hope Network. Go HERE to watch this video on YouTube.

LISTEN: AFTAH Interviews Liberty University’s Matt Barber on SPLC Connection to FRC Shooting

Saturday, August 25th, 2012

Kirkwood, LaBarbera discuss victim-mongering behind latest FAKE homosexual “hate crime”

This is a copy of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s spurious online “Hate Map” listing for the District of Columbia. Note the inclusion of Family Research Council and Traditional Values Coalition on the list. The graphic for the “Hate Map” is a photo of what appears to be neo-Nazis with one giving a Heil Hitler salute. After police arrested “gay” activist Floyd Corkins for shooting  a staffer at FRC, they reportedly learned that he also had TVC’s address on his person, as a potential second target. It is highly likely that Corkins got his “hit list” from the SPLC’s devious and politically skewed “hate” listings.

We return to our AFTAH Hour podcast with this interview [click HERE to listen] with Matt Barber, conservative columnist, AFTAH Board Member and Associate Dean and Liberty University School of Law.  (This show was taped August 23-24.) Barber, AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera and co-host John Kirkwood (pastor at Grace Gospel Fellowship Church in Bensenville, IL) discuss the shooting at Family Research Council (FRC) by reported “gay” advocate Floyd Corkins. Barber and LaBarbera note the linkage to the leftist Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which famously has labeled FRC, AFTAH and other pro-family organizations “hate groups” to diminish their credibility and influence in society. (In the wake of the shootking, Barber calls the preposterous SPLC designation a “Hit List.”) Now it has been reported that Corkins might also have targeted Traditional Values Coalition— a much lesser-known pro-family group that just happens to be on the same SPLC “hate group” list for the D.C. area as FRC.

In the second half hour, LaBarbera and Kirkwood discuss a fake lesbian “hate crime” in Nebraska that’s getting lots of attention, and also the recent “kitchen table debate” betweetn National Organization for Marriage President Brian Brown and homosexual militant and cyber-hater Dan Savage. Kirkwood says it was foolish for Brown to agree to the debate at Savage’s home, because it only lends credibility to Savage. Kirkwood and LaBarbera note that Brown did not bring up some of Savage’s more notorious and extreme statements (e.g., his own personal involvement in sexual “three-ways”), and Kirkwood says the event almost comes off as an “infomercial for Savage.”

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it.  Left click once on the link below to play.  (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

8-24-12, Matt Barber


VIDEO: SPLC ‘Gives License’ for Anti-Christian Hate Violence, Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins Tells FOX News

Saturday, August 18th, 2012

The following is Family Research Council (FRC) President Tony Perkins’ appearance on FOX News’ “America Live with Megyn Kelly” (August 16, 2012). Perkins correctly states that the Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) agenda with regard to pro-family groups like FRC that oppose the homosexualist agenda is to marginalize these organizations. AFTAH, American Family Association, Mission America and a host of other pro-family organizations have been similarly smeared as “hate groups” by the SPLC:

Source: NOM (National Organization for Marriage) YouTube channel:  http://youtu.be/L4iscknrAi4

AFTAH YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/AmericansForTruthAH?feature=watch

Shocking Gallup Poll: Average American Thinks 25 Percent of Country Is ‘Gay’

Wednesday, July 18th, 2012

Do you really think we are having a sane societal debate on anything homosexuality-related when the typical Americans thinks that 25 percent — yes, 25 percent — of the country is “gay”?! What a frightening testament to the power of homosexualist propaganda in Hollywood and the media. Please share this Atlantic.com link (story excerpted below) about the incredible ignorance that is out there in our dumbed-down nation on this politically-correct issue. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans for Truth.

Garance Franke-Ruta of The Atlantic (May 31, 2012) reports:

In surveys conducted in 2002 and 2011, pollsters at Gallup found that members of the American public massively overestimated how many people are gay or lesbian. In 2002, a quarter of those surveyed guessed upwards of a quarter of Americans were gay or lesbian (or “homosexual,” the third option given). By 2011, that misperception had only grown, with more than a third of those surveyed now guessing that more than 25 percent of Americans are gay or lesbian. Women and young adults were most likely to provide high estimates, approximating that 30 percent of the population is gay. Overall, “U.S. adults, on average, estimate that 25 percent of Americans are gay or lesbian,” Gallup found. Only 4 percent of all those surveyed in 2011 and about 8 percent of those surveyed in 2002 correctly guessed that fewer than 5 percent of Americans identify as gay or lesbian.

Such a misunderstanding of the basic demographics of sexual behavior and identity in America has potentially profound implications for the acceptance of the gay-rights agenda. On the one hand, people who overestimate the percent of gay Americans by a factor of 12 seem likely to also wildly overestimate the cultural impact of same-sex marriage. On the other hand, the extraordinary confusion over the percentage of gay people may reflect a triumph of the gay and lesbian movement’s decades-long fight against invisibility and the closet.

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