VIDEOS: Good Morning America Celebrates ‘Drag Kid’ – ‘Desmond Is Amazing’ – Media Child Abuse?

Friday, December 21st, 2018

Dr. Brown notes Big LGBTQ silence as perverse “drag” culture is promoted to children

Liberals Love Gender Confusion: Instagram photo of 11-year-old “drag kid,” “Desmond Is Amazing,” aka Desmond Napoles. See the videos below of Desmond doing a “drag show” at a San Francisco “gay” club, and being celebrated (read: exploited) by ABC’s Good Morning America.

Folks, I can’t find the words to express my dismay at this, the latest cultural atrocity emanating from the immoral LGBTQueer movement. Our friend Dr. Michael Brown focuses below on the lack of “gay” activist criticism of the shocking spectacle of “Desmond Is Amazing,” aka Desmond Napoles. In future posts we will hone in on other disturbing factors, including:

1) the media’s activist role in uncritically ushering in ALL aspects of the gay/bi/trans agenda, no matter how radical, even sexualizing and corrupting young children; and

2) the role of “progressive” parents/enablers, including those in homosexual-led households, in foisting adult immoralities on the children in their care.

This poor boy is being abused and exploited by his own mom, in addition to countless other sexual “progressives.” Today’s liberalism is bad for kids because it seemingly has no moral boundaries.

America is becoming a very dark place, as large segments of our society collectively give God the finger, as it were. This is what a post-Christian society looks like after 50 years of “gay” revolution. (Next year is the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots in New York City that birthed modern homosexual activist radicalism.)

A terrific column by Dr. Brown follows after the jump and these two appalling videos: 1) A shameless puff piece on ABC’s recent “GMA Day” featuring the Napoles and some adult male “drag queens”; and 2) video of the boy doing a “drag” performance at a homosexual club in San Francisco as men throw and give dollar bills to him as he prances on stage!

No wonder so many nations don’t want to be like America anymore. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @PeterLaBarbera

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Twitter Has Declared War on Biology – Bans ‘Misgendering’ of Transgenders as ‘Hateful Conduct’

Wednesday, November 28th, 2018

Was a man then, is a man now: Bruce Jenner on the cover of the Wheaties cereal box after winning gold in the decathlon in the 1976 Olympic Games. One’s sex is not subjective.

Folks, this is a devastating announcement by San Francisco-based Twitter, which if enforced could lead to the expulsion of hundreds if not thousands of conservatives from the social media platform through politicized “hate violations.” See the recent social media corporate actions taken against AFTAH: by Twitter HERE; and by Facebook HERE and HERE. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @Peter LaBarbera

PS. Bruce (“Caitlyn”) Jenner can never be a woman, because he was born male and will always be a man, possessing male DNA.


Twitter Declares War on Biology

By Dr. Michael Brown, first published 11-28-18 in Charisma News; subscribe to their newsletters HERE.

I recently did a little computer-generated test to help determine my “physiological age” as compared to my “chronological age.” (Thankfully, I was 8 years younger than my chronological age, 55 rather than 63.) One of the first questions I was asked was whether I was male or female. Why? It’s because – brace yourself! – men are biologically different than women. What a revolutionary concept!

But if a computer program is going to determine your physiological age vs. your chronological age, it needs to know something about your biology since, to repeat, men are different than women.

Medical science understands this.

Genetic studies understand this.

Still a man… Click on photo (taken at an International Mr. Leather event in Chicago) to enlarge.

Common sense understands this.

But it appears Twitter no longer understands this.

So, Twitter has updated its terms of service, adding further information under the category of “Repeated and/or non-consensual slurs, epithets, racist and sexist tropes, or other content that degrades someone.”

Specifically, Twitter explains

“We prohibit targeting individuals with repeated slurs, tropes or other content that intends to dehumanize, degrade or reinforce negative or harmful stereotypes about a protected category. This includes targeted misgendering or deadnaming of transgender individuals.”

Note carefully that last sentence, which singles out “misgendering” and “deadnaming.”

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