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Add Sears to the list of corporations that shamelessly pander to the Homosexual Lobby as part of their marketing plan. Below are comments I made about Sears’ LGBT sellout in my recent radio interview Monday with VCY America’s “Crosstalk” program. We can thank Brian Tashman and the left-wingers at Right Wing Watch for the transcription of my remarks, which they found offensive but which I enthusiastically stand by [more on RWW’s selective editing later]:
“There goes Sears,” LaBarbera said. “I watched the video; it’s just so sad and tragic to me. The Bible says ‘there’s a way to seems right to a man but the end of that way is death,’ basically. Attaching the perversion of homosexuality, which God called an abomination, detestable behavior, attaching that to marriage is just ungodly. It’s sad to see corporations celebrating this to get more sales and we’ll see if Sears suffers for this capitulation to the homosexual activist movement.”
In related news, Target joined a legal brief in support of homosexual “marriage,” thus officially joining other corporations like Starbucks adopting this anti-biblical position. Below is the official Sears video of its Chicago “Gay Pride” homosexual “marriage” float. –Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH.org:
DEVIANCE BEGETS DEVIANCE:We should not be surprised that the ongoing “Sexual Revolution” breaks down one taboo after another. This altered photo (minus the “perversion” graphic) of “twincest” men Elijah and Milo Peters–brothers who once appeared together in “gay” porn–ran in a homosexual website called the “Gayest Blog of All Time.” The writer, Jonny McGovern, attempts to redefine incest to accommodate homosexuality by claiming, “Obviously with 2 men no one is going to get pregnant so again, legally speaking, 2 brothers/twins having sex together is NOT incest.”
Remember the days when homosexual activists told the soothing lie that all they sought was tolerance — the freedom to be left alone to engage in homoerotic acts in private?
Remember when they mocked conservatives into humiliated silence for their warnings about the unctuous slope from tolerance to approval to same-sex mock-marriage?
Remember when they said that legally recognizing same-sex unions as marriages would not lead to anything other than an America with uber-strong marriages?
Remember when they said homoerotic attraction and activity per se are analogous to skin color?
Remember when they said that sexual complementarity is extrinsic to marriage, but the number of partners is intrinsic and, therefore, will remain in the legal definition of marriage?
Remember the indignation they would express when conservatives compared the moral status of homoerotic activity to that of consensual adult incestuous activity?
Remember these deceits as you see what’s next on our darkening horizon: throuples and twincest.
Three young women, Doll, Kitten, and Brynn, had a commitment ceremony last August in Massachusetts to solemnize the addition of Doll to the union of the legally “married” Brynn and Kitten. The “brides,” apparently enamored of tradition, wore white dresses and veils and were escorted down the aisle by their foolish fathers. This is 34-year-old Brynn’s third faux-marriage to women, which points to the instability of same-sex relationships. Even more tragic, the youngest member of the “throuple” is reportedly pregnant via a sperm donor.
In the January issue of Italian Vogue, twin brothers Juan and Cesar Hortoneda appeared in a series of homoerotic nude photos shot by infamous 67-year-old bisexual Abercrombie and Fitch photographer, Bruce Welb;ijber.The Hortoneda twins, however, are not the first twins to appear in homoerotica. Weber also photographed identical twin brothers Kyle and Lane Carlson in a series of nude photos. And then there are Elijah and Milo Peters, Czech twins who appear in homoerotic porn together and who in 2010 announced they were in a romantic relationship. Twincest is a tragically appropriate image to represent a culture that worships the autonomous self. If you’re feeling shocked, just know that your shock is nothing more than a culturally constructed provincial prejudice. Elijah and Milo love each other. Isn’t that all that matters? Surely siblings in love should be able to “marry.” While we’re in the business of jettisoning archaic marital detritus, shouldn’t we jettison the criterion regarding blood kinship? Shouldn’t we further “expand” the elasticized definition of marriage? Should sibling couples (or “throuples”) be denied their equal “rights?” Shouldn’t courageous sibling couples have access to all the benefits historically accorded to sexually complementary unrelated couples?
Now remember some of the reasons we’re in this cultural miasma.
Here is a new survey that cuts through the media-manufactured hype that the battle over homosexual “marriage” is over and that legalized same-sex “marriage” with popular support is “inevitable” across the United States.–Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
Citizens for Community Values Action (CCVA)
April 14, 2014
Contact: Phil Burress, Chairman, Citizens for Community Values Action (CCVA)
New Poll Shows Decline in Support for Same-Sex Marriage
A new independent poll of 405 registered Ohio voters confirms a decline in support for same-sex marriage in Ohio. The poll was commissioned by Citizens for Community Values Action (CCVA) and conducted during the week of March 31 – April 3.
Highlights of the poll show:
1) Only 33% of respondents are certain they would vote to allow marriage between two people of the same sex. Correspondingly, 52% of people are certain to vote to keep marriage as only between one man and one woman.
2) 55% do not think it is necessary to have another vote this year on homosexual marriage
3) On the question, “Do you personally agree or disagree that marriage should only be between a man and a woman?” 56% agreed and 34% disagreed, with 9% don’t know/no response.
4) 89% of those polled are either absolutely (66%) or very likely (23%) to vote.
“These are the kind of numbers we saw prior to the 2004 vote when Ohioans passed Issue 1, the Marriage Amendment, with nearly 62% of the vote,” said Phil Burress, CCVA Chairman. “I believe this return to pre-2004 polling numbers is a direct result of the open hostility and bullying being experienced by citizens and people of faith who hold a natural or traditional view of marriage.”
“Like Ohio, voters in 31 out of 34 states have voted with margins as high as 60-80% to recognize marriage as only between one man and one woman,” Burress stated. “The shockingly intolerant decision by Federal Judge Black to invalidate the clear will of more than 3.3 million Ohio voters is egregious. It’s another example of homosexual activists using sympathetic judges and the courts as a blunt instrument to force a redefinition of marriage and family on the people of Ohio. It seems clear that when advocates of ‘marriage equality’ cannot convince the people and win at the ballot box, they resort to the courts and judicial fiat. But it’s also clear that most Ohioans still understand that natural marriage has no equal.”
“We believe Judge Black’s decision will be overturned – as it should be – by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit,” Burress concluded.
On May 11, 2013, I spoke at a pro-family rally and posed the question, “Do you fear God or man?” on the issue of homosexual “marriage–which, of course, is not truly marriage in the eyes of our Creator. The rally was sponsored by Illinois Family Institute and was held outside of (Republican) State Rep. Jim Durkin’s district office in Western Springs, Illinois. At the time, Rep. Durkin was undecided on a pending homosexual “marriage” bill but he ended up voting “No.” The bill ultimately passed the Democrat-dominated Illinois General Assembly and was signed into law by Gov. Pat Quinn (D). It goes into effect June 1, although unnatural “gay marriages” are already allowed in Chicago and surrounding Cook County due to legal action. –Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH [Watch this on YouTube here: http://youtu.be/Y4t3bzYkc0c]
UPDATE: World Vision Reverses Pro-Homosexual “Marriage” Policy!
As WORLD magazine reports, World Vision has listened to you and thousands of outraged Americans and reversed its sellout on “gay marriage.” TAKE ACTION: Call or write World Vision USA at 888-511-6548 [send them an online message HERE] and thank them for reversing their previously announced policy of recognizing employees’ unbiblical homosexual “marriages.”]
Denying a Sellout: World Vision took a major step away from historic Christianity by allowing employees in homosexual “marriages” to work for it. The organization’s president, Richard Stearns, then compounded the capitulation by telling Christianity Today that WV’s new policy is not a “an endorsement of same-sex marriage,” nor a “rejection of traditional marriage.”
Press Release, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality
TAKE ACTION: CONTACT World Vision at 888-511-6548 or online HERE
By Peter LaBarbera
CHICAGO—In a stunning capitulation to a powerful Sin Movement, World Vision’s American branch announced yesterday that it will now employ people who are in legal homosexual “marriages”—a distinctly anti-Biblical position for an organization that professes “Jesus is Lord” and “We desire him to be central in our individual and corporate life.”
The cultural cave-in by World Vision was made all the more remarkable by WV President Richard Stearns’ awkward attempts to justify and explain it—even denying that World Vision has caved on its Christian principles. WV had previously fought government attempts to force it and other Christian organizations to follow pro-homosexual mandates. Stearns told Christianity Today that the new policy was “not an endorsement of same-sex marriage. We have decided we are not going to get into that debate. Nor is this a rejection of traditional marriage, which we affirm and support.”
Stearns said, “Changing the employee conduct policy to allow someone in a same-sex marriage who is a professed believer in Jesus Christ to work for us makes our policy more consistent with our practice on other divisive issues,” he said. “It also allows us to treat all of our employees the same way: abstinence outside of marriage, and fidelity within marriage.”
Historically, people embracing sin are not regarded as faithful Christians. Homosexual conduct is clearly proscribed in the Bible as a sin (Romans 1:24-27) but one that can be overcome through Christ (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). Many former “gays” and “lesbians” like Anne Paulkhave overcome homosexuality through faith in Jesus.
Christ affirmed the Genesis account of marriage as the union of one man and one woman (Mark 10: 6-8). Only in liberal denominations widely regarded as having jettisoned biblical authority does one hear the bizarre concept of two people of the same sex honoring “fidelity within marriage.”
Yet Stearns said, “This is not us compromising. It is us deferring to the authority of churches and denominations on theological issues.” He denied that World Vision is headed down a “slippery slope.”
Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) offers the following points about World Vision’s pro-homosexual-“marriage” sellout:
Stearns’ rationale for the policy change is stunningly dishonest and illogical in its double-speak. Stearns would be more forthright in declaring that World Vision has abandoned the Bible as authoritative and is denying “Jesus as Lord.” The same principle applies to individuals and organizations: one cannot embrace and sanctify sin while professing to honor Jesus Christ, who died and rose again so that believers might have victory OVER sin.
By recognizing homosexual “marriages” in its hiring practices and treating them like actual marriages, World Vision has not only entered the debate over this issue but greatly advanced the LGBT agenda by lending “Christian” credibility to “gay” activists’ misleading “marriage equality” propaganda. WV also undermines religious liberty by signaling that immoral laws that defy God’s law are more binding than Scripture—unilaterally throwing up the white flag of surrender on freedom of conscience.
World Vision’s sellout is part of a disturbing trend in evangelicalism to capitulate in the Culture War over homosexuality–while the pro-LGBT lobby only ramps up its advocacy of sexually immoral laws and corporate policies. The WV decision comes just days after Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy chose to censor himself by declaring that his public defense of natural marriage was a business “mistake.” Cathy vowed to stay out of the marriage debate, reportedly after listening to the counsel of friends—including homosexual activist Shane Windmeyer, whose organization, Campus Pride, advocates for homosexuality, bisexuality and transgenderism on college campuses.
GIVING PERVERSION A PLATFORM:The Tournament of Roses is making immoral history for America by including a float featuring a “live” homosexual “wedding” in its annual New Year’s Day Rose Parade. The “gay marriage” movement is becoming a huge platform from which to corrupt innocent children into accepting homosexualism as normal and good. This image is adapted from one posted by homosexual activist and GLAAD spokesman Jeremy Hooper on his “Good as You” blog. Hooper (right) chose to use his “marriage” for LGBT activism. We have blocked his image for decency.
TAKE ACTION: to contact Tournament of Roses organizers about celebrating homosexual perversion in the storied parade watched by countless children, call (626)449-4100 or go HERE.
CHICAGO – Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) President Peter LaBarbera offers the following seven lessons from the first-ever homosexual “wedding” float at the annual Rose Parade in Pasadena on New Year’s Day — another tragic marker of America’s moral decline.
THE HOMOSEXUAL “MARRIAGE” MOVEMENT IS EVIL: Moral-minded Americans need to face the truth of what the homosexual “marriage” movement is: a social evil – anti-Christian to the core – that celebrates what the Bible calls an egregious sexual sin as a moral good. Homosexual activists’ are desperate to “normalize” their aberrant lifestyle; their movement has become the Left’s vanguard in undermining and redefining civilized Judeo-Christian principles. The LGBT Lobby has become what historian Paul Johnson calls a “Monster in our Midst,” trampling over and appropriating society’s wholesome traditions and institutions – even Christianity itself — to achieve its godless goals.
PLATFORM TO CORRUPT CHILDREN: The homosexual “marriage” movement corrupts impressionable children by teaching them that wrong is right (Isaiah 5:20) and that erotic “love” between two people of the same sex is “equal” to natural marital love as ordained by God. Jesus Christ had strong words for anyone who promotes sin and corrupts the souls of innocent children.
EVEN “CONSERVATIVE” ASPECTS OF LGBT AGENDA ARE RADICAL: The Rose Parade’s live homosexual “wedding” again illustrates that even the supposedly “conservative” side of the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) agenda is revolutionary and destructive – primarily because legalized, “domesticated” homosexualism provides a very public platform from which to redefine God’s wonderful institutions of marriage and family. “Gay” activists and their liberal allies co-opt noble institutions like the Rose Parade and use them to indoctrinate children in the Big Lies that homosexuality is: 1) just another kind of love; and 2) a mere “civil rights” issue. Similarly, schools across America are being used to promote immoral same-sex conduct as an “equality” issue.
SYMBOLIC OF AMERICA’S DECLINE: The “gay wedding” float is symbolic of America’s ongoing moral disintegration: in the name of “tolerance,” “diversity” and “inclusion,” we proudly parade our sin down our streets – defying our Creator and aggressively corrupting the minds and souls of future generations. As historians have documented, sexual immorality, escalating fornication and the abandonment of fidelity in marriage bring about the collapse of civilizations; the United States will be no exception. No wonder developing nations like Jamaica don’t want to emulate us.
FOLLY OF SECULAR (PRO-“GAY”) “CONSERVATIVES: The homosexual “wedding” float clearly demonstrates the folly of secular “conservatives” (like atheist S.E. Cupp) and libertarians who argue that legalized homosexual “marriage” is a conservative proposition. Radically remolding God-given institutions to celebrate sin – and modeling such deviance and confusion as normal to impressionable children – is hardly “conservative.” In fact, it is the essence of the Left’s destructive Sexual Revolution. Republicans will seal their own demise if they foolishly embrace counterfeit “marriage” and other aspects of homosexualism, replacing their pro-family Platform.
DEMONIZING CHRISTIANS AS “HATERS” AND “BIGOTS”: As the Phil Robertson/Duck Dynasty controversy shows, homosexual groups like GLAAD regularly smear moral and religious critics with malicious slurs like “Bigots, Haters, and Homophobes.” Opposing homosexualism (the ideology of proud homosexuality as a “civil right”) in all its forms is not “hate.” Rather, it is being faithfully obedient to our loving, holy Creator. True Christians should offer the hope of the life-changing Gospel – not counterfeit “marriage” – to homosexuals. Jesus has helped many people like Michael Glatze abandon homosexual sin.
FAITHFUL CHRISTIANS MUST SPEAK OUT NOW: The unbiblical “progressive evangelical” and liberal Catholic movement to affirm unrepentant homosexuals as “Christians” serves Satan’s agenda, not God’s. (Substitute another sexual sin for “gay” and see if it makes sense: would the Rose Parade allow a live incestuous “union” atop one of its floats?) Bible-believing Christians must speak out against the agenda to normalize homosexuality — especially since children are its target. If Christians will not resist the evil specter of homosexual “marriage,” who will?
Educate Your Church and Social Network
Peter LaBarbera (on Twitter @PeterLaBarbera) has more than two decades experience fighting and exposing the powerful, well-funded homosexual lobby. He is available as a speaker on a number of topics surrounding the “gay/transgender” agenda and the promotion of biblical sexual morality, such as:
The following is an excellent video by our good friends at MassResistance.org. (Watch on YouTube HERE.) The narrator is MR founder Brian Camenker. Here is their description:
Published on Oct 7, 2013 The consequences of homosexual marriage: Most people have no idea what REALLY happens when “gay marriage” is imposed. This information-packed video from MassResistance gives you the extremely disturbing truth about what happened in Massachusetts.
State senate candidate Obama unequivocally supported legalizing same-sex “marriage” in 1996
Obama Was For “Same-Sex Marriage” (and he Still Is): Above is a graphic that appeared in the Chicago homosexual newspaper Windy City Times — showing a “gay” questionnaire revealing Barack Obama’s explicit support for “legalizing same-sex marriage” [point #6] as a candidate for Illinois State Senate in 1996. Obama would later adapt his position because “strategically,” he understood that Republicans would use his radical support for homosexual “marriage” against him. Click on graphic to enlarge.
By Peter LaBarbera
Barack Obama sure has a strange way of showing his much-touted support for traditional “marriage.” On Monday, Obama’s Justice Department filed a legal brief against DOMA, the Defense of Marriage Act, which was signed into law by the last Democrat to occupy the Oval Office: Bill Clinton. Weeks before that, Obama’s administration had defended DOMA, setting off a flurry of protests from his gay-lesbian-bisexual-transgender-whatever allies.
DOMA — which only Congress can repeal — passed overwhelmingly in 1996 with bipartisan consensus (a mere 14 Democratic Senators voted “No”). It protects states from being forced to recognize out-of-state “gay marriages.” Its growing unpopularity among Democrats signals the near-complete moral collapse of the party of Harry S Truman, who surely would bristle at the Dems’ current overwhelming support of abortion-on-demand and homosexuality as non-negotiable, litmus-test issues.