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B – Ex-Homosexual Testimonies
Friday, December 14th, 2007
DiversityInc magazine co-founder Luke Visconti (lvisconti@diversityinc.com) showed his own (modern) bigotry and disrespect for people of faith by comparing Americans For Truth president Peter LaBarbera to a 19th Century Christian slavery advocate because LaBarbera opposes homosexuality and pro-homosexual corporate policies. The strongly pro-“gay” DiversityInc disinvited the AFTAH founder to a “Religion in the Workplace” panel discussion after pro-homosexual panelists threatened to boycott the discussion if LaBarbera was allowed to participate.
By Peter LaBarbera
Dear Christian or morality advocate who opposes homosexuality:
Did you know that in the eyes of some liberal, pro-homosexual advocates, you are the moral equivalent of the KKK? Actually, this is nothing new: radical “gay” activists have been making this absurd and hateful analogy for years. This is why I tell religious people all the time: disabuse yourself of the idea that homosexual activists and their liberal fellow travelers “respect” your faith or your right to live it out in the public square. They don’t; they despise your Bible-centered morality, and are quite willing to demonize you for it.
Increasingly, the liberals’ contempt for Christians and religious traditionalists is “out of the closet,” even as they continue with their hollow pleas for ‘tolerance’ and ‘diversity.’
I sent the following note to DiversityInc Executive Editor Barbara Frankel, in response to a column by Luke Visconti, co-founder of DiversityInc, explaining why they were justified in disinviting me to their “Religion in the Workplace” panel discussion. Essentially Visconti’s argument is this: “There is no need to balance human rights,” especially since I [and by extension, other pro-family leaders opposed to homosexuality] am the moral equivalent of slavery advocates.
Frankel and DiversityInc did allow me a full-page column to express my disappointment with their decision to drop Americans For Truth from their panel (see below), to which Visconti was responding.
Visconti’s column cites a 19th Century pastor who used the Bible to justify slavery, and claimed that I am his modern-day equivalent. He also cites the Ku Klux, fascism and other evil or misguided causes which were defended by Christian leaders. (We apologize but the DiversityInc site is having problems so we are not able to provide excerpts of his column at this time.)
In response to my incredulous question to Ms. Frankel — “As an opponent of homosexuality, I am the moral equivalent of a slavery advocate?” — Visconti wrote me:
To answer your question: Yes.
There’s one point on which I agree with you: The discussion should have been in person. I appreciate you taking the offer of writing the column.
Here is my note to Frankel:
Barbara, so that’s it?… As an opponent of homosexuality, I am the moral equivalent of a slavery advocate? I shudder at the arrogance — and insulting bigotry — of your “white guy” founder, Luke Visconti [Visconti has a column in his magazine called, “Ask the White Guy”]. I suppose my African-American friends who agree with me on marriage and sexuality issues are also to be compared with slavery advocates?
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Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, AFT In the News, Authors & Journalists, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Christian Persecution, Corporate Promotion, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Freedom Under Fire, Homosexual Hate Speech, Media Promotion, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Wednesday, November 28th, 2007
BOLDNESS: Courage; bravery; intrepidity; without timidity or fear; with confidence … 3. Freedom from timidity; liberty;
SODOMY: a crime against nature;
SODOMITE: … one guilty of sodomy
LIBERTY: … Religious liberty, is the free right of adopting and enjoying opinions on religious subjects, and of worshiping the Supreme Being according to the dictates of conscience, without external control.
— Definitions found in Noah Webster’s 1828 “American Dictionary of the English Language, republished by the Foundation for American Christian Education; Webster is regarded as the “Founding Father of American Scholarship and Education.”
People like Yvette Schneider who overcame homosexuality through Christ call into question the idea of creating civil rights based on changeable “gayness,” so why are some Christians retreating in the battle against homosexual activism?
By Peter LaBarbera, www.americansfortruth.org
Bruce Thornton’s City Journal essay (excerpted at bottom), “Epistle to the Muslims: Christian Leaders Abase Themselves Before Islam,” is an excellent and highly informative piece on the battle between aggressive Islam and enfeebled, appeasing (small-‘c’) christianity.
In reading it, I cannot help but draw the parallels between that georeligious battle and modern Western Christians’ emasculated, guilt-ridden tone on homosexuality — even as homosexuals and their liberal allies move to indoctrinate young schoolchildren with their destructive ideology. Why are Christians and conservatives constantly apologizing for their past and current “sins” on homosexuality — as if WE are responsible for the transformation of a once-taboo perversion into a civil right?
Why do we continue to promote the fiction that hordes of Christians “hate” homosexuals when the greater tendency (by far) among believers these days is apathy or, worse, to “tolerate” and even approve of changeable homosexual/gender BEHAVIORS when God doesn’t?
This terrific sentence from Thornton’s essay is directly applicable to America’s internal culture wars (dhimmis are non-Muslims living as second-class citizens in Islamic-conquered lands, allowed to practice their religion if they pay special taxes and acknowledge Muslim supremacy; emphasis added):
This appeasing tone of the traditional dhimmi — an unreciprocated solicitude typical of the inferior when dealing with his superior –– suggests once again that the West is spiritually dead, its Christian faith in the hands of those who will not defend it, even in print.
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Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Bullying & Victimhood, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Government Promotion, News, Pending Legislation, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Tuesday, November 20th, 2007
‘Civil Unions’ is hardly an acceptable compromise
By Peter LaBarbera
The item at bottom was sent out Nov. 18 as a part of Family Research Council President Tony Perkins’ “Washington Update.” We agree with the sentiments, with a caveat regarding this line: “…force the state back into a bitter debate that many believed was solved by the legislature earlier this year.” This apparently refers to the New Jersey legislature’s 2006 vote for homosexual “civil unions,” which was signed into law by Gov. John Corzine (D) last December and went into effect in February.
We are sure that by using the word “solved” Mr. Perkins does not mean to condone “civil unions” — which is merely “same-sex marriage” by another name. However, it is unfortunately the case that a significant minority of “conservatives,” including pro-life and pro-family advocates, now see “civil unions” as a way out of the homosexual “marriage” mess.
The gap between traditional marriage (i.e., normalcy) and “civil unions” is far wider than that between “civil unions” and “same-sex marriage” — a strategic reality of which the more savvy homosexual activists are well aware (even as the Gay Whining Machine complains about a lack of marital “equality”).
In fact, New Jersey’s “civil unions” law recognizes out-of-state “gay marriages.” It “seeks to give gay couples the same rights in the state as married couples,” reports the USA Today. How much clearer can you get than that on the effect of this “compromise”?
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Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Court Decisions & Judges, Current State Law, Government Promotion, News, Pending Legislation, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Tuesday, November 13th, 2007
If you have a beef with this, take it up with the Coach: coach@ptsalt.com. I think he speaks for many millions of people across the country who are sick and tired of in-your-face homosexual activism and, now, its “transgender” cousin.– Peter LaBarbera
I’m Homo-Nauseous
By Coach Dave Daubenmire, Pass the Salt Ministries, 11/08/2007
Warning: Commentary is not politically correct
I’m sick of it. I really am.
I’m not homo-phobic. I’m not homo-hateful. I’m not homo-latent. I’m homo-nauseous. I really couldn’t care less where a man desires to put his appendage.
But I’m sick of hearing about it. I’m sick of talking about it. I’m sick of it being force fed to me on TV.
In all of my life I have never seen such deviancy so openly celebrated. They are deviant, you know? No matter how many names they will try and call me, no matter how many “sensitivity” classes they try and send me to, no matter how much tolerance they try and cram down my throat (sorry), the fact remains homosexuals are deviant.
Deviant — One that differs from a norm, especially a person whose behavior and attitudes differ from accepted social standards.
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Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Bible, Born that Way?, C - Heroes for Truth, D - GLBTQ Pressure Within Churches, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Pornography & Film Festivals, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, Media Promotion, Mental Health, News, Physical Health, Public Sex in Your Neighborhood?, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Monday, November 12th, 2007
Gary Morella sent the following letter to President Bush:
November 8, 2007
Dear Mr. President:
ENDA [Employment Nondiscrimination Act, H.R. 3685] is horrendous legislation that must be vetoed for the sake of the common good. It was put forth for one reason, and one reason only, i.e., the advocacy of a social engineering agenda under force of law by a radical fringe who demand that society make them comfortable with their vices, which is counter to the aforementioned common good, as classically understood from the time of Aristotle’s Politics. Any exemptions are illusions, as verified by what has been going on in Canada and Europe, especially the UK, when irrational legislation is made law. All one has to do is query those who were visited by the police for standing up for faith and right reason, which are married, not divorced! Society is not obliged to codify law that makes aberrant behavior a civil right, which is insanity, and ultimately leads to anarchy!
Moreover, we are talking proven changeable, aberrant behavior that is physically, psychologically, socially, and economically ruinous, not to mention the coercion of people of faith by its advocates, which is pure and simply, UN-AMERICAN, making a mockery of the sacrifices of all those who fought and died for our country in its history. Rational societies are obliged to discriminate between right and wrong behavior; else, they cease being rational! If responsible parents can understand this, why can’t responsible states?
Accordingly, there is no choice here, Mr. President, for the sake of a world fit to live in for our children and grandchildren. Please VETO ENDA for the common good which should be the primary goal of the state!
Gary L. Morella
Research Assistant
The Pennsylvania State University
P.O. Box 719
Lemont, PA 16851
Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Candidates & Elected Officials, Christian Persecution, Freedom Under Fire, Government Promotion, News, Pending Legislation |
Friday, October 26th, 2007
This is a wonderful piece by Scott Lively, founder of Abiding Truth Ministries and Defend the Family International, and one of the early pro-family leaders opposing the homosexual activist agenda. — Peter LaBarbera
By Scott Lively
Hate has a pretty bad name in the world today. No one wants to be called a hater, especially Christians, which is probably why we get accused of it all the time by our opponents. Homosexuals are especially fond of calling people haters. They even invented the word homophobia, which means hate and fear of homosexuals, envisaged as a mental illness (a phobia is an anxiety disorder).
I hate being called a homophobe. It has such an ugly connotation. Its especially unpleasant because, as a Christian, I’m supposed to have a reputation for loving people, not hating them. So I’ve worked really hard over the years to try to get the homosexuals to stop calling me a homophobe.
I’ve pointed out the difference between hating people and hating their behavior (loving the sinner but hating the sin). They hated that. Then I tried “walking my talk” by taking an ex-“gay” man who was dying of AIDS into my family. My wife and I and our children loved and cared for him during the last year of his life. They hated that even more.
Then I began asking for guidance from homosexuals themselves: “Tell me, where is the line between homophobia and acceptable opposition to homosexuality?” I asked. “What if I just agree with the Bible that homosexuality is a sin no worse than any other sex outside of marriage?”
“No, that’s homophobic,” they replied. “Suppose I talk only about the proven medical hazards of gay sex and try to discourage people from hurting themselves?” “No, you can’t do that,” they said. “How about if I say that homosexuals have the option to change if they choose?” “Ridiculous” they answered. “Maybe I could just be completely positive, say nothing about homosexuality, and focus only on promoting the natural family and traditional marriage?” “That’s really hateful,” they replied.
After I while, I realized that the only way I could get them to stop calling me a homophobe was to start agreeing with them about everything. But here’s my dilemma: I honestly believe the Bible which says that homosexuality is wrong and harmful and that all sex belongs within marriage. I’ve also read the professional studies and know that “gay” sex hurts people because it goes against the design of their bodies. And I’m friends with a number of former homosexuals who are now married and living heterosexual lives. Do I have to give up my religion? Ignore scientific facts? Betray my friends? Is that the only way to avoid being called a hater and a homophobe?
There’s no escape. A homophobe is anyone who, for any reason, disapproves of homosexuality in any way, shape, manner, form or degree. This leaves me with just two choices: agree that everything about homosexuality is natural, normal, healthy, moral and worthy to be celebrated OR be labeled as a mentally ill, hate-filled bigot.
Am I wrong? Is there any way to openly disapprove of homosexuality without being a homophobe? “Gay” leaders, please set me straight on this.
Because if I’m right, that means the “gay agenda” is to stop everyone from following the Bible regarding sexual matters. It is, after all, their stated goal to “stamp out homophobia.” No more religious freedom. It’s also to suppress scientific research that has reached conclusions they don’t like, especially if it helps people to change their homosexual orientation back to a heterosexual one (ask the doctors and scientists at narth.com what they’ve had to endure). If it discourages homosexuality, even by implication, it’s homophobic and can’t be used.
There’s a queer reasoning behind all of this. Homosexuals call me names like bigot and homophobe, condemn my religion, mock my rational conclusions about social issues, impugn my motives, display intense hostility toward my actions, and curse my very existence, all under the justification that I’m a “hater.” But if I’m a “hater” for civilly opposing what they do, why aren’t they haters for uncivilly opposing what I do? Such a double standard, in the context of a public debate on “civil rights,” is not just hypocritical, it is surreal.
I admit I have some hate. I hate watching people kill themselves with preventable diseases like AIDS. I hate seeing children being steered toward unhealthy lifestyles. I hate having my pro-family views distorted by dishonest journalists, politicians and academics. And I hate seeing my God being treated like a homophobe for what He teaches in His Bible.
So if you’re not going to stop calling me a “hater” for wanting homosexuals to be saved and healed, or for opposing their political agenda, let’s at least see a little more of that famous “American sense of fair play” in the public debate on this issue. Hatred of “haters” is hateful too.
Scott Lively, J.D., Th.D.
Defend the Family International
PO Box 891023
Temecula, CA 92589
Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Christian Persecution, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, E - Praying for the Lost, Freedom Under Fire, Hateful Homosexual Attacks on Ex-Gays, Homosexual Hate Speech, Media Promotion, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Tuesday, October 16th, 2007
Friends, heads up: ABC’s “Boston Legal” tonight (10:00 P.M. EST) will help further the radical “gay” agenda of opening up the America’s Armed Forces to open homosexuals — during wartime, no less.
The homosexual-bisexual-transsexual movement hypes its victimhood but it has incredible power and money as a small special interest group in society. At bottom, a well-heeled homosexual activist group, Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN), touts the “Boston Legal” episode, which probably could have been written by the SLDN itself, such is the propagandistic nature of pop culture today. If I were a gambler, I’d wager that the script advances the bogus “gay” activist analogy to ending racial discrimination and makes conservative opponents of homosexuals in the military out to be a “bigots” and irrational “homophobes.”
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Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, ABC, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, C - Heroes for Truth, Celebrities, Media Promotion, Military, News, Servicemembers Legal Defense Fund |
Thursday, October 11th, 2007
Wows Americans For Truth Audience with Testimony of Leaving Behind 29 Years of Lesbianism
Get a DVD of Cothran, Parker Speeches at AFTAH Banquet!
All proceeds will go to help the work of Americans For Truth
To order a complete DVD (or CD) of both Charlene Cothran’s and David Parker’s outstanding talks, make an online donation of at least $25 postpaid to Americans For Truth (please use the online form to specify ‘2007 Banquet DVD’. You can substitute an audio CD but you must request this specifically. To order by regular mail, send your check or money order specifying “2007 Banquet DVD” (or CD) to: Americans For Truth, P.O. Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522.
Bulk Orders available (all postpaid): 2 for $40; 3 for $55; 4 for $70; add $10 for each additional DVD or contact us (630-717-7631) for large bulk order pricing.
NOTE: What better occasion than the homosexual activists’ misguided “National Coming Out Day” (October 11th every year) to publish Charlene Cothran’s testimony — representing a “coming out” story that we who agree with God on homosexuality can get behind? To contact Charlene, write editor@venusmagazine.org.
By Peter LaBarbera
Folks, Americans For Truth’s banquet Friday night was a wonderful event that exceeded our expectations. We packed out our banquet room at the Embassy Suites Hotel – which was actually a fallback location for our event after another hotel had abruptly cancelled our reservation – and everything went smoothly, despite the small “gay” protest outside.
(Click HERE to read about how Gay Liberation Network and other homosexual activists – obsessed as they are with smearing Americans For Truth – are now lying about our banquet numbers, saying that as few as 30 people attended our banquet (do I hear 20?…) when our room was actually packed out with more than 110 attendees.)
Our two keynote speakers, Charlene Cothran and David Parker, were riveting and held the audience in rapt attention until the evening’s end – as I have rarely seen at such an event. Charlene’s heartfelt testimony (portions of which are excerpted below) about how God drew her from her (very “successful”) lesbian lifestyle had so many wonderful lessons to teach: the faithfulness of God; the answered prayers of a faithful mother; the possibility of radical change in the life of even a longtime homosexual (Cothran had lived 29 years as a lesbian); and the need of loving Christians to reach out to homosexual strugglers trying to leave the lifestyle.
Charlene had the Americans For Truth audience laughing right off the bat when she said:
If you had told me two years ago that I would be a featured speaker at the Americans For Truth about Homosexuality banquet, I would have laughed in your face! Because I was one of those girls who would have been outside across the street with the gang trying to prevent this from happening. But God has a way of bringing us full circle, doesn’t He?
Full circle, indeed. As a leading African-American homosexual activist and the most successful minority publisher in the “gay” world with her Venus Magazine – which she now uses to spread the Gospel of Christ — Cothran once partnered with a host of homosexual activist groups to advance that cause: Human Rights Campaign (back then it was called Human Rights Campaign Fund); the National Black Gay and Lesbian Leadership Forum; the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force; and PFLAG (Parents, Friends and Families of Lesbians and Gays), to name a few.
Many of those groups do everything they can to hide the truth from the public that men and women like Charlene are walking away from homosexuality.
Cothran continued:
“It was right here in Chicago … back in 2003 at a ‘gay pride’ event – out in Bryant Park, on a sunlit afternoon where I should have been the proudest lesbian out there….At any other pride event, I was always very proud to be there. … But on this day a shame fell on me, and something spoke in my spirit and said: ‘This is that road that’s leading to destruction, and you are on it.’ And it was such a loud voice that I could no longer ignore that what I was doing and how I was living was wrong.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Authors & Journalists, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Born that Way?, C - Heroes for Truth, Chicago, Christian, E - Praying for the Lost, Hateful Homosexual Attacks on Ex-Gays, HRC, National GLBTQ Activist Groups, News, PFLAG, Task Force, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Truth Wins Out |

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