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VIDEO: Pro-HB2 Ad in North Carolina Says Law Is About Protecting Privacy of Young Women and GirlsOctober 7th, 2016The following TV ad was created by the Institute for Faith and Family (IFF), one of a coalition of North Carolina groups working to preserve HB 2, a state law that overrides a “gender identity” ordinance passed by the city of Charlotte that allowed biological men and boys to occupy female restrooms and locker rooms if they perceive themselves to be female. IFF is raising funds to run ads like this across the state to change the pro-LGBTQ narrative favored by most media that HB2 is merely about “discrimination” and “hate” [more after jump]: Tami Fitzgerald, the director of IFF, issued the following statement in conjunction with the ad buy, according to the Raleigh News & Observer:
Read the rest of this article » Here Come the Pronoun Police: Linda Harvey on ‘Ze, Zim & Zyr’ and Transgender Language InsanityOctober 6th, 2016Dear Readers, this article was first published October 4 by WND.com. In about three weeks, on Friday, October 28, author and family advocate Linda Harvey will be coming to the Chicago suburbs to speak at the Americans For Truth dinner-banquet. She will be talking on “How the Gay and Transgender Lobbies Are Selling Gender Deviance & Body Mutilation to America’s Youth.” Full details are HERE; pay online HERE; and below are the basics:
When: Friday, October 28, 2016; doors open at 5:00; dinner served at 6:30 Who: Linda Harvey, founder of the Christian, pro-family group Mission Americaand WND.com columnist Where: Grace Gospel Fellowship church in Bensenville, IL (near Route 83 and I-290). Address: Grace-Gospel Fellowship, 4 North 220 Route 83 (Frontage Road) Cost: Just $25 per person or $250 for a Table of 10; pay online using ourBanquet Form, or mail your check to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522 [to give a general donation to AFTAH, go here]. Tickets available at the door. Questions? Write Brad Wallace at connops@yahoo.com; call him at 312-324-3787. Or write AFTAH at americansfortruth@gmail.com. ______________________________ Ze, Zim and Zyr – Today’s Language InsanityBy Linda Harvey, 10-4-16“Ze walks with me and ze talks with me, and ze tells me I am zyr own …” Welcome to favorite hymns as they might be revised by Princeton, the University of Michigan and the diabolical American left. Who knew the power of pronouns? At first glance, they seem innocuous. But when oppression begins to supplant authentic justice, one of the first symptoms is the breakdown of ordinary language. George Orwell warned us; now America stinks from the rotten rhetorical fruit of decaying, toxic values. It’s heartbreaking to say, but the smell of death surrounds us. From “negative rhetoric about Islam,” and accusations of “hate speech” against homosexuality, revealing reality is the current great offense. New meanings for old terms have become the weapons to deliver fake justice and the rallying cries to rationalize sexual license, lawlessness, theft, revenge – you name it. Read the rest of this article » Biblical Response to ‘Gay Christianity’ Conference – Sponsored by TruthXChange October 7-9October 5th, 2016Two-day conference ‘will equip you to explain why God’s design for sexuality is the only good design’![]() Real Christianity vs. ‘Gay Christianity’: Sign up for the TruthXChange conference in Escondido, CA, Oct. 7-9 HERE. The theme is “Two Loves: A Biblical Response to ‘Gay Christianity.'” Among the speakers are: Dr. Michael Brown, Stephen Black, Rosaria Butterfield, Rev. Ted Hamilton, Rev. Dr. Gabriel N.E. Fluhrer and TruthXChange founder, Dr. Peter Jones. Take Action: sign up HERE for the “Two Loves: Biblical Response to ‘Gay Christianity'” conference beginning this Friday (Oct. 7-9, 2016), in Escondido, CA. If you cannot attend, send a gift to help TruthXChange, a wonderful Christian organization, or order one of Peter Jones’ books or his worldview curriculum. More info at TruthXChange.com. _____________________ Folks, I just can’t say enough good things about Dr. Peter Jones and his annual TruthXChange conferences–which combine intellectual rigor with a fearless commitment to upholding biblical truth — of the sort that is increasingly lacking in evangelical circles (at least on the homosexual issue). I wish I could attend this conference beginning Friday and hosted by New Life Presbyterian Church in Escondido, California. Among the speakers are: Dr. Mike Brown, whose presentation alone would make attending worthwhile; my friend Stephen Black, who overcame homosexuality in his own life and who is one of the most godly and committed Christian men I’ve ever met; and ex-lesbian former professor Rosaria Butterfield. ![]() Dr. Peter Jones, founder of TruthXChange. Dr. Jones himself is a national treasure and one of the reasons I do NOT support shutting down immigration (he came here from the U.K.: Britain’s loss, America’s gain!). Peter writes ably and prolifically about the pagan roots of what the Left considers “enlightened” and “progressive” LGBTQueer sex- and gender ideology. If you’re looking for simplistic and shallow analyses of America’s moral and spiritual crisis and the worldly descent of Christianity in the West, don’t attend this conference or follow Peter’s work. But if you are a truth-lover who fears God, not man, and wants to learn about how our once-Christian culture degenerated to this point, this is an event for you. Having attended one of Peter’s conferences a few years ago, I can assure you that you will be blessed by this gathering of Christian thinkers. –Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH.org; @PeterLaBarbera _______________________ (more after jump) Read the rest of this article » Transsexual Body Mutilation (‘Sex-Change’) Surgeries Will Cost Military Millions – AFTAH in the NewsOctober 4th, 2016Taxpayer-funded transsexual body mutilations are not “health care,” LaBarbera tells LifeSiteNews![]() Tax-Funded Transsexual Mutilations in the Military? This is a young Massachusetts woman who had her healthy breasts surgically removed to appear like the “man” she wants to be. Under Obama, the homosexual-transgender lobby has won public funding for body-mutilating surgeries like this. Photo: MassResistance. AFTAH is quoted in the following article reprinted from LifeSite News, a top pro-family news website. To sign up for LSN daily updates, go HERE. ________________________________ Transgender sex-change ‘treatment’ will cost the military millions a year: reportWASHINGTON, D.C., October 3, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — Starting October 3, the U.S. federal government will use tax dollars to pay for soldiers’ sex changes — at a cost of up to $8.4 million per year. A Pentagon-commissioned study by the RAND (Douglas Aircraft’s “Research and Development”) Corporation concluded that there could be 1,320 to 6,630 soldiers who consider themselves transgender and estimated that up to 140 want to chemically alter their gender, plus another 130 want sex-change operations. To be eligible for a government-paid sex change operation, the Defense Department says a soldier’s ability to serve must be “hindered” in some way by their gender identity. Defense Department spokesman Air Force Maj. Ben Sakrisson said healthcare for soldiers will now, as of October 3, cover such “treatments.” Critics of tax-funded sex-change surgery note that battle-readiness is diminished after the surgeries, which RAND explained require 21 days of medical leave plus at least 90 days medical disability. Even more recovery time is needed for men to undergo the sex change to a woman, making a soldier non-deployable for at least 135 days. RAND also acknowledged that in some cases complications from elective genital surgery might make a soldier unfit for duty permanently, as up to 20 percent of men undergoing “vaginoplasty” have serious complications. “This isn’t ‘healthcare,'” Americans for Truth Peter LaBarbera told LifeSiteNews. “This is forcing American taxpayers to subsidize Obama’s madness of gender-confused people mutilating their God-given bodies to fulfill some fantasy of living as the opposite sex.” “Where are the Republicans to put a stop to this — or at least draw some attention to it with Congressional hearings?” LaBarbera asked. “No wonder Obama has succeeded at radically ‘transforming’ society and dishonoring our military.” “I think this is a gross misuse of military medical dollars that should be used to make our military forces deployable or to help those who are wounded or injured while they are deployed,” Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty executive director and veteran Ron Crews commented to USA Today. LISTEN: Peter LaBarbera Discusses New Atlantis Study Finding Homosexuals Much More Likely to Have Been Sexually Abused as Children – Janet Mefferd InterviewOctober 3rd, 2016Study “eviscerates the born gay myth,” says AFTAH founderThe following is an interview between Christian radio talk show host Janet Mefferd and Peter LaBarbera of Americans For Truth that was published October 3, 2016. The portion with LaBarbera begins at 25:22; click the arrow in the orange circle at the top left to listen, then find the minute mark at the bottom. You can also listen to the program HERE; in fact, if you pause the app below, when you click on it to restart playing it takes you to the permanent SoundCloud URL. The two discuss a recent study in The New Atlantis journal that comes to some politically incorrect conclusions about homosexuality–e.g., that “childhood sexual abuse” is a disproportionate factor among homosexuals compared to heterosexuals. Go HERE to read a PDF of the study or to order a copy: Austin Ruse: Even Political Left Frustrated with U.S. Focus on Everything HomosexualOctober 2nd, 2016![]() Perversion is NOT a human right: Under the leftist Obama administration, the homosexual activist rainbow flag has flown under Old Glory at U.S. Embassies on “gay” activist days. Here the flag flies at the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel in 2014. The following is reprinted from “Friday Fax,” the weekly publication of the . Center for Family & Human Rights (C-Fam), the leading American group defending pro-family and pro-life values at the United Nations. C-FAM director Austin Ruse has done yeoman’s work defending against homosexualism and now, transsexualism (gender confusion) internationally. I heard Austin speak in Madrid, Spain, and was impressed by his fearlessness and boldness in the face of political aggression by the pro-LGBTQ Left (these are rare qualities in the West, to be sure). I strongly recommend that you sign up for “Friday Fax.” — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH Related C-Fam article: “Historic UN Clash on LGBT Rights Set for November” __________________________ Even Political Left Frustrated with U.S. Focus on Everything HomosexualBy Austin Ruse WASHINGTON DC, September 9 (C-Fam) Even the left is coming to realize that the aggressive stance of the Obama administration on the homosexual agenda in foreign policy has come to harm the issue. An essay in the prestigious journal Foreign Affairs is the latest. The Obama administration considers the homosexual agenda as “part of the DNA” of American foreign policy. The US has been very aggressive in promoting that agenda even in countries that do not want it. The homosexual rainbow flag has flown over American embassies around the world, even in Muslim countries. The Catholic Church in the Dominican Republic has called for the ouster of the homosexual US Ambassador for his aggressive stance on an issue that offends everyday Dominicans. The US actually cancelled military exercises with our African allies in Uganda for its conservative laws on same-sex issues. Uganda is a principle ally of the US in that region in the fight against radical Islamic terrorism. Homosexual activists in Uganda blame Obama’s aggression on passage of even more conservative laws on homosexual issues. Read the rest of this article » Linda Harvey on David Hall: Workers and Soldiers: Rebel Against ‘Diversity’ TrainingOctober 1st, 2016![]() Won’t Certify Sin: Read more about federal worker David Hall’s refusal to view a pro-homosexual “diversity” video HERE. Sign up for the Americans For Truth dinner-banquet featuring Linda Harvey HERE. This column first appeared in WND.com. To learn about Linda Harvey’s keynote speech at the AFTAH fundraising dinner-banquet Friday, October 28 at Grace Gospel Fellowship Church in Bensenville, IL, go HERE. To read AFTAH’s reprint of LifeSite News’ initial article on David Hall, which contains the initial WCIA-TV (Champaign, IL) story on Hall, go HERE. ______________________ Workers and Soldiers: Rebel Against ‘Diversity’ TrainingBy Linda Harvey, Sept. 28, 2016 David Hall is a hero for standing up and saying “no” to the lies and depravity wrapped up in on-the-job homosexual “diversity” training. He may lose his federal government job in Illinois, although based on what federal law would be anyone’s guess. There is no U.S. statute that defines homosexuality and gender confusion as “civil rights.” The Social Security Administration, where Hall works, will be inventing a reason for his dismissal if they make that decision. Hall believes the word of God, that homosexuality and gender rebellion are offenses in the sight of the Lord. “I’m not going to certify sin,” he told WCIA-TV. He also urged others to do the same. He told the local newspaper in Champaign, Illinois:
Taking such a stand is a huge risk – financially, occupationally, personally – but it’s a risk more Americans need to take where they can. Our enlisted men and women in the military are facing the same daunting choice: condone deviance, or suffer the professional consequences. The Navy has announced plans to require sailors to attend “training” to accept men who want to dress as women and vice versa. This would be, in a word, illegal. Read the rest of this article » Dr. Michael Brown – LGBT Activists Are Coming After Your ChildrenOctober 1st, 2016
The following column was first published by Charisma magazine: ![]() Engendering Classroom Confusion: Sex and gender activism has penetrated the classroom, as newfangled ideas like separating one’s biological sex from their “gender identity” are mainstreamed to impressionable minds. The above graphic is just one that has been used to teach children radical “gender” ideology–but even this “teaching tool” has come under criticism from the LGBTQ Left as not being sufficiently “inclusive.” Click to enlarge. By Dr. Michael Brown, 9-29-16 Do you need to lock your doors and windows at night because a homosexual predator is coming after your kids? That is absolutely not what I mean when I say that LGBT activists are coming for your children. I’m talking about educators and government leaders; I’m talking about celebrities and judges; I’m talking about people of influence who want to indoctrinate your children even before they get to school. I’m talking about an all-out war for the minds and hearts of your kids. Are you equipped and ready to do what is best for these little ones? By all means, as parents, we should teach our kids to be kind to all, especially to those who seem different and are ostracized by their peers. And we should teach by word and example that bullying is always wrong. In other words, we don’t need to teach gay is good in order to teach that bullying is bad. In the same way, we don’t need to push every boy to be a football player and every girl to be a ballerina to combat transgender activism. But you better believe that we need to take a stand for our kids — in the schools; in the world of entertainment and social media; in the courts; in the churches — if we want to keep them safe from this destructive and deceptive indoctrination. Read the rest of this article » |
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