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To understand why it is wrong for the GOP and conservatives to honor the Log Cabin Republicans and their “gay”/transgender agenda, see this AFTAH video:
To read about how MassResistance was smeared by CPAC staffers attempting to rationalize banning this pro-family group from CPAC 2018, go here:
Note from Peter LaBarbera:
Dear AFTAH Readers,
Anyone who know me knows that I’m a Cause guy, and a Truth guy. And the “cause” which I humbly believe I am called to defend is God’s Truth about the sin of homosexuality and the insidious, “out-and-proud” LGBTQ movement that demands celebration of it. Now I am deeply saddened to report that American “conservatism” is going pro-homosexual at the expense of truth and wholesome morality. (Is Christianity next?)
Last week (Feb. 21-24), I attended the annual Conservative Political Action Conference CPAC. What I saw there and experienced in the lead-up to CPAC is that libertarians (or liberal-tarians, as my friend Ryan Sorba calls them) are moving ahead steadily in their attempt to re-define conservatism to condone homosexuality, including so-called “gay marriage.” They want to turn the Republican Party into a version of the pro-homosexual-“marriage” Conservative party in the U.K. And they are moving RAPIDLY towards that goal.
As you can see from the recent AFTAH press release reprinted below, both AFTAH and MassResistance were prevented from having a simple, paid Exhibitor’s table at CPAC. Just a few years ago, CPAC faced criticism for inviting “gay” sponsors and speakers; now they are banning solid pro-family conservatives who dare to confront Big LGBTQ. Meanwhile, CPAC allowed the homosexual-transgender activist group Log Cabin Republicans to have an Exhibitor’s table at the popular conservative gathering.
As the pressure builds to downplay or ignore the “gay” issue, millions of conservatives like you and me who have usually voted Republican now face a choice: are we going to side publicly with God or cave in to morally-bankrupt libertarianism? Will YOU keep standing for the Truth about biblical sexual morality, or find a way to cop out of this critical battle? Will you fight for the soul of the GOP?
At CPAC, the beautiful Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center in Maryland just outside the Beltway was teeming with young conservatives. I suddenly felt old as I saw in their vitality and idealism myself 30 or so years ago. In fact, I launched my “Lambda Report on Homosexuality” newsletter monitoring the “gay” agenda, the precursor of American For Truth, the with much zeal at CPAC 25 years ago.
But the great crisis today–something about which I fear most young conservatives are ignorant–is that their precious idealism has been corrupted by a capitulation to a worldly LGBTQ revolution, which is the most extreme branch of the larger, destructive Sexual Revolution. An LGBTQueer Revolution that says “gender” doesn’t matter, nor does it matter if a young man dates a woman or another man! (“Love is love,” goes the inane slogan.)
Of course it matters. It matters to God, who does not give a pass to Republican immorality just because it has an “R” attached to it. It matters to His Son, Jesus Christ–who has turned around the lives of many men and women who, in their sin and deep confusion, thought it was their (inborn) destiny to be “gay,” or “trans.” [See AFTAH’s wonderful and compelling 2017 banquet videos featuring EX-“gay” Christian Stephen Black, founder of First Stone Ministries and a Board Member of Restored Hope Network.]
Truth always matters. So shame on CPAC for what it did to my good friend, Brian Camenker, president of MassResistance, who is a genuine hero for his many years of fighting, with indomitable fortitude and without compromise, against all efforts to mainstream perversion. If there were any justice in the “conservative’ movement, Brian would have been invited to give a seminar at CPAC on the lessons he has learned fighting the nefarious Sin Movement that calls itself “gay” (and now “transgender”).
But instead of being honored, and given an opportunity to pass on his wisdom to a new generation who desperately needs it, Camenker and MR were banned and then smeared by CPAC – the same CPAC that last year invited as speaker Milo Yiannopoulos, who joked on his “Dangerous Faggot” college speaking tour about preferring to be sodomized by black men. (CPAC dropped Milo after he defended sex between men and boys; Milo himself was the boy victim of a pederast priest.)
The reality is that even in Trump’s America, telling the truth about homosexualism and that “dirtiest” word of all–the M-word (Morality)–often earns you contempt, or derision, or hostile and puzzled responses even from family members and loved ones. Nevertheless, before God, and with Him as our main and enduring Ally, we must persist and never apologize for defending God’s gift of sexuality in the HEALTHY bounds of marriage between a man and a woman:
[Jesus] answered, “Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female?” (Matthew 19:4 ESV)
In the end, it’s God’s Truth, not ours, so it’s not man’s to redefine.
In the scheme of things, the sad story that I witnessed firsthand of CPAC’s downward moral trajectory is the story of fallen man: “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.” (Proverbs 14:12 ESV)
Thank the Lord that we can rise above the culture and its politically correct lies by trusting in God and His Inerrant Word, the Bible, and using our liberty while we still have it to fight harder for that Truth than thousands of LGBTQ activists do for their evolving web of lies. May God bless you richly as you stay strong in the fight!
‘Gay-Trans’ Activists In, Social Conservatives Fighting LGBTQ Agenda Out: Log Cabin Republican activists man Exhibitor’s table at CPAC conference. LCR works to build acceptance of homosexuality and transgenderism within the GOP. Meanwhile, CPAC disinvited MassResistance, which focuses on opposing LGBTQ activism, as an Exhibitor and ignored AFTAH’s paid application ($2,000) for an Exhibtor’s sponsorship at CPAC. Note person at far left is Adelynn Campbell, a “transgender” activist attending the conference as a student member of the conservative campus group Turning Point USA, which downplays traditional “socialcon” opposition to the LGBTQ agenda. Photo: AFTAH.
Folks, here is a video interview I did with my friend Cliff Kincaid Friday at CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) on CPAC’s curious “ban” of MassResistance as a paid Exhibitor, and their apparent rejection by non-action of AFTAH’s $2,000 Exhibitor application.
Cliff, the founder and president of America’s Survival, Inc. (ASI), had his press credentials denied by CPAC after he did an interview with MassResistance president Brian Camenker, which is the second video below. Kincaid has criticized CPAC in the past over taking non-conservative actions, so that also probably contributed to his ouster.
As you can see, Cliff interviewed me directly in front of CPAC’s Exhibitor’s table for Log Cabin Republicans, a homosexual activist group that pushes for acceptance of LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) issues within the GOP. Just a few years ago, allowing homosexual “conservative” groups to sponsor at CPAC was widely criticized in the larger conservative movement; now the organization is banishing single-issue opponents of LGBTQ activism.
The president of Log Cabin, Gregory Angelo, told me that neither he nor LCR had anything to do with MassResistance being disinvited by CPAC. So who got to American Conservative Union (ACU) Executive Director Dan Schneider, who called up Camenker to “fire” MassResistance as a sponsor? Who knows, but this whole mess smacks of Washington elitism and we at AFTAH will not sit idly by as self-perceived leaders on the Right throw grassroots pro-family heroes like Brian under the bus while redefining conservatism (and Christianity) to accommodate sexual perversion. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH.org; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
Kincaid interview with AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera at CPAC, published Feb. 25, 2018:
ASI video description:
The American Conservative Union, the sponsor of CPAC, is working to normalize homosexual activity and destroy the winning Reagan coalition of social, economic, and foreign policy conservatives. The effect will be to marginalize and isolate traditional conservatives and drive millions of Christians out of the Republican Party.
Pro-Family Hero Silenced by CPAC: Brian Camenker (left, shown with Gov. Mike Huckabee in 2010) is the leading grassroots fighter against the LGBTQ lobby in the world. Yet his mostly single-issue group, MassResistance, was officially disinvited as an Exhibitor Sponsor by CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference. Americans For Truth (AFTAH) then paid the $2,000 to have an Exhibitor’s table at CPAC but our request was ignored and our payment refunded. Meanwhile, CPAC is allowing a homosexual activist group, Log Cabin Republicans, to exhibit, as well as single-issue advocacy groups on issues like opposition to the death penalty, usually a liberal crusade. Is libertarianism silencing the defense of Judeo-Christian sexual morality? Will the GOP go pro-homosexuality like the Conservative party in the U.K.?
Media Advisory
Americans For Truth About Homosexuality
AFTAH: Is CPAC ‘Conservative’ When It Bans Anti-Gay Agenda Exhibitors While Welcoming LGBTQ Activists?
February 23, 2018
Contact: Peter LaBarbera: 312-324-3787; americansfortruth@gmail.com
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH.org), issued the following statement about the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC)’s decision to disinvite the pro-family group MassResistance as an Exhibitor sponsor. CPAC (Feb. 21-24) welcomed the LGBTQ activist Log Cabin Republicans as Exhibitors, but AFTAH received no response from CPAC when it applied and paid $2,000 to be an Exhibitor after MR was disinvited:
CPAC’s capricious action against MassResistance and its president, Brian Camenker, is an unconscionable sellout of real, principled conservative values. CPAC has it backwards: it is the homosexual-transgender activist group Log Cabin Republicans that doesn’t belong at a conservative conference–not an organization fighting the fanatical, anti-Christian LGBTQ lobby.
The Log Cabin Republicans’ morally subversive agenda is to push for the acceptance of proud homosexuality and “gay marriage” within the Republican Party, and “rights” based on disordered yet changeable sexual behaviors and an ever-expanding array of “gender identities.” This defies God’s creation and is not conservative.
MassResistance is the world’s leading grassroots organization standing up to the homosexual-bisexual-transgender movement. Its dedicated followers expose efforts to “mainstream” deviant sex-and-gender confusion in schools and work to protect—i.e., conserve—the age-old institution of marriage as God ordained it. This is the essence of noble conservatism.
After opening up the door to sexual immorality (with an “R” next to it), CPAC then went a step further by banning this heroic pro-family group, using as its pretext something Camenker said in a speech three years ago. Keep in mind that CPAC invited profane Milo Yiannopoulos, a self-described “Dangerous Faggot,” to speak last year and also has welcomed atheists as Exhibitors.
CPAC has squandered its moral authority by pandering to political correctness. It is teaching young conservatives all the wrong lessons about fairness and right versus wrong. CPAC’s leaders owe an apology not just to Camenker and MassResistance but to principled, Reagan social conservatives everywhere.
Folks, this essay by my friend and author Amy Contrada lays out some of the troubled recent history of CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) and homosexuality. Last week, CPAC’s executive director, Dan Schneider, suddenly disinvited our friends at MassResistance as an Exhibitor sponsor at the conservative conference (which began yesterday) after first allowing MR to exhibit. You see, as Amy documents, CPAC–the group that welcomed self-styled “Dangerous Faggot” Milo Yiannopoulos as a speaker last year, is concerned that MassResistance president Brian Camenker lacks “common decency”! (This is not a joke.) And needless to say, the same CPAC again this year welcomed the homosexual-transgender activists at Log Cabin Republicans as Exhibitors. [Watch the short AFTAH video on Log Cabin-Chicago’s perverted 2009 “gay pride” float HERE.]
When MR was booted, AFTAH applied for an Exhibitor’s table, but we never heard back from CPAC and our $2,000 payment was not processed. Then I learned that CPAC denied journalist’s credentials to Cliff Kincaid, a good friend of AFTAH and a rare conservative leader who still fights the radical LGBTQueer agenda. It seems that the CPAC model for building a “conservative” movement is to alienate real conservatives, especially socialcons, while pandering to social “progressives” at the expense of biblical truth and fidelity to the GOP Platform. What folly. More coming on this CPAC-sellout story. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter:” @PeterLaBarbera
[WARNING: Crude language.]
Pro Family Group Asks: Is the Conservative Movement Dead?
By Amy Contrada
Our conservative pro-family group MassResistance was approved in January as an exhibitor at CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference. We were abruptly disinvited last week. We are trying to understand the reason.
CPAC’s parent organization, the American Conservative Union, claims it “defines conservatism.” They hold a huge annual conference in DC, beginning February 21 this year.
Why would a group or speaker be banned? CPAC Executive Director Dan Schneider said he rescinded our participation due to our uncivil discourse. He was “uncomfortable” with our tone. CPAC has been telling our supporters who call that we “lack common decency.” Several of our supporters were even told that our group encourages violence against gays! That is libelous. We’ve never done anything of the sort.
How has CPAC responded to the actual uncivil discourse of its invitees in the past? Let’s look at two examples: the Log Cabin Republicans and Milo Yiannopoulos. We will then describe our own shocking treatment at the hands of the “conservative establishment.”
Log Cabin Republicans
The LGBT activist Log Cabin Republicans (LCR) have a table at CPAC 2018 for the third year in a row. Here’s how they reacted to the 2016 Republican Party Platform in full-page ad in USA Today:
LOSERS! MORONS! SAD! No, these aren’t tweets from Donald Trump. This is what common-sense conservatives are saying about the most anti-LGBT platform the Republican Party has ever had. GOP Platform Committee: Out of touch, out of line, and out of step with 61% of young Republicans who favor same-sex marriage.
Is an ad portraying fellow Republicans as “losers” and “morons” civil discourse? LCR admitted their ad was “provocative.” Their president explained he was “mad as hell” as he ranted against the platform’s “nonsense” on same-sex marriage, transgender bathroom access, and approval of counseling for those questioning their sexual orientation.
At a gay pride event in Chicago [see AFTAH video], the LCR float included signs reading:
A strong military shoots big loads BIG DICKS – small government CUT TAXES – UNCUT 8 inches
Yet the American Conservative Union (ACU) and CPAC have had no problem with LCR’s insulting and degrading language. This is despite LCR’s violation of one of the four mandatory criteria for being a CPAC sponsor, namely that “The applicant organization must not exist primarily for a liberal purpose.” And what is LCR’s main purpose? Promoting the radical homosexual and transgender agenda – clearly a liberal purpose, and their core identity.
Milo Yiannopoulos aka ‘Dangerous Faggot’
In 2017, vulgar “gay” provocateur libertine Milo Yiannopoulos (who calls himself the “Dangerous Faggot”) was invited to be the keynote speaker at CPAC. Milo’s “tone” was no secret. ACU’s invitation went out to him despite his performance a year before in Cleveland during the 2016 Republican Convention where he flamed out in his rank language.
Take Action: Contact CPAC and its parent organization, American Conservative Union (ACU) at 202-347-9388 and ask them to allow the pro-family groups Mass Resistance and AFTAH to exhibit at next week’s CPAC 2018 conference. ACU’s online contact form is HERE.
Gay Republicans Mock the Military, Corrupt Kids: Sign held by a man atop the Chicago Log Cabin Republicans’ float in the Chicago homosexual “pride” parade in 2009. Photo from AFTAH video; see video below.
Folks, it now appears the leadership of CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) is standing by its foolish and shameful decision to deny an Exhibitor’s table at CPAC 2018 to MassResistance–a leading grassroots anti-LGBTQ-agenda group–after first approving the organization, and after approving the “gay” activist group Log Cabin Republicans to exhibit at CPAC.
AFTAH submitted its request to exhibit at CPAC early last week but has not heard back from the organization. According to the pro-family news site LifeSiteNews, CPAC Executive Director Dan Schneider “indicated that CPAC had deemed some of the language used by MassResistance in the past as ‘insulting and disrespectful’ when speaking about the LGBT community. ‘Groups which would use similar language about other minority groups would be disallowed as well,'” he said.
Hmmm. Insulting and disrespectful language? How about openly mocking the United States military with twisted, crude, sodomy-obsessed homosexual humor–on a float in a parade at which many young children attended? Who would do such a thing? Why, the Chicago branch of the Log Cabin Republicans, of course. Below is the AFTAH video. After the video and the page jump is AFTAH’s YouTube description of it. Also, for two good AFTAH pieces on how “gay pride” parades corrupt children, see this photo-story on the 2015 New York City “pride” and this one on the 2012 Philly “pride” parade.
Exploiting Olympic Fame to Promote Perversion: This tweet by openly homosexual American Olympic athlete Gus Kenworthy with fellow “gay” activist Adam Rippon telegraphs their proud “queerness” to the world. Rippon and Kenworthy have drawn headlines by criticizing Vice President Mike Pence, who heads up the U.S. delegation to South Korea’s Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang.
For years Steve McConkey of 4 WINDS Christian Athletics has been a lonely, brave and principled voice for Christians against the promotion of homosexuality and sexual sin in sports. Steve is spot on here regarding the Olympics’ capitulation to the LGBTQ agenda. There is a lot about the homosexuality and “transgender” debates that doesn’t get the critical attention it deserves because we are preoccupied with legal and public policy issues. One such thing is the cultural corruption and the unspoken tyrannies that come with it when the evil of sodomy is aggressively promoted as a good (Isaiah 5:20), and human wrongs are elevated to protected “rights.”
Publicly proud homosexuals like Olympians Gus Kenworthy and Adam Rippon are driven by a need to justify their errant sexual choices. Tragically, Western culture now celebrates their shared sin, shamelessly flaunted and hyped by the media in these South Korean Winter Olympics, while punishing moral voices who disagree. Many “straight” athletes are now intimidated from saying anything critical about the behavior of “gay” teammates or “out” sport celebrities due to a fear of being branded a “hater,” and having their career destroyed.
It is not enough to demand the mere “right” to dissent from the politically correct chorus championing homosexuality; we must find ways to be as aggressive in championing godly, biologically-correct morality as LGBTQ advocates are in defying it. Here is McConkey’s release on the International Olympic Committee’s troubling “gay” embrace. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
Winter Olympics Promotes Homosexuality as Principle 6 is Pushed
MADISON, Wis., Feb. 15, 2018 /Standard Newswire/ — Olympic skater Adam Rippon and skier Gus Kenworthy are promoting homosexuality as normal behavior. They are the first openly gay Winter Olympians from the United States.
They have been verbally attacking Vice President Mike Pence. Kenworthy recently appeared on the Ellen Degeneres show criticizing Pence. Hillary Clinton praised the gay athletes and said she will be focusing on them as she watches the Games.
“Adam Rippon and Gus Kenworthy will be used by the Olympic Committee and the press to further the sin of homosexuality,” states 4 Winds Christian Athletics President Steve McConkey. “The Olympic Committee has promoted transgenders, intersex athletes without proper testing, and same sex marriage.
“Olympic athletes are encouraged to support the LGBT community according to Principle 6. If Christian athletes say homosexuality is a sin, they could face consequences. The press tried to destroy a prominent gold medalist for saying homosexuality was wrong. There were talks that the person could lose their Olympic Ambassadorship.”
Folks, more evidence here that newfangled “rights” based on sexual perversion and extreme gender confusion naturally war against real, God-given liberties, parental rights and historic Judeo-Christian religion. Here are some good words from Family Research Council president Tony Perkins on two of the latest LGBTQ-activists assaults on normality and faith.
Obviously, the escalating pro-LGBTQ campaign against the Detroit church is intended to intimidate other churches from pursuing their biblical calling of godly transformation through Jesus Christ. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
Court: Accept Your Child’s New Gender or Lose Custody
This week, a shocking story hit the national news about an Ohio teenager who was removed from her parents’ home by authorities. Why? Because they didn’t support their daughter’s decision to identify as a boy and declined to authorize hormone therapy to facilitate her gender “transition.” Today, the story broke that Juvenile Court Judge Sylvia Hendon has permanently removed the child from her parents’ custody (despite the fact that the child is already 17 and would be able to make medical decisions for herself in less than a year).
What’s especially alarming is that a lawyer representing the child — as well as Donald Clancy of the Hamilton County Prosecutor’s Office — cited the parents’ religious beliefs as an argument for robbing them of their rights! The mom and dad are being criticized for seeking out a Christian therapist for their daughter and for daring to send her to Catholic school. Even so, the parents were clear that their stance on the gender transition wasn’t motivated on faith alone. After all, they pointed out, they’d had lengthy consultations with medical professions and did hours of research on their own. Only then did they come to the conclusion that “this is not in their child’s best interest.” (The American College of Pediatricians — not to be confused with the more “politically correct” American Academy of Pediatrics — agrees.)
For years, LGBT activists have scoffed at warnings from FRC and others that the radical LGBT movement poses a threat to personal and religious freedom. In the past, the Left directed most of its attacks on religious expression in the public square, doing everything it could to restrict faith to the four walls of your house or church. Now, even that tolerance is tumbling down.
I wrote yesterday about the shocking attack by two Michigan state legislators against a church in metropolitan Detroit that offered an “Unashamed Identity Workshop” for teen girls struggling with their sexual orientation or gender identity. It’s becoming ever clearer that if we don’t fight to defend our liberties everywhere, they will not be safe from attack anywhere — not even in your church or your home.
Tony Perkins’ Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC senior writers.
Folks, last week I was stunned to learn that CPAC, the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, had reversed itself and banned the pro-family organization MassResistance from having an Exhibition Table. This is the same CPAC which now is allowing homosexual activist Republicans–the Log Cabin Republicans, to be Exhibitors. MassResistance is run by my good friend, Brian Camenker, who is a hero for standing up to homosexual and transgender activists for over the last 25 years and never backing down.
The same cannot be said of CPAC. It is simply unconscionable for a “conservative” organization to welcome in homosexual activists while banishing the leading national grassroots organization fighting the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer) lobby. That is why I have called on the American Conservative Union, which runs CPAC, to reverse its decision and allow MassResistance to have a booth.
AFTAH’s predecessor, the newsletter Lambda Report, was launched at CPAC 25 years ago, so this latest politically correct absurdity really hurts personally. As we predicted, out-and-proud homosexuality is now corrupting conservatism and Christianity; it is incompatible with both. After hearing of the action against my friend, I have applied and paid for an Exhibitors Booth at CPAC. We’ll see what happens. In the meantime, please contact ACU and urge them to reverse this terrible decision.
American Conservative Union phone: (ACU sponsors CPAC): 202-347-9388
ACU Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CPACNews/
ACU Board of Directors: http://conservative.org/board/
Thanks for you commitment to stand for Truth! — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
MassResistance table BANNED from CPAC – after having been accepted. Because of our 2015 comments about the “culture war”
But LGBT group “Log Cabin Republicans” is allowed!
Is the “Conservative Political Action Conference” really conservative?
February 13, 2018, by Mass Resistance
The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), the oldest and largest annual “conservative” conference in America, has abruptly banned MassResistance from having an exhibit at its 2018 session. The conference begins next week, running Feb. 21-24. CPAC had officially approved MassResistance for a table on January 29, after an involved vetting process.
But last week CPAC Executive Director Dan Schneider notified MassResistance that the decision has been reversed because of our Biblical approach to fighting the “culture war” (particularly the transgender agenda in public schools) as described in a 2015 speech by MassResistance president Brian Camenker. (See below.)