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VIDEO: Homosexual Man Responds to ‘It Gets Better Project’ with Video: ‘It Got Worse’December 20th, 2012Single gay man in his thirties compares “flakey” homosexual men to shallow, vicious 14-year-old girls…
The anonymous author of this video is no fan of AFTAH, to be sure. On Dec. 18, he tweeted: “My video is not meant for hetero[sexual] bigots. [It] is meant for other gay men who have to deal with the same things I do.” But that only makes the video more authoritative, not less. God only knows how representative and accurate this fellow’s bitter assessment of male homosexuality is. However, the video is a necessary and frank rebuttal to the ubiquitous cheerleading for homosexuality, as typified by the thousands of videos inspired by homosexual militant Dan Savage’s youth-oriented “It Gets Better Project.” Few could doubt that LGBT advocates — desperate to rationalize their own (or a friend’s or relative’s) homosexuality, tend to downplay its many negatives. And of course the media and Hollywood — pressured by GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) — glamorize homosexuality. Think of this presentation as a lone, politically incorrect — and well documented — counterpoint to all the “gay”-affirming buzz. Following the video is research provided by the author to back up his claims. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH [WARNING: Video contains vulgar language and sexual references] Read the rest of this article » A Prayer for Sandy HookDecember 15th, 2012Excerpted from WorldNetDaily. Matt Barber is Vice President of Liberty Counsel Action, a weekly WND columnist, and a Board Member of Americans For Truth: In light of today’s horrific developments in Newtown, Conn. – developments so sorrowful that no words will do – I felt it only appropriate to pull my regular column for this week. I offer, instead, the only words I can at this inexpressibly mournful time: A simple prayer. ~ Matt Barber __________________________ Please come, Lord Jesus. Come, King Jesus. Come soon I pray. Yet, even still come now, Holy Spirit, until such time. We need you. Read the rest of this article » Breaking: Your Tax Dollars at Work – Federally-funded ‘LGBT’ Conference in Oklahoma Undermines ScriptureDecember 14th, 2012
![]() Tax-funded transgenderism: This is Celeste Flemming, and “she” is a man. At an “LGBTQ” conference in Norman, OK, Flemming compared “transitioning,” “male-to-female” transsexuals who are prevented from using women’s restrooms (e.g., at work) to racist Jim Crow laws that banned Black Americans from using the same public restrooms as whites. The Oklahoma conference was sponsored by the State of Oklahoma with federal grant dollars. Flemming is a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) employee who evidently now is used by the agency to help accommodate other gender-“transitioning” FAA employees. OKLAHOMA CITY — I’m writing you from Oklahoma, having just attended a pro-homosexual conference funded with YOUR tax dollars and sponsored by the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), a branch of HHS. We will have a full report on this one-day conference, which not only was devoid of pro-family advocates but featured speakers who were explicitly anti-biblical in their ideology, e.g., claiming that Romans 1 does NOT proscribe homosexual acts as sinful. Here’s an excerpt from a conference flier titled, “What does the bible say about homosexuality?” passed out by presenter Kathy McCallie, in a session called “Spiritual Wellness in BGLT (sic) Communities, a Primer”:
Whatever happened to liberal demands for “Separation of Church and State” (which is actually a twisting of the First Amendment)?! Here we have Americans’ tax dollars being used to assault historic biblical teaching against homosexuality as sinful. As you can see from the photo above, the Oklahoma conference, although supposedly focusing on substance abuse, devoted much energy to promoting gender confusion and homosexuality. Can you imagine comparing gender-confused men who believe they are “women” but are denied use of the ladies’ restroom to Blacks suffering under official Jim Crow racism — as male-to-female trans “woman” Celeste Flemming did? The very first speaker at the conference, Randy Roberts Potts — the openly homosexual grandson of the late Oral Roberts — maligned my friend and Oklahoma St. Rep. Sally Kern, accusing her of being “hateful” toward homosexuals and going on a “witch-hunt” against them. Stay tuned to this story, which also sheds like on the Obama administration’s radical use of the federal bureaucracy to promote the homosexualist agenda across America. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH LISTEN: Ken Hutcherson Says Rick Warren Behaving Like Politician Not Pastor – AFTAH Interview Part TwoDecember 13th, 2012Here is Part Two of Americans For Truth Hour’s interview with Ken Hutcherson [click HERE to listen], former NFL linebacker and pastor of Antioch Bible Church in Redmond, Washington. [Click HERE to listen to Part One.] “Hutch” first discusses how as a youth he overcome a race-focused mindset to accept Jesus Christ, who became his “new Coach” while the Bible became his playbook. In commenting on Rick Warren’s ambiguous statements about homosexuality, sin and Prop 8, Hutcherson says that for a man to indulge sexual thoughts about another man is a sin unto itself: “Our thought patterns [are] what lead to the sin in the first place.” Hutcherson says that rather than talk about his “gay” friends, Warren should be highlighting his “ex-gay” friends. “We’ve gotten to the point now [that] we’ve forgotten that we’re pastors and we want to be more politicians,” Hutcherson said. “A politician won’t give you a straight answer…to save his life, but he will give you an answer to save his seat.” HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes. Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show. 12-7-12, Dr. Ken Hutcherson, Part Two
Gary Bauer Pessimistic on Justice Kennedy Upholding Traditional Marriage in Supreme Court CaseDecember 12th, 2012Gary Bauer of the Campaign for Working Families PAC wrote the following in his “End of Day” newsletter December 10, 2012: High Court To Decide Meaning Of MarriageLate Friday afternoon, the Supreme Court announced it would hear arguments in two cases dealing with the meaning of marriage. From the cases selected, it appears as though the justices want to tackle the issue from both the state and federal perspective. One comes from New York and challenges the constitutionality of the 1996 federal Defense of Marriage Act. The second case stems from a challenge to California’s voter-approved initiative Proposition 8, which defined marriage as the union of one man and one woman. It is difficult to predict how the court will rule in either case. Some conservatives are cautiously optimistic about the Proposition 8 case, believing that the justices will find striking down a popularly-enacted law on something as basic as the meaning of marriage to be an affront to the right of self-government and the foundation of our republican form of government. I’m not holding my breath. The Supreme Court is split with four reliable liberals, four generally conservative justices and one moderate, swing vote — Justice Anthony Kennedy. While Justice Kennedy sided with conservatives in the Obamacare decision, he has a long history of siding with the court’s liberals when it comes to abortion and homosexual rights. For example, Justice Kennedy wrote the majority opinion in Romer v. Evans, which struck down a popularly-enacted ballot initiative in Colorado preventing special legal protection based solely on homosexual behavior [see text of Colorado Amendment 2 in footnote 2 HERE]. Justice Kennedy also wrote the majority opinion in Lawrence v. Texas, which struck down state laws against sodomy. Read the rest of this article » Harvard University, Founded as Christian College, Recognizes Student Group Promoting Kinky Sex (Sadomasochism)December 10th, 2012![]() “Kinky” sex includes “master-slave” role-playing in which the dominant person leads his partner-slave around like a dog. This photo (nudity covered) is from San Francisco’s 2008 “Folsom Street Fair.” Click to enlarge. Photo: AFTAH. In 1650, Harvard’s orginal charter affirmed how the “good hand of God” had led men to make gifts for the creation of Harvard College to educate youth in “knowledge and godliness.” Three hundred and sixty-two years later, Harvard wants to make sure student perverts (I’m sorry…kink advocates) are officially part of the school’s “diversity” framework. Kink is the hip term for, among other things, sadomasochism — which glorifies consensual sexual violence and degradation. You know, people gettting their body whipped to a bloody pulp for sexual satisfaction, or locked in a cage, or a “mummification” suit, or getting shocked with “electro-torture” devices–as a turn-on. Or how about this bit of “alternative sexuality”: couples play-acting as dominant “Master” and submissive “slave,” complete with a chain and collar for the latter (see photo). So much for sexual “liberation”…This is truly sick sex. And to think that many on the Left see this as “progress.” Here’s what a similar “kink” student group officially recognized by the University of Chicago brought to that campus: a “Leather Library” sadomasochism traveling exhibit that exposed youth to the most heinous sexual perversions known to mankind. (Which included, as this writer discovered, homosexual “snuff film” literary porn — eroticizing sexual torture to the point of murder.) The sixties radicals who started this Sexual Revolution got one thing right when they preached: “Question Authority.” Their revolution has failed abysmally, and now it is they — the academic (and media/Hollywood) overlords of political correctness and sexual anarchy — who must be overthrown if our nation has any chance of recovering its greatness. How about we begin with a Common Sense Revolution that puts an end to madness like this? — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH The following is excerpted from an Associated Press report: _______________________________________ Harvard recognizes group promoting safe kinky sexAP / December 5, 2012 CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) — Kinky sex has been admitted to Harvard. The nation’s oldest university has formally recognized Harvard College Munch, a group promoting discussions and safe practices of kinky and alternative sex. The school has no record of a similar group being recognized in its 376-year history. The Committee on Student Life recognized Munch on Friday, making it one of 400 independent student organizations on campus. The decision occurred more than a year after members began meeting informally over meals. Read the rest of this article » Thomasson: U.S. Supreme Court Taking Prop 8 Case Is about our RepublicDecember 9th, 2012The following release was issued by our good friend Randy Thomasson of SaveCalifornia.com: _____________________________________ SaveCalifornia.com News Release December 7, 2012 — For Immediate Release U.S. Supreme Court Taking Prop. 8 Is About Our RepublicThomasson: “This battle is not just about marriage, but about whether we still have a republic.” Sacramento, California — A leading man-woman marriage organization in California is very happy that the United States Supreme Court has announced it will review Proposition 8, and is urging the nation’s high court to overturn the unconstitutional, biased opinions of California judicial activists Stephen Reinhardt and Vaughn Walker. “The announcement from the Supreme Court is good news for everyone who knows, deep in their hearts, that children do best with a married father and mother under the same roof,” said Randy Thomasson, a longtime advocate of natural marriage and president of SaveCalifornia.com, which promotes moral virtues for the common good. “For the stability and health of our society, children need to see real marriages as their role model, not counterfeit ‘marriages,’ but true marriages between a man and a woman.” “This battle is not just about marriage, but about whether we still have a republic,” Thomasson said. “We’re relying on the Supreme Court to uphold the plain reading of the U.S. Constitution, which guarantees each state ‘a republican form of government’ — a government under the written law, not government run by the unconstitutional prejudices of some judges. Without question, the Supreme Court should reserve marriage licenses exclusively for one man and one woman, not only for the sake of children and families, but for the sake of our republic.” “The California Constitution reserving marriage licenses for a man and a woman, as God created it, does not contradict anything in the text or history of the U.S. Constitution,” Thomasson said. He offered four constitutional reasons why the Supreme Court should uphold Proposition 8, approved by California voters in 2008: 1. Marriage licenses are not in the United States Constitution, so this case never should have gotten into federal court in the first place. 2. Article IV, Section 4 guarantees to California and every other state “a republican form of government” — meaning 1) no monarchy and 2) no lawless mob rule, but a government of written laws representing the will of the people, who are sovereign. The California Constitution represents the people’s will on marriage and the United States Supreme Court should affirm that. (See footnote recording James Madison’s definition of republican government as “a republican constitution and its existing laws” ) Read the rest of this article » San Francisco’s Public Nudity Ban Will Still Allow Public Nudity at Homosexual EventsDecember 7th, 2012![]() San Francisco’s new public nudity ban will still allow public nudity at annual events like the notorious Folsom Street Fair.
Folks, I guess this is progress — but only in San Francisco would a public nudity “ban” still allow lots of public nudity — e.g., at homosexual events like the annual “gay pride” parade and Folsom Street Fair. AFTAH has led the way in exposing the “anything-goes” libertine atmosphere of the world’s most infamous ‘Gay’ Mecca, with our periodic exposés of the deviant and bizarre goings-on at Folsom (including homosexual orgies on the street as cops stood idly nearby). We think it’s instructive to show where liberal “tolerance” leads, and how homosexual-dominated cities like San Francisco and Chicago end up celebrating perversion in its various manifestations, even to the point of lawlessness. “Gay” power has its degenerative consequences. In 2008, I ventured out to San Francisco with Linda Harvey of Mission America and Diane Gramley of American Family Association of Pennsylvania to hold a press conference condemning the public nudity at Folsom Street. We immediately were shouted down by homosexual activist Michael Petrelis [see this YouTube video], who applauded public nudity (and public sex) — thus demonstrating the homo-fascist (or homo-communist) mentality to perfection. Of course, the city’s LGBT-intimidated police allowed Petrelis to invade and disrupt our press conference. Anyway, it appears that the annoyance, disgust and public spectacle of exhibitionists letting it all hang out (anywhere) were too much even for San Francisco’s jaded residents, heterosexual and homosexual alike. Now if only the city would start reining in the equally serious problem of sex clubs (“gay” orgy centers) that encourage reckless, anonymous promiscuity and facilitate the spread of disease. But that would be way too “intolerant” for a city like San Francisco that’s so far to the Loony Left that it had to grant a special (“gay”) exemption to pass a ban on going nude in public. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH ________________________________ The following is excerpted from a Reuters article: San Francisco tells nudists to get dressedBy Ronnie Cohen, Reuters December 4, 2012 SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – San Francisco city leaders gave final approval on Tuesday to a ban on public nudity, a measure aimed at curtailing displays of nakedness that some residents and business owners say have gotten out of control in the famously tolerant city. San Francisco Board of Supervisors’ action at City Hall prompted about a half dozen angry protesters to strip down to their socks. Read the rest of this article » |
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