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Wednesday, October 5th, 2016
Two-day conference ‘will equip you to explain why God’s design for sexuality is the only good design’
 Real Christianity vs. ‘Gay Christianity’: Sign up for the TruthXChange conference in Escondido, CA, Oct. 7-9 HERE. The theme is “Two Loves: A Biblical Response to ‘Gay Christianity.'” Among the speakers are: Dr. Michael Brown, Stephen Black, Rosaria Butterfield, Rev. Ted Hamilton, Rev. Dr. Gabriel N.E. Fluhrer and TruthXChange founder, Dr. Peter Jones.
Take Action: sign up HERE for the “Two Loves: Biblical Response to ‘Gay Christianity'” conference beginning this Friday (Oct. 7-9, 2016), in Escondido, CA. If you cannot attend, send a gift to help TruthXChange, a wonderful Christian organization, or order one of Peter Jones’ books or his worldview curriculum. More info at TruthXChange.com.
Folks, I just can’t say enough good things about Dr. Peter Jones and his annual TruthXChange conferences–which combine intellectual rigor with a fearless commitment to upholding biblical truth — of the sort that is increasingly lacking in evangelical circles (at least on the homosexual issue). I wish I could attend this conference beginning Friday and hosted by New Life Presbyterian Church in Escondido, California.
Among the speakers are: Dr. Mike Brown, whose presentation alone would make attending worthwhile; my friend Stephen Black, who overcame homosexuality in his own life and who is one of the most godly and committed Christian men I’ve ever met; and ex-lesbian former professor Rosaria Butterfield.
Dr. Jones himself is a national treasure and one of the reasons I do NOT support shutting down immigration (he came here from the U.K.: Britain’s loss, America’s gain!). Peter writes ably and prolifically about the pagan roots of what the Left considers “enlightened” and “progressive” LGBTQueer sex- and gender ideology.
If you’re looking for simplistic and shallow analyses of America’s moral and spiritual crisis and the worldly descent of Christianity in the West, don’t attend this conference or follow Peter’s work. But if you are a truth-lover who fears God, not man, and wants to learn about how our once-Christian culture degenerated to this point, this is an event for you. Having attended one of Peter’s conferences a few years ago, I can assure you that you will be blessed by this gathering of Christian thinkers. –Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH.org; @PeterLaBarbera
_______________________ (more after jump)
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Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Bible, Biblical Truth, C - Heroes for Truth, Christian, D - GLBTQ Pressure Within Churches, Emergent Theology, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Wednesday, October 7th, 2015
 Special Sin? Has Dr. Al Mohler of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary failed the “Sexual Sin Substitution Test” on homosexualism?
[UPDATE: to listen to Janet Mefferd’s interview with AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera, go HERE or click play in the player above (it starts at the 24:00 mark)]
Dear Readers, once again the pro-family, Christian movement falls into “Kvetch and Retreat” mode, which is another way of saying we are constantly backing up in our interactions with the homosexual juggernaut. This is why we lose. Needless to say, homosexual activists and their fellow travelers are not appeased by Dr. Al Mohler’s high-minded retreat on pro-heterosexual Reparative Therapy, as my friend and talk show host Janet Mefferd notes with regard to the Huffington Post columnist and “liberal Christian” professor Derek Penwell below.
I appreciate that Janet applies what I am calling the “Sexual Sin Substitution Test”: simply replace “gay” with another sexual sin and see if it makes sense. This helps to lay bare the pitfalls of making special accommodations, theological caveats–and even questionable apologies–in our approach toward those caught up in the sin of (proud) homosexualism and gender rebellion. With regard to Mohler’s curious apology–on behalf of non-consulted Christians everywhere–to people caught up in homosexual behaviors and feelings, I would ask–as a flawed Ambassador of Christ myself:
Why hasn’t Mohler apologized to the porn-using “community”? The adulterous “community”? And certainly the very large but misunderstood fornicators “community” deserves an apology, too. Why are he and other guilt-ridden Christians not apologizing to these sin groups?
The practical answer to that question, I submit, is that these other sins are not the beneficiaries of a powerful lobby that has turned ungodly yet changeable behaviors into proud self-identities–and a supposedly victimized “minority” with massive media, corporate and government clout behind it. And I say to Prof. Penwell— in the spirit of Jeremiah 17:9 and 1 Corinthians 6:9-11–repent, humble yourself before Almighty God and turn away from all anti-biblical attempts to justify proud homosexuality in the lives of others. Because no amount of cultural power and liberal propaganda can turn sin into righteousness. –Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth; @PeterLaBarbera; americansfortruth@gmail.com
P.S. I will be appearing tonight (Oct. 7, 2015) as a guest on Janet’s new radio show, “Janet Mefferd Today” to discuss Mohler’s ill-timed criticism of pro-hetero Reparative Therapy. To listen to the interview, go HERE — it starts at the 24:00 mark.
Mefferd writes:
Reparative Therapy, Southern Baptists and Moving the Goalposts
“When even Al Mohler is embarrassed to talk about ‘reparative therapy’ in straightforward terms everyone understands, it means that cultural standards are evolving toward greater hospitality to our LGBTQ sisters and brothers.” – Pro-homosexual liberal activist and “liberal Christian” Derek Penwell
* * *
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Posted in "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Biblical Truth, Christian, News, Sexual Sin Substitution Test, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Thursday, December 19th, 2013
AmericansForTruth.org Press Release
 Phil Robertson of the popular “Duck Dynasty” show on A&E is pictured second from left on this Parade magazine cover. A&E suspended Robertson after he criticized homosexuality, bowing to a pressure campaign by the “gay” media group GLAAD. The intolerant GLAAD has a long history of trying to shut down conservative speech opposed to the homosexual agenda — including media exposure to successful ex-“gays” — in the public square.
Contact: Peter LaBarbera: 312-324-3787; americansfortruth@gmail.com
[Warning: some graphic descriptions of high-risk homosexual anal sex]
[RELATED POST: “‘Gay Rights’ Icon Frank Kameny Tells AFTAH: Bestiality OK ‘as Long as the Animal Doesn’t Mind'”]
Read this release on Christian Newswire HERE
CHICAGO – Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) President Peter LaBarbera urges Americans to stand behind Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson’s right to free speech – and affirmed his common-sense views on sexual sin and morality as being consistent with historic Christian and biblical teachings. LaBarbera condemned A&E for “caving in to the anti-Christian homo-fascism of GLAAD” (formerly the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) by suspending Robertson.
“There’s far more truth and wisdom in what Phil Robertson told GQ than in the everyday pro-‘gay’ pablum that is pumped out daily by the liberal media,” LaBarbera said. “Indeed, male homosexual anal sex is not just repulsive and wrong, but highly dangerous – contributing to the disproportional link between ‘men who have sex with men’ and HIV and other sexually-transmitted diseases (see below).
“More importantly for the souls of homosexuals, Robertson is exactly right to paraphrase 1 Corinthians chapter 6 in warning that proud homosexuals (like other unrepentant sinners) will not go to heaven, and that we’re living in a culture in which “Everything is blurred on what’s right and what’s wrong…Sin becomes fine,’” LaBarbera said. “But like all faithful Christians, as a forgiven sinner himself Robertson knows that Jesus Christ in His grace and divine power can help homosexual men and women leave that sinful lifestyle behind.”
LaBarbera made the following additional points about the Phil Robertson story:
- BIBLE AGREES WITH ROBERTSTON: As Politically Incorrect and offensive to secularists as it may be, the Bible confirms Robertson’s association of homosexual misbehavior with other egregious sexual sins: in the Old Testament Book of Leviticus (chapter 20), the condemnation homosexuality is grouped in between proscriptions against adultery, bestiality, and incest [for more on this see Bible-and-homosexuality scholar Robert Gagnon’s superb site, www.RobGagnon.net].
- GLAAD STIFLES DEBATE: GLAAD, the homosexual pressure group in the forefront of attacking Robertson, has a long history of attempting to shut down speech critical of homosexuality — and demonizing as “haters, bigots and homophobes” those (usually Christians) who speak out against homosexualism or affirm the truth that homosexuals can change and leave the lifestyle. GLAAD regularly lobbies the media to shun conservatives on the homosexual issue – e.g., its 2010 pressure campaign targeting CNN for including ex-“gay” therapist Richard Cohen in a debate segment on homosexuality.;
- MEDIA DOUBLE STANDARD: Why is it that pro-family, Christian conservatives like Robertson invariably become the targets of the politically correct media — while vicious and vulgar homosexual activists like Dan Savage are free to spew the most vile hatred imaginable with barely any critical media glare? Phil Robertson is suspended while Dan Savage – who infamously “re-defined” Rick Santorum’s last name as a by-product of anal sodomy, and joked that to control overpopulation “abortion should be mandatory for about 30 years” – is a liberal media hero. (In fact, Savage, far from being punished for his malicious barbs and antics, was rewarded with his own show on MTV.)
- HOMOSEXUAL HEALTH RISKS: If Americans were to come to understand how truly dangerous homosexual anal sex is, they would demand a full-scale government-corporate campaign to discourage it – especially among young men. For example, the CDC recently reported that 94-95 percent of HIV cases among young men (13-24) in 2011 were linked to homosexual sex. In his book The Ins and Outs of Gay Sex, homosexual Dr. Stephen Goldstone compares the active role in homosexual rectal sex to a “battering ram”: “An anal tear can occur during the initial phase of anal sex precisely because your partner pushes his penis through a closed sphincter. Think of his penis as a battering ram, one for which your internal sphincter is no match.” Goldstone also writes that the “anus is the highest place risk for STDs.” (The “gay” doctor urges condom use, but many homosexual men shun condoms – as evidenced by the widespread availability of condomless, gay “barebacking” pornography in homosexual Meccas like San Francisco.) Another homosexual activist, Jack Hart, writes that “some practices common among gays — especially rimming [oral-anal “sex”] and anal intercourse — are highly efficient ways of transmitting disease.”
- SEXUALLY IMMORAL SLIPPER SLOPE: Robertson was correct again on the slippery slope of sexual immorality: “Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men,” he told GQ. Look what has paralleled the advance of proud homosexuality in our nation: greater sexual permissiveness (fornication) in general and growing disrespect for marriage in our “hook-up” culture; the porn-fed promotion of heterosexual anal sex, bringing a new threat to women; websites like “Ashley Madison” that actually facilitate adultery; and an explosion of “transgender rights” that shockingly encourages gender-confused boys to identify as girls and use female restrooms and locker rooms in schools.
- LEFT “JUDGES” FAITHFUL CHRISTIANS: Lastly, Bible-believing Christians are sick and tired of liberal, pro-homosexual advocates (including the Religious Left) telling us how Christians are supposed to believe and speak. Last night on Fox News’ “The Kelly File,” a liberal, Jewish, Democratic activist informed viewers that Christians should not “judge” – even as he used his appearance on Fox to JUDGE and condemn Phil Robertson.
LaBarbera concluded: “Homosexual behavior is wrong, unnatural, often high-risk, but thankfully, changeable – as testified to by the redeemed lives of formerly “gay” men like Michael Glatze and ex-lesbian women like Yvette Cantu Schneider who have overcome homosexuality through faith in Jesus Christ. The Homosexual Lobby in America has morphed into an intolerant and ‘vengeful’ ‘monster in our midst’ – to quote British historian Paul Johnson in describing the growth of homosexual power in the U.K. [see full Johnson passage HERE]. Christians and moral-minded Americans must rally behind Phil Robertson, condemn the homo-fascist ‘Gay Thought Police’ led by GLAAD who regularly pressure the media into silencing moral speech, and demand that an energetic and civil debate on homosexuality be allowed to flourish in this land we call free.”
Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, C - Heroes for Truth, Christian, Homosexual Meccas, News, Pro-Homosexual Media, Redefining Morality, Reorientation Therapy, San Francisco, Sodomy, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Tolerance? |
Wednesday, December 11th, 2013
“All of those murders that I have investigated have been in [homosexual] relationships and are victims of gay attacks, domestic situations.” — British investigator and former Scotland Yard detective Les Green, July 8, 2012
 Christian family advocates like these in Jamaica are used to false claims by homosexual activists hyping and exploiting alleged “homophobic” acts of violence. But a former Scotland Yard detective found that most of the alleged “anti-gay” murders of Jamaican homosexuals stemmed from homosexual relationship violence. In the center of this photo is Dr. Wayne West, the most prominent opponent of homosexual activism in Jamaica, who appears in a terrific video produced by the Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society). Second from the right (in the red dress) is his wife, Dr. Doreen Brady-West. At the far right is their daughter, Kacy, who is a leader of the Jamaican “Love March Movement,” which promotes sexual purity among youth. [Photo: Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH]
Folks, the 2012 Jamaica Observer article below about gay-on-gay violence in Jamaica is critically important in that it debunks the oft-repeated charge by homosexual activists that anti-homosexual “hate violence” is widespread in Jamaica. [See this hateful “Truth Wins Out” article about Jamaica and AFTAH that stokes the same false polemic.]
Every time a homosexual is murdered in Jamaica, the local “gay” group, J-FLAG (Jamaican Forum for Lesbians, All-Sexuals and Gays) and other homosexual activists blame “homophobia” — and implicitly (or explicitly) the actions of religious opponents of the “gay” agenda for the crime. Meanwhile, Christian groups like the Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society (JCHS) condemn all violence against homosexuals.
This victim mongering copies a tactic that LGBT activists have used in the United States for decades to advance their agenda. (Think Matthew Shepard, who was allegedly murdered “because he is gay”; later it was learned that his murder was linked to his reckless lifestyle, including drug dealing.) Even worse, many times American homosexuals have staged fake “anti-gay hate crime” hoaxes to burnish their status as victims needing to be protected from (religious-motivated) “hate.” [See this AFTAH item on a “hate-crime” hoax staged by a Nebraska lesbian.]
A personal note: having just returned from a visit to Jamaica to take part in a pro-family conference put on by JCHS, I did not witness any “hatred” or violent attitudes toward homosexuals. What I did see was a group of sincere, dedicated Christians who love God and are fighting the best they can not to have decadent Western (and American) sexual mores and LGBT laws imposed on their small nation. We must expose and rebut the insidious lie of LGBT activists everywhere that imputes “hate” to those who merely disagree with grantin “rights” based on disordered, sinful sexual behavior. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
Below is the full text of the 2012 Jamaica Observer article, with our emphasis added. The original piece included a photo of some Jamaican transvestites over the caption: “Two cross-dressers pose for photos at a Fashion Week event in Kingston last month where they moved around without being harassed.”
Gay lobby claims not true, says Green
‘Jamaica far more tolerant of homosexuals than the public hype’
BY KARYL WALKER Online news editor walkerk@jamaicaobserver.com
Jamaica Observer, Sunday, July 8, 2012
A day before former Assistant Commissioner of Police Les Green left the island at the end of his eight years of service, he rubbished a common claim by the gay community and international rights groups that homosexuals in Jamaica are victims of wanton murder, mob-mauling and marginalisation.
His pronouncement came just weeks after gay lobby group Jamaica Forum For Lesbians All-sexuals and Gays (JFLAG) suggested that two men killed in the New Kingston area were slain because of their sexual preference.
In an interview on Thursday with the Sunday Observer, Green said despite claims by JFLAG that Jamaicans are intolerant of their lifestyle, and are targeting them for death, his experience during his tenure here was totally different.
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Posted in Christian, Fake "Hate Crimes", Gay Lies about AFTAH, Gay-on-gay violence, Homosexual Hate, News, Political Correctness vs. Truth, Politics of "Hate", The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Friday, September 20th, 2013
I will be appearing as a guest for five consecutive programs on “Faith & Freedom,” the online TV program of Liberty Counsel, a leading defender of Christian liberty in the United States. Here is the first of my five-part interview with Matt Barber, Vice President of Liberty Counsel Action (and an AFTAH Board Member). We discuss the Left’s latest effort to subvert biblical Christianity, Dan Savage’s NALT (Not All Like That) campaign. Along with the extremist Savage, NALT is co-sponsored by a number of pro-homosexual organizations, including “Truth Wins Out” run by Wayne Besen (a hater of ex-“gays” and a man not exactly known for his application of the Golden Rule). This aired September 19, 2013; AFTAH will post each segment daily. [Watch on YouTube HERE.] — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
Posted in "Gay" Subversion of Institutions, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Bible, Christian, D - GLBTQ Pressure Within Churches, Dan Savage, Morality and Moral Judgments, National GLBTQ Activist Groups, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Truth Wins Out, Wayne Besen |
Thursday, September 12th, 2013
Ex-football star and sports commentator Craig James was fired by Fox Sports Southwest as a college football analyst due to the following comments he made in the GOP candidates’ primary debate in 2012 in Texas. [See Michael Brown’s column on the firing.] This YouTube video from a homosexual publication Dallas Voice shows the large video screen above the candidates; those who are shown are, left to right: Ted Cruz (who won the Republican race and eventually became U.S. Senator from Texas; Craig James; former Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert; and Leia Pettinger. The video opens with Cruz saying, “I have something against gay marriage”…:
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Biblical Truth, Christian, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, YouTube videos |
Monday, May 6th, 2013
Exodus leader Alan Chambers works directly with “gay” activists to undermine pro-family Christians

- John and Anne Paulk — on the cover of Newsweek magazine in 1998. Recently, Paulk renounced the “ex-gay” movement that he once led. Anne, however, has stayed faithful and is now involved with Restored Hope Network, which has risen up in response to Exodus International’s “gay”-affirming turn away biblical truth. See current photo of John Paulk below.
“Exodus [International] used to focus on how Jesus leads persons out of homosexuality. Now Exodus appears to celebrate those who return to it.” — Andy Comiskey
TAKE ACTION: As you can see from Andy Comiskey’s piece below, Exodus International is no longer a trustworthy “ex-gay” organization for Christians who respect the Bible’s authority. But there is now a biblically-faithful Christian alternative to Exodus: Restored Hope Network (RHN). Although AFTAH supported Exodus for two decades, it has tragically embraced a “gay”-affirming ideology that distorts the wonderful grace of God and, ironically, pushes the defeatist message that most homosexuals cannot change their “sexual orientation.”
I have publicly challenged Exodus President Alan Chambers to find “gay” “sexual orientation” in the Bible; he has not responded. Moreover, Chambers now not only eschews getting involved in “culture war” over homosexuality — Exodus no longer even takes a stand on the blasphemous notion of homosexuality-based “marriage” — but he also urges other Christians to follow suit.
Although AFTAH would rather focus its attention on the aggressive homosexualist agenda, we cannot ignore the escalating confusion and falsehoods advanced by Exodus International under Chambers’ failed leadership. Recently, Chambers called me a “viper” on Twitter (get the Pharisee allusion?) following yet another episode that exposed his newfound pro-homosexual radicalism. In a shocking development that some are calling “Chambers-gate,” the Exodus leader stunned me and other activists by secretly cc’ing homosexual activist Jeremy Hooper in an email thread that included many pro-family leaders. (Details will be forthcoming; here’s one of Hooper’s pieces on the episode; here’s the piece in left-leaning Salon.com).
At the same time, Chambers secretly cc’d evangelical renegade and Grove City College professor Warren Throckmorton — another pro-family-“defector”-turned-pro-homosexual-apologist who, like Alan, is popularizing the dangerous idea that nearly all homosexuals who try cannot change. Talk about denying Jesus’ power (but more on that later).
Talking up “gay Christianity” — another Chambers shift away from truth — is unbiblical, but many believers are unaware of Exodus’ new radical worldview. Americans For Truth urges you to inform your Christian friends about Exodus’ pro-homosexual turn and ask them to support the fledgling Restored Hope Network however they can. Here’s some useful information:
Restored Hope Network website: http://www.restoredhopenetwork.com/
RHN Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/RestoredHopeNetwork
Upcoming RHN Conference (June 21-22, Oklahoma City): http://www.restoredhopenetwork.org/index.php/event/annual-conference/conference-information
Prof. Rob Gagnon’s 2012 in-depth report on Alan Chambers’ unbiblical leadership at Exodus (PDF): “Time for a Change of Leadership at Exodus”
Gagnon follow-up: “Being a ‘Simple-Minded Jesus-Lover’ Is No Excuse for Really Bad Theology” (PDF): click HERE
Andy Comiskey’s Desert Stream Ministries: http://www.desertstream.org/
Below is wonderful response to Exodus VP Randy Thomas’ fawning piece on John Paulk by former homosexual Andy Comiskey, founder of Desert Stream Ministries. We also have reprinted excerpts from the Thomas piece, “John Paulk’s Shocking Secret,” below. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth
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Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Biblical Truth, Christian, Christian Left, Conservative and Chrisian sellouts, News, Pro-Family Quotes, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Tuesday, February 19th, 2013
‘Defend Marriage Lobby Day’ today in Springfield aims at stopping bill in House
 This will never be a “marriage,” no matter what laws are changed.
Dear AFTAH Readers,
Today (Wed., Feb. 20th) is Defend Marriage Lobby Day in Springfield, Illinois, as pro-family citizens rally in the state capital against a homosexual “marriage” bill proposed by the Democrats for our state. Our friends at Illinois Family Institute organized this special day to help citizens express their unyielding support for real, natural marriage (one man, one woman) in the Land of Lincoln — which is already reeling from previous pro-homosexual laws. The “gay marriage” bill, SB 10, passed the state Senate on Feb. 14 with the votes of 33 Democrats and one lone Republican, Sen. Jason Barickman (Bloomington), so it is critical to stop the bill in the House. The Democrats who run Illinois — from Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel to Gov. Pat Quinn — have made passing a “gay marriage” bill a TOP PRIORITY, so please get involved on the side of “Nature and Nature’s God” to thwart their efforts!
TAKE ACTION — Illinois Citizens: Please attend the Lobby Day today if you are able: there is a 10:30 AM rally outside the Capitol Building in Springfield (401 S. 2nd Street, Springfield, IL), followed by lobbying. IFI will help you lobby your representative if you’ve never done it before! See their site for more details: http://illinoisfamily.org/politics/lobby-day-instructions-what-to-expect-on-feb-20th/. For those in Chicagoland, Kathy Barnette of Truth Exchange still has room on her bus for the trip to Springfield; see the Truth Exchange site.
If you cannot make the trip, make sure to call or write your State Representative and voice your opposition to the “gay marriage” bill. Call the Springfield Capitol Switchboard at 217-782-2000. Find you elected officials HERE.
We already know the ramifications of legalized homosexual “marriage” from other states like Massachusetts:
- Religious liberty and freedom of conscience (i.e., the freedom to oppose homosexuality) will be repressed by the state in the name of “gay rights”; Illinois has already experienced this under our “Civil Unions” law [see the case of the Walders’ bed-and-breakfast in Paxton, IL]. Despite the current bill being amended to protect churches and religious institutions, business owners — even devout Christians — who cater to weddings (such as banquet hall owners and photographers) could be forced to use their facilities or expertise to celebrate homosexual “marriages”;
- Liberal teachers, especially in public schools, will be emboldened to promote homosexual relationships to students in the classroom; homosexual teachers will be given a platform to discuss their “marriages” and to model homosexuality as normal, natural and good to students. Parents will have a harder time stopping the promotion of homosexuality in schools;
- Homosexual “sex ed” will gain ground in Illinois schools. Under the radical egalitarian idea that all relationships are morally “equal” and worthy of marriage, “safer gay sex” will be taught non-judgmentally alongside (normal) heterosexual sex. “Abstinence until marriage” (which regrettably is not the norm but only the ideal for most Illinois health classrooms) would apply to homosexual- and bisexual- as well as “straight” students — despite the reality that all homosexual sex is inherently immoral. High-risk and unnatural practices like anal sex will be mainstreamed in our schools. (Could teaching the truth that sex between men is linked disproportionately to HIV and various sexually-transmitted diseases lead to charges of “anti-gay discrimination”?) And deviant lesbian sex will be taught for girls who in the future might “marry” a woman.
- Businessmen will be forced to recognize and subsidize their employees’ immoral same-sex “marriages”; a form of this is already happening under Illinois’ “Civil Unions” law;
- Society will be corrupted as unequal things are treated as equal; children will be further confused as the law (which is a teacher, as the saying goes) creates a Brave New Morality that officially “weds” sinful, unnatural and changeable behavior to the noble and life-sustaining institution of marriage;
- Homosexual activists will be energized to use the homosexual “marriage” law to pressure citizens to approve of their lifestyle and step up their crusade to stigmatize, demonize and discredit pro-family Christians and moral opponents of homosexuality. Groups like AFTAH that embrace wholesome, godly morality will be vilified as “hateful and bigoted.” And, as we have witnessed in Massachusetts, the push for ever more extreme “LGBT rights” would be propelled by enactment of “same-sex marriage” — including “transgender” activism in schools.
- Legalized homosexual “marriage” will help “normalize” homosexual adoption, thus consigning greater numbers of innocent children to be raised in households that are motherless or fatherless by design.
AFTAH Interviews Lobbyist Ralph Rivera on Threat of Homosexual ‘Marriage’ Bill in Illinois
Original post: http://americansfortruth.com/2013/02/11/aftah-interviews-ralph-rivera-on-threat-of-homosexual-marriage-in-illinois/
[NOTE: this interview occurred BEFORE the Illinois homosexual “marriage” bill, SB10, was amended prior to passage Feb. 14. The amended bill precludes churches and religious institutions from being forced to host homosexual “marriage” celebrations in their building. However, this amendment applies only to explicitly religious institutions; Christian- and other moral-minded business-owners could still be forced to host homosexual “marriage” ceremonies and related celebrations under the bill despite their deeply-felt opposition to “gay marriage.” — Peter LaBarbera]
This interview [click HERE to listen] with Illinois pro-family lobbyist Ralph Rivera was conducted on February 4, 2013. Rivera is a lobbyist for the Illinois Family Institute – which is sponsoring a Defend Marriage Lobby Day against the homosexual “marriage” bill in Springfield on Wednesday, Feb. 20th. Along with AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera and co-host John Kirkwood (of Grace Gospel Fellowship church), Rivera discusses the pro-homosexual-”marriage” bill looming in the state’s General Assembly. (The Illinois Senate is reportedly slated for a floor vote on the bill on Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14.)
Rivera explains the bill’s threat to religious liberty — e.g., how in its original draft (likely to be amended) it would force churches and religious institutions that rent their facilities to the public to host homosexual “weddings.” There is also a discussion of how legalized “gay marriage” effectively forces pro-homosexual ”lessons” into public schools. In addition, the three discuss the Boy Scouts of America’s proposed change allowing openly homosexual Scoutmasters and Scouts. Rivera is also a longtime pro-life lobbyist for Illinois Citizens for Life.
HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes. Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.
2-4-13, Ralph Rivera
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AFTAH will never back down or be intimidated by the intolerant and hateful (and anti-Christian”) “Gay” Lobby. Your gifts help us carry out our critical mission.
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Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, Adoption & Foster Parenting, Christian, Gay Sex Health Risks, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Government Promotion, Health & Science, Homosexual Parenting, Homosexuality - Practical Considerations, Morality and Moral Judgments, News, Political Correctness vs. Truth, Sex-Ed Curriculum, Sodomy, STDs, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |

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