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Here is a moving segment from the “Talking Life with Peter Janetzky”radio show March 22, 2015, in which 21-year-old “Amy,” talks about her childhood being adopted by lesbians and raised in a lesbian household. The program originates from Brisbane, Australia. Also see the referenced website, AustralianMarriage.org:
Christopher Doyle, founder and president of Voice of the Voiceless, came out of the homosexual lifestyle and is now happily married with children. Doyle is a professional counselor who helps others find freedom from homosexuality. Read his testimony, and a Mercator interview with Doyle. To support the Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund, which is defending JONAH against the well-funded SPLC, go HERE.
This article first appeared in the Christian Post, June 17, 2015
This Monday marked the second full week of testimony in the “Trial of the Century”, pitting Jews Offering New Alternatives for Healing (JONAH), a small, New Jersey-based Jewish non-profit organization, against the $340 million dollar Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).
At issue are SPLC’s claims that JONAH committed consumer fraud by supposedly guaranteeing four former clients that they could go from “gay” to “straight” in 2-4 years. SPLC recruited these clients to sue JONAH in what has become another installment in the nationwide effort to prevent individuals with unwanted same-sex attractions from accessing counseling.
But SPLC’s case is unraveling at the seams, and the lies that mark this trial should be a lesson for the nation.
First, last Wednesday, under cross-examination by attorney for the defense Charles LiMandri of the Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund, Dr. Carol Bernstein, an expert witness for the plaintiffs and a well-known psychiatrist and Vice Chair of the New York University (NYU) School of Medicine, conceded that sexual orientation is fluid and can change. She went on to state that she has not conducted any research on the effectiveness of sexual orientation change effort (SOCE) therapy or familiarized herself with any studies looking at harm from such efforts.
Additionally, when asked about the particular type of counseling, psychodrama, that JONAH uses in its practice, Dr. Bernstein replied that it was not a well-respected counseling modality, despite that fact that Columbia University, where she attended, offers a course for undergraduate students on the method, a fact of which she was unaware.
Feelings vs. Reality: ‘Trans-racialist’ Rachel Dolezal, a woman born white who wants to live as a black person. Click to enlarge.
Folks, I’m tempted to say that only by falsely labeling Michael Brown as a ‘Transracial-phobe’ could one reject his sound arguments below. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH.org
I do not for a moment want to minimize the very real struggles of those who identify as transgender nor do I want to ignore those individuals who have genuine biological or genetic abnormalities.
I simply want to state once again—really, I want to shout it from the rooftops—that perception does not change reality, and so Bruce Jenner is no more a woman than Rachel Dolezal is black.
In the last week, a steady stream of articles has drawn comparisons, both positive and negative, between Jenner and Dolezal, with not a few stating that Dolezal’s actions are harmful to the transgender cause. (The opening lines of Ben Shapiro’s fairly comprehensive article, detailing many other claims made by Dolezal and dripping with sarcasm, are classic.)
Obviously, I have no idea whether Dolezal genuinely believes she is black or simply chooses to identify as black, but what’s clear, if all the reports are true, is that she is not black.
How can I be so dogmatic?
It’s because skin color is verifiable.
It is not based on perception.
It is not based on feelings.
It is based on provable data.
The same is true when it comes to gender (again, putting aside the question of how to best help those with biological or genetic abnormalities that are not so easily categorized as male or female).
Some people are genetically and biologically male while others are genetically and biologically female, and to alter their physical appearance through cosmetic surgery no more changes their real identity than wearing leopard skins transforms a human being into a big cat.
Living Out a Lie: Former Olympic star Bruce Jenner (posing for Vanity Fair as “Caitlyn” above) is a biological male who wants to live as a woman–and claims that fictitious identity despite his male DNA. Click to enlarge.
The same is true when it comes to hormonal treatments: You can pump up Bruce Jenner with all the female hormones in the world but that does not make him into a woman. (To date, we have not been presented with any evidence that he is a genetic female in any form.)
In the words of Dr. Paul McHugh, one of the nation’s most respected psychiatrists yet a man despised by many in the transgender community as out of date and out of touch:
“Transgendered men do not become women, nor do transgendered women become men. All (including Bruce Jenner) become feminized men or masculinized women, counterfeits or impersonators of the sex with which they ‘identify.'”
Not only so, but in many ways, the transgender movement is based on fundamental contradictions.
Sin Advocate: Young and winsome Matthew Vines is working hard to win Christians to the idea that committed homosexual relationships should be blessed before a holy God. Despite his apostasy, Vines was recently welcomed as a “brother in Christ” by Rev. Caleb Kaltenbach, lead pastor of Discovery Church in Simi Valley, CA. See Vines’ curiously named “Reformation Project.“
“We are to have no fellowship with darkness. We can’t ‘dialogue’ with any professing Christian who’s in open rebellion against the Word of God. We can’t ‘dialogue’ with anybody who is deceiving and misleading the Body of Christ on any sin while claiming to be a Christian!”–Janet Mefferd
I welcome my friend Janet Mefferd to the pages of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality. Janet is a former longtime radio talk show host with the Salem Radio Network–and, I must say, as someone who cumulatively chatted a few hours in on-air interviews with Mefferd over the years–she was one of the best in the business (Christian and secular). We look forward to seeing what’s next in Janet’s career, but until then we are delighted to publish her work.
Regarding this issue of “dialogue” or “bridging” with homosexuality advocates, I recall an article by the late Alan Medinger–a man who walked away from homosexuality with the help of the Savior he loved, Jesus Christ. Medinger, who founded Regeneration Ministries in Baltimore, wisely cautioned against an internal Church debate over homosexuality because there is nothing compelling it except outside, anti-biblical agitation. The sinfulness of same-sex behavior is a settled matter in both the Bible and thousands of years of Church/Old Testament tradition, argued Medinger, and we need not debate it now within Christendom any more than we should debate, say, adultery.
Read this beautiful tribute to Medinger by Regeneration’s Josh Glaser–then decide if the same Spirit of Christ that impelled Alan lies with Matthew Vines, who–by trying to redefine Christianity to accommodate homosexual relationships and “gay marriage”–propels the very same debate that Medinger rejected on principle. Below Mefferd ably applies what I call the “Sexual Sin Substitution Test.”— Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
“Evangelicals Open Door to Debate on Gay Rights.” Just the kind of headline I never enjoy, but it ran June 8 in The New York Times over a story about “influential evangelicals” meeting with homosexual activist Matthew Vines at Biola University last month, complete with a Times reporter and photographer on hand.
Vines, you may recall, is author of 2014’s controversial “God and the Gay Christian: The Biblical Case in Support of Same-Sex Relationships,” which manipulates biblical terminology in an unconvincing attempt to argue against the sinfulness of homosexuality.
Worse, the book was published by Crown Publishing Group’s Convergent imprint, which shared staff and operations with and was a sister imprint of evangelical Christian publisher WaterBrook Multnomah. Among other repercussions for printing such unbiblical garbage, WaterBrook Multnomah resigned its membership from the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB). (Crown later separated the two imprints.)
Vines also runs an apostate group called The Reformation Project, which claims to exist “to train Christians to support and affirm lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people. Through building a deep grassroots movement, we strive to create an environment in which Christian leaders will have the freedom to take the next steps toward affirming and including LGBT people in all aspects of church life.”
Homosexual Disease Rates Are Very High: Sexually transmitted disease rates remain at very high levels among homosexual men (“men who have sex with men,” or MSM), This 2011 CDC graphic reveals that almost all of new HIV infections for males ages 13-24 were linked to the practice of homosexual sex. Now is not the time to weaken the FDA’s policy banning donations from MSM. Read the FDA Draft Recommendations on its weakening of the homosexual blood ban policy HERE. Make your views know to the FDA HERE. Click on graphic to enlarge.
AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera was a guest June 4 on VCY America radio network’s “Crosstalk,” with Jim Schneider as host [click HERE to listen online]. Among the issues discussed was the FDA’s proposed weakening of its policy banning blood donations from men who have engaged in homosexual sex (sodomy). Below is taken from the VCY site:
TAKE ACTION:From the WVCY website: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is moving forward with its plan to lift the ban on homosexuals donating blood if they have been abstinent from sexual relations with another man for a period of 12 months. You may read the draft guidelines here. The FDA is receiving public comments through July 14, 2015. You may either write the FDA with your comments or you may file them electronically. You may write the FDA as follows:
Division of Dockets Management (HFA-305) Food and Drug Administration 5630 Fishers Lane, Room 1061 Rockville, MD 20852
Peter LaBarbera is the president of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH.org). Jim and Peter noted the following regarding the issues listed in today’s title and more:
Media Hypes Jenner: The media is going ‘bonkers’ over the Bruce Jenner to Caitlin Jenner transformation story yet according to Peter, they are loath to cover stories regarding people who thought they were gay or lesbian and are transitioning to a healthy heterosexual lifestyle. Their propaganda has been so effective that now the average American believes that 25% of the population is homosexual when in fact, the actual number is 1.6% (Transgender is .7%)
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has issued a guide to restroom access for transgender workers. Their core principle is for all employees, including those who are transgender, to have access to restrooms that correspond to their gender identity. Jim read a statement from them that basically communicates that forcing individuals to having to use restrooms not consistent with their gender identity or segregating them from other workers through use of gender neutral facilities, singles them out. This might cause transgenders not to use workplace restrooms due to fear for their physical safety and that could lead to potentially serious health consequences.
Robert Gates, the man who oversaw the transition to allow open homosexuals to serve in the military, is now the president of the Boy Scouts. It should come as no surprise that he is pushing for the inclusion of openly homosexual adults as scout leaders. Jim noted that the scouts were in a sustainable position because the U.S. Supreme Court had given them the right, as a private organization, not to have homosexual scouts and leaders. They capitulated and now the scouts are saying it’s no longer sustainable for them to have the ban on gay scout leaders.
Order “Light Wins” today: by sending $22 postpaid to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522. In addition to the full-length film, you will receive a 30-minute abridged version and 90 minutes of special features.
Folks, it was my privilege to be a part of this excellent documentary film, “Light Wins,” produced by my friend and pro-family Force of Nature, Janet Porter. Janet did an outstanding job boiling down dozens of hours of interviews with pro-family leaders to make this movie. Now we are asking YOU to show it to your network of friends, including your church family. This is a superb teaching tool and when you order it, you will be helping to sustain both AFTAH and Janet’s ministry, Faith2Action. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth
ORDER THE VIDEO: for just $22 postpaid you will get a DVD containing the following:
The full-length feature film “Light Wins” (100 minutes)
A 30-minute abridged version for easier showing at house- or church showing parties
90 minutes of extra interviews on special topics like homosexuals in the military
ORDER TODAY: Send $22 postpaid to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522; bulk discounts available: write Brad Wallis at connops@yahoo.com for more information. All proceeds from sales will be split between AFTAH and Faith2Action.
“How could a boy turn into a girl?! That’s impossible!”–boy in video protests; other kids say people are scared of change re: “Caitlyn” Jenner
Our Hero in this Video: A young boy in the “She Knows” propaganda video below reacts to Bruce Jenner’s girlish transformation by blurting out: “How could a boy turn into a girl?! That’s impossible!”
Folks, this outrageous and highly manipulative short video was published June 9, 2015 and already had 2,735,765 hits on YouTube as of 11:45 PM Central Time June 14; just 15 minutes later, at midnight, it had 2,737,370 hits. The next day, at 11:00 AM Central, the video had 2,763,413 hits. It was produced by a feminist media outlet called “She Knows,” and this “#HatchKids” project video is titled “Empathy.” It would more accurately be titled “Manipulation”–because kids are super impressionable and these children obviously were guided by adults toward making the “right,” politically correct answers.
Hatch Kids’ slogan is “Content for grown-ups, made by kids with a mission,” but it is the She Knows adults who are on a mission here, and they are exploiting kids to accomplish it. Children have always been the target of leftist revolutionary “change agents”–and revolutionaries in general. Radical feminists and LGBTQueer activists are seizing upon Bruce Jenner’s Hollywood- and media-assisted “transition” to “Caitlyn” to indoctrinate children and the wider culture in the Nature-defying illusions of transgender ideology. So-called progressives, imbued with characteristic self-righteousness and superiority, are selling extreme gender confusion as normal–while those who oppose it are cast as lacking “empathy.” Or, the latter are said to be filled with irrational fears (“transphobes”–sound familiar?). Note the video’s high production quality and the femmy adult questioner, likely a homosexual activist.
The producers include one politically incorrect boy in the video, who at the :49 mark blurts out–in a sole affirmation of Truth–“How could a boy turn into a girl?! That’s impossible!” Needless to say, he’s never seen again in the video. Perhaps the producers sent him to Re-Education Camp.
We are in a hot Information War with liberal “change agents” who worship feelings over reality and transcendent morality. Our foes are far more sophisticated in cranking out devious propaganda like this than we are in defending the natural order and God’s Truth. Please use this video to educate your network of family and friends on leftist/LGBT indoctrination tactics. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
Here is the information about the video provided by She Know:
Published on Jun 9, 2015
Kids were presented with two pictures, one of Bruce Jenner and one of Caitlyn Jenner, and their reactions will both surprise you and inspire you. SheKnows Media’s Hatch program creates content for grown-ups, made by kids on a mission.
Joyce Kilmer Elementary School (right) is located on Greenview Ave., just three blocks from the deviance-honoring “museum,” Leather Archives (left), which sits at 6418 N. Greenview Ave., near Devon Ave., in Chicago’s Rogers Park neighborhood. Two other public schools are also within walking distance of the mainly homosexual-oriented sadomasochistic perversion “museum”–which celebrates “fisting’ and other depraved homosexual acts, including porn that eroticizes adult-child sadistic sex. See AFTAH PDF Flier about the despicable “museum” HERE.
The following statements were issued by Illinois pro-family leaders at the Americans For Truth press event held May 22, 2015 directly in front of the Leather Archives & Museumat 6418 N. Greenview Ave., down the street from Joyce Kilmer Elementary School, in the Rogers Park neighborhood of Chicago. Links to related stories on the LA&M S&M “Perversion Musuem” are at bottom:
“We were shocked to hear that there is a museum in a Chicago neighborhood, Leather Archives & Museum, dedicated to celebrating obscene and offensive sexual practices. Does tolerance have any limits? Are families supposed to welcome a museum dedicated to perversion in their neighborhood? Can parents protect the innocence of their children from exposure to behaviors that should not even be practiced or celebrated in private? The Leather Archives & Museum is located in a neighborhood of families. Children walk to the Joyce Kilmer Elementary School and the Roger C. Sullivan High School within blocks of the ‘Museum.’
“This weekend, the annual International Mr. Leather convention will take place in Chicago and it is anticipated that thousands of homosexuals will arrive in our city to ‘celebrate’ this event. We call upon the Mayor of Chicago and the people of Chicago to stand against the degradation of our communities and to uphold standards of decency to protect families and children.”
Nick Costello, Board Member, Catholic Citizens of Illinois:
“The ‘cultural’ underpinning the Leather Archives & Museum reflects the general disintegration of our sexual sanity as a nation. Of course, proponents of this “leather” deviance (rooted in sadomasochism) will present it with a smile as harmless sexual expression, while hiding the harmful effects spiritually, psychologically, and physically on those who practice it. This museum should be nowhere near Joyce Kilmer Elementary School and area parents must be put on notice. If the proprietors do not have the decency to close this ‘museum’ or relocate to an area unfrequented by children, then area parents have every right and duty to demand it. May God’s Holy Spirit lead us to a just and peaceful resolution to this pitiful situation!”