Janet Mefferd Interviews AFTAH’s LaBarbera on LGBTQ Agenda for 2018

Friday, January 19th, 2018

On January 15, I was interviewed by Christian talk show host Janet Mefferd on the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) agenda in 2018. As always, it was a lively discussion. Here is the podcast. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @PeterLaBarbera

LISTEN: LaBarbera Discusses GOP Sellouts on Vote to End Military’s Tax-Funded Transsexual Mutilation ‘Surgeries’

Thursday, July 20th, 2017

AFTAH in the News

On Tuesday (July 18, 2017), I was a guest on VCY America’s “Crosstalk,” with my friend and host Jim Schneider (who always does an excellent job) [Click HERE to listen.] It was a great program; Crosstalk’s description of it follows (I have added some links). Also, a reminder: you can view all of my articles and columns on LifeSiteNews by clicking on the button at the lower right or by going HERE. — Peter LaBarbera, president, Americans For Truth; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera; write us at americansfortruth[at]gmail.com. 


Selling Out to the LGBT Agenda

Posted on July 18th, 2017

??Date:         July 18, 2017
Host:         Jim Schneider
Guest:       Peter LaBarbera
?Listen:      MP3 ???| Order from VCY America

?This edition of Crosstalk began with an update concerning baby Charlie Gard. An American doctor, who previously testified that Charlie’s chances of improvement are up to 50%, is examining him.

The judge is allowing for this examination and then he’ll allow up to a week in making a decision.

Also, Charlie has received a government appointed lawyer who supposedly is speaking for Charlie in the courts. The problem is that this lawyer is the chairman for Compassion in Dying, an end-of-life advocacy group with a sister organization that supports assisted suicide.

Peter LaBarbera is the founder and president of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality and also a writer for Lifesitenews.com.

Jim indicated that he commends the Trump administration for putting on hold the recruitment of people who desire to identify in a way that’s contrary to their biological sex. That policy was set to take effect July 1st but has been postponed to January 1st. However, those in the military who wish to identify as transgender are being allowed to do so. Peter feels it’s ridiculous that under President Trump we’re not shelving this radical experiment.

According to Peter, there’s radical pro-transgender training which is telling even women that they need to get used to and accept (in the name of non-discrimination) the idea that there will be biological males in the same shower facilities, barracks and restrooms with them.

Jim noted that what’s even more disturbing is that now when a vote has come before Congress to put a stop to things like this, they have refused to do so. For example, he mentioned how the Republican led U.S. Congress had an opportunity to ban taxpayer funding for sex change surgeries for military personnel. They blocked a ban on such operations which means they kept the Obama era policy intact and put taxpayers on the hook for those in the military who are gender confused.

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LISTEN: Peter LaBarbera Discusses New Atlantis Study Finding Homosexuals Much More Likely to Have Been Sexually Abused as Children – Janet Mefferd Interview

Monday, October 3rd, 2016

Study “eviscerates the born gay myth,” says AFTAH founder

The following is an interview between Christian radio talk show host Janet Mefferd and Peter LaBarbera of Americans For Truth that was published October 3, 2016. The portion with LaBarbera begins at 25:22; click the arrow in the orange circle at the top left to listen, then find the minute mark at the bottom. You can also listen to the program HERE; in fact, if you pause the app below, when you click on it to restart playing it takes you to the permanent SoundCloud URL.

The two discuss a recent study in The New Atlantis journal that comes to some politically incorrect conclusions about homosexuality–e.g., that “childhood sexual abuse” is a disproportionate factor among homosexuals compared to heterosexuals. Go HERE to read a PDF of the study or to order a copy:

LISTEN: Stacy Harp Interviews AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera for Bible News Radio

Saturday, October 24th, 2015
Stacy Harp

Stacy Harp

On Thursday (Oct. 22, 2015), I appeared as a guest on Stacy Harp’s “Bible Radio News” show. Stacy is the hard-working founder of Active Christian Media and a longtime Christian pro-family advocate–a sort of one-woman dynamo for Biblical Truth. As you can hear from listening to the podcast below, Stacy overcame homosexual thoughts and temptations in her own life as a child and teenager (but never embraced them). As a clinical trained marriage and family therapist with a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology, she is well-equipped to analyze the factors underlying homosexual confusion. We discuss: how homosexualist propaganda works; the proper Christian attitude toward people struggling with homosexual desires; false (anti-) Christian theology that is embracing the idea of positive “gay” “sexual orientation” (in the name of Gospel outreach); the power and tactics of the homosexual activist movement; the homosexual “10 Percent” population myth; and the largely untold story–in the increasingly pro-LGBTQ media–of “ex-gays,” men and women who have overcome the pull of homosexuality in their lives. See Stacy’s Facebook page HERE— Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

P.S. Here is the Amazon link for the book I mention–Gay…Or Not? One Christian Man’s Journey–by former homosexual Jerry Heacock. Please support him by buying and promoting this important book. It will also bless you and help you grow as a Christian believer.

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