VIDEO: ‘Gay Journalists’ Group NLGJA Auctions Off Male Stripper at Fundraiser – Then Blocks Video Coverage of it

Thursday, April 23rd, 2015

Folks, this video by my friend Cliff Kincaid of America’s Survival is priceless: a supposedly professional “gay journalists” group, NLGJA, shuts down the videotaping of it auctioning off a male “Chippendales” stripper at the group’s annual New York City fundraiser. Clearly, NLGJA (National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association) leaders cared more about mitigating an embarrassing “PR crisis” than granting reportorial access to their event. Strange, but revealing: it seems a bit of appropriate shame dampened their “gay pride.” You can also watch it on YouTube— Peter LaBarbera,

PS. AFTAH and America’s Survival have led the way in exposing the NLGJA–which is funded by major media corporations including Fox News–as a highly politicized, pro-homosexual activist organization, as demonstrated by Cliff’s observation about the group’s biased “definition” of “ex-gay” (which it puts in quotes; see graphic below or go HERE). See my in-depth AS report on Fox News and the NLGJA. Cliff’s story follows the video:


Male Stripper Performs at Gay Journalists Event

By Cliff Kincaid, reprinted from America’s Survival, April 20, 2015

Their slogan is, “We’re here, we’re queer. We’re on deadline.” But on April 16th, when the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA) held their 2015 “Headlines & Headliners” fundraiser in New York City, they were cheering a strip-tease performer from Chippendales.

Chippendales strippers usually perform for sex-starved women. This time the audience consisted of sex-starved gay men.

It was an eye-opening experience that included stars from CNN, MSNBC and Fox News. The emcee was Javier “Javi” Morgado, Executive Producer at CNN’s “New Day” program, who introduced the live auction of two VIP seats at the Las Vegas Chippendales show. He’s a former board member of the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association. Tyson Beckford, who has joined Chippendales in Las Vegas as their celebrity guest host, participated in the live auction, encouraging higher bids.

I paid the $150 ticket price to get into the event. This isn’t the first time I had covered and filmed the event, and I never encountered any problems in the past. But this time the group told me to leave. My own video shows the confrontation.

The NLGJA puts "ex-gay" in quote marks in its tendentious "Stylebook" definition.

Just “journalists”? The NLGJA puts “ex-gay” in quote marks in its tendentious “Stylebook” guiding reporters, editors and producers on how to handle “gay”-related news.

The National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association is financed by all of the major media organizations, from MSNBC and CNN on the left to Fox News on the right. It has issued a “Stylebook” to advise news organizations on how to use “lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender terminology.” For example, you are not supposed to use the term “ex-gay,” even though thousands of former homosexuals do exist. The gay “Stylebook” warns that the term “ex-gay” is “mostly rooted in conservative religions” and has been “generally discredited as therapy in scientific circles.”

That this is complete nonsense can be demonstrated by the well-known case of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s wife, Chirlane McCray. For years she publicly called herself a lesbian, even writing an essay titled, “I Am a Lesbian.” But she got married to de Blasio and has two kids. The gay “Stylebook” is why you rarely see interviews with ex-gays on the air. They are not supposed to exist.

Read the rest of this article »

WATCH: Can the Homosexualization of America Be Stopped? – Kincaid Interviews LaBarbera

Thursday, April 2nd, 2015

This America’s Survival interview with America’s Survival founder Cliff Kincaid and Jerry Kenney was conducted March 25, 2015. This aired live on AS’s Roku channel [see more AS episodes on YouTube HERE]. AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera discusses Republican politics and the homosexual agenda, and the escalating saturation of U.S. culture with pro-immorality messages. Specifically, around the 15-minute mark in the video, they discuss the ABC Family network’s promotion of a homosexual “boy romance” between two 13-year-old male characters on the show “The Fosters.” LaBarbera will be joining Kincaid and Barbwire’s Matt Barber for a press event Tuesday April 21 in at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., to discuss the April 28 Supreme Court review of homosexual “marriage” cases that has the potential of producing a ruling that could nationalize same-sex “marriage.” After the video is Kincaid’s description of it.

America’s Survival description:

Will Jeb Bush Turn the GOP Gay?

Published on Mar 31, 2015
The homosexual movement has control of President Obama and the Democratic party. Now it is infiltrating the Republican Party. Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth discusses the 2016 Republican presidential candidates, what the Supreme Court might do on homosexual marriage, and whether the homosexualization of America can be stopped. We also discuss the Marxist origins of the gay rights movement.

Video: Does Fox News Have an Anti-Christian Bias? Cliff Kincaid Interviews Peter LaBarbera

Saturday, January 24th, 2015

Did America’s “conservative network” violate its anchor Bret Baier’s religious rights in forcing Legatus pullout?

Did Fox News violate anchor Bret Baier's religious rights by pressing him to pull out as a speaker at the Catholic Legatus summit?

Did Fox News violate anchor Bret Baier’s religious rights by pressing him to pull out as a speaker at the Catholic Legatus summit? Go to 23:40 mark in the video below. Read HERE about how Baier confirmed that  Fox “requested” he withdraw as a speaker. And go HERE for Peter LaBarbera’s in-depth report for America’s Survival on Fox News’ escalating pro-homosexual bias, 

America’s Survival TV led by veteran conservative media observer Cliff Kincad interviewed AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera January 21, 2015 about Fox News “requesting” that anchor Bret Baier, a Catholic, pull out as a speaker from a Jan. 28-29 conference by the Catholic group Legatus. [See AFTAH stories HERE and HERE.] Note at about the 24:00 mark how Jerry Kenney raises the specter of whether Fox violated Baier’s religious rights, citing a potential Title VII violation under the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)-enforced code. Here is AS’s write-up:

Published on YouTube Jan 24, 2015
The pressure to conform to the left-wing homosexual agenda has scored a direct hit on the Fox News Channel. Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth discusses the scandal surrounding Bret Baier’s forced withdrawal from a Catholic conference. Jerry Kenney and Cliff Kincaid join Peter LaBarbera to discuss whether Bret Baier’s rights to free speech and religious expression were violated by his corporate bosses. Can a legal case be brought against Fox News?

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