These Are the Major Corporate Sponsors of the LGBTQ (“Queer”) Lobby Group Human Rights Campaign

Saturday, January 5th, 2019

Target Sides with the Hard Left: The corporate retailer Target is a top sponsor of Human Rights Campaign, which routinely demonizes people of faith who oppose homosexuality and extreme gender confusion (transgenderism) as immoral. HRC’s top legislative priority is the LGBTQ “Equality Act,” which would create federal “rights” based on changeable homosexual and transgender identification (read: behavior). This would be a massive departure from traditional civil rights law rooted in unchangeable skin color and ethnicity. Target has lost customers by stubbornly sticking to its policy of allowing biological male “transgenders” (men who think they are “women) to use its female restrooms. Contact Target at 800-440-0680 or online HERE.

The following are listed as the major corporate sponsors of the Human Rights Campaign, the world’s largest and most powerful Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender-Queer (LGBTQueer) lobby group (as of Jan. 5, 2019). I suspect that every single one of these companies supports the federal “Equality Act” (a top HRC priority), which would add homosexuality and transgenderism as criteria for America’s Civil Rights law–thereby elevating “rights” based on sexual-and-gender perversion (and immorality) to noble civil rights status in the law. This would have a devastating impact on people and institutions of faith–and enhance the ability of LGBTQ activists to legally bully Cristians into supporting radical “gay” and “trans” agenda items like homosexuality-based “marriage” and transgender “rights.” We will update and enhance this list. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @PeterLaBarbera

[As of January 5, 2019]

Platinum (Highest Level)

American Airlines
Coca Cola
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
Northop Grumman

Gold Partners

West Elm (Williams Sonoma / Pottery Barn)

Silver Partners

Smearing Christians and Moral Citizens as “Haters.” Like most LGBTQueer activist organizations and activists, Human Rights Campaign conflates opposition to its radical agenda with “hate.” Defending Judeo-Christian morality is not hate. However, intentionally mislabeling it such is indeed hateful. This graphic is taken from the HRC website; click on it to enlarge.

Alaska Airlines

Cox Enterprises
EY (Ernst & Young LLP)
J. Crew
MGM Resorts International
US Bank

Bronze Partners

Ameriprise Financial

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VIDEO: Starbucks Mother’s Day Ad Says Two Lesbian ‘Moms’ Are Better Than One

Monday, May 12th, 2014
Are two lesbian moms better than one? Apparently Starbucks and Oprah think so.

Are two lesbian moms better than one mom–especially one raising children with her husband and their father in the home? Apparently Starbucks and Oprah think so.

TAKE ACTION: E-mail Starbucks online HERE [or] or call 877-421-9062.

For Mother’s Day Starbucks released the commercial below, voiced by Oprah Winfrey and hawking a new “Oprah Chai” tea. The ad celebrates all sorts of moms–including the “two moms are better than one mom”–shown with the affectionate lesbian “moms” at right and the “M’s” in “MOM” in what I suppose is an alphabetic homoerotic embrace (see :24 point in ad). [Watch ad on Starbucks YouTube page HERE.]

Messages like this no long shock a post-Christian America shaped in part by decadent corporations pandering to the highly organized LGBT lobby. Starbucks already has sold its corporate soul (is that an oxymoron?) to the homosexual agenda. Its executives made that clear in 2012 when they defiantly rebuffed a boycott threat by the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) and affirmed that support for homosexual “marriage” is a “core” Starbucks value.

The NOM “Dump Starbucks” boycott that followed seems anemic two years later (only 68,200 pledges)–but Starbucks [877-421-9062] remains a plump target for a more effectual and better organized boycott. Let’s face it: finding substitutes for overpriced yuppie coffee is pretty easy. We’ll see what happens, but one thing is certain: Starbucks execs are not backing down in their support of sexual sin and they surely aren’t acting like they fear the consumer power of mobilized religious conservatives.

As for the content of the ad, Oprah and Starbucks are dead wrong: Two lesbians “moms” are NOT better than one mom–especially one raising children with her husband and their father in a real marriage. And if higher numbers are better, wouldn’t three or four lesbian moms be best? We used to take it for granted that kids do better with a married mother and father, but now that’s a point of contention and marriage itself is being radically redefined. The reality is, this liberal social engineering is bad for kids: Kansas State professor Walter Schumm confirmed “[Paul] Cameron’s (2006) hypothesis that gay and lesbian parents would be more likely to have gay, lesbian, bisexual or unsure (of sexual orientation) sons and daughters.”

As for single moms, our hearts go out to the many women who find themselves struggling to provide for their children with no dad in the house. But at least in most cases, single moms did not set out to deny their kids a father–just as single straight dads–unlike homosexual two-“dad” households–did not intentionally create motherless homes. And unlike those snuggling Starbucks lesbians in the ad below, single moms are not modeling deviant and immoral behavior condemned by God to their innocent children. –Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

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Columbus, OH 43234

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