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Archive for April, 2014
Saturday, April 5th, 2014
 Pro-life leader Joe Scheidler
Folks, I’ve taken the extraordinary step of asking some pro-life and pro-family leaders and friends to vouch for me in the face of a leftist attempt to dislodge me as a speaker at the upcoming Saskatchewan Pro-Life Association event April 11-12. [See AFTAH story HERE.] The following note is from Joe Scheidler, one of my personal heroes and the founder of the Chicago-based Pro-Life Action League. Scheidler’s “Truth Tours” featuring placards with photos of unborn babies victimized by what the liberals call “choice” have educated countless tens of thousands of people across America as to the murderous reality of abortion-on-demand.
Thanks to Joe and all the wonderful leaders and advocates who have come to my defense regarding the Canada trip. The Left is whipping up hysteria in Weyburn, Saskatchewan, and sadly more than a few pro-lifers are confused about the false charge of “hate” leveled against me. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
Joe Scheider writes:
I called the Saskatchewan Pro-Life Assn. and told Loraine what a great guy Peter is and that we have worked with him over the years and that being picketed by a bunch of homosexuals will bring publicity to his talk and to get word to the people in charge to greet him with open arms. She said she’d pass on my message of support. They have been getting lots of calls, letters, e-mails, etc. Best.-Joe
Yours for Life,
Joseph M. Scheidler
National Director
Pro-Life Action League
Phone: (773) 777-2900
Website: http://prolifeaction.org
Facebook: http://facebook.com/prolifeaction
Posted in Abortion, News, Political Correctness vs. Truth, Politics of "Hate"
Friday, April 4th, 2014
Another scalp for Big Gay Inc. means diminishing freedom of conscience for Americans
 Ideology over Performance: Brendan Eich is extremely qualified to be Mozilla”s CEO. He just thinks the wrong way about the preservation of natural marriage–according to LGBT militants–igniting a homosexual activist campaign against him.
By Peter LaBarbera
In the type of story that has become all too common, the Los Angeles Times reports: “Just days after taking the job, Brendan Eich has resigned as chief executive of Mozilla, the maker of Firefox, after coming under fire for his 2008 support of Proposition 8, the California constitutional amendment that disallowed the marriage of same-sex couples in the state.” That prompted this comment by a smart reader (“brdcstr”):
So Mozilla promotes a lifelong employee based upon his skills and leadership qualities, presumably after an exhaustive search, only to fire him a week into his tenure based upon a donation he made to a cause they differed on?
What are they running over there, a business or a social club? Sounds like the type of company that only welcomes monolithic thinking.
I would be willing to bet that the cackling hyena who asked for his resignation voted for Obama in 2008… When he was opposed to gay marriage, before he was for it.
Gotta a love the liberals who falsely pride themselves as being tolerant, as long as you agree with them. If not, they would prefer to silence your voice instead of engage in debate to promote dialogue and better understanding.
Time to go uninstall my Firefox browser. Like the company, it keeps crashing, rendering it useless.
I’m afraid that my friend Matt Barber, founder of Barbwire.com and an AFTAH Board Member, is correct [see his piece below]: the rising tide of ‘homo-fascist’ bigotry–or call it ‘homo-Marxist’ cultural aggression if you choose–threatens to destroy freedom in this great nation. Note that it is no longer just disagreeing publicly with homosexuality that triggers the powerful forces of Homosexual Indignation and Hate, but merely standing up for natural marriage (one man, one woman), as EX-Mozilla CEO Eich did in supporting California’s Prop 8 in 2008.
Eich, who gave $1,000 to help pass Prop 8, was joined by over seven million “homophobic bigots” in 2008–if you believe pro-homosexual fanatics. Prop 8 passed by a margin of 52.24-47.76 percent, with a popular vote of 7,001,084 in favor and 6,401,482 against.
A troubling pattern of homosexual activist intimidation, corporate or individual capitulation, and then self-censorship or mandated ideological compliance seems to be the West’s New Normal–in defense of the abnormal.
Mozilla’s politically correct baloney
Reading Mozilla’s Executive Chairwoman Mitchell Baker’s statement on Eich’s resignation reminds me of the old Soviet propaganda: savvy citizens have to read through the obfuscatory lines (a fancy way of saying B.S.) to decipher the real meaning behind the DiversitySpeak. For example, there’s this:
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Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Gay" Subversion of Institutions, "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, Christian Persecution, Corporate Promotion, Freedom Under Fire, Gay Protests, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, GLBTQ Lawsuits & Retribution, Morality and Moral Judgments, News, Political Correctness vs. Truth, Politics of "Hate"
Wednesday, April 2nd, 2014
Canadian ‘Homo-Marxists’ attempt to shut down speech in the name of ‘tolerance’ and ‘anti-bullying’

TAKE ACTION: Call or write the Saskatchewan Pro-Life Association [online form HERE; 306-352-3480] and urge them NOT to back down in the face of a leftist, pro-homosexual, online pressure campaign to disinvite AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera as a speaker at their upcoming conference in Regina, Saskatchewan April 11-12. Background Regina Leader Post article HERE. See SPLA conference flier HERE.
Dear Friends of AFTAH,
It doesn’t get much more Orwellian than trying to pressure an independent organization to disinvite a speaker–in the name of “anti-bullying” and “tolerance”! Yet that is precisely what’s occurring and this time I am the target. Next week, April 11-12, I am scheduled to speak at a pro-life, pro-family conference in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada put on by the Saskatchewan Pro-Life Association (SPLA) [see flier HERE]. But on Monday, I learned that a pro-homosexual group, Intolerance Free Weyburn, is working with the leftist petition site Change.org, to get me knocked off the dais as a speaker at the conference.
You can read about this in this pretty fair article in today’s Regina Leader Post. Following is the language in the Change.org petition targeting yours truly:
Peter LaBarbera is using this pro-life convention as a medium to advocate his personal anti-gay agenda. His claims to do this using a “spirit of love and truth” are anything but factual considering he is recognized as the president of the anti-gay hate group “Americans for Truth About Homosexuality”. This may lead to people unknowingly (people only interested in the pro-life aspect) be subjected to his message of hate and be influenced to correlate the ideas that being anti-gay and being pro-life are the same idea. His religious overtones in his message are a danger to any person/s attending the conference for personal religious reasons.
The community of Weyburn, Saskatchewan wants to make it known that they do not condone his message of hate nor do they respect his wants to spread it. In a world where basic human rights are just recently being recognized for the LGBT community, people such as Peter LaBarbera are counter productive to the evolution of society’s human nature.
As the “Opportunity City”, we need to be clear that all people will be fre”e from intolerance. Freedom to opportunity means that EVERYONE has equal rights even if they don’t coincide with your own personal beliefs. You don’t have to be “PRO”-anything in order to be anti-intolerance. It just makes sense.
Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever been called “counter productive to the evolution of society’s human nature” before! I am dumbstruck at the Left’s brazen hypocrisy and shameless attempt to censor speech in the name of “freedom.” Read the simplistic and jingoistic comments under the petition to see how liberals justify their peculiarly intolerant brand of speech-stifling, “anti-hate” ideology. Here are a couple of comments:
I don’t live in Weyburn but I don’t even want one more person spreading poisonous words of hate in my province. Keep him out!
It’s never OKAY to promote hate.
SPLC’s handiwork
Behold the fruits of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s nefarious campaign to demonize AFTAH and other opponents of organized “gay” activism as “hate groups.” THIS is exactly what the SPLC sought to achieve with its spurious “hate” designation against AFTAH [see our listing on the SPLC’s bogus “Hate Map” HERE], Family Research Council, AFA, Mission America, Mass Resistance and many other noble pro-family groups. As the saying goes, “Those who hate the Truth call Truth hate.” Hopefully, the SPLC’s influence will wane as Americans learn about its hard-left bias and hack political nature, and come to perceive it at the malicious tool of the Left that it is.
Lastly, I am saddened that some pro-life individuals have signed the Change.org petition. Perhaps they are unaware that the same socially Left activists who promote the acceptance of homosexuality, bisexuality and transsexuality also promote abortion-on-demand. Did you know that the world’s largest pro-homosexual organization, Human Wrongs Rights Campaign, includes pro-abortion votes in its “Congressional Scorecards”? The second biggest “gay” group, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, also promotes abortion-on-demand at its annual “Creating Change” conferences for LGBT activists.
Furthermore, as AFTAH has covered extensively, homosexual behaviors are disproportionately linked to a myriad of Sexually Transmitted Diseases including but not limited to HIV. Hundreds of thousands of “gay” men have had their life cut short because they practiced immoral and high-risk same-sex behavior. So of course promoting the sin homosexuality is anti-life, in addition to being anti-God. Thankfully, men and women are leaving homosexuality behind, many with the help of our Savior Jesus Christ. Homosexuality is not who you are, it’s what you do–and like any other misbehavior (sin), it can be overcome. Please give that loving and truthful message to anyone you know who has claimed a false identity of “gay,” “lesbian” or “transgender,” and pray for them.
This present hubbub is nothing compared to the oppression suffered by Christian Canadians over the years–people like Pastor Stephen Boissoin who had to spend years and tens of thousands of dollars to clear their name after being targeted for alleged “discrimination” by Canada’s notorious “Human Rights Tribunals”–merely because they spoke out against homosexuality. These “human rights” tribunals became kangaroo-courts for the Left to target pro-family speech and punish Christians.
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Posted in "Gay" Subversion of Institutions, CDC, Censorship Issues, Christian Persecution, Conservative and Chrisian sellouts, Freedom Under Fire, Gay Activist Hate Against Christians, Gay Activist Hypocrisy, GLBTQ Lawsuits & Retribution, News

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