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If you’re within driving distance of Chicago and you want to STOP “transgender” insanity like the tragic “post-op” photo below of a young women who destroyed her own body to become like a “man”–come to the AFTAH dinner-banquet TONIGHT (Friday, Oct. 28). Pro-family hero Linda Harvey–president of Mission America and a WND columnist–will speak on:
“How the ‘Gay/Transgender’ Lobby Promotes Gender Deviance and Body Mutilation to America’s Youth”
Tickets are just $25 and you can pay at the door. Full details on AFTAH’s Banquet Page here. The second photo below is a man dressing as a woman who was hanging outside the most recent “International Mr. Leather” perversion-fest, held every year in Chicago:
The sad reality is this: men make bad women:
A Denial of Reality: Perhaps as a homosexual man Peter Thiel does not understand this, but most women do not want men with penises wearing dresses (like this fellow at the recent “International Mr. Leather” perversion-fest in Chicago) to occupy a restroom with them.
What: Annual Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) Dinner-Banquet fundraiser
When: Friday, October 28, 2016; doors open at 5:00; dinner served at 6:30
Who: Linda Harvey, founder of the Christian, pro-family group Mission America and WND.com columnist
Where:Grace Gospel Fellowship church in Bensenville, IL (near Route 83 and I-290). Address: Grace-Gospel Fellowship, 4 North 220 Route 83 (Frontage Road), Bensenville, IL 60106; church phone: (630) 834-0550. The church is a red barn-like building with abortion-victim crosses in the yard: it is on the west side of Rt. 83, about a mile north of I-290. In Google Maps, the church is listed as “Grace Gospel Center.”
Cost: Just $25 per person or $250 for a Table of 10; pay online using our Banquet Form, or mail your check to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522 [to give a general donation to AFTAH, go here]
Judge Rules Iowa Churches Are Not Subject to Government Control
By Heather Sells, 10-26-16
A federal judge in Iowa has ruled that churches are not “public accommodations” and therefore not subject to government control.
The ruling could prove pivotal as the country considers whether or not houses of worship are subject to public accommodation anti-discrimination laws.
In her ruling, U.S. District Court Judge Stephanie Rose allowed a lawsuit filed by the Fort Des Moines Church of Christ to continue. The church filed suit in objection to the Iowa Civil Rights Commission applying a state civil rights law to churches.
The act could have forced churches to censor statements on sexuality and adopt state policies that allow any person to enter any bathroom or locker room.
“The court cut off this unconstitutional power grab by clarifying that the law does not apply to churches,” ADF [Alliance Defending Freedom] attorney Steve O’Ban said.
Judge Rose noted in her ruling that “state and federal courts have held that churches and the programs they host are not places of public accommodation.”
However, LGBT activists often claim churches and other houses of worship are places of public accommodation in order to force them to follow government anti-discrimination laws…. [Story continues at CBN News]
Not “Equal,” Not Even Close: LGBTQ activists are loathe to discuss and debate the manifold disproportionate health risks associated with their unnatural lifestyles. Order this new book by our friends at MassResistance through Amazon HERE.
Special Book Offer: Despite the ubiquitous media and LGBTQ propaganda, homosexuality is NOT a normal variant of human sexual behavior. To help you prove that obvious point to others, we are offering the thoroughly-documented, 600-page Mass Resistance book, “Health Hazards of Homosexuality,” which we are making available through AFTAH for $20 postpaid. Order it online here with your gift of at least $20 [note book order in the Comments box], or send your check to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522, noting the book order. “Progressives” despise this book, and you’ll know why when you get a copy!
Folks, homosexual health risks are the elephant in the “gay” living room that is often denied by anti-science “gay” activists, and rarely gets the attention it deserves from squeamish conservatives and Christians. I know and trust the author of this MassResistance book, and that person has excellent research skills. The book has 1,800 endnotes–including some citing articles by AFTAH and this writer–so it is loaded with “inconvenient truths” and uncomfortable realities about LGBTQ behaviors and lifestyles that Big Gay Inc and their media lackeys do not want you to know.
I just bought my copy of “The Health Hazards of Homosexuality“ off Amazon (available only in Kindle e-book format). Go HERE to buy yours today. Stay tuned for much more on this terrific resource. –Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @PeterLaBarbera
Below is the author’s description of the book on Amazon:
“Health Hazards of Homosexuality” brings together in one resource up-to-date information on the serious physical and mental health issues experienced by gays, lesbians, and bisexuals. This e-book includes 1,800 endnotes with live links to sources including the CDC, medical and mental health professional associations, medical research, GLB advocacy groups and websites, and the mainstream media. Numerous documentary color photos enliven the text.
The book looks at reasons for the higher levels of pathology (in both physical and mental health) experienced by these sexual minority groups, including life experiences, lifestyle choices, and risky sexual practices.
The book begins with discussion of the social and institutional context, summarizes estimates of the GLB population, and dismantles the “born that way” myth. Several chapters look at the higher incidence of mental health disorders exhibited by many in the GLB community, including depression, anxiety, suicidality, substance use, partner abuse, and BDSM practices. [BDSM is a sadomasochism acronym that stands for–according to its aficionados–“Bondage & Discipline, Dominance & Submission, Sadism & Masochism.” No wonder they’re now calling it “Kink” for media and cultural mainstreaming purposes.–AFTAH]
The general public has not been told the whole truth about sexually transmitted diseases (including HIV/AIDS) and other illness following from the behaviors associated with GLB sexual orientations. Gays and bisexual men, in particular, are most vulnerable and are driving recent increases in STD incidence. Our nation’s youth, male and female, are suffering from the fallout and are experiencing startling increases in STDs.
FOX anchor Shep Smith never squabbled with being “outed” by OUT, a leading homosexual magazine. Above is an entry for Smith in the magazine’s “Power 50” list of influential homosexuals. Click to enlarge.
In the video below, I am interviewed by my friend Cliff Kincaid, president of America’s Survival, about the not-unexpected revelation that Fox News daytime anchor Shepard (“Shep”) Smith is homosexual. We discuss Fox’s steady abandonment of “fair & balanced” coverage of the LGBTQ agenda, and the GOP’s abandonment of serious opposition to it. [Read my in-depth 2014 report for A.S. on Fox News’ growing pro-homosexual bias HERE.]
We also discuss how homosexual-agenda-related issues and even religious liberty (freedom of conscience vs. “gay rights”) have barely been raised in this presidential election, thanks in part to Republicans not bringing it up. Kincaid says conservatives need more networks to compete with Fox News. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @PeterLaBarbera
Here is Cliff’s YouTube description of the program, released today:
Cliff Kincaid and Peter LaBarbera discuss the decline of Fox News, in the context of Shepard Smith coming “out” of the closet, and the unwillingness of the channel to promote or even mention the importance of traditional values.
From AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera’sTwitter page; go HERE to see the thread:
Peter LaBarbera @PeterLaBarbera
Two “dirty” words in post-#Christian America: the S-word and the M-word: Sin & Morality. We need a revival to truly #MakeAmericaGreatAgain. 3:41 PM, Oct. 23, 2106
A complaint that had been filed against Alabama Supreme Court Justice Tom Parker by the domestic terror-linked Southern Poverty Law Center has been dismissed by the state’s Judicial Inquiry Commission.
“Shame on the SPLC for filing this politically motivated complaint against Justice Parker,” said Mat Staver, chairman of Liberty Counsel, which represents Parker.
Parker was accused, after he was interviewed on American Family Radio about the U.S. Supreme Court’s opinion on marriage, of violating the Canon 3(A)(6) of the state canons of judicial ethics.
The problem, Staver explained, is that the rule purports to prevent any judge in the state from making “any public comment about a pending or impending proceeding in any court” – even if the judge is not involved in the case and if the judge’s comments “do not have a reasonable likelihood of affecting the outcome or impairing the fairness of that proceeding.”
Liberty Counsel noted such a rule has been described by the American Bar Association as violating the First Amendment.
God’s Feminine Beauty Destroyed: Transgender FtM (Female to Male) 20-year-old Alex Matheny shows off her artificially flat chest at right, after she had her healthy breasts surgically destroyed so she could appear like the man she wants to be (but never can be). See her Twitter page HERE.
As bad as the media bias against Trump has been, it is 100 times worse when it comes to decades of one-sided media and Hollywood promotion of All Things “Gay” and “Trans.”
* * *
If just one percent of American men had the courage of Linda Harvey–and her fortitude and determination to serve God even when it gets hard…America truly would become great again.
Dear AFTAH Readers,
Like most of you, I was relieved when the horrifying evil of partial-birth abortion was discussed in last night’s final presidential debate. But guess which issue was not discussed (again)–in fact, in all three debates? The Homosexual/Transgender revolution and how it is crushing religious freedom and endangering our youth.
The Left’s fanatical LGBTQ political correctness is now so far advanced that elites are encouraging young people to destroy their bodies in pursuit of a disordered fantasy. Young “transgender” women like Alex Matheny–pictured above–are having their healthy breasts surgically destroyed to look like “men.” Not an election issue?
Are you as horrified at this as I am?! Remember: THIS is LGBTQ liberalism.
Schools offer one-sided, pro-LGBTQ propaganda to celebrate homosexuality and “transgenderism,” and call that “diversity”
One-Sided “Diversity”? Metea Valley High School in Aurora, IL, recently joined with the activist group GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network) to promote “GLSEN Ally Week,” in its school library. This is a photo from the library exhibit, which featured a bunch of pro-homosexual/pro-transgender books recommended by GLSEN. Schools like Metea talk a lot about “diversity” and “inclusion,” but they rarely allow opposing viewpoints on LGBTQ issues. This lack of balance dishonors and does a disservice to students. Photo: Americans For Truth.
Dear AFTAH Readers,
I’m so proud of my son, John, for exposing the radical LGBTQ agenda at his high school, Metea Valley High School, in Aurora, Illinois [see below]. One-way “diversity and inclusion” of the sort Linda Harvey describes below is educational malpractice; it denies students basic facts–like the existence of ex-“gays”–and fuels the Left’s spurious narrative that opposing homosexualism and transgenderism = “hate” and “bigotry.”
I will have more on this situation in future posts, but for now suffice it to say that I now realize based on my experience with our children in public schools that very few parents have a even a clue about how ubiquitous political correctness is there. Naturally, I’m very attuned to it but even I can barely keep up with just the sexual and gender propaganda at one school, Metea Valley HS (which has many good qualities and fine teachers, and earned a “silver medal” in U.S. News’ rankings of “Best High Schools”). There is almost zero balance on the moral issue of homosexuality, and now transgendered “identities” are all the rage. Of course, it is intimidating for busy parents–much less students–to confront educational authorities about rampant bias.
Linda Harvey is the keynote speaker at the AFTAH dinner-banquet Friday, Oct. 28. More info HERE.
AFTAH Banquet Friday, Oct. 28: This is why I am so grateful and honored to have my good friend, WND columnist, and Mission America founder Linda speak at our annual AFTAH dinner-banquet, in just nine days (Oct. 28). Linda cares so much about combating school misinformation that over the years she has actually taken the time to read some of the recommended pro-homosexual books,. You will be shocked at what she finds (although Culture War veterans shouldn’t be). Full details of the banquet Friday, October 28 at Grace Gospel Fellowship Church, in Bensenville, Illinois (northwest of Chicago) can be found HERE; please invite others to come (tickets are just $25 per person).
One thing is clear: it is up to US–you and me–to provide the balance, real “inclusion” and genuine “diversity” on these matters–because the educational establishment is as committed to the ever-metastasizing LGBTQueer Revolution as the media. — Peter LaBarbera. AFTAH.org; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
Free Speech Denied at School (Unless It’s Porn)
One-Sided LGBTQ Book List: This bookmark containing a list of pro-homosexual/pro-transgender books was passed out at the Metea Valley High School “Ally Week” table. Click to enlarge.
By Linda Harvey, first published by WND.com, Oct. 18, 2016
Democrats pretend to be shocked, shocked at the potty mouth of Donald Trump.
But if Trump’s words were put in the mouth of a teen fiction character, the book would be celebrated as “bold” and “coming-of-age” by the American Library Association and lauded with numerous awards.
Especially if the book also featured openly homosexual adolescents.
Free speech is permitted, even promoted in some of today’s schools if it appears in the form of printed obscenity. But viewpoint exchanges by students? Think again.
At Metea Valley High School in the Chicago suburb of Aurora, Ill., administration officials came down sharply on one male student’s discussions with student members of the school’s “gay-straight alliance” because he dared to reveal the risks of homosexuality and the threat to religious freedom posed by Supreme Court-imposed homosexual “marriage.”
John, this courageous young Christian, approached the lunch-period recruiting table for the school’s “gay-straight alliance” and began a respectful dialogue that one of the GSA students claimed became heated. After a few GSA members accused John of yelling and being a “bully,” one honest GSA student – questioned by the junior class dean – verified John’s version: that he remained civil and was never aggressive or offensive.