God’s Voice Conference to Equip Christians to Stand Against ‘LGBTQ+ Christianity’ Inside the Church — Responding to ‘Revoice’ Movement

Saturday, November 10th, 2018

Christ Helps ‘Homosexuals’ Change: Stephen Black, who once lived as a “gay” man before accepting Christ and leaving the homosexual lifestyle, is among the speakers at the God’s Voice conference Feb. 22-23 in Oklahoma City. Black leads First Stone Ministries, which helps others overcome sexual brokenness. God’s Voice will be responding to “Revoice,” a July conference and movement that seeks to recognize (chaste) homosexuals as a “sexual minority” in the Christian Church. AFTAH president Peter LaBarbera, a speaker at God’s Voice, was disinvited and banned from attending Revoice by its organizer, Nate Collins. Black was also banned by Revoice.

Folks, I am very excited to be a part of the upcoming “God’s Voice” conference, with national Christian talk show host Janet Mefferd, Rev. Tom Littleton, Stephen Black, Robert Oscar Lopez, U.K. Christian advocate Andrea Williams and Rev. Al Baker. God’s Voice is responding to the nascent “Revoice” movement, which promotes the acceptance of a chaste LGBTQ “sexual minority” in the evangelical Church.

I will be speaking on how trendy “LGBTQ-inclusive Christianity”–even if well-intended–merely puts a Christian facade on the revolutionary “gay” idea of an aggrieved homosexual “minority” deserving affirmation in their aberrant self-identity. That notion, first championed in the U.S. by one-time Communist Harry Hay, is built on the idea that there is a separate group of humanity (the “gay” minority) who live by different sexual rules than the rest of us, as opposed to all people living under the same God-given, universal moral code.

We now see clearly the expanding chaos that this subversive “gay” ideology has engendered: if “identity” and “minority” status are derived essentially from one’s subjective feelings, and then awarded full “civil rights” status under the law, how can we as a society say no to new identities and minorities, such as “pansexuals,” “asexuals,” “non-binaries” and “genderqueers”? And mustn’t we affirm “gay” and LGBTQueer youth in their “identities”? If “truth” is subjective and judging is wrong (except judging “bigoted” Christians, of course), then how can we affirm one sexual/gender “minority” and not the other(s)?

Now this chaos threatens the Church itself. I wonder: why is there no discussion of recognizing and affirming other sin-based  “minorities” in the evangelical Church–say, lustful men (which I suspect is a rather common “orientation”)?

Christians are called to deny themselves, and especially their flesh (sins), for Jesus’ sake and to please God. Our identity is in Christ. But the “LGBTQ+ Christian” movement demands that the Church sympathetically recognize their non-biblical “identities,” even though they are rooted in sinful desires and self-deception (Romans 1/Jeremiah 17:9)). Invariably, the next step will be to demand, with ever greater zeal and vociferousness, that all “compassionate” Christians do the same, while shaming those who refuse to indulge homo-trans ideology.

It goes without saying that we should preach the Gospel and reach out with truth in the love of Jesus to all sexual strugglers. But LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) ideology–though seductive in our victim-mongering culture like the Sirens of Greek mythology–is an ungodly, incrementalist agenda that Christians must reject in toto.

Please consider making plans to come to the “God’s Voice” conference in Oklahoma City February 22-23, to gird yourself in biblical truth so that you can better withstand the serious and growing threat of “LGBTQ Christianity.” More coming on this. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

P.S. Unlike the “LGBTQ Christian” Revoice conference, God’s Voice will not be preemptively banishing potential critics from attending. (I was disinvited by Revoice’s organizer, Nate Collins, after paying and signing up to attend; see AFTAH story HERE.)


God’s Voice Media Release

God’s Voice Conference to Equip Christians to Stand Against ‘LGBTQ+ Christianity’ Inside the Church

Contact: Don Otis, 719-275-7775

OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla., Nov. 6, 2018 /Christian Newswire/ — In response to recent attempts to “revoice” God’s Word on the critical issues of human sexuality and identity, First Stone Ministries is pleased to announce the GOD’S VOICE Conference, taking place Feb. 22 and 23, 2019, at First Moore Baptist Church in Moore, OK.

Subtitled: “A Biblical Response to the Queering of the Church,” the GOD’S VOICE Conference will be the Scriptural counter to a new “LGBTQ+ Christian” effort called Revoice, which has affirmed “gay, lesbian, same-sex-attracted, and other gender and sexual minority Christians,” “mixed-orientation marriages” and the concept of “redeeming queer culture.”

Organizer and conference speaker Stephen Black, executive director of First Stone Ministries, says, “it’s imperative that biblically faithful Christians, churches and denominations awaken to the threat of this new ‘LGBTQ+’ narrative, which radical activists and psychologists are pushing on our congregations.” In a continued response, Black says, “the church must once again listen only to the eternal, unchanging voice of God, whose Word alone conveys the truth about biblical sexuality and human identity.”

“We are living in a day when Bible-believing churches are being hit with a tsunami of an ‘LGBTQ+ Christian’ narrative,” Black said. “Many are being lied to by this messaging that LGBTQ+ people have a fixed orientation and that grace covers their same-sex attractions, leaving people stuck in sin and broken identities. This movement has a form of religion, but denies the power of the Holy Spirit, who transforms souls through the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ!”

Co-organizer and conference speaker Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth about Homosexuality, says “it is time for the church to take a firm and unwavering stand against the encroaching, unbiblical message of ‘sexual minorities’ and ‘sexual orientation.'”

LaBarbera continues by saying, “Standing on God’s infallible Word, our team of experts will dissect the web of lies that hold subversive ‘queer Christianity’ together. We will show how Revoice and the expanding, cunning ‘LGBTQ+ Christian’ network are rooted not in the Bible, but in the same homosexualist ideology that has turned truth and God’s created order on their heads in our culture. We cannot stand by and allow this same LGBTQ+ ideology to be advanced in the name of Jesus Christ!”

Other GOD’S VOICE Conference speakers include Dr. Robert Oscar Lopez, professor of humanities at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; the Rev. Thomas Littleton, Southern Baptist pastor and evangelist; the Rev. Al Baker, an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in America; Andrea Minichiello Williams, founder and CEO of Christian Concern & Christian Legal Centre in the UK; and Janet Mefferd, host of the nationally syndicated, daily Christian radio talk shows “Janet Mefferd Today” and “Janet Mefferd Live.”

Black added that above all, the GOD’S VOICE Conference is designed to share the love of God and the hope of the gospel of Jesus Christ with everyone who attends. “This conference will be filled with the Word of God and His testimonies of transformation to bless the believer and unbeliever alike,” Black said.

The GOD’S VOICE Conference is set for Friday evening, Feb. 22, and Saturday, Feb. 23, 2019, at First Moore Baptist Church, 301 Northeast 27th Street, Moore, OK.

Early-bird registration for the GOD’S VOICE Conference is $60 through Dec. 31, 2018. To register and obtain more information, visit www.godsvoice.us. Also, be sure to connect with GOD’S VOICE Conference on Facebook, (www.facebook.com/GodsVoiceConference) Twitter (@GodsVoiceConf) and on Instagram at www.instagram.com/GodsVoiceConference.

First Stone Ministries is a 501(c)3, non-profit and non-denominational organization that ministers, educates and helps lead people to freedom from homosexuality and sexual brokenness through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord.

For more information, interviews or media please contact Don Otis at: 719.275.7775 or you can use the contact form at First Stone Ministries www.firststone.org/contact-us.

Read the rest of this article »

Video: Can You Be Gay and Christian? – Dr. Michael Brown Answers ‘Gay Theology’ Claims

Wednesday, May 2nd, 2018

Folks, here is a first-rate video (about 6 minutes) by our friend, author and “In the Line of Fire” radio host Dr. Michael Brown, who received AFTAH’s American Truth-Teller Award in 2014. Please support his outstanding ministry and share this video far and wide! — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

Video description:

Can you be gay and Christian? What does the Bible actually say? Did the biblical writers address loving, committed, same-sex relationships? In this “Consider This” episode Dr. Brown tackles this controversial issue.

Donate here: https://askdrbrown.org/considerthis/

Janet Mefferd on Matthew Vines and the Homosexual-Christian ‘Dialogue’

Thursday, June 18th, 2015
Matthew Vines is working hard to win Christians to the idea that homosexual relationships can be blessed before a holy God. For espousing that heresy, he cannot and must not be seen as a "brother in Christ."

Sin Advocate: Young and winsome Matthew Vines is working hard to win Christians to the idea that committed homosexual relationships should be blessed before a holy God. Despite his apostasy, Vines was recently welcomed as a “brother in Christ” by Rev. Caleb Kaltenbach, lead pastor of Discovery Church in Simi Valley, CA. See Vines’ curiously named “Reformation Project.

“We are to have no fellowship with darkness. We can’t ‘dialogue’ with any professing Christian who’s in open rebellion against the Word of God. We can’t ‘dialogue’ with anybody who is deceiving and misleading the Body of Christ on any sin while claiming to be a Christian!”–Janet Mefferd


I welcome my friend Janet Mefferd to the pages of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality. Janet is a former longtime radio talk show host with the Salem Radio Network–and, I must say, as someone who cumulatively chatted a few hours in on-air interviews with Mefferd over the years–she was one of the best in the business (Christian and secular). We look forward to seeing what’s next in Janet’s career, but until then we are delighted to publish her work.

Regarding this issue of “dialogue” or “bridging” with homosexuality advocates, I recall an article by the late Alan Medinger–a man who walked away from homosexuality with the help of the Savior he loved, Jesus Christ. Medinger, who founded Regeneration Ministries in Baltimore, wisely cautioned against an internal Church debate over homosexuality because there is nothing compelling it except outside, anti-biblical agitation. The sinfulness of same-sex behavior is a settled matter in both the Bible and thousands of years of Church/Old Testament tradition, argued Medinger, and we need not debate it now within Christendom any more than we should debate, say, adultery.

Read this beautiful tribute to Medinger by Regeneration’s Josh Glaser–then decide if the same Spirit of Christ that impelled Alan lies with Matthew Vines, who–by trying to redefine Christianity to accommodate homosexual relationships and “gay marriage”–propels the very same debate that Medinger rejected on principle. Below Mefferd ably applies what I call the “Sexual Sin Substitution Test.” — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera


Enough with the “Dialogue,” Already

By Janet Mefferd; first posted June 17, 2015 on Mefferd’s blog; Twitter: @JanetMefferd

Evangelicals Open Door to Debate on Gay Rights.” Just the kind of headline I never enjoy, but it ran June 8 in The New York Times over a story about “influential evangelicals” meeting with homosexual activist Matthew Vines at Biola University last month, complete with a Times reporter and photographer on hand.

Vines, you may recall, is author of 2014’s controversial “God and the Gay Christian: The Biblical Case in Support of Same-Sex Relationships,” which manipulates biblical terminology in an unconvincing attempt to argue against the sinfulness of homosexuality.

Worse, the book was published by Crown Publishing Group’s Convergent imprint, which shared staff and operations with and was a sister imprint of evangelical Christian publisher WaterBrook Multnomah. Among other repercussions for printing such unbiblical garbage, WaterBrook Multnomah resigned its membership from the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB). (Crown later separated the two imprints.)

Vines also runs an apostate group called The Reformation Project, which claims to exist “to train Christians to support and affirm lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people. Through building a deep grassroots movement, we strive to create an environment in which Christian leaders will have the freedom to take the next steps toward affirming and including LGBT people in all aspects of church life.”

Read the rest of this article »

Can You Be Proudly ‘Gay’ and Christian? Dr. Michael Brown to Keynote AFTAH Teaching Banquet Saturday, October 25

Wednesday, September 10th, 2014

Is homosexuality compatible with Christianity? Can you be proudly “gay” and Christian? How do I reach out to my ‘gay’ friends without compromising the Gospel?

“Gay Christianity”—or a new apostasy? Dr. Michael Brown will address the hot topic of “Can you be ‘gay’ and Christian?” as the keynote speaker at Americans For Truth’s dinner-banquet Saturday, Oct. 25, at Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights IL. Doors open at 5:30. To sign up online for just $20/person, go to AFTAH.org/donate/; or mail you check to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522. Tickets are $25 dollars at the door. Click HERE for a PDF Flier about the banquet.

“Gay Christianity”—or a new apostasy? Dr. Michael Brown will address the hot topic of “Can you be ‘gay’ and Christian?” as the keynote speaker at Americans For Truth’s dinner-banquet Saturday, Oct. 25, at Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights IL. Doors open at 5:30; dinner is at 6:30. To sign up online for just $20/person, go to AFTAH.org/donate/; or mail you check to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522. Tickets are $25 dollars at the door. Click HERE for a PDF Flier about the banquet. To watch a video of Dr. Brown’s amazing life story, see: “From LSD to Phd.”


AFTAH Banquet Web Page: [click HERE]


Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) is excited to host Dr. Michael Brown to keynote our Oct. 25 “Teaching Banquet” built around the theme of Dr. Brown’s new book, “Can You Be Gay and Christian?: Responding With Love and Truth to Questions About Homosexuality.” Please bring your friends and family to this information-packed event at Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights, IL.

This is an excellent opportunity to teach adults young and old who are confused about homosexuality and “gay marriage.” They will hear Dr. Brown and our outstanding team of speakers answer such tough questions as:

  • Are people ‘born gay’?
  • How should I answer when an LGBT advocate says “Jesus never said anything about homosexuality”?
  • What do I say when I’m accused of “judging” my friends living a homosexual lifestyle?
  • What is the best response when pro-homosexual “marriage” activists say: “How does a loving and committed ‘gay’ couple’s same-sex marriage affect YOUR marriage?”
  • What is the best way to reach out in love to my homosexual friends and family members—without compromising the Gospel?

[More on Dr. Brown: Dr. Brown is an American treasure. To watch a video about Dr. Brown’s amazing life story, watch “From LSD to Phd”]Read his excellent column, ‘No One is Born Gay.” To read Brown’s column on Houston lesbian Mayor Annise Parker’s effort to subpoena the sermon notes of five local pastors, see his column: “Mayor Parker, City Attorney Feldman: You Will Not Put Us in the Closet.“]


WHO: Dr. Michael Brown, author, “Can You Be Gay and Christian?: Responding with LOVE & TRUTH to Questions About Homosexuality” ; also, ex-“gay” leader Stephen Black and Mission America president Linda Harvey will be speaking. And AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera will discuss his upcoming “Free Speech” trial in Canada, which almost BANNED him from entering that country on the basis that he would “incite hate.”

WHEN: Saturday, October 25; doors open at 5:30 PM; dinner served at 6:30.

WHERE: Christian Liberty Academy, 502 W. Euclid Ave., Arlington Heights, IL 60004

COST: Tickets are only $20/person in advance (payment received by Oct. 24) or $25 at the door. Dinner is included. Table Sponsorship: just $200 for a table of 10. Sign up online at our AFTAH Donate Page [credit card form HERE] or mail your check to:
AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522.

THEME: “Can You Be Proudly ‘Gay’ and Christian? A Teaching Banquet on Homosexuality and the Church”

PDF Banquet Flier: [Click HERE]; AFTAH Banquet Web Page: [Click HERE]

Phone: 312-324-3787; E-mail to RSVP: americansfortruth[at]gmail.com; or email Brad Wallace at connops[at]yahoo.com.

Michael L. Brown holds a PhD from New York University in Near Eastern languages and literatures, and is recognized as one of the leading Messianic Jewish scholars in the world today. In addition to his latest book debunking “gay Christianity,” Dr. Brown is author of “A Queer Thing Happened to America,” a 691-page book on the LGBT agenda. He is the founder and president of FIRE School of Ministry and host of the nationally syndicated talk radio show The Line of Fire. The author of more than 20 books, Dr. Brown is a contributor to The Oxford Dictionary of the Jewish Religion and other scholarly publications.


Changed Man: Former homosexual turned family man Stephen Black will be attending AFTAH's banquet Sat., Oct. 25 at Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights, IL. The keynote speaker is Dr. Michael Brown, author of "Can You Be Gay and Christian?"

Changed Man: Former homosexual turned family man Stephen Black of First Stone Ministries will be attending AFTAH’s banquet Sat., Oct. 25 at Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights, IL. The keynote speaker is Dr. Michael Brown, author of “Can You Be ‘Gay’ and Christian?”

** UPDATE**: Two More Christian Leaders to Speak

Former homosexual (ex-”gay”) leader Stephen Black (right) of First Stone Ministries, based in Oklahoma City, will be attending our banquet. Stephen will offer his observations on the downfall of the ex-”gay” umbrella group Exodus International under false teaching–and the rise of Restored Hope Network to take its place as offering the hope of change for men and women struggling with homosexuality.

Also, Linda Harvey of Columbus-based Mission America–a leading Christian expert on the homosexual-bisexual-transgender agenda in schools–will be on hand at the banquet! Harvey will be signing her book, “Maybe He’s Not Gay: Another View on Homosexuality.” Also, Linda has now added a Study Guide to her book that is ideal for small group discussions and Bible studies.

Said AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera:

“We are thrilled to have these two national pro-family leaders joining Dr. Brown at our banquet to answer your questions about the homosexual activist agenda and the “gay” campaign to subvert Christianity. If you are perplexed about how to respond to ubiquitous media propaganda surrounding homosexual ‘marriage’– and the new ‘gay Christian’ campaign to accommodate homosexuality–come and bring a friend or two to CLA this Saturday evening, October 25. You will leave better equipped to speak God’s truth in love in the culture!”

Pro-family leader Linda Harvey--an expert on the homosexual activist youth agenda--will be at the AFTAH banquet.

Mission America leader Linda Harvey–author of “What If He’s Not Gay?” and an expert on the homosexual activist youth agenda–will be at the AFTAH banquet.

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P.O. Box 340743
Columbus, OH 43234

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