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Thursday, February 2nd, 2017
Homosexual activists fret over Neil Gorsuch’s judicial philosophy and record; Log Cabin Republicans noncommittal
Let the “Borking” Begin: Homosexual legal group Lambda Legal runs photo of Trump’s SCOTUS nominee, Judge Neil Gorsuch, with the word “Dangerous” printed over his face.
By Peter LaBarbera
Trump giveth, and Trump taketh away. Days after giving homosexual activists a huge gift by NOT rescinding a 2014 Obama executive order forcing federal contractors to have an LGBT “nondiscrimination” policy, Trump offered up a constitutional “originalist,” Judge Neil Gorsuch, to replace deceased Justice Antonin Scalia.
That led the coddled array of deviant-sex-and-gender leftist groups, otherwise known as the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) movement, to go ballistic [see my LifeSiteNews piece here].
Note that, regarding one 2015 decision by Circuit Court Judge Gorsuch involving a gender-confused prisoner, the LGBTQ Lobby almost literally has its (transgender) panties in a wad. (The poor fella in the case, a “male-to-female” transsexual, was not permitted to wear “feminine undergarments” in jail. Boo-hoo.)
It is hardly shocking that the same homosexual and transgender activists who create “rights” based on sodomitic inclinations and same-sex/gender-confused feelings would fear a man like Gorsuch, who is being compared to the brilliant conservative Justice Scalia. The latter repeatedly eviscerated the “living, breathing Constitution” judicial philosophy of “progressives” that discovers “rights” out of thin air to accommodate modern social ills like abortion-on-demand, homosexuality and pornography.
Even honest liberals might agree with this: it is difficult to find a “constitutional” right for two dudes to “marry” seeing that sodomy itself was illegal in most colonies and a taboo at the time of the Constitution’s framing. (“Prior to 1962, sodomy was a felony in every state, punished by a lengthy term of imprisonment and/or hard labor,” the left-biased Wikipedia reports.)
So even though the newly elected Trump choked badly by telling 60 Minutes that legalized same-sex “marriage” via the 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges ruling is “settled law” (while somehow Roe v. Wade is not), the Supreme Court could be just one more Trump appointment away from reversing it and sending “gay marriage” back to the states. That freaks out the Homosexual Lobby, which, like the Left in general, regards its SCOTUS victories as permanent, and pro-family wins like the 1986 Bowers v. Hardwick decision upholding sodomy laws as temporary.
Here’s a quick rundown with links on some of the larger LGBTQ organizations’ hostile statements against Gorsuch; most of these are excerpts (note source links attached to group name). Also note the nuanced, noncommittal statement of the homosexual Log Cabin Republicans on Trump’s nominee:
GLAAD (formerly Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Discrimination):
“Neil Gorsuch’s harmful history of discrimination against the LGBTQ community renders him completely unfit to sit on the highest court in the land,” said Sarah Kate Ellis, GLAAD President & CEO. “He has record of advocating for anti-LGBTQ rhetoric or supporting candidates that are in favor of open discrimination against people and families who simply want to be treated the same as everyone else. Gorsuch’s presence on the Supreme Court will affect the law of the land for generations to come – long after Trump is out of office, and will turn back the clock on equality and acceptance.”
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Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, News, Republican Party, Supreme Court, Trump
Sunday, January 22nd, 2017
Homosexual and transgender activists in the District of Columbia hold a “Queer Dance Party” protest against Vice-President-elect Mike Pence Wednesday night. The vulgar protest was widely covered by media. Watch MRC video HERE. Click on photo to enlarge.
The following is excerpted from the Media Research Center NewsBusters site, regarding the “Queer Dance Party” protest Wednesday night at Vice-President Pence’s pre-Inaugural temporary home in the District of Columbia. Watch the MRC video HERE.
Video: LGBT Activists Tell ‘Daddy’ Pence ‘Stop the Hate! F–k You!’
By Sarah Stites and Katie Yoder, January 19, 2017, MRC NewsBusters
On Wednesday night, an estimated crowd of 200 queer folks and LGBT activists shook their booties and danced their way to VP-elect Mike Pence’s neighborhood. And the media were all over it.
“We are here tonight to send a clear message to Daddy Pence that we will not tolerate bigotry and hate in our country,” yelled organizer Firas Nasr amidst cheers at the protest gathering point. “We are here today to take the streets as our dance floor,” he continued. “Through dance, we choose to embrace one another, we choose to choose love over hate!”
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Posted in Conservative Leaders, Extremism, Mike Pence, News
Wednesday, October 26th, 2016
Judge Stephanie Rose
The following is excepted from CBN News:
Judge Rules Iowa Churches Are Not Subject to Government Control
By Heather Sells, 10-26-16
A federal judge in Iowa has ruled that churches are not “public accommodations” and therefore not subject to government control.
The ruling could prove pivotal as the country considers whether or not houses of worship are subject to public accommodation anti-discrimination laws.
In her ruling, U.S. District Court Judge Stephanie Rose allowed a lawsuit filed by the Fort Des Moines Church of Christ to continue. The church filed suit in objection to the Iowa Civil Rights Commission applying a state civil rights law to churches.
The act could have forced churches to censor statements on sexuality and adopt state policies that allow any person to enter any bathroom or locker room.
In light of the new ruling, the church is dismissing its lawsuit.
“The court cut off this unconstitutional power grab by clarifying that the law does not apply to churches,” ADF [Alliance Defending Freedom] attorney Steve O’Ban said.
Judge Rose noted in her ruling that “state and federal courts have held that churches and the programs they host are not places of public accommodation.”
However, LGBT activists often claim churches and other houses of worship are places of public accommodation in order to force them to follow government anti-discrimination laws…. [Story continues at CBN News]
Posted in "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, Christian Persecution, Freedom Under Fire, Government Promotion, News
Thursday, October 6th, 2016
Dear Readers, this article was first published October 4 by WND.com. In about three weeks, on Friday, October 28, author and family advocate Linda Harvey will be coming to the Chicago suburbs to speak at the Americans For Truth dinner-banquet. She will be talking on “How the Gay and Transgender Lobbies Are Selling Gender Deviance & Body Mutilation to America’s Youth.” Full details are HERE; pay online HERE; and below are the basics:
Linda Harvey
What: Annual Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) Dinner-Banquet fundraiser
When: Friday, October 28, 2016; doors open at 5:00; dinner served at 6:30
Who: Linda Harvey, founder of the Christian, pro-family group Mission Americaand WND.com columnist
Where: Grace Gospel Fellowship church in Bensenville, IL (near Route 83 and I-290). Address: Grace-Gospel Fellowship, 4 North 220 Route 83 (Frontage Road)
Bensenville, IL 60106; church phone: (630) 834-0550
Cost: Just $25 per person or $250 for a Table of 10; pay online using ourBanquet Form, or mail your check to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522 [to give a general donation to AFTAH, go here]. Tickets available at the door.
Questions? Write Brad Wallace at connops@yahoo.com; call him at 312-324-3787. Or write AFTAH at americansfortruth@gmail.com.
Ze, Zim and Zyr – Today’s Language Insanity
By Linda Harvey, 10-4-16
“Ze walks with me and ze talks with me, and ze tells me I am zyr own …”
Welcome to favorite hymns as they might be revised by Princeton, the University of Michigan and the diabolical American left.
Who knew the power of pronouns? At first glance, they seem innocuous.
But when oppression begins to supplant authentic justice, one of the first symptoms is the breakdown of ordinary language. George Orwell warned us; now America stinks from the rotten rhetorical fruit of decaying, toxic values.
It’s heartbreaking to say, but the smell of death surrounds us.
From “negative rhetoric about Islam,” and accusations of “hate speech” against homosexuality, revealing reality is the current great offense. New meanings for old terms have become the weapons to deliver fake justice and the rallying cries to rationalize sexual license, lawlessness, theft, revenge – you name it.
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Posted in News, Transgender-General
Saturday, October 1st, 2016
Won’t Certify Sin: Read more about federal worker David Hall’s refusal to view a pro-homosexual “diversity” video HERE. Sign up for the Americans For Truth dinner-banquet featuring Linda Harvey HERE.
This column first appeared in WND.com. To learn about Linda Harvey’s keynote speech at the AFTAH fundraising dinner-banquet Friday, October 28 at Grace Gospel Fellowship Church in Bensenville, IL, go HERE. To read AFTAH’s reprint of LifeSite News’ initial article on David Hall, which contains the initial WCIA-TV (Champaign, IL) story on Hall, go HERE.
Workers and Soldiers: Rebel Against ‘Diversity’ Training
By Linda Harvey, Sept. 28, 2016
David Hall is a hero for standing up and saying “no” to the lies and depravity wrapped up in on-the-job homosexual “diversity” training. He may lose his federal government job in Illinois, although based on what federal law would be anyone’s guess.
There is no U.S. statute that defines homosexuality and gender confusion as “civil rights.” The Social Security Administration, where Hall works, will be inventing a reason for his dismissal if they make that decision.
Hall believes the word of God, that homosexuality and gender rebellion are offenses in the sight of the Lord. “I’m not going to certify sin,” he told WCIA-TV. He also urged others to do the same.
He told the local newspaper in Champaign, Illinois:
“This is something I want to fight and expose, to give other Christians the courage of their convictions. I can’t tell you how many I’ve worked with that have told me, ‘Dave, we agree with you 100 percent. I wish I had the courage to do that.’ But they’re scared. … Their fears are being realized through me.”
Taking such a stand is a huge risk – financially, occupationally, personally – but it’s a risk more Americans need to take where they can. Our enlisted men and women in the military are facing the same daunting choice: condone deviance, or suffer the professional consequences.
The Navy has announced plans to require sailors to attend “training” to accept men who want to dress as women and vice versa. This would be, in a word, illegal.
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Posted in "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, diversity, Diversity Propaganda, Government Promotion, News
Saturday, October 1st, 2016
“The average mom and dad probably have no clue that their little 7-year-old daughter just learned to distinguish between Genderqueer and Gender Non-Conforming in school today.” — Dr. Michael Brown
The following column was first published by Charisma magazine:
Engendering Classroom Confusion: Sex and gender activism has penetrated the classroom, as newfangled ideas like separating one’s biological sex from their “gender identity” are mainstreamed to impressionable minds. The above graphic is just one that has been used to teach children radical “gender” ideology–but even this “teaching tool” has come under criticism from the LGBTQ Left as not being sufficiently “inclusive.” Click to enlarge.
By Dr. Michael Brown, 9-29-16
Do you need to lock your doors and windows at night because a homosexual predator is coming after your kids? That is absolutely not what I mean when I say that LGBT activists are coming for your children.
I’m talking about educators and government leaders; I’m talking about celebrities and judges; I’m talking about people of influence who want to indoctrinate your children even before they get to school. I’m talking about an all-out war for the minds and hearts of your kids.
Are you equipped and ready to do what is best for these little ones?
By all means, as parents, we should teach our kids to be kind to all, especially to those who seem different and are ostracized by their peers. And we should teach by word and example that bullying is always wrong. In other words, we don’t need to teach gay is good in order to teach that bullying is bad. In the same way, we don’t need to push every boy to be a football player and every girl to be a ballerina to combat transgender activism.
But you better believe that we need to take a stand for our kids — in the schools; in the world of entertainment and social media; in the courts; in the churches — if we want to keep them safe from this destructive and deceptive indoctrination.
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Posted in Bullying & Victimhood, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Gender 'Fluidity' (Confusion), GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Government Promotion, News
Monday, September 19th, 2016
Linda Harvey of Mission America and WND.com is a leading Christian, pro-family expert warning of the destructive impact of homosexualism and transsexualism on America’s youth. She is the keynote speaker at the AFTAH banquet October 28. See details here.
Folks, we are delighted to have Linda Harvey of Mission America and WND.com as the keynote speaker at our upcoming annual Chicago dinner-banquet, on Friday, October 28 at Grace Gospel Fellowship Church in Bensenville, Illinois (full details here). For decades Linda has worked to educate Americans about incredibly risky LGBTQ lifestyles–which are now being pushed on young people like never before. Below is more evidence of that–yet our government, as always, blames “stigma” and “homophobia” rather than immoral, destructive homosexual behavior itself. You won’t want to miss Linda’s presentation Oct. 28. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
Who Will Rescue America’s Endangered Teen Homosexuals?
By Linda Harvey; this column first appeared in WND.com, 8/23/2016
Homosexuality is harmful to children and other living things.
A new federal Centers for Disease Control (CDC) survey provides the jaw-dropping evidence. But the Left is busy blaming conservatives and everything but the obvious.
Why are young bodies built for heterosexuality engaging in the sexual equivalent of anorexia, defying anatomy and a positive, healthy future?
Here’s an analogy. In a family with suspected child abuse, what should be done?
Friends, neighbors, teachers might see the sad outcomes in the lives of this family’s children who skip school, act depressed, exhibit aggression toward peers and start self-destructive behaviors like eating disorders, cutting, or substance abuse.
What if the abusive parents were never investigated, but instead other possible explanations were accepted by authorities? Mean classmates, poor nutrition, or maybe … Republicans?
The most extensive report to date revealing the daily activities of homosexually identified teens, ridiculously called “sexual minorities” by the Centers for Disease Control, is exactly this frustrating and heartbreaking. These adolescents no more qualify as “minorities” than kids who eat junk food.
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Posted in CDC, Federal Government, Gay Sex Health Risks, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Homosexuality - Practical Considerations, News
Wednesday, June 15th, 2016
Homosexual Muslim, Murderer of Homosexuals: Omar Mateen, the Islamic mass-murderer who slaughtered 49 people in an Orlando “gay” nightclub, was himself involved in homosexual activity. Nevertheless, homosexual activists are exploiting the massacre to attack Christians and conservatives opposed to the immoral “gay rights” agenda.
“The shooter saw himself in the category of unmanly men, and couldn’t stand it. Someone, he felt, had to be punished. And he would be the punisher, thereby distancing himself from that category.” — Sharon Kass
Folks, I was watching Sean Hannity on Fox News last night and he noted how the Left is using the Orlando Islamic terror-massacre to promote gun control, but he did not mention how liberals are exploiting it to advance the homosexual activist agenda. (CNN’s openly homosexual anchor Anderson Cooper has done so rather shamelessly.) Here Sharon Kass steers us back to reality.
We at AFTAH are peaceful truth advocates and have always deplored violence and genuine hatred against ‘homosexuals’ (we do not believe in “gay” identity as inherent or permanent). Oddly, in this case, the Islamic mass-murderer, Omar Mateen, reportedly was himself involved in homosexual behavior–trying to pick up men at the Pulse “gay” night club, using the homosexual-sex-finder app Grindr (I refuse to call it a “dating app”), etc.
But even that essential fact doesn’t matter to LGBT Leftists, who chalk it all up to “homophobia” and roll it in to their ongoing campaign against Christian conservatives and biblical morality. Politically speaking, “progressives” simply will not let this crisis go to waste, to quote Rahm Emanuel, one-time Obama adviser and current Chicago mayor. Our hearts go out to the families of the Orlando victims, but we cannot stand by silently while LGBT activists and the media hijack this terribly tragedy to promote their false “gay” activist narrative. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @PeterLaBarbera
The Orlando Mass Murder Does Not Refute Heteronormativity
By Sharon Kass
June 13, 2016
“It’s a hate crime.” The recent mass shooting at a gay nightclub in Orlando is, predictably, being spun for maximum political effect.
The Left-liberal “logic” is as follows: Disapproval of homosexuality is the motive for the mass murder of homosexuals; mass murder of anyone is very wrong; therefore, disapproval of homosexuality is very wrong.
1. Preferential homosexuality is not innate.
2. Disapproval of irrational conduct and propensities doesn’t kill anyone.
3. Preferential homosexuality is both preventable and treatable.
4. Untreated homosexuality, whether or not acted on, leads to dangers of various sorts: diseases, intra-relationship/liaison violence, stress-related illnesses, and health-harming activities like smoking, drug abuse, excessive drinking, and overeating.
The ironic thing is that a violent man’s violence can typically be traced to not having been socially fathered properly. So the killer and his male victims have masculine insecurity in common. (Key features of “gay” genesis are father failure when boy was age two, and, commonly, an extra-sensitive, often artistic, nature.) An inappropriate urge to dominate–a kind of overcompensation for deep feelings of weakness–drives illicit violence. The inappropriate urges to: (1) bond with another male in a sexualized way; (2) show crude strength by rebelling against nature and society; and (3) avoid the romantic-sexual challenges presented by a woman partner drive male homosexuality. (See Joseph Nicolosi’s “The Meaning of Same-Sex Attraction” and “Fathers of Male Homosexuals.” Also, “Attachment Loss and Grief Work in Reparative Therapy.”)
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Posted in Islam - Misc., Morality and Moral Judgments, News
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