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Randy Thomasson on Mandatory ‘Gay’ History in California SchoolsJanuary 13th, 2012Here is an appearance from last Summer of my friend Randy Thomasson of SaveCalifornia.com, on Sacramento’s Fox-40’s live morning show (July 18, 2011). Randy has become a fervent advocate of parents pulling their children out of the public schools, especially in the wake of passage a SB 48, a California bill that mandates the teaching of homosexual, bisexual and transgender historical figures (read: pro-“gay”-activist history) in K-12 schools. The law went into effect January 1, 2012. Note Randy’s allusion to the law’s prohibition on negative information about homosexuality, which refers to the portion of the law that amends the Cal. Education Code as follows:
For more on the other “sexual indoctrination” bills pending in the California legislature, go HERE. LISTEN: Interview with New AFTAH Board Member John McCartney – Part TwoJanuary 11th, 2012Here’s Part Two of my interview with new AFTAH Bd. Member, John McCartney. This pre-recorded interview aired on WYLL-Chicago (AM-1160) on Saturday, January 7, 2011. You can listen to Part One HERE. HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes. Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show. Dan Savage Angrily Rejects AFTAH’s Appeal to Take Down Santorum.com Hate SiteJanuary 10th, 2012WARNING: Graphic language Folks, homosexual activist and sex columnist Dan Savage is not taking kindly to AFTAH’s attempt to call him out on his vicious hate-site, Santorum.com [see our story HERE]. Here is Savage’s response on Twitter to my request to him that he take down the site that “redefines” GOP Presidential candidate Rick Santorum’s last name as “The frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the by-product of anal sex.” [See my Twitter page HERE] – Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org : LaBarbera Asks Homosexual Activist Dan Savage to Take Down Cyber-Bullying Site ‘Santorum.com’January 5th, 2012Press Release, January 5, 2012; contact: Peter LaBarbera: americansfortruth@gmail.com WARNING: Offensive description ![]() Dan Savage's evil creation. This graphic appears on the website, Santorum.com. This graphic was creaed in April 2011, reflecting fewer "likes." the number as of Jan. 5, 2012 reached 52,274. CHICAGO – Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH), today urged homosexual activist and writer Dan Savage to take down his notorious and vulgar anti-Rick Santorum website — Santorum.com — which diabolically “redefines” the presidential candidate’s last name as follows:
LaBarbera issued the following open appeal to Savage and the media:
VIDEO: ‘Transphobic’ New Zealand Tampon TV Commercial Yanked after Transsexual ProtestJanuary 3rd, 2012
Folks, the war against Nature continues into the New Year. Leave it to the transgender movement — the gender-confused “T” in LGBT — to find men who actually regret that they can’t menstruate! It’s only the 3rd of January but we already have a sure contender for the most ridiculous LGBT story and quotation of 2012: New Zealand (male) transssexuals expressing outrage over what they say is a “blatantly transphobic” tampon commercial. Hat tip to Michael Brown for sending us this gem from the New Zealand Herald, describing Transgender activist outrage at a New Zealand feminine hygiene company’s tampon ad. Needless to say in our Politically Correctness-soaked world, the hilarious ad was quickly pulled.) [More commentary after video.] Promoting homosexuality now is old hat to modern liberals. Fighting “transphobia” — hey, that’s where the action is. Watch for a year of shameless promotion of gender confusion by cultural elites in the media, Hollywood and academia. For a fresh alternative perspective, check out our extended radio interview with Walt Heyer, an ex-transsexual-turned faithful Christian who went through a horrific “sex-change” operation but who now warns men and women not to go down that road. Walt’s website is www.SexChangeRegret.com. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org LISTEN: Interview with New AFTAH Board Member John McCartneyJanuary 2nd, 2012![]() New AFTAH Bd. Member John McCartney standing last year outside Lyons Township High School in the Chicago suburbs, where he led a pro-family informational effort providing students with facts about homosexual activism that most had never heard. This is Part One of Peter LaBarbera’s interview with John McCartney, AFTAH’s newest Board Member [Click HERE to listen]. It was pre-recorded and aired on WYLL AM-1160 in Chicagoland Dec. 31, 2011. McCartney is a retired English teacher who has lived in Chicago for almost 50 years. He discusses the media’s pro-“gay” bias and how one-sided journalism enables pro-homosexual propaganda to go unchallenged. For years, McCartney has sought to break through the media’s and academia’s pro-homosexual information blockade by reaching high school and college students directly with facts and truth about the homosexual lifestyle and LGBT activism. He says the reason so many people buy into homosexualist propaganda (e.g., the “born that way” myth) is that they simply have not been exposed to facts about homosexuality that would give them a more balanced perspective. You can listen to AFTAH’s previous interview last year with McCartney and Wayne Lela HERE. HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes. Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show. Link to LaBarbera Radio Interview on Janet Mefferd ShowDecember 30th, 2011Here is the link for Dallas-based Christian talk show host Janet Mefferd’s Dec. 27, 2011 archive page containing an interview with AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera: Page Link. The page has an MP3 link to listen to the interview, but the MP3 seems to play faster and easier if you hit “Play in Popup” off the archive page. This interview occurred at WYLL’s studio outside Chicago, the same studio where AFTAH’s weekly radio show is recorded. This discussion focuses on reaching homosexuals with the Gospel. Full page URL: http://www.janetmefferdpremium.com/2011/12/27/janet-mefferd-radio-show-20111227-hr-1/ Obama Posts Indecent Photo of Navy Lesbians Kissing on his Tumblr PageDecember 30th, 2011In Obama’s Navy, lesbians get the traditional “first kiss”
It must be remembered that despite Western modernists’ curious obsession with homosexuality, this lesbian kiss is indecent by historic moral and religious (Judeo-Christian) standards. We are tempted to say Shame on the President, but it is all too obvious by now that this Commander-in-Chief sees no shame in celebrating sexual deviance (sin) — even open displays like this. (Obama infamously pooh-poohed a New Testament passage in Romans that clearly proscribes lesbianism and male homosexual acts.) Liberals cannot rewrite the moral code nor can they redefine decency to accommodate anything-goes sexuality. Now Obama and the Democrats have ensured that wherever public displays of affection between married spouses and boyfriends-and-girlfriends occur, indecent spectacles like this will be in close proximity. Military moms and dads: be prepared to block the eyes of your little ones at reunions and all formerly wholesome military functions. Should God Bless this America?– Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org |
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