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Southern Poverty Law Center Silent as Floyd Corkins’ Plea Agreement Confirms: SPLC ‘Hate’ List Guided Him to Family Research CouncilFebruary 12th, 2013Corkins planned to smear Chick-fil-A sandwiches in faces of his victims![]() Potential mass-murderer and deranged LGBT activist Floyd Corkins used the Southern Poverty Law Center’s spurious “hate” list to target FRC.
________________________________ Understandably, the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center — which outrageouly puts pro-family conservative groups opposed to homosexuality (including AFTAH) in the same “hate” category as the KKK — is laying low on this story implicating its own malicious “Hate Map.” Here is the full Associated Press story of potential mass-murderer Floyd Corkins’ plea agreement (emphasis added). As of today (Feb. 12, 2013) — six days after AP reported on the plea agreement — you will not find it referenced on the SPLC’s list of recent “Hate Incidents” or anywhere on the SPLC site. Notably, the SPLC maintains that it has “always oppose political violence, from the left or the right.” However, it worked hand-in-hand with — and has yet to condemn — a Chicago-based, Marxist organization (Gay Liberation Network) that expressly refused to condemn the pro-homosexual brick-attack on AFTAH’s 2011 banquet featuring Scott Lively. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH Read the rest of this article » AFTAH Interviews Lobbyist Ralph Rivera on Threat of Homosexual ‘Marriage’ Bill in IllinoisFebruary 11th, 2013
Rivera explains the bill’s threat to religious liberty — e.g., how in its original draft (likely to be amended) it would force churches and religious institutions that rent their facilities to the public to host homosexual “weddings.” There is also a discussion of how legalized “gay marriage” effectively forces pro-homosexual “lessons” into public schools. In addition, the three discuss the Boy Scouts of America’s proposed change allowing openly homosexual Scoutmasters and Scouts. Rivera is also a longtime pro-life lobbyist for Illinois Citizens for Life. HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes. Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show. Boy Scouts Delay Homosexuality Decision until May – Coalition Asks Pro-‘Gay’ CEOs to Resign from Scout BoardFebruary 6th, 2013“Insider” pro-homosexual CEOs Stephenson and Turley must step down![]() AFTAH and other pro-family groups have urged AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson and Ernst & Young CEO Jim Turley to resign from the Boy Scouts’ Executive Board due to their reckless pro-homosexual advocacy. TAKE ACTION: thank the Boy Scouts for not rushing into a reckless, politically correct decision to rescind their wholesome policy against homosexual immorality. But let them know that nothing short of a clear reaffirmation of their longstanding policy against openly homosexual Scoutmasters and Scouts will restore the good reputation of the BSA. E-mail the Scouts at pr@scouting.org. ___________________________________ Folks, today we received word that the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) has delayed until May a decision on whether to make the radical change of allowing openly homosexual Scoutmasters and Scouts. The announced delay came after the BSA came under an avalanche of criticism for revealing to the media that the venerable boys organization would likely end its longstanding homosexual exclusion policy — under pressure from “gay” activists and pro-homosexual corporations. While we at AFTAH welcome this delay, it would have been better if the BSA had simply announced that it was abandoning the misguided idea of opening itself up to homosexuality. But at least we know that the Scouts have gotten the message from the grassroots that allowing homosexuality in the BSA would be disastrous to the organization. We urge citizens to continue urging the BSA to completely repudiate any policy shift on homosexuality. If the Scouts are to retain the trust of parents nationwide, they must unequivocally reaffirm the current, common-sense policy against homosexuality — which has no place in a wholesome boys organization that professes to teach boys to be “morally straight” and revere God. Americans For Truth About Homosexuality has very busy defending the idea of keeping the Boy Scouts of America “morally straight.” In the last week, I have done national interviews on the Scouts’ potential capitulation on WVCY America and the Janet Mefferd Show — as well as a half dozen other radio shows. On the WVCY program [listen HERE], a man called in and told how, as a boy, he was molested by his Scoutmaster and “used” sexually again and again. This man was resolutely against changing the Scouts’ existing policy against homosexuality. What a heartbreaking testimony, but what a powerful example of what is at stake in this critical cultural battle. Internal “gay” advocates must step down Americans For Truth reiterates its call for the two corporate CEOs who reportedly are the strongest advocates for the pro-“gay” policy change — AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson and Ernst & Young CEO Jim Turley — to resign from the BSA’s Executive Board immediately. Regrettably, these two advocates of homosexuality have undermined the organization they are supposed to be serving. Through their ongoing pro-LGBT advocacy, they have instigated a massive and unnecessary public controversy that has already damaged the reputation of the Scouts. “Out and proud” homosexuality may be the current rage in the corporate world, but it is not a Scouting value. Read the rest of this article » AFTAH Joins Call for Resignation of Pro-Homosexual Boy Scouts Board Members Jim Turley and Randall StephensonJanuary 30th, 2013Boy Scouts take “poll” FOR or AGAINST proposed policy allowing homosexuality in BSA![]() Ernst & Young CEO Jim Turley sits on the Boy Scouts Executive Board and has been a key advocate of ending up the BSA’s common-sense ban on homosexual Scoutmasters and Scouts. TAKE ACTION: Call the Boy Scouts of America and urge them NOT to change their policy against openly homosexual Scoutmasters and Scouts: call 972-580-2400 to vote in their “poll” (also: -2401, -2405, -2239, -2443, -2280 or -2199). Also, call for the resignation of CEOs Jim Turley and Randall Stephenson from the Scout Executive Board. These men are subverting the Scouts’ noble moral code, and thus subverting the BSA as an organization modeling good behavior to boys. See AFTAH analysis on the proposed BSA capitulation on homosexuality HERE. Folks, Americans For Truth is joining Maryland pro-family advocate Bunny Galladora in calling on the two CEOs pushing for open homosexuality in the Boy Scouts — AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson and Ernst & Young CEO James Turley — to resign from the BSA Executive Board. [See AFTAH article on Turley HERE.] As Bunny says, “It seems reasonable to expect that members of the board would be expected to guide the board in a way that reflects the Scouts’ mission and values.” Meanwhile, incredible as it may seem, the Boy Scouts is taking a “poll” on the proposed policy change It allows for repeat calls from the same phone number, so it cannot be considered accurate or scientific. Still, please call the BSA and tell others to do the same. VOTE in BSA “Poll”: 972-580-2400 (also: -2401, -2405, -2239, -2443, -2280 or -2199). ______________________________ WCTU statement:
_______________________________ Help AFTAH Stand for TRUTH: Make a Tax-Exempt Gift Today! AFTAH will never back down or be intimidated by the intolerant and hateful (and anti-Christian”) “Gay” Lobby. Your gifts help us carry out our critical mission.
All gifts to Americans For Truth are fully tax-deductible according to the IRS. To give online, go to: www.americansfortruth.com/
Join the Monthly “Truth Team”: Please consider becoming a monthly “Truth Team” donor to AFTAH by pledging a monthly gift to AFTAH of $25, $50, $100, $250 or whatever you can. Sign up online at: www.americansfortruth.com/
AFTAH Tells Parents, Churches to Urge Boy Scouts Not to Capitulate on HomosexualityJanuary 29th, 2013![]() Will the Boy Scouts cave in to the powerful “Gay” Lobby and jeopardize the safety and moral well-being of the boys in their care? Contact: Peter LaBarbera: americansfortruth@gmail.com CHICAGO–Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH.org), issued the following analysis of the Boy Scouts of America’s (BSA) reported capitulation to pro-homosexual activists—potentially rescinding its national policy on homosexuality and allowing local councils to set their own policies on “sexual orientation”: 1) This decision is not yet final – parents, sponsoring churches and concerned citizens should lobby the Scouts NOW prior to their Board Meeting next week. TAKE ACTION: urge the BSA NOT to sacrifice the safety and moral well-being of boys to the demands of “gay” activists and a few corporate bigwigs threatening to withhold grants. Lines are jammed, but contact the BSA at 972-580-2000 or 972-580-2597; or use their Contact Page. E-mail: PR@scouting.org. Find your local Scout Council nationwide HERE, or use the BSA’s locator by zip code. 2) This proposed capitulation would snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory: just a few weeks ago the Boy Scouts won a resounding First Amendment victory in a ruling by the notoriously liberal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The Court reversed a federal judge’s decision to evict the Scouts from their — longtime camp at San Diego’s Balboa Park just because homosexual activists and ACLU-backed secularists despise the BSA’s moral code. 3) This proposal opens the door to the sexual- and spiritual corruption of boys. The tragic reality is homosexual predators go where the boys are. Most parents do NOT want to send their son camping with a male Scoutmaster who identifies with aberrant, unhealthy sex. They would be even less inclined to do so if they were aware of the data revealing that a disproportionately high percentage of “gay” men (like CNN’s Don Lemon themselves were once molested as boys by an adult homosexual pedophile (or by an older boy). Furthermore, parents do NOT want sexually-confused (openly ‘gay”) boys spreading the message of “out and proud” homosexuality in their son’s troop. This includes the danger – already realized in the BSA – of boys making sexual advances on other boys. The BSA was right to keep homosexuality OUT of Scouting. Sadly, this new proposal welcomes it in. 4) AFTAH reiterates its call on the Boy Scouts of America to release ALL of its files on predatory abuse in the Scouts – be it by adult homosexual Scoutmasters or “boy-on-boy” predations. Although we commend the BSA for tightening its anti-abuse policies, the American public has a right to know the full extent of the Scouts’ homosexual abuse problem. 5) This pro-homosexual capitulation teaches boys the WRONG lesson: that upholding moral truth is less important than bowing to politically correct trends that dishonor God. For decades the Scouts have been targeted by LGBT activists merely for upholding their own interpretation of a creed teaching boys to be “morally straight.” They suffered for doing good, and went all the way to the Supreme Court and won (in 2000), preserving their liberty to live by their own beliefs. To cave in now rewards the bigoted Homosexual Lobby and teaches boys that MONEY is more important than morality – indeed, even more important than Truth itself. Read the rest of this article » BREAKING: Obama Champions Gay Task Force’s ‘Creating Change’ Conference – Which Promotes ‘Kinky Sex’ (Sadomasochism) and Multi-Partner Unions; Event Funded by Southwest Airlines, Office Depot, AARP and Wells FargoJanuary 25th, 2013
![]() Gay Task Force “Creating Change” program announces “Leather Leadership” award for sadomasochism activist Race Bannon. It reads in part: “Kinky sex has been one of Race Bannon’s passions…Race is a co-founder of Kink Awareness Professionals; a leader of The DSM Project that led to a beneficial change in the way the psychotherapy profession views kink; author of the best-sellier “The Ropes: A Basic Guide to Safe and Fun BDSM Lovemaking”;…and a member of Chicago Hellfire Club….Race lives in San Francisco where he’s been in a triad (poly) relationship with his two partners, Jim and Mike, for over 16 year.” This year’s annual “Creating Change” conference sponsored by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) — with major corporate sponsors like Southwest Airlines, Wells Fargo and Office Depot – is again celebrating sadomasochism, “polyamory” (multiple-partner sexual unions) and other deviant perversions on the sexual and gender fringe. President Barack Obama praised the Task Force in a video address today, saying, “Today, you are helping lead the way to a future where everyone is treated with dignity and respect, no matter who they love or where they come from.” [Watch video HERE.] The annual Task Force conference, which draws thousands of LGBT activists from across the country, is being held in Atlanta though this weekend (Jan. 23-27). The Task Force, now in its 40th year, has a history of radicalism and leftist politics. Click HERE [promoting “polyamory” to youth], HERE [honors S&M pornographer] and HERE [workshop on “sex work”] for past AFTAH articles about the NGLTF’s extreme and reckless agenda. Kinky sex activist with two male lovers honored The Task Force will present its “Leather Leadership” award to Race Bannon, a “kinky sex” (BDSM) activist who led the way in pressuring the American Psychiatric Association (APA) to de-stigmatize sadomasochism. Bannon lives in San Francisco in a three-way (“triad”) sexual relationship with two other men, according to his bio found on page 38 of the Creating Change program (see graphic at right):
“Leather is a slang term for “BDSM,” a mixed acronym that stands for “Bondage & Discipline, Dominant & Submissive, Sadism & Masochism.” This bizarre subculture celebrates some of the most extreme fetishes and heinous perversions invented by men – including “fisting,” whipping, various “tortures,” and “master-slave relationships.” Increasingly, sadomasochism is being mainstreamed in our culture through ads and the media and Hollywood. Here are some of the major corporate sponsors of Creating Change and the Gay Task Force; contact page links and phone numbers are provided below:
The following are major organizational sponsors of Creating Change:
Curiously, Chili’s Restaurants (owned by Brinker International) is no longer listed as a major sponsor of the NGLTF or its “Creating Change” conference. AFTAH had called for a boycott of Chili’s due to its funding of the radical Task Force. Stay tuned for more AFTAH articles exposing the far-left agenda of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force “Creating Change” conference in Atlanta.
LISTEN: AFTAH Interviews Oklahoma Pastor James Taylor – Part OneJanuary 23rd, 2013This is the first of a two-part interview [click HERE to listen] with James Taylor, pastor of University Christian Church in Norman, Oklahoma. It was recorded Jan. 17, 2013. Taylor attended, with AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera, a federally- and state-sponsored conference on substance abuse and homosexuals, held December 12, 2012 in his hometown of Norman. Here is Americans For Truth’s original story on the one-day “LGBTQ2I Summit” conference, which Taylor describes as “nothing more than … a pep rally for the GLBT [Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender] community.” Taylor bristles at the analogy of conference speaker and (male-to-female) transsexual Celeste Flemming comparing “transgenders” being denied the use of opposite sex restrooms (e.g., due to women not wanting to share a restroom with biological males who want to live as “women”) — to Blacks being denied the use of “whites-only” restrooms. He describes how he came to the defense of conservative Oklahoma State Senator Sally Kern (R), who was mischaracterized by the keynote speaker at the conference as being on a “which hunt” against homosexuals. There is also a discussion about a heretical, pro-homosexual “What does the bible say about homosexuality?” flier passed out at one of the sessions attended by Taylor. LaBarbera also comments on Wayne Besen’s interview opposite Family Research Council’s Peter Sprigg on CNN — about the Inaugural prayer controversy involving Georgia Pastor Louie Giglio. HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes. Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show. 1-17-13, Pastor James Taylor, Part One
Deconstructing a Single ‘Gay’ Activist Lie: GLAAD Distorts Tony Perkins’ WordsJanuary 17th, 2013![]() Tony Perkins debating Barney Frank on MSNBC. The Homosexual Lobby is pushing hard to discredit Perkins, even twisting his words to make him appear hateful and irrational. They are lobbying media NOT to have him on as a guest. (They do the same to AFTAH and other groups opposing the “gay” activist agenda.) There remain two sides to the homosexuality debate. Journalistic balance and fairness require that media not cave in to homosexual activist pressure, nor rely on biased LGBT misinformation specifically crafted to marginalize Christian conservative leaders. By Peter LaBarbera In our recent post of “20 Resolutions” for pro-family advocates battling the “gay” activist agenda in 2013, Number 6 is: “Recognize, dismiss and counter homosexual activists’ lies and propaganda.” One common homosexual activist deception is to transform any criticism of homosexual behavior or “gay” activism into a general attack on “gay people.” You will note from the video below how the leading homosexual activist media-lobbying group, GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation), twists Family Research Council President Tony Perkins’ words. Speaking at a May 3, 2001 conference, Perkins said:
Now look at how GLAAD mischaracterizes the above quotation on its website page attempting to discredit Perkins as a media commentator: Here is the short Perkins video courtesy of People For the American Way’s (PFAW) “Right Wing Watch” (which, unlike GLAAD, actually correctly describes Perkins as talking about homosexual “activists”) [YouTube URL: http://youtu.be/hfNVgJ4rwMo]: Read the rest of this article » |
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