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Supposedly “moderate” open bisexual Democrat Kyrsten Sinema joins re-elected Wisconsin lesbian Tammy Baldwin in Senate
Folks, here is an interview I did with my friend and America’s Survival Inc. founder and CEO Cliff Kincaid. Social conservatives can never move forward and gain ground unless we are first honest about where we stand in the political and cultural universe. And, as Cliff points out, we are hurting. President Trump proclaimed the midterm elections a victory, but in many respects they were a disaster–especially for social conservatives who oppose the anti-Christian, anti-liberty agenda of Big LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer).
I appreciate how Cliff is fearless and does not slavishly echo the Republican Party line, or in this case the Fox News line [see his piece on the election HERE]. More sober analysts like Cliff and City Journal are describing the huge loses in once-safe-Republican suburbs where pro-LGBTQ, pro-abortion Democrats made big gains. (One is my own county, DuPage, west of Chicago, where Rep. Peter Roskam lost to social leftist Sean Casten.) And one reason for that is many “conservative” Republicans are no longer fighting for truth on these socials issues as they once did, or at least they are allowing the Democrats and the Left to put them on the defensive on moral issues.
The case of Arizona’s Senate seat–won by open “bisexual” Democrat Kyrsten Sinema–is illustrative of the Republicans’ Culture War defeatism. Start listening at 4:45 below. I just heard Fox News anchor Bret Baier yesterday refer to now-Senator-elect Sinema as a “moderate.” Really? A bisexual, irreligious Democrat endorsed by Planned Parenthood and championed by the Human Wrongs Rights Campaign (HRC)–the world’s most powerful homosexual-bisexual-transgender-“queer” lobby organization–a “moderate”? What is going on here?
We need to face some hard facts: read this New York Times piece on the midterms’ “Rainbow Wave”; and this celebratory press release by HRC, which reportedly spent $26 million to influence six battleground state races; and see the Gay & Lesbian Victory Institute crowing about how many openly LGBTQ candidates won on Nov. 6. And then there’s the 2-1 landslide defeat of pro-family forces trying to turn back the “transgender” tide in Massachusetts; see our friend Brian Camenker’s and MassResistance’s analysis of that debacle HERE. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
No Law Can Make Sodomy Safe or Good: Poster warns attendees of International Mr. Leather (IML), a homosexual deviance-sex-fest held every year in Chicago, of the increased risk for meningitis among “gay and bisexual men.” See AFTAH’s story on IML 2016. Also see the Chicago Health Department release on homosexual men and meningitis.
The following was released today by the Catholic Action League, a Massachusetts pro-family group:
Because so many members of the General Court were away this week at the Democratic National Convention, the Massachusetts Legislature will close out its 2016 session with a special weekend sitting of the House and the Senate today, July 30th, and tomorrow, July 31st.
One of the proposed laws which may emerge from the Committee on Third Readings is a pernicious measure sponsored by Representative Byron Rushing, (D-Boston), House Bill 4392, which would repeal the remaining prohibitions in the General Laws of the Commonwealth against adultery, fornication, and sodomy—“the abominable and detestable crime against nature.” This repeal is a longstanding objective of homosexual activists in Massachusetts.
The bill would also remove the designation of “subversive” from the Communist Party, at a time when the so-called RevComs—Revolutionary Communists—are protesting alongside elements of the Black Lives Matter movement.
Although these laws are no longer enforced, they have significant symbolic value. The law is a teacher, from whom many in society learn what is right from what is wrong. Passage of this secularist measure would erase, in matters of sexual ethics, the last vestiges of Biblical morality and natural law in the criminal statutes of Massachusetts, completing the process of de-Christianization.
Please contact House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo and House Minority Leader Bradley H. Jones and urge them to stop this proposed legislation from being rushed through at the end of the legislative session!
Folks, I generally avoid using the term “sodomites”**–it too easily plays into the hands of anti-Christians–but who am I to make a politically correct edit on the late Joe Sobran, one of the greatest conservative writers of modern times? This essay by Sobran is even more applicable today than when he penned it in 2003, following the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court’s creation of a newfangled “right” to homosexuality-based “marriage.”
I particularly like Sobran’s passage on liberalism:
But liberalism itself is a continual digression. Nobody can divine its next trend. Even its most profound critics, including John Henry Newman, have been unable to anticipate its particular fads. It may, or may not, embrace pedophilia next. On what principle can any perversion be ruled out?
Such is the nature of God-defying, sin-as-a-civil-right modern “progressivism.” And now the Sexual Left–having legally destroyed the meaning of marriage with the eager help of the U.S. Supreme Court–has moved on to “mainstreaming” and mandating accommodation for: (trans)gender rebels–think men with fake boobs and a penis invading female restrooms; sadomasochism; men becoming human “dogs”; and “polyamory” (anti-fidelity).
As for pedophilia, that lobby is still gearing up–mimicking the successful, manipulative tactics of the “gay liberation” movement by portraying themselves as the aggrieved “victims” of an inconvenient “orientation.” (See this “support group” for “Minor Attracted Persons,” or MAPs.) Of course, we know who the real victims are.
If only more conservatives who possessed the moral clarity of Joe Sobran! –– Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @PeterLaBarbera
** P.S. I will grant that “Sodomite”–linked to the abominable act that demanded God’s horrific punishment–is more accurate than “homosexual,” a 19th-Century semantic invention that itself has been declared anathema by today’s LGBTQ activists. (They prefer “gay” for men and women–which we put in quotes because it’s essentially self-serving propaganda.) Homosexual (as a noun)–though used clinically at first–came to imply a special personhood to de facto homo-sexual sinners, i.e., an innate or at least inherent–even proud!–self-identity based on his or her inclination toward same-sex deviance. Logical (and biblical) thinkers must never acquiesce to such a false identity–unless we also are prepared to label and confirm people as (inherent or inborn) liars, “pornos,” gossipers, drunks, etc., according to their besetting sinful thoughts and behaviors.
Catholic Action League condemns decision; girls school undermined its own religious liberty with “sexual orientation” nondiscrimination hiring policy
“[D]iscrimination against those in same-sex marriages is discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. While the religious nature of the employer does bear upon other issues…., it does not lessen the impact of such discrimination or the interest in eliminating it. The Commonwealth’s interest in eliminating sexual orientation discrimination in employment remains compelling.”–Associate Justice Douglas Wilkins, Matthew Barrett v. Fontbonne Academy, Dec. 16, 2015
Matthew Barrett (left) with his “husband,” Ed Suplee (who looks like he could be his father), as pictured on the website of the homosexual activist organization GLAD (Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders). GLAD defended Barrett, who was dismissed by a Catholic girls preparatory school after it was learned that he was homosexually “married.”
Folks, we will have more on this devastating decision by Massachusetts Superior Court Associate Justice Douglas Wilkins–the latest court defeat for religious liberty in the ongoing battle between freedom of conscience and so-called “gay rights.” A Catholic girls preparatory school, Fontbonne Academy, in Milton, Mass., is sponsored by teh Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Boston.
I have read the decision and it turns out that Fontbonne Academy hurt its own case by having a published policy of “sexual orientation” nondiscrimination regarding employment. That made it easier for the judge–who cites it twice–to diminish the school’s religious mission, i.e., its assertion that having a homosexually “married” staffer undermines its Catholic teaching. The judge probably would have ruled against Fontbonne anyway; regardless, no religious or moral institution should ever have a pro-homosexual hiring code, as it grants the premise that homosexuality (a moral issue) is akin neutral nondiscrimination criteria that are unchangeable, such as race and ethnicity.
Following the Catholic Action League of Massachusetts release below we have reprinted one by the homosexual activist group GLAD (Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders), which defended Barrett. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
NEWS RELEASE, Catholic Action League December 17, 2015
The Catholic Action League of Massachusetts today condemned the decision of Norfolk County Superior Court Justice Douglas H. Wilkins in Barrett v. Fontbonne Academy, which granted summary judgment to a homosexual man who sued the Catholic school — administered by the Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Boston — after it reversed a decision to hire him upon learning that he had contracted a civilly recognized marriage with another man.
In June, 2013, Matthew Barrett of Dorchester applied for the position of Food Services Director at Fontbonne Academy in Milton. On July 9, 2013, following an interview during which Barrett responded affirmatively to a question about his support for the principle that all employees of the Catholic school should be “ministers of the mission,” Barrett was offered and accepted the position for which he had applied.
Later that same day, Barrett completed a new hire form in which he listed his civil husband as an emergency contact. On July 12, 2013, Barrett was informed that he could not be hired because his homosexual relationship was incompatible with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.
Barrett, represented by the Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders (GLAAD), brought suit against Fontbonne Academy, alleging discrimination in employment.
In finding for Barrett, Judge Wilkins — a Governor Deval Patrick appointee who served as First Assistant Attorney General under Attorney General L. Scott Harshbarger — ruled that the Catholic school violated Massachusetts anti-discrimination law, was not exempt as a religious institution from that law, and enjoyed no constitutional protections in this matter.
The Catholic Action League called Judge Wilkins decision “a frontal assault on religious freedom, an appalling subordination of the First Amendment to the Massachusetts gay rights law, and a victory by homosexual activists in their campaign to coerce Christians into compliance with same sex marriage.”
Catholic Action League Executive Director C. J. Doyle made the following comment: