Archive for July, 2008

Read Phil Magnan’s “15 Reasons Why Homosexuality Is Wrong and Hurts Society”

Monday, July 21st, 2008

phil_magnan-2.jpgPhil Magnan of Biblical Family Advocates.

We’re just getting back from a trip that offers more evidence why homosexuality is wrong and harmful to children. Meanwhile, take a read of Phil Magnan’s report, “15 Reasons Why Homosexuality is Wrong and Hurts Society.” Phil is the founder of Biblical Family Advocates, based in San Diego. I just met him in person for the first time and came away impressed by his love for people, including those practicing homosexuality, and his love for God’s truth and His heart on this issue. Check out BFA’s report. — Peter LaBarbera

Buy Exxon Gas — this Corporation Doesn’t Pander to the Homosexual Lobby

Friday, July 18th, 2008

H/T to Jeremy Hooper of the pro-homosexuality website “Good As You” for calling to our attention this excellent video by Coral Ridge Ministries — commending Exxon-Mobil for standing strong in NOT capitulating to homosexual activist lobby. Just as Jeremy thanked us for highlighting 100-percent pro-homosexual Fortune 1000 corporations (according to the “gay” Human Rights Campaign) — so he and his “GLBT” readers could reward these companies with their spending — we thank Jeremy for reminding us why pro-family Americans should patronize Exxon-Mobil gas stations.

Buying gas is painful these days — and there’s much resentment against the Big Oil companies, Exxon included. But if you’re going to pay ridiculous prices at the pump anyway, why not reward a company that refuses to buckle to the aggressive and intolerant Homosexual Lobby? While you’re at it, follow the video’s advice (or go to Exxon’s Contact Page HERE) and commend Exxon Mobil’s executive team, while politely urging them not to give in to the homosexual activists.

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Chicago Media Black Out McDonald’s Boycott Press Conference

Thursday, July 17th, 2008

Nearly 200,000 have signed AFA’s “” petition

cbs-in-pride-parade-2004.jpgCLICK ON PHOTO TO ENLARGE. Chicago’s CBS TV affiliate fields a float every year at the city’s bawdy homosexual “pride” parade, but CBS and other major Chicago secular media were no-shows at AFTAH’s pro-family coalition press conference yesterday highlighting a huge and growing pro-family boycott of McDonald’ s (based outside Chicago). McDonald’s was given a high 85% rating by a homosexual lobby group for its pro-homosexuality and pro-transsexuality policies. Photo courtesy Illinois Family Institute.

Dave Diersen, an Illinois Republican activist, has provided a summary of the coverage of our press conference in front of McDonald’s’ world headquarters in Oak Brook, Illinois. Predictably, I suppose, we were completely blacked out by Chicago’s and Illinois’ major media — which had no excuse since they were inundated with press releases about the event by four pro-family organizations taking part: Americans For Truth, American Family Association, Illinois Family Institute and Liberty Counsel. It appears that the Fox News item below came from AP.

So once again the major media are doing the work of the homosexual lobby. Many in the media have decided that the “gay” issue is settled, and the homosexual activists have won. (Remember when Big Media thought the abortion issue was pretty much over?) Yesterday’s non-coverage was appalling journalism, even by corrupt Chicago standards. Clearly, the boycott story is compelling — even from a pure business perspective: already, nearly 200,000 people have signed AFA’s boycott petition (

The people involved in this boycott of McDonald’s are good family people — not vegans, America-hating leftists, or some other fringe group. And the idea really seems to be catching on. As I said yesterday, millions and millions of Americans have had it with the elite media’s and pop culture’s promotion of homosexuality, but they don’t know what to do about it. Boycotting McDonald’s, an easy target but admittedly not the worst corporate offender — PepsiCo Foundation recently gave $500,000 to the homosexual group Human Rights Campaign Foundation, compared to McDonald’s $20,000 to the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce — is something simple to do to stand up for marriage and the natural family.

More coming on this story. — Peter LaBarbera

P.S. Most major Chicago media either field floats or participate in the annual Chicago “Gay Pride” parade, and the local ABC affiliate televises it (see photo above). Now there’s some “news” with wide appeal in Chicagoland!


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California Homosexual Activists Lose in Bid to Deny Voters a Say on Counterfeit ‘Marriage’

Wednesday, July 16th, 2008

Apparently California’s homosexual activists are afraid of a vote in November on an amendment that would ban same-sex “marriage” in the state. Hopefully, that’s a good indication that they will lose that crucial vote. The “gay” attempt to deny democracy is nothing new: for years, homosexual militants have attempted to deny popular votes on homosexual issues in various states, at times resorting to dirty tactics like harassing pro-family petition-gatherers for state ballot initiatives. To them, the end justifies the means. — Peter LaBarbera

The San Francisco Chronicle reports today:

State high court refuses to remove same-sex marriage ban from ballot

The state Supreme Court refused today to remove a proposed ban on same-sex marriage from the November ballot.

The initiative, Proposition 8, is a state constitutional amendment that would overturn the court’s May 15 ruling allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry in California.

Gay-rights advocates sued June 19 to block a vote on Prop. 8, arguing that the measure would destroy fundamental rights that can’t legally be abolished by an initiative.

Noting that the Supreme Court’s ruling relied on the constitutional rights of privacy and equal protection, they argued that a repeal would amount to a revision of the Constitution – something that requires approval of two-thirds of the state Legislature before going to the voters.

Sponsors of Prop. 8 replied in court papers that their opponents were trying to deprive Californians of their right to change their own Constitution.

The court dismissed the case today in a unanimous order, without comment.

Press Conference at McDonald’s World Headquarters Tomorrow Supports National Boycott of Fast Food Giant for Promoting Homosexuality

Tuesday, July 15th, 2008

News Release

ronald_mcdonald_rainbow2.jpgAmericans For Truth

Contact: Peter LaBarbera: 630-717-7631

NAPERVILLE, Illinois — Americans For Truth has called a press conference tomorrow with other family groups from across the country at the world headquarters of McDonald’s – to support the national boycott of the fast-food giant and highlight its record of promoting homosexual activism.

The press conference will be held at Wednesday, July 16 at 10:00 AM at the McDonald’s restaurant adjacent to McDonald’s world headquarters – at the corner of 22nd and Spring Streets in Oak Brook, Illinois. Participating groups joining Americans for Truth include:

• American Family Association (AFA), which launched the McDonald’s boycott
• Liberty Counsel
• Illinois Family Institute
• AFA of Pennsylvania
• Family Taxpayers Foundation

“AFA has focused its boycott on McDonald’s $20,000 grant to a homosexual businessman’s association –– calling for the company to return to neutrality in the culture wars,” said Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth about Homosexuality (AFTAH). “We agree, but AFTAH will also be highlighting McDonald’s daily promotion of unhealthy homosexual and transsexual lifestyles through corporate policies like funding unmarried ‘domestic partner’ (DP) benefits.”

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Ronald McDonald: Anti-Christian Bigot? McDonald’s Suggests Pro-Family Advocates Motivated by Hate

Monday, July 14th, 2008

Fast-food chain echoes homosexual activists’ smear

Gay Ronald McDonald

Why does McDonald’s equate defenders of marriage and Judeo-Christian morality with “hate”? TAKE ACTION: Call McDonald’s to let them know about your decision to boycott at 1-800-244-6227 (or 630-623-3000; fax: 630-623-5004). For more information about AFTAH’s Wednesday press conference at McDonald’s world headquarters, write americansfortruth@comcast.

Dear Readers,

Americans For Truth has called a press conference outside of McDonald’s world headquarters in Oak Brook, Illinois, this Wednesday, July 16, in support of American Family Association’s (AFA) boycott of the fast-food giant. Joining AFTAH and AFA will be representatives of Liberty Counsel, Illinois Family Institute, AFA of Pennsylvania, Culture Campaign and other pro-family advocates — including some moms who will explain why they won’t be taking their children to McDonald’s until the corporation stops promoting homosexuality and “gay” activism.

Note McDonald’s unfortunate choice below of the word “hate” as applied to critics of the company’s pro-homosexual policies. When we’ve reached the point where belief in the Bible and traditional morality is routinely equated with hatred, America has become hostile territory for people of faith. Sadly, pro-homosexual “diversity” is becoming a code-word for anti-Christian bigotry, as we at AFTAH have experienced before. (See our story about the founder of DiversityInc magazine, Luke Visconti, outrageously equating this writer (and Americans For Truth) with racist pro-slavery advocates of the past. Click HERE for African American ex-lesbian Charlene Cothran’s response to Visconti’s ugly and, yes, hateful analogy.)

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Mass. Legislature Poised to Export Homosexual ‘Marriage’

Monday, July 14th, 2008

TAKE ACTION: stand against Massachusetts exporting counterfeit “gay marriages” across the nation: click HERE. Our good friends at report:

Mass. Legislature poised to export our “gay marriage” across the country by repealing “1913 Law.” National “gay” groups pouring in money to lobby. Pressure needed NOW to stop Senate vote Tuesday – (see our new fax feature!)

The national homosexual movement is funding a huge lobbying effort over the next few days to persuade the Massachusetts Legislature to repeal the “1913 Law” which would allow out-of-state “gay” couples to legally “marry” in Massachusetts — and then cause havoc in their home states. Currently, out-of-state couples can not marry in Massachusetts if that marriage would be illegal in their home state. (See our report with the language of the bill.)

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Homosexual Man Sues Bible Publisher Zondervan over Scripture Verses against Homosexuality

Monday, July 14th, 2008

bible_2.gifThe Bible is the authoritative Word of God. There is no logical or reasonable way to interpret it as condoning homosexuality or positive “gay” identity. For more on the Bible and homosexuality, see the website of Rob Gagnon, Associate Professor of New Testament at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary.

Homosexual activists are consumed with a war against God and nature in a vain attempt to justify their sinful (and often destructive) lifestyle choices. They twist words and create misleading phrases such as “marriage equality” — even though it is clear that divinely-created nature discriminates in favor of male-female (i.e., normal) relationships. (Can homosexual unions produce children on their own? Why are homosexual men linked so disproportionately to HIV and other sexual diseases (this is an excellent piece by Janice Crouse)?)

So much of the “gay” activists’ effort is expended in trying to squelch divine truth on this subject or reinvent the Bible to approve of their sin. Ultimately, that translates into a crusade to censor truth-tellers: mostly Christians and other religious people who refuse to compromise on the Bible’s truth that homosexual behavior is always sinful — yet, thank God, overcomeable through Christ (see also Janet Boynes’ ex-lesbian testimony). This lawsuit may be frivolous and a publicity stunt, but it is a portent of many anti-Christian lawsuits to come. — Peter LaBarbera

Our friends at report:

Homosexual Man Sues Bible Publishers over Scripture Verses against Homosexuality

By Peter J. Smith

NASHVILLE, Tennessee, July 11, 2008 ( – A homosexual man upset by biblical verses condemning homosexuality as a sin has decided – in lieu of suing God or claiming damages from the Holy Spirit – instead to go after two Christian publishers for their versions of the Bible, which he says violate his constitutional rights and have caused him emotional pain and mental instability.

Bradley LaShawn Fowler of Canton, Michigan filed a suit in US District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan on July 7 against Zondervan Publishing House Corp. seeking $60 million. Fowler also filed another suit earlier in June seeking $10 million from Thomas Nelson Publishing, based in Nashville, Tennessee.

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