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AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera appeared yesterday on the American Family Radio show “Janet Mefferd Live” to discuss the disturbing news that “Drag Syndrome” — a “drag show” featuring men with the genetic disorder Down Syndrome — is coming to Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Listen to Mefferd’s interview with LaBarbera HERE. Read about the perverse “disability art” coming to Grand Rapids HERE (a WBCK-FM puff piece) or — on the conservative news site LifeSiteNews HERE.
In the interview, both LaBarbera and Mefferd agreed that the U.K.–based “Drag Syndrome” cruelly exploits Downs adults, whom the former described as possessing an innocence that should never be manipulated. LaBarbera’s younger brother has Down Syndrome.
Christ Helps ‘Homosexuals’ Change: Stephen Black, who once lived as a “gay” man before accepting Christ and leaving the homosexual lifestyle, is among the speakers at the God’s Voice conference Feb. 22-23 in Oklahoma City. Black leads First Stone Ministries, which helps others overcome sexual brokenness. God’s Voice will be responding to “Revoice,” a July conference and movement that seeks to recognize (chaste) homosexuals as a “sexual minority” in the Christian Church. AFTAH president Peter LaBarbera, a speaker at God’s Voice, was disinvited and banned from attending Revoice by its organizer, Nate Collins. Black was also banned by Revoice.
I will be speaking on how trendy “LGBTQ-inclusive Christianity”–even if well-intended–merely puts a Christian facade on the revolutionary “gay” idea of an aggrieved homosexual “minority” deserving affirmation in their aberrant self-identity. That notion, first championed in the U.S. by one-time Communist Harry Hay, is built on the idea that there is a separate group of humanity (the “gay” minority) who live by different sexual rules than the rest of us, as opposed to all people living under the same God-given, universal moral code.
We now see clearly the expanding chaos that this subversive “gay” ideology has engendered: if “identity” and “minority” status are derived essentially from one’s subjective feelings, and then awarded full “civil rights” status under the law, how can we as a society say no to new identities and minorities, such as “pansexuals,” “asexuals,” “non-binaries” and “genderqueers”? And mustn’t we affirm “gay” and LGBTQueer youth in their “identities”? If “truth” is subjective and judging is wrong (except judging “bigoted” Christians, of course), then how can we affirm one sexual/gender “minority” and not the other(s)?
Now this chaos threatens the Church itself. I wonder: why is there no discussion of recognizing and affirming other sin-based “minorities” in the evangelical Church–say, lustful men (which I suspect is a rather common “orientation”)?
Christians are called to deny themselves, and especially their flesh (sins), for Jesus’ sake and to please God. Our identity is in Christ. But the “LGBTQ+ Christian” movement demands that the Church sympathetically recognize their non-biblical “identities,” even though they are rooted in sinful desires and self-deception (Romans 1/Jeremiah 17:9)). Invariably, the next step will be to demand, with ever greater zeal and vociferousness, that all “compassionate” Christians do the same, while shaming those who refuse to indulge homo-trans ideology.
It goes without saying that we should preach the Gospel and reach out with truth in the love of Jesus to all sexual strugglers. But LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) ideology–though seductive in our victim-mongering culture like the Sirens of Greek mythology–is an ungodly, incrementalist agenda that Christians must reject in toto.
Please consider making plans to come to the “God’s Voice” conference in Oklahoma City February 22-23, to gird yourself in biblical truth so that you can better withstand the serious and growing threat of “LGBTQ Christianity.” More coming on this. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
P.S. Unlike the “LGBTQ Christian” Revoice conference, God’s Voice will not be preemptively banishing potential critics from attending. (I was disinvited by Revoice’s organizer, Nate Collins, after paying and signing up to attend; see AFTAH story HERE.)
God’s Voice Media Release
God’s Voice Conference to Equip Christians to Stand Against ‘LGBTQ+ Christianity’ Inside the Church
Contact: Don Otis, 719-275-7775
OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla., Nov. 6, 2018 /Christian Newswire/ — In response to recent attempts to “revoice” God’s Word on the critical issues of human sexuality and identity, First Stone Ministries is pleased to announce the GOD’S VOICE Conference, taking place Feb. 22 and 23, 2019, at First Moore Baptist Church in Moore, OK.
Subtitled: “A Biblical Response to the Queering of the Church,” the GOD’S VOICE Conference will be the Scriptural counter to a new “LGBTQ+ Christian” effort called Revoice, which has affirmed “gay, lesbian, same-sex-attracted, and other gender and sexual minority Christians,” “mixed-orientation marriages” and the concept of “redeeming queer culture.”
Organizer and conference speaker Stephen Black, executive director of First Stone Ministries, says, “it’s imperative that biblically faithful Christians, churches and denominations awaken to the threat of this new ‘LGBTQ+’ narrative, which radical activists and psychologists are pushing on our congregations.” In a continued response, Black says, “the church must once again listen only to the eternal, unchanging voice of God, whose Word alone conveys the truth about biblical sexuality and human identity.”
“We are living in a day when Bible-believing churches are being hit with a tsunami of an ‘LGBTQ+ Christian’ narrative,” Black said. “Many are being lied to by this messaging that LGBTQ+ people have a fixed orientation and that grace covers their same-sex attractions, leaving people stuck in sin and broken identities. This movement has a form of religion, but denies the power of the Holy Spirit, who transforms souls through the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ!”
Co-organizer and conference speaker Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth about Homosexuality, says “it is time for the church to take a firm and unwavering stand against the encroaching, unbiblical message of ‘sexual minorities’ and ‘sexual orientation.'”
LaBarbera continues by saying, “Standing on God’s infallible Word, our team of experts will dissect the web of lies that hold subversive ‘queer Christianity’ together. We will show how Revoice and the expanding, cunning ‘LGBTQ+ Christian’ network are rooted not in the Bible, but in the same homosexualist ideology that has turned truth and God’s created order on their heads in our culture. We cannot stand by and allow this same LGBTQ+ ideology to be advanced in the name of Jesus Christ!”
Other GOD’S VOICE Conference speakers include Dr. Robert Oscar Lopez, professor of humanities at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; the Rev. Thomas Littleton, Southern Baptist pastor and evangelist; the Rev. Al Baker, an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in America; Andrea Minichiello Williams, founder and CEO of Christian Concern & Christian Legal Centre in the UK; and Janet Mefferd, host of the nationally syndicated, daily Christian radio talk shows “Janet Mefferd Today” and “Janet Mefferd Live.”
Black added that above all, the GOD’S VOICE Conference is designed to share the love of God and the hope of the gospel of Jesus Christ with everyone who attends. “This conference will be filled with the Word of God and His testimonies of transformation to bless the believer and unbeliever alike,” Black said.
The GOD’S VOICE Conference is set for Friday evening, Feb. 22, and Saturday, Feb. 23, 2019, at First Moore Baptist Church, 301 Northeast 27th Street, Moore, OK.
First Stone Ministries is a 501(c)3, non-profit and non-denominational organization that ministers, educates and helps lead people to freedom from homosexuality and sexual brokenness through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord.
For more information, interviews or media please contact Don Otis at: 719.275.7775 or you can use the contact form at First Stone Ministries www.firststone.org/contact-us.
UPDATE: After receiving considerable criticism, Azusa-Pacific U. in late September reversed course and reinstated its ban on LGBTQ (homosexual) relationships. We commend the Board of Directors for correcting this unbiblical error: https://zunews.com/2018/09/azusa-pacific-reinstates-ban-lgbtq-relationships/
Below is the link to my Sept. 27, 2018 interview with Christian talk radio show Janet Mefferd. Or you can go to the program’s SoundCloud link HERE. We discussed the shocking capitulation by Azusa Pacific University to the emerging “gay Christian” agenda. Yes, it’s a political and ideological agenda, not a mere theological disagreement within Christendom.
There is zero, no, nada justification in the Bible for recognizing and affirming “sexual minorities” within the Church based on sinful inclinations or behavior. If there were, why stop at those tempted by homosexual sin?
That said, of course we reach out in love to repentant sexual strugglers, homosexual and otherwise, but that is a far cry from celebrating “LGBTQ pride,” or affirming unnatural “gay,” bi, trans, “pansexual” or [__INSERT YOUR PET PERVERSION HERE__] identities in God’s name. That is folly and dishonors Christ.
I take my hat off to Janet Mefferd for leading Christian media efforts to expose and confront the campaign–far more advanced than most evangelicals realize–to “homosexualize” the Christian Church. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
Here is a recent (March 22, 2018) interview I did with Christian talker Janet Mefferd. Click on the play button in the graphic below, which takes you to the SoundCloud site; once there, place your cursor just below the sound bar and go to the 24:45 mark in the audio. We discuss HBO late-night host John Oliver’s nasty rant against Vice President Mike Pence and his mock-book homosexualizing Pence’s daughter Charlotte Pence’s“Marlon Bundo” children’s book.
Janet plays excerpts from Oliver’s on-air rant, the video of which is also below (after the jump). If you click the play button below, it starts playing the entire Mefferd show, beginning with an excellent interview with Christian author Josh McDowell and his new book, “Set Free to Choose Right.” My interview starts in the second half, on the SoundCloud site, at 24:45. Also, a link containing audio from many of my radio interviews–on Mefferd’s show and others, including the leftist “Right Wing Watch,” can be found HERE (and HERE under a misspelling).–Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera; americansfortruth@gmail.com
AFTAH president says Fox News pundit Benson is among most “dangerous” “gay” activists because he’s undermining biblical truth and principled conservatism
Young, Winsome…and Wrong: Fox News contributor and Townhall.com political editor Guy Benson claims to be a “gay Christian”–despite the Bible’s clear prohibition of homosexual acts and a New Testament passage citing former homosexuals who overcame this sin through Christ (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). Listen to interview, in which Benson trivializes his embrace of immorality as a mere “footnote,” below. For an orthodox treatment of the issue by the world’s leading evangelical authority on the Bible and homosexuality, see www.RobGagnon.net.
Folks, here is my Jan. 25, 2018 interview on “Janet Mefferd Today,” in which Christian talker Janet Mefferd and I critique a new “Prager U” video by homosexual conservative and Fox News contributor and self-declared “gay Christian,” Guy Benson. Start listening at 24:30.
Benson, who is the political editor at Townhall.com, identifies himself as a “Gay Christian” in the video, which is part of conservative talk show host Dennis Prager’s educational video series. Janet begins by playing portions of the video and analyzing them with her usual brilliance. We have embedded the full Prager U video at the bottom of this post.
I understand that in these politically correct, apostate times, our position will be attacked, even by many Christians and certainly by many conservatives. But just because Benson is smart and a good communicator does not change the reality that he is undermining Biblical Truth on sex and marriage–as well as principled conservatism–with his self-interested claim to be a proud, open homosexual and a faithful Christian. This is an intellectually reckless claim; the young Benson could use some Biblical counseling from the likes of Stephen Black, who left the “gay” lifestyle and credits Jesus Christ for his transformation.
The truth, of course, is that “gay” activists–whom Benson lauds–have been at war with historic Biblical truth since before Stonewall, by crusading to turn a sinful sexual inclination into an innocuous identity. And it is preposterous for Benson to trivialize his embrace of sexual perversion–as a “Christian conservative”–as a mere “footnote.” We will have much more on Benson and the Prager U/”gay conservative”/”gay Christian” story in future posts. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @PeterLaBarbera
P.S. As we both say on the show, please pray for Guy Benson: that he will embrace genuine, repentant faith rooted in God’s Word and turn away from the lie of “gay” identity and LGBTQ ideology. [See the leading site refuting pro-homosexual “Christianity”: RobGagnon.net]. [Note: the time marker for this radio interview is at the bottom left of this Soundcloud graphic, and comes on when you hit the “play” button at top left; interview starts at 24:30]
On January 15, I was interviewed by Christian talk show host Janet Mefferd on the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) agenda in 2018. As always, it was a lively discussion. Here is the podcast. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @PeterLaBarbera
Study “eviscerates the born gay myth,” says AFTAH founder
The following is an interview between Christian radio talk show host Janet Mefferd and Peter LaBarbera of Americans For Truth that was published October 3, 2016. The portion with LaBarbera begins at 25:22; click the arrow in the orange circle at the top left to listen, then find the minute mark at the bottom. You can also listen to the program HERE; in fact, if you pause the app below, when you click on it to restart playing it takes you to the permanent SoundCloud URL.
The two discuss a recent study in The New Atlantis journal that comes to some politically incorrect conclusions about homosexuality–e.g., that “childhood sexual abuse” is a disproportionate factor among homosexuals compared to heterosexuals. Go HERE to read a PDF of the study or to order a copy:
Special Sin? Has Dr. Al Mohler of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary failed the “Sexual Sin Substitution Test” on homosexualism?
[UPDATE: to listen to Janet Mefferd’s interview with AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera, go HERE or click play in the player above (it starts at the 24:00 mark)]
Dear Readers, once again the pro-family, Christian movement falls into “Kvetch and Retreat” mode, which is another way of saying we are constantly backing up in our interactions with the homosexual juggernaut. This is why we lose. Needless to say, homosexual activists and their fellow travelers are not appeased by Dr. Al Mohler’s high-minded retreat on pro-heterosexual Reparative Therapy, as my friend and talk show host Janet Mefferd notes with regard to the Huffington Post columnist and “liberal Christian” professor Derek Penwell below.
I appreciate that Janet applies what I am calling the “Sexual Sin Substitution Test”: simply replace “gay” with another sexual sin and see if it makes sense. This helps to lay bare the pitfalls of making special accommodations, theological caveats–and even questionable apologies–in our approach toward those caught up in the sin of (proud) homosexualism and gender rebellion. With regard to Mohler’s curious apology–on behalf of non-consulted Christians everywhere–to people caught up in homosexual behaviors and feelings, I would ask–as a flawed Ambassador of Christ myself:
Why hasn’t Mohler apologized to the porn-using “community”? The adulterous “community”? And certainly the very large but misunderstood fornicators “community” deserves an apology, too. Why are he and other guilt-ridden Christians not apologizing to these sin groups?
The practical answer to that question, I submit, is that these other sins are not the beneficiaries of a powerful lobby that has turned ungodly yet changeable behaviors into proud self-identities–and a supposedly victimized “minority” with massive media, corporate and government clout behind it. And I say to Prof. Penwell— in the spirit of Jeremiah 17:9 and 1 Corinthians 6:9-11–repent, humble yourself before Almighty God and turn away from all anti-biblical attempts to justify proud homosexuality in the lives of others. Because no amount of cultural power and liberal propaganda can turn sin into righteousness. –Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth; @PeterLaBarbera; americansfortruth@gmail.com
P.S. I will be appearing tonight (Oct. 7, 2015) as a guest on Janet’s new radio show, “Janet Mefferd Today” to discuss Mohler’s ill-timed criticism of pro-hetero Reparative Therapy. To listen to the interview, go HERE — it starts at the 24:00 mark.
Mefferd writes:
Reparative Therapy, Southern Baptists and Moving the Goalposts
“When even Al Mohler is embarrassed to talk about ‘reparative therapy’ in straightforward terms everyone understands, it means that cultural standards are evolving toward greater hospitality to our LGBTQ sisters and brothers.” – Pro-homosexual liberal activist and “liberal Christian” Derek Penwell