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LISTEN: AFTAH Interviews Liberty University Law Professor Rena Lindevaldsen on Chicago ‘Gay Marriage’ Court Case – Part OneJuly 24th, 2012This is Part One of AFTAH’s second interview with Prof. Rena Lindevaldsen [click HERE to listen], Associate Dean at Liberty University School of Law, based in Lynchburg, Va. This interview with AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera and Pastor John Kirkwood of Grace Gospel Fellowship church in Bensenville, Illinois, was recorded July 19, 2012. Lindevaldsen discusses the homosexual/ACLU lawsuit in Illinois contending that the state’s law defining marriage as between one man and one woman is unconstitutional. She opines that the presiding judge, Cook County Circuit Judge Sophia Hall, an open lesbian and member of a homosexual judges group, should recuse herself from the case due to an obvious conflict-of-interest. Lindevaldsen is the author of “Only One Mommy: A Woman’s Battle for her Life, Her Daughter and her Freedom,” the story of ex-lesbian-turned-Christian Lisa Miller’s quest to keep custody of her biological daughter, Isabella, and to deny custody to her former lesbian partner. HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes. Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show. Spotlight on Paterno Gives Cover to Real Penn State Culprit: Graham SpanierJuly 23rd, 2012American Family Association of Pennsylvantia News Release July 23, 2012 Contact: Diane Gramley 1-814.437.5355 (Harrisburg) — Former Penn State Defensive Coordinator Jerry Sandusky sat before his jury of peers and was found guilty of 45 counts of sexual abuse last month and faces life in prison. Athletic Director Tim Curley and Vice President for Finance Gary Schultz have been charged with perjury and covering up allegations of child sexual abuse. Early Sunday morning Joe Paterno’s statute outside Beaver Stadium was removed. The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) has but one question, “Where is Graham Spanier?” “On November 9th Graham Spanier was removed as President of Penn State University. The statement he issued upon removal included this sentence, ‘ I am heartbroken to think that any child may have been hurt and have deep convictions about the need to protect children and youth.’ He remains as a professor at the university. His policies, and the lax oversight of the Board of Trustees, are what created the atmosphere which allowed this tragedy to continue. Where is Graham Spanier and will he be held accountable?” questioned Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA. Read the rest of this article » LISTEN: AFTAH Interviews Brian Camenker of MassResistance on Adam Flanders’ Legal Harassment, Chicago Lesbian Judge Sophia HallJuly 22nd, 2012
![]() Brian Camenker (above) is being sued for $1 million by Maine homosexual and Registered Sex Offender Adam Flanders. This interview [Click HERE to listen] with Brian Camenker of MassResistance was conducted July 12, 2012. We discuss the bizarre legal antics of Maine homosexual Adam Flanders, who is suing Camenker for $1 million for alleged “defamation,” in part because Camender and MR refused to take down from their website an open letter that Flanders wrote in 2007 exposing predatory sexual misconduct at a “gay youth” center in Belfast, Maine. Camenker and AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera (and co-host John Kirkwood) also discuss Illinois homosexual lawsuits to overturn that state’s law defining marriage for what it is: one man, one woman. Camenker comments on AFTAH’s reporting that the judge ruling on the “gay” and ACLU lawuits, Cook County Circuit Judge Sophia Hall, is an open lesbian and member of a homosexual judges group that advocates for homosexuals. HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes. Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show. Chicago Judge Sophia Hall — Deciding ACLU’s ‘Gay Marriage’ Lawsuit – Is Open LesbianJuly 20th, 2012Cook County judge is member of homosexual judges group, advocated for “gay” cause; pro-family attorneys say she should recuse herself from case![]() Cook County Circuit Court Judge Sophia Hall as she appears in 2007 photo of her being honored along with 13 other openly homosexual judges. (See larger photo below.) Hall is a member of a Chicago-area homosexual judges group that celebrates homosexual unions and marches annually in Chicago’s “Gay Pride” parade. By Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH exclusive CHICAGO—Cook County Circuit Court Judge Sophia Hall — who will rule on combined pro-homosexual lawsuits challenging Illinois’ existing law defining marriage as one-man, one-woman — is an open lesbian and pro-homosexuality advocate, according to information widely available online but which has gone unreported by the media. Judge Hall’s homosexuality is not a secret, nor an “open secret” –as it was with Vaughn Walker, the California judge who last year issued a decision overturning that state’s Proposition 8 marriage amendment only to subsequently reveal his “gay” identity. In contrast, Hall is a “charter member” of a homosexual judges organization in Chicago, the Alliance of Illinois Judges, which marches in Chicago’s annual “gay pride” parade. Last year, the AIJ sponsored — along with the “gay” activist organizations Lambda Legal and Equality Illinois — a public outdoor ceremony attended by city officials celebrating Illinois’ new “civil unions” law; AIJ judges officiated the “civil unions” for homosexual couples. In a perusal of recent media reports on the Chicago “gay marriage” lawsuit, Judge Hall’s lesbianism and membership in a homosexual judges group that advocates for “gay rights” went unreported. Thus their implications for the case have not been publicly scrutinized, even by leading Illinois conservatives. Meanwhile, two pro-family attorneys contacted by AFTAH said Hall should recuse herself from the homosexual “marriage” case due to her personal conflict-of-interest. The pro-homosexual-“marriage” lawsuits were brought jointly by the ACLU and Lambda Legal, a homosexual legal group. Illinois’ Attorney General, Lisa Madigan, is supporting the homosexual activist lawsuits rather than defending her state’s marriage law. Judge Hall herself has openly advocated for pro-homosexual causes, saying in a 2010 speech that she has “focused on efforts to combat the injustice of racism, gender bias, bias against gays and lesbians, and other stereotypes that belittle those who are stereotyped.” The graphic below is a modified version of what appears in the July 2007 newsletter of the Lesbian and Gay Bar Association Chicago (LAGBAC) — which hosted a reception honoring Judge Hall and 13 other openly homosexual judges in Cook County: The same edition of the LAGBAC newsletter announced two $4,000 scholarships to law students interning at Lambda Legal, one of which was “doing a myriad of assignments surrounding the Iowa same-sex marriage case.” Two years later, on April 3, 2009, homosexual “marriage” was legalized by the Iowa high court in a 7-0 decision. Calls for Recusal News of Judge Hall’s membership in and association with Chicago homosexual advocacy groups brought calls for her to recuse herself from the case that could bring legal homosexual “marriage” to Cook County (if not all of Illinois, although her decision will almost certainly be appealed to the Illinois Supreme Court). Said Professor Rena Lindevaldsen, Associate Dean of the Liberty University School of Law: Read the rest of this article » Convicted Homosexual Sex Offender Adam Flanders Loses Initial Bid to Muzzle MassResistance WebsiteJuly 19th, 2012Belfast, ME police chief says he did not mean to compare Flanders’ sex crime involving minor boy to “stealing a candy bar”The following is excerpted from an article in the outstanding pro-family news site, LifeSiteNews. Go HERE to read our article containing Flanders’ threatening letter to AFTAH, and HERE for our re-post of his 2007 public letter exposing sexual abuses at a Maine homosexual youth group. Ironically, young Flanders’ desperate and outrageous attempts to erase the 2007 letter from the web have only drawn considerably greater attention to it, and to his adult-child sexual crime as well. Please pray for this lost and confused soul. –Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH LifeSiteNews reports: ________________________________ Convicted Gay Sex Offender Loses Initial Bid to Muzzle Pro-family Website MassResistance By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman, Jul 18, 2012 July 18, 2012 (LifeSiteNews.com) – A convicted sex abuser who has filed a one million dollar suit against the pro-family group Mass Resistance suffered a setback last week when his motion for a preliminary injunction to silence the group was rejected by the presiding judge. “Maine may not punish, through criminal sanction, an individual’s actions that are protected by the free speech clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution,” wrote District Judge Patricia G. Worth in her decision, signed on July 11. Meanwhile, a police chief that Adam E. Flanders has repeatedly claimed supported his lawsuit and described his sex abuse charge as akin to “stealing a candy bar” has disputed Flanders’ account of events in a LifeSiteNews (LSN) interview. LSN has also learned that in addition to the sex abuse charge, Flanders has been convicted of assaulting a minor with whom he had a sexual relationship, as well as the boy’s father, with a knife. Adam Flanders, a Belfast, Maine homosexual who was convicted in 2008 of sexual abuse of a minor and sentenced to three months in jail, has been seeking to force Mass Resistance to remove from its website a copy of a letter Flanders wrote in 2007, accusing a local homosexual “youth group” of facilitating the sexual abuse and exploitation of minors. It also describes Flanders’ own relationships with minors in the group after he had turned 18. Read the rest of this article » Shocking Gallup Poll: Average American Thinks 25 Percent of Country Is ‘Gay’July 18th, 2012Do you really think we are having a sane societal debate on anything homosexuality-related when the typical Americans thinks that 25 percent — yes, 25 percent — of the country is “gay”?! What a frightening testament to the power of homosexualist propaganda in Hollywood and the media. Please share this Atlantic.com link (story excerpted below) about the incredible ignorance that is out there in our dumbed-down nation on this politically-correct issue. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans for Truth. Garance Franke-Ruta of The Atlantic (May 31, 2012) reports:
Boy Scouts Reaffirm Stance on HomosexualityJuly 18th, 2012![]() Homosexual activists and fellow travelers like Ernst & Young CEO Jim Turley have the Boy Scouts of America in their crosshairs — hoping to turn it into a homosexuality-affirming organization — but they lost this time. The Boy Scouts of America (972-580-2000) issued this statement yesterday, July 17, 2012. For background on the public campaign by Boy Scout Executive Board Member and Ernst & Young CEO Jim Turley to push the Scouts in a pro-homosexual direction, go HERE. We are thankful that Turley lost this one, but rest assured the pro-homosexuality movement will now step up its selfish pressure campaign against the Scouts [see this National Gay and Lesbian Task Force statement] — all in the nice-sounding name of “civil rights,” of course. TAKE ACTION: Thank the Boy Scouts via their Contact Page or by using the information below. [To find your local area Scouts Council, Google your city and Boy Scouts, e.g., “Chicago Boy Scouts”]: Mr. Robert “Bob” Mazzuca 972-580-2000 After Two-Year Evaluation, Boy Scouts of America Affirms Membership Standards and Announces No Change in PolicyOrganization to Take No Further Action on Resolution Requesting Revision of Policy IRVING, TEXAS – After careful consideration of a resolution asking the Boy Scouts of America to reconsider its longstanding membership standards policy, today the organization affirmed its current policy, stating that it remains in the best interest of Scouting and that there will be no further action taken on the resolution. Read the rest of this article » Adam Flanders Warns AFTAH: ‘Cease and Desist’ or I Will Pressure Your Web Host to ‘Shut You Down’July 15th, 2012![]() Maine homosexual Adam Flanders — a convicted sex offender — warns AFTAH that he will pressure our web hosting company to drop us. The following is the full text of an e-mail letter sent Friday by Maine homosexual Adam Flanders to Americans For Truth About Homosexuality. Flanders is responding to AFTAH’s Friday e-newsletter based on this web article in which we reprinted the 2007 letter sent by Flanders — a registered sex offender in Maine — exposing adult-child sex and other abuses at a Maine “gay youth” group. NOTE: in a future post, we will comment on Flanders’ outlandish claims and demands contained in this letter. In no way is our reprinting of this correspondence meant to affirm the accuracy of Flanders’ assertions. AFTAH has responded to Flanders’ letter with a letter to him by our legal counsel, Charles LiMandri of the Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund, delivered Saturday, July 14, 2012. LiMandri is not one to be intimidated by the likes of Flanders; he is the attorney who won the case involving four San Diego firefighters who sued after being commanded to drive a fire truck in the city’s baudy “gay pride” parade. Here is Flanders’ letter to AFTAH minus a single redaction of the web hosting company in Maine — which is also being pressured by Flanders because it hosts Brian Camenker’s MassResistance website: _______________________________ From: Adam Flanders <adamsunny@rocketmail.com> Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2012 10:42:34 -0700 (PDT) To: Americans For Truth<americansfortruth@gmail.com> ReplyTo: Adam Flanders <adamsunny@rocketmail.com> Subject: Re: Fwd: Go ahead, Adam Flanders: Sue Us! To “Americans for Truth,” I don’t know if this is actually AFTAH or not since you are using a gmail account, but you are clearly trying to solicit some sort of reaction from me. I am already aware of the articles published on the AFTAH website. I may or may not pursue litigation against AFTAH, but the Belfast Police Chief indicated that’s what he would do in my situation. At this point in time my focus is on the origin of this defamatory material, that is, Brian Camenker and Mass Resistance. I have already established Defamation Per Se, which is recognized in the Maine courts. Even though AFTAH did not originate the material, it is still liable for re-publishing it. You would be wise to Cease and Desist this harassment. If you fail to promptly remove the defamatory and harassing personal material about me, I will contact your host, NoZoneNet. You are clearly in violation of their Terms of Service, which I have read, and it looks like you could stand to lose your entire account. I’m sure the court would grant a protective order against AFTAH for publishing the material, especially where AFTAH has apparently contacted me directly, soliciting a lawsuit. The same judge who granted the protective order against Brian Camenker is currently deciding an injunction that would prevent Brian Camenker from communicating about me, pursuant to Maine’s Stalking statute. The injunction will likely be broad and will apply to repostings of Mr. Camenker’s publications, which includes AFTAH’s publications. Read the rest of this article » |
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