YouTube videos

WATCH: Cardinal Dolan Slammed for Capitulating on Homosexuality in NYC St. Patrick’s Parade – Michael Voris Video

Wednesday, September 3rd, 2014

File this latest disaster in the pro-family fight against Big Gay Inc. under, “Snatching Defeat from the Jaws of Victory.” As Michael Voris’ notes in his devastating ChurchMilitant.TV video below, the U.S. Supreme Court in 1995 unanimously upheld the right of the Boston St. Patrick’s Day organizers NOT to include a homosexual contingent in their parade.

Funny how homosexual activists didn’t give up after the SCOTUS defeat, but instead set about pressuring their way into such parades, ultimately succeeding in the Big Apple. Now that one homosexual group has been allowed in, many others will join them in coming years–changing the character of the parade and making it by definition less faithful and family-friendly. (What could be more antithetical to Catholic teachings than homosexuals marching proudly down the street, calling attention to their “gayness”–an identity based on sinful, disordered behavior?) Please circulate this video far and wide using the tool on the ChurchMilitant.TV website. –Peter LaBarbera,; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

[Video is after the jump]

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WATCH: LaBarbera Condemns Sears For ‘Gay Marriage’ Float in Chicago ‘Gay Pride’ Parade

Friday, August 8th, 2014

Add Sears to the list of corporations that shamelessly pander to the Homosexual Lobby as part of their marketing plan. Below are comments I made about Sears’ LGBT sellout in my recent radio interview Monday with VCY America’s “Crosstalk” program. We can thank Brian Tashman and the left-wingers at Right Wing Watch for the transcription of my remarks, which they found offensive but which I enthusiastically stand by [more on RWW’s selective editing later]:

“There goes Sears,” LaBarbera said. “I watched the video; it’s just so sad and tragic to me. The Bible says ‘there’s a way to seems right to a man but the end of that way is death,’ basically. Attaching the perversion of homosexuality, which God called an abomination, detestable behavior, attaching that to marriage is just ungodly. It’s sad to see corporations celebrating this to get more sales and we’ll see if Sears suffers for this capitulation to the homosexual activist movement.”

In related news, Target joined a legal brief in support of homosexual “marriage,” thus officially joining other corporations like Starbucks adopting this anti-biblical position. Below is the official Sears video of its Chicago “Gay Pride” homosexual “marriage” float. –Peter LaBarbera,

VIDEO: Hunky Jesus Contest 2014 – San Francisco’s Deviant Values – Brought to You by the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence

Monday, June 9th, 2014

Warning: Vulgar Sexual References and one instance of Rear Nudity

For the record, below is the longest YouTube video we could find of the annual uber-blasphemous “Hunky Jesus” contest, held on Easter Sunday (April 20, 2014)–which coincidentally fell this year on the annual day (“4-20”) celebrating pot use. Hunky Jesus is sponsored by the mock, drag-queen “nuns” groups, Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, which is a perverse “charity” funding homosexual causes in San Francisco, with chapters across the world. This video was created by

As you can see, to many on the pro-LGBT Left, the most extreme anti-Christian bigotry is hip and cool, even as they scold the Right about alleged “hate.” Now that takes chutzpah. What’s also interesting is the degree to which the homosexualist (“gay”) movement in the United States has been joined to that of the gender-confused–“transgenders,” transvestites and transsexuals–which makes sense if male homosexualism is rooted in a masculinity crisis. Behold the God-haters of the urban Secular Left. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

P.S. Please be warned that this is a highly offensive video (frontal nudity is fuzzed out), but one that conveys San Francisco’s twisted values better than most:

WATCH: Video of Walkout at Sinclair Community College Proves Professor Kate Geiselman Lied in Salon Hit-Piece

Tuesday, May 13th, 2014
Tweet by Sinclair Community College professor Kate Geiselman, who made up a quotation by speaker Peter LaBarbera to make him look like an angry "homophobe."

LYING PROF DOUBLES DOWN: April 17 tweet by Sinclair Community College professor Kate Geiselman, who made up a preposterous “effing” quotation by guest speaker Peter LaBarbera to humiliate him and make him look like an angry “homophobe.” LaBarbera said “effing” only to relay to the audience that one of its members had angrily used the real F-word to attack his speech. Pro-family attorney Charles LiMandri has written Geiselman and Salon Magazine to demand an apology and retraction. 

In this post:

  1. 2-minute video of Sinclair Community College professor-led “walkout” [begins at :16 point of video];
  2. Part One and Part Two of YouTube videos of Peter LaBarbera’s talk at SCC, sponsored by the Traditional Values Club;
  3. Copy of April 24 web post by SCC professor Rebecca Morean on, backing up the “effing” lie told by fellow SCC prof Kate Geiselman in her Salon hit-piece against LaBarbera;
  4. Go HERE to read AFTAH attorney Charles LiMandri’s letter to Geiselman and demanding a public retraction and apology.


Dear AFTAH Readers,

Refuting a leftist lie is hard work, but it must be done.

Below is the video of the Sinclair Community College walkout on my speech at the Dayton, Ohio college April 9, 2014–provided by the Traditional Values Club, which sponsored the talk. As you can see, the professor-led walkout began right after I started speaking–and ironically, after I had commended the audience for demonstrating true tolerance by listening to a dissenting viewpoint!

Note that I did not come even close to uttering the quotation absurdly attributed to me by SCC writing professor Kate Geiselman in the liberal online magazine Salon. Geiselman accused me (the “antigay bigot” in the headline) of responding recklessly to the walkout: “You’re leaving? Are you ‘effing’ [substituting for the F-word] kidding?”

Below is a transcription of my remarks at the podium as the professor-led walkout begins–painstakingly produced by pro-family writer Gina Miller [see Miller’s excellent piece on the controversy on HERE]:

“I suppose this is a walk-out. Well, this is, this is what I say, not, not even people willing to hear from the other side. I think this is, this is regretful. [heckler interjects F-word] ‘Your message is ‘effing’ garbage,’ that guy just said. Yeah, yeah this is a shame, but, well, those of you who remained are exhibiting true tolerance… I mean this is—this is the Left in action; I’m sorry. You know, tolerance for me but not for you. Don’t even want to hear a viewpoint. That’s their right, and I just think it’s immature…”

[See my attorney Chuck LiMandri’s letter demanding a retraction and apology from Geiselman HERE.]

Constructing a bogus narrative

Honestly, I think the admittedly hard-of-hearing Geiselman heard me say “effing”–I was merely relaying a barb from a man in the audience who hurled the real F-bomb to denounce my talk–and then used that to concoct a bogus narrative casting me as the angry “homophobe.” Later, Professor Rebecca Morean, who can be seen leading the walkout in the video below, repeated the Geiselman’s lie [see graphic at bottom of this article]. Morean has boasted about her role in the walkout.

What these politicized professors–who greatly dishonor their noble profession–fail to appreciate is that real tolerance and diversity were on display at their college that day, between conservatives like me and the few liberals (including some students) who did not take part in Morean’s cowardly exercise in leftist groupthink. We went back and forth on the homosexual issue, and perhaps emerged with the same views with which we came–but also with greater understanding of the other side’s position. In other words, we had a civil, lively, yet respectful discussion at an institution of higher learning. Imagine that. –Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

Read the Traditional Values Club’s description of their YouTube video of the professor-led “walkout” below. The walkout begins at :16 point of video; notice Prof. Morean standing up and signaling the mass exodus:


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VIDEO: IFI Interviews LaBarbera on his Detainment and Arrest in Canada

Tuesday, April 29th, 2014

We appreciate our good friends at Illinois Family Institute for producing this video interview of AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera on his recent detainment and arrest in Canada. Former Moody Radio reporter Monty Larrick conducts the interview. At the end is an address for the Legal Defense Fund for LaBarbera and Canadian Bill Whatcott [or see this link]. The video was published by IFI April 29, 2014; [view it on IFI’s YouTube page HERE]:

VIDEOS: ‘Hunky Jesus Contest’ 2014 – Look How Pro-LGBT San Francisco ‘Progressives’ Celebrate Easter Sunday

Friday, April 25th, 2014

Bashing Jesus and Christians is fair game but Islam goes untouched by profane homosexual “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence”


GOD-HATING ‘GAYS’: A man in bunny ears attends the homosexual “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” “Hunky Jesus” contest mocking the Resurrection of Christ on Easter Sunday. Drag queen “Sisters” like this fellow have been mocking Jesus Christ and His followers for 35 years. Note that cowardly “gay” activists would never spew their vulgar hatred at Muhammed. Large crowds turn out in San Francisco every Easter Sunday for the annual, blasphemous “Hunky Jesus” event. Photos: Facebook page, “Sister Ambrosia Discordia.” Click to enlarge.

“How long will the wicked, O LORD, how long with the wicked be jubilant?”Psalm 94:3


Here are two short videos (under two minutes) and some photos covering Easter Sunday’s uber-blasphemous “Hunky Jesus Contest” 2014 in San Francisco [watch on YouTube HERE]. The annual Resurrection-mocking event is sponsored by the San Francisco-based “charity,” Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. [See previous AFTAH coverage of  the “Sisters'” “Hunky Jesus” contest HERE.]

The “Sisters”–who are popular in the homosexual Mecca by the Bay and raise money for mostly homosexual- and transgender-related causes–are a bunch of (mainly) homosexual men who dress up in drag and paint their faces to appear as deviant “nuns.” As such, they mock the Catholic Church specifically and Christianity in general. Their urban popularity testifies to the godlessness, insensitivity, bigotry, and immaturity of snarky modern “progressives”–who strangely view themselves as more sophisticated than the rest of America.

The “Sisters”–spouting perverse names like “Sister Tillie Swallows” –get it? “‘Till He Swallows”: an allusion to homosexual oral sex–are now 35 years old [see their “Sistory” HERE], with “orders” in various other cities like Los Angeles and Boston.

Psalm 94:3 gives me comfort, because I know that God is just. Imagine that all these lost people who mock the resurrected Son of God on the most important date on the Christian calendar will have to answer directly to Him some day! I hope some of the “Sisters” and their fans grow up, repent, and see that Jesus Christ and the Resurrection are real, rather than fodder for raunchy “gay” double entendres–Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth

P.S. My tweet about how we’ll never see a “Hunky Muhammed Contest” follows the video, and under that (after the jump)  is another short video of Hunky Jesus 2014:

My tweet April  23:



This second YouTube video captures the vulgar and twisted nature of the event and also the large crowds that show up for it every Easter in San Francisco:

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VIDEO: Do You Fear God or Man on Homosexual ‘Marriage’?

Monday, April 7th, 2014

On May 11, 2013, I spoke at a pro-family rally and posed the question, “Do you fear God or man?” on the issue of homosexual “marriage–which, of course, is not truly marriage in the eyes of our Creator. The rally was sponsored by Illinois Family Institute and was held outside of (Republican) State Rep. Jim Durkin’s district office in Western Springs, Illinois. At the time, Rep. Durkin was undecided on a pending homosexual “marriage” bill but he ended up voting “No.” The bill ultimately passed the Democrat-dominated Illinois General Assembly and was signed into law by Gov. Pat Quinn (D). It goes into effect June 1, although unnatural “gay marriages” are already allowed in Chicago and surrounding Cook County due to legal action.   –Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH [Watch this on YouTube here:]

WATCH: Homosexual Walter Lee Hampton on Man-Boy Sex (‘Gay’ Pederasty): “I Would Not Let My Teenage Sons Around Gay Men!”

Thursday, February 13th, 2014

Says he has seen adult homosexual men in their 30s, 40s and even 50s sexually pursuing minor teen boys


A lot is to be learned about the homosexual subculture from honest “gay” men like Walter Lee Hampton II [see his Facebook Page and YouTube site]. In this video, Hampton explains that pederasty–older men pursuing sex with underage boys–is some thing he has seen a lot of in his life as a homosexual. Here is his own description of the video, published February 8, 2014.

“Based upon my life experiences ..if I had Teenage sons I would NOT allow them around GAY MEN!..because over the years I have seen many GAY MEN pursue TEENAGE BOYS (ages 14-17) for SEX. and I have seen this VERY OFTEN.”

What Hampton is revealing helps us understand how teenage boys are contracting HIV. You might want to check out the comments at the YouTube page for his video HERE. Thanks to Jason Salamone, AFTAH’s Research Associate and our Facebook Page administrator, for spotting this. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

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