Janet Mefferd Interviews AFTAH’s LaBarbera on LGBTQ Agenda for 2018

Friday, January 19th, 2018

On January 15, I was interviewed by Christian talk show host Janet Mefferd on the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) agenda in 2018. As always, it was a lively discussion. Here is the podcast. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @PeterLaBarbera

Wisconsin Office Max Refuses to Print Poster Advertising LaBarbera Speech Exposing ‘Homosexual Agenda’

Wednesday, November 1st, 2017

Company now says it would print poster, and that Wisconsin store “misinterpreted” guidelines

Silencing Dissent: This is the Wisconsin Christian News flier that an Office Max in Marshfield, WI refused to print, presumably because it violates the corporation’s anti-“hate” policy. 

UPDATE Nov. 8:  An Office Depot (Office Max) corporate executive called Wisconsin Christian News publisher Rob Pue to profusely apologize for the Marshfield, WI Office Max store’s refusal to print the poster (at right) for WCN’s “Exposing the Homosexual Agenda” speech by Peter LaBarbera Nov. 16. However, Pue has received no formal written apology from Office Depot, and no assertions that anti-Christian discrimination of this sort will not occur again. 

People who contacted Office Depot’s corporate headquarters to complain about the Marshfield, WI incident received a variation of a letter stating the following from Office Depot:

“Office Depot is aware of this situation and it has been addressed. A representative of the company previously contacted the customer to explain that the decision to decline to print the order was made by an associate who misinterpreted our policy regarding the types of items that we will print.

“When reviewed at the corporate level, it was determined that the order did not violate the policy and our representative contacted the customer to apologize. We also offered to complete the order in question, or provide a future order at no cost.

“Store leadership has also re-trained the associates at that location to ensure that our customers have a positive experience in the future.”

AFTAH contacted the Marshfield Office Max Nov. 6 and was told by Print Supervisor Jeffry Costigan that he would now print the identical poster (above) that he and the store had previously rejected.

Said Pue, who is still considering legal action: “While I DID receive a phone call from a man at corporate headquarters, and while he DID apologize for the incident, he ALSO told me he would be emailing me immediately a formal apology, and statement indicating that Office Max/Depot will NOT discriminate against Christians (specifically) in the future.  To date, I have received nothing in writing.”


Best Contact Info for Office Depot (Office Max): we heard from someone who called Office Max’s (Office Depot’s) HQ and this is the best way to reach them: call 561-438-4800, then hit Option #2. From there, hit “0” and ask for the “Executive Consumer Relations Department” and you will be able to leave them a detailed voicemail message.–PL

TAKE ACTION: contact Office Depot (Office Max): National HQ [see “Update” above]: 1) online contact page; 2) 800-GO-DEPOT (800-463-3768); 3) Local Marshfield, WI Office Max store: 715-389-8820.

Note from AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera:

Folks, add this story to your “Intolerant Gay Activists” file. An Office Max in Marshfield, Wisconsin has refused to print a flier submitted by Wisconsin Christian News (WCN) advertising my upcoming speech on the “homosexual agenda” November 16.

WCN publisher Rob Pue Pue created a poster for the event with a (LGBTQ activist) “rainbow flag” covered by the words, “The Homosexual Agenda EXPOSED!” and submitted it Oct. 25 to his local Office Max, which had printed many fliers for him in the past, for various conservative cultural events. He also submitted a Veterans Day poster for printing.

Initially “Eric” from Office Max sent Pue an email saying that they could “definitely” print both posters and that they would be ready by 10:00 AM the next day. But that morning (Oct. 26), Pue instead received another email from Store Manager Jeff Schweiger informing him that while the store could print the veterans poster, “we are unable to print the first print” advertising LaBarbera’s speech.

When Pue inquired as to why the poster could not be printed, he received another email, this time from Print Supervisor Jeffry Costigan, which read:

Good morning Rob,

Unfortunately we will not be able to print the contents of the poster for Peter Labarbera.

The contents of the poster falls under the prohibited guidelines of our company’s Duplication procedures.

We will be able to print the second request for the Veterans poster.

Pue then requested the Office Max (owned by Office Depot) “prohibited guidelines” policy but instead of sending him the “prohibited guidelines” he had previously cited, Costigan simply replied:

Dear Mr. Pue,
I stand by the decision not to duplicate your material.
If you have anymore questions, I request that you contact OfficeMax at 1-800-GoDepot.

Again thank you for your understanding.

Jeffry A. Costigan
Print Supervisor| Office Depot, Inc.
1629 N. Central Ave, | Marshfield, WI. 54449
Tel: (715) 389-8820 | ods06637cpc@officedepot.com

Pue is now weighing possible legal action against Office Max (Office Depot), which has previously been in the news for refusing to print a pro-life flyer. In 2015, a Chicago-area Office Max refused “to make 500 copies of a flyer featuring a pro-life prayer—that calls for the conversion of Planned Parenthood—that was written by a Catholic priest,” CNS News reported.

The company relented but stood by its right to refuse print jobs based on its “hate” policy prohibiting “the copying of ‘hate material’ that advocates for the persecution of groups of people, regardless of the reason.”

Pue told AFTAH, “By refusing to do the job, Office Max proved my point, that there is a homosexual agenda. There is no ‘hate’ in that poster, and our speaker is not about ‘hate’ but Christian love and truth.”

Pue and LaBarbera appeared as guest Wednesday on the VCY America program “Crosstalk,” which reaches several states, to discuss the Office Max rejection of the Wisconsin Christian News poster.

VCY America Interviews AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera on Navy Naming Ship After Sexual Predator Harvey Milk – August 2016

Tuesday, September 20th, 2016
USS Predator? When Harvey Milk was 33, he had a sexual "relationship" with a 16- (or possibly 17-) year-old boy, Jack Galen McKinley.

USS Predator? When Harvey Milk was 33, he had a sexual “relationship” with a 16- (or possibly 17-) year-old boy, Jack Galen McKinley (right). This photo appears in the hagiography of Milk, “Mayor of Castro Street,” authored by homosexual journalist Randy Shilts. Click to enlarge.

Folks, we’re catching up on our “AFTAH in the media” posts. Here is an interview I did August 1, 2016, with the Milwaukee-based VCY America’sCrosstalk,” hosted by Jim Schneider. Below is a rundown of the program provide by Crosstalk, which continues beneath the MP3 link. Note that this discussion occurred prior to the Navy following through and formally naming a “Cruiser” ship after assassinated homosexual activist Harvey Milk:


Listen here: MP3 | Order from VCY America ($6)


Related AFTAH article:USS Predator? U.S. Navy to Name Ship after ‘Gay’ Activist Icon Harvey Milk – Potential Statutory Rapist Who Lured Sailors into Sodomitic Encounters


VCY America writes:

LGBT Movement Announces Goals

Posted on August 1st, 2016

Date: August 1, 2016

Host: Jim Schneider

Guest: Peter LaBarbera

Listen: MP3 | Order from VCY America here

Peter LaBarbera is the founder and president of Americans for Truth.

Last Friday news came forth that the U.S. Navy is planning on naming a ship after LGBT activist Harvey Milk.

Who was Harvey Milk? According to a source cited by Peter, as a 33 year old man, Milk appears to have been involved in a sexual relationship with an under age boy. Peter noted that while not the first open homosexual to be elected to public office, he was the first to mobilize the so-called, gay constituency. This makes Milk the first “gay” power politician elected as a city supervisor in San Francisco.

Listen here:


Pederastic Postage? Under Obama, the US Postal Service placed Harvey Milk on a stamp--identifying him as an American icon and hero. This despite the sex-obsessed Milk's record of lying, predatory behavior, and anti-Christian rhetoric.

Pederastic Postage? Under Obama, the US Postal Service placed Harvey Milk on a stamp–identifying him as an American icon and hero. This despite the sex-obsessed Milk’s record of lying, predatory behavior, and anti-Christian rhetoric.

Milk was killed when someone went after the mayor and Milk was also in the government building. Due to his death, Milk has received near martyr status among homosexual activists. This led to a Harvey Milk Day in California, students are being taught about him as he’s treated as a civil rights hero and now we have a U.S. Navy ship about to be named after him.

Peter went on to explain that Milk himself was in the Navy. At that time he tried to seduce sailors into sodomy in his San Diego apartment. So if the Navy names a ship after him, Peter feels they’ll be naming it after a sexual predator.

During the recent Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia there was a global LGBT summit that took place. Jim noted that the Daily Signal reported that more than 25 prominent leaders of the national LGBT movement gathered for this 4 day event called, The Equality Forum.

The forum sought to establish four goals and Peter commented on them:

  1. Pass the Equality Act. This act would say that rights based upon homosexuality and gender confusion would take precedent over religious freedom. Peter indicated that the way it’s written right now, it explicitly negates the Religious Freedom Restoration Act as applied to homosexuality.
  2. Defeat state and local laws. The biggest threat that LGBT leaders claim to face is what they call anti-LGBT legislation proposed by conservatives in state and local government.
  3. Going to court. The summit panelists said they have their eyes set on a number of court cases that they believe could impact the future of the agenda of their movement.
  4. Partnering with Black Lives Matter and others. Peter noted that the Black Lives Matter movement is very pro-homosexual in their platform. This is important as he described the homosexual movement as being basically a leftist movement.

Interestingly, PayPal founder Peter Thiel, who’s described as proudly gay, spoke at the Republican National Convention. According to Peter LaBarbera, Thiel mocked the culture war and mocked those who are fighting transgender rights.

When you review this Crosstalk broadcast, there will be much more to hear on this issue, including comments from listeners.

Mike Heath Interviews AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera

Sunday, September 18th, 2016

Mike Heath of Helping Hands Ministries in Maine interviewed Americans For Truth President Peter LaBarbera September 14, 2016. Their discussion begins around the 12:30 mark and ends around 37:45:

By the way, Mike Heath has the noble distinction of having played a leadership role in not one but two successful, statewide efforts to overturn homosexuality-based “special rights” laws, in Maine. We call them “special rights” but perhaps “false rights” is more accurate. Because unlike genuine rights, which come from God, the panoply of modern homosexualist laws are rooted in sinful, unnatural behaviors like sodomy destructive to mind, body and soul. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH.org

AFTAH in the News: Peter LaBarbera’s Interviews with Christian Radio and Conservative Media

Monday, May 9th, 2016

Americans for Truth About Homosexuality has been busy doing what AFTAH does best: exposing the radical-as-ever LGBTQ agenda–see this photo-story about an evil “CLAW leather weekend” sponsored & hosted by the Holiday Inn-S. Cleveland and Embassy Suites hotels in Independence, OH. AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera continues to appear as a voice for sanity on conservative media and Christian radio. Here are some of his recent media appearances:

  • Life Site News: Seattle Mayor Signs Exec. Order for Men to Access Women’s: Bathrooms: “People who suffer from gender dysphoria do not need the government to affirm their aberrant desires and turn them into a supposed ‘civil right,’ LaBarbera [told LifeSite]. “They need to get real help – because men cannot become women, and women cannot become men.” [click here]
  • Janet Mefferd Show: Target & Transgenderism: I recently appeared on Dallas-based Christian talker Janet Mefferd’s show to discuss Target’s transgender bathroom policy and the Day of Silence. My interview begins at approximately 25 minutes. [click here]
  • WVCY America “Crosstalk“: GLSEN Day of Silence: In one of my regular appearances on this excellent Christian radio show out of Milwaukee, on April 14 I discussed the homosexual activist “Day of Silence” [click here]
  • AFA “Sandy Rios in the Morning” show: Target Boycott: I discussed the “gay/transgender” revolution and the AFA Target boycott with Sandy Rios on April 25. Sandy’s monologue on this topic begins at approximately 20 minutes, and my remarks begin around the 25-minute mark. [click here]
  • Tami Jackson Show: Joining the Target Boycott: I talked May 3 with Christian talker Tami Jackson about my article, “Why My Family Won’t Be Shopping at Target Stores Anymore.” [click here]

“Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.” (1 Corinthians 16:13-14; NASB)

VIDEO: Obama’s FDA Ends Male Homosexual Blood Ban – Kincaid Interviews AFTAH’s LaBarbera

Thursday, December 31st, 2015

USA’s homosexual blood policy now weaker than Australia’s (on which it is based); homosexual men were violating ban; self-absorbed “gay” activists still not satisfied

Weaker Than Australia's Homosexual Blood Policy: Inexplicably, although the new Obama FDA policy relies on Australia's move to a one-year deferral of blood donations by MSM (men who have sex with men), the U.S. policy does NOT contain measures that would yield a higher compliance with the policy. See around the 10:00 mark in the video below.

USA’s Blood Safety & MSM Policy Now Weaker Than Australia’s: Inexplicably, although the new Obama FDA policy relies on Australia’s move from a ban to a one-year deferral for blood donations by MSM (men who have sex with men), the U.S. policy does NOT contain measures that have helped yield a high compliance rate in Australia. See around the 10:00 mark in the video below. This verbiage is found on page 6 of the new FDA blood donation recommendations; click on graphic above to enlarge.

This Skype interview aired December 30. Cliff Kincaid, founder and of America’s Survival, Jerry Kenney and AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera discuss the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) recommendation to allow donations by “men who have sex with men” (MSM)–ending the ban of donations from men who practice unhealthy an unnatural homosexual behaviors. In the 40-minute interview, they discuss the risks associated with MSM that are laid out in the FDA report, “Revised Recommendations for Reducing the Risk of [HIV] Transmission by Blood and Blood Products,” available HERE. To read the 5-page America’s Survival testimony mentioned by Kincaid against easing the homosexual blood ban–“Guarding Against Unknown and Emerging Pathogens,” by researcher Dale O’Learyclick HERE.

LISTEN: Stacy Harp Interviews AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera for Bible News Radio

Saturday, October 24th, 2015
Stacy Harp

Stacy Harp

On Thursday (Oct. 22, 2015), I appeared as a guest on Stacy Harp’s “Bible Radio News” show. Stacy is the hard-working founder of Active Christian Media and a longtime Christian pro-family advocate–a sort of one-woman dynamo for Biblical Truth. As you can hear from listening to the podcast below, Stacy overcame homosexual thoughts and temptations in her own life as a child and teenager (but never embraced them). As a clinical trained marriage and family therapist with a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology, she is well-equipped to analyze the factors underlying homosexual confusion. We discuss: how homosexualist propaganda works; the proper Christian attitude toward people struggling with homosexual desires; false (anti-) Christian theology that is embracing the idea of positive “gay” “sexual orientation” (in the name of Gospel outreach); the power and tactics of the homosexual activist movement; the homosexual “10 Percent” population myth; and the largely untold story–in the increasingly pro-LGBTQ media–of “ex-gays,” men and women who have overcome the pull of homosexuality in their lives. See Stacy’s Facebook page HERE— Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

P.S. Here is the Amazon link for the book I mention–Gay…Or Not? One Christian Man’s Journey–by former homosexual Jerry Heacock. Please support him by buying and promoting this important book. It will also bless you and help you grow as a Christian believer.

Check Out Christianity Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with Bible News Radio on BlogTalkRadio

AFTAH’s LaBarbera Banned from Radical LGBT Woodhull ‘Sexual Freedom Summit’

Monday, August 17th, 2015

From AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera:

Folks, I got BANNED from a left-wing “Sexual Freedom Summit,” which just concluded in the Washington, DC. suburb of Alexandria. I had paid my $224 to attend the Aug. 13-16 conference–I wanted to see what radical LGBT activists have in store for America post-Obergefell. I bought a plane ticket to D.C. Then on Aug. 11–three days before my scheduled flight–I suddenly received the email notice notice from the event sponsors (Woodhull Sexual Freedom Alliance): “You are not welcome at this event. If you do try to attend, we will have you removed by hotel security.” Here is a copy of the e-message:


BANNED – Above is the notice sent by the Woodhull Sexual Freedom Summit banning AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera from attending, and returning his $224 registration fee.

I did receive the promised refund for the $224 registration fee and thankfully, was able to get a full refund on my plane ticket. But this incident reveals that while homosexual and transgender activists talk a good game about “pride,” they do not want the public to know of their radical agenda behind the “soft” euphemisms like “marriage equality’ and “sexual freedom”–which they use they use with the media’s eager help to market their immoral behaviors. As you can see from these links, two of the agenda items on the Sexual Left are “polyamory”–multiple-partner sexual unions–and transforming Christianity to embrace sexual perversion.  More coming on this story.Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH.org

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