Site vilified by pro-LGBT activists — for using memes to highlight leftist intolerance — disappears from Facebook
By Peter LaBarbera [@PeterLaBarbera]
Folks, here is a good and accurate cartoon meme by a site called “Heterosexuals (Heteros) Inspiring Pride” — which apparently has been kicked off of Facebook (see second graphic below). The creator(s) of this site are despised by the Left for making some cool memes like this one (click on graphics to enlarge):
Here is what comes up when you go to the “HeterosInspiringPride” Facebook link at the bottom of the meme:
We’ll try to get to the bottom of this–but I suspect it is just another case of “snowflake” leftists–in this case, biased Facebook geeks–not being able to tolerate criticism and a lively debate over ideas. How naive of Heterosexuals Inspiring Pride to put a Facebook site identifier on all their compelling graphics!
What are LGBT activists and allies afraid of?
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