Radical Washington State ‘SeXXX Ed’ Bill–Pushed by Two Lesbian Democrats–Signed into Law by Gov. Inslee

Monday, April 20th, 2020

Repeal effort underway as concerned parents mobilize

Say No to Planned Parenthood “SeXXX Ed”: Pro-family Washington State citizens descend on the capitol building in Olympia to voice their strong objection to Senate Bill 5395, the “comprehensive SeXXX ed bill,” on March 2, 2020. In late March, the bill was signed into law by Gov. Jay Inslee (D). An effort is underway to repeal it by referendum; see this “Informed Parents of Washington” Facebook page. Photo: Mary Locke.


Dear AFTAH Readers:

The “progressive,” pro-LGBTQ, “comprehensive sex education” agenda is harmful to the very children it purports to help and protect. On March 27, Washington State Gov. Jay Inslee (D) signed into law Senate Bill 5395, which critics have labeled the “Comprehensive “SeXXX Ed” Bill, and which has generated some of the largest protests ever seen in the capital, Olympia (see photo above).

Two openly homosexual, pro-Planned Parenthood Democratic lawmakers, Sen. Claire Wilson and Speaker Laurie Jinkins, were key sponsors of the bill, which was passed in partisan, Democrat-led votes over the objections of tens of thousands of concerned Washington citizens. Here is an excellent piece on Senate Bill 5395 by Seattle conservative talk show host Todd Herman, who occasionally subs for Rush Limbaugh.

A growing coalition of citizens has formed to fight SB 5395, led mostly by outraged moms and dads, and grandparents who cannot believe what “comprehensive,” “age-appropriate” sex-ed means to the the “progressives” who dominate sexual ed and diversity programs in Washington (and across the country). See the “Informed Parents of Washington” Facebook page HERE

Pro-family advocate Mary Locke, a MassResistance activist who has done yeoman’s work alerting others to the leftist educational extremism in her state, wrote this letter to her local newspaper, the Federal Way Mirror; as of press time it had yet to be printed.

Parents across the nation are waking up to the threat of radical sex-ed agendas and pro-LGBTQueer indoctrination in schools. Hopefully it is not too late to turn this around and restore common sense and respect for time-tested morality. Take Action: Go HERE to learn more about the referendum to repeal SB 5395. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera


Children Are on the Front Lines of a Raging Culture War

By Mary Locke

Thanks a lot, Washington state DEMOCRATS! You handed the pornographic sexxx ed bill 5395 to Governor Jay Inslee. This was a party line vote.

No Republican voted to mandate Seattle-style sexxx ed.

Homosexuals Claire Wilson, Democrat State Senator/30th district and House Speaker and Democrat Laurie Jinkins have now MANDATED their warped sense of sexuality on the public-school children of Washington State.

Wilson, Jinkins and all the Democrat leaders of this state need to take off their rainbow-colored goggles and look at the potential damage they have just set in motion.

Wilson and Speaker Jinkins and all Democrats get copious amounts of campaign contributions from Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider. Planned Parenthood is also the biggest beneficiary of “their bill,” 5395 sexxx ed.

Planned Parenthood is mentioned over 50 times in the Sexxx ed curriculum’s “FLASH and KNOW.”

Follow the money.

Planned Parenthood donates to Democrats. Democrats pass a radical sexxx ed law. Planned Parenthood then gets a steady stream of customers.

The approved curriculum promotes fornication and homosexuality, therefore children are told they need birth control and abortions. And Planned Parenthood is right there for the kids.

So, children grades K-12, will have to navigate the sexxx ed grooming that has been approved. Linda Harvey summarized this cultural struggle: “Children are on the front lines of a raging culture war.” Traditional Christians are losing the battle.

Mary Locke,

Federal Way, WA

Ruse: Fairfax Country, Virginia School Board Says Boys and Girls Have Different Brains — Except in the Bathroom

Sunday, November 11th, 2018

So do biological gender differences matter, or is any reference to “biological sex” bigoted?

Now biological men can get periods? In this tweet, “Trans Women” means biological men who are “identifying” as “women” through the modern “transgender” cult. The tweet links to an article in the leftist, pro-trans website “Everyday Feminism,” in which the writer links the effects of “HRT” (Hormone Replacement Therapy) drugs to menstrual symptoms of real women. This sort of idiocy results from a reality-denying movement that uncouples one’s sex (gender) from his or her biology. Note the responses to the initial tweet: “Nausea and cramps and mood swings and other generic symptoms can be a sign of LOTS of things. Most likely drug side effects in trans case.” … “How would trans women get period symptoms if they lack the organs responsible for menstruation?”

“Teaching children they might be born in the wrong body is psychological child abuse.” 

By Cathy Ruse
First published in The Stream, 11-7-18

One of the most liberal school systems in the country wants parents to know that boys and girls are built differently. Except when that truth is not politically convenient.

The Fairfax County (Virginia) School Board announced an upcoming workshop for parents. It’s called “Jack’s Brain, Jill’s Brain: Gender Differences and Why They Matter.” The workshop will feature child psychologists discussing how “girls and boys learn differently.” Apparently, “rapidly emerging research” shows that “the brains of females and males are developmentally, structurally and functionally different.”

But, do they really mean this? After all, this is the school board that voted to teach children that biological sex is meaningless.

A Search-and-Destroy Mission

Last spring by a vote of 10-2, the nation’s 10th largest school system made a search-and-destroy mission through its 80 hours of Sex Ed (per student). Every reference to human beings having a “biological sex” of male or female was removed. Children are now taught that “sex is assigned at birth” and subject to change.

Parents and taxpayers in Fairfax County tried to stop them. When the proposal was open to public comment, over 1,000 comments came in and 83% opposed the change. But the school board had no interest in the views of parents and people who pay their salaries. Only in pushing their brand of sex politics on the children under their control.

No one is born a boy or girl. Some girls have penises. Don’t be a hater.

It’s impossible to square the curriculum changes with the upcoming parent workshop. The school board is either lying to the children or they’re lying to the parents.

Well, they’re lying to the children; but it’s even worse than that.

Read the rest of this article »

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