A – What does the Bible say about homosexuality?

Rose Parade’s Homosexual ‘Wedding’ Float Corrupts Children – AFTAH’s Seven Lessons for Christians

Monday, December 30th, 2013

AmericansForTruth Press Relase

GIVING PERVERSION A PLATFORM: The Tournament of Roses is making immoral history for America by including a float featuring a "live" homosexual "wedding" in its annual New Year's Day Rose Parade. The "gay marriage" movement is becoming a huge platform from which to corrupt innocent children into accepting homosexualism as normal and good. This image -- from a homosexual activist blog -- is blocked for decency.

GIVING PERVERSION A PLATFORM: The Tournament of Roses is making immoral history for America by including a float featuring a “live” homosexual “wedding” in its annual New Year’s Day Rose Parade. The “gay marriage” movement is becoming a huge platform from which to corrupt innocent children into accepting homosexualism as normal and good. This image is adapted from one posted by homosexual activist and GLAAD spokesman Jeremy Hooper on his “Good as You” blog. Hooper (right) chose to use his “marriage” for LGBT activism. We have blocked his image for decency.

Contact: Peter LaBarbera: 312-324-3787; americansfortruth@gmail.com; on Twitter @PeterLaBarbera

TAKE ACTION: to contact Tournament of Roses organizers about celebrating homosexual perversion in the storied parade watched by countless children, call (626)449-4100 or go HERE.

Read this release on Christian Newswire HERE


CHICAGO – Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) President Peter LaBarbera offers the following seven lessons from the first-ever homosexual “wedding” float at the annual Rose Parade in Pasadena on New Year’s Day — another tragic marker of America’s moral decline.

  • THE HOMOSEXUAL “MARRIAGE” MOVEMENT IS EVIL: Moral-minded Americans need to face the truth of what the homosexual “marriage” movement is: a social evil – anti-Christian to the core – that celebrates what the Bible calls an egregious sexual sin as a moral good. Homosexual activists’ are desperate to “normalize” their aberrant lifestyle; their movement has become the Left’s vanguard in undermining and redefining civilized Judeo-Christian principles. The LGBT Lobby has become what historian Paul Johnson calls a “Monster in our Midst,” trampling over and appropriating society’s wholesome traditions and institutions – even Christianity itself — to achieve its godless goals.
  • PLATFORM TO CORRUPT CHILDREN: The homosexual “marriage” movement corrupts impressionable children by teaching them that wrong is right (Isaiah 5:20) and that erotic “love” between two people of the same sex is “equal” to natural marital love as ordained by God. Jesus Christ had strong words for anyone who promotes sin and corrupts the souls of innocent children.
  • EVEN “CONSERVATIVE” ASPECTS OF LGBT AGENDA ARE RADICAL: The Rose Parade’s live homosexual “wedding” again illustrates that even the supposedly “conservative” side of the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) agenda is revolutionary and destructive – primarily because legalized, “domesticated” homosexualism provides a very public platform from which to redefine God’s wonderful institutions of marriage and family. “Gay” activists and their liberal allies co-opt noble institutions like the Rose Parade and use them to indoctrinate children in the Big Lies that homosexuality is: 1) just another kind of love; and 2) a mere “civil rights” issue. Similarly, schools across America are being used to promote immoral same-sex conduct as an “equality” issue.
  • SYMBOLIC OF AMERICA’S DECLINE: The “gay wedding” float is symbolic of America’s ongoing moral disintegration: in the name of “tolerance,” “diversity” and “inclusion,” we proudly parade our sin down our streets – defying our Creator and aggressively corrupting the minds and souls of future generations. As historians have documented, sexual immorality, escalating fornication and the abandonment of fidelity in marriage bring about the collapse of civilizations; the United States will be no exception. No wonder developing nations like Jamaica don’t want to emulate us.
  • FOLLY OF SECULAR (PRO-“GAY”) “CONSERVATIVES: The homosexual “wedding” float clearly demonstrates the folly of secular “conservatives” (like atheist S.E. Cupp) and libertarians who argue that legalized homosexual “marriage” is a conservative proposition. Radically remolding God-given institutions to celebrate sin – and modeling such deviance and confusion as normal to impressionable children – is hardly “conservative.” In fact, it is the essence of the Left’s destructive Sexual Revolution. Republicans will seal their own demise if they foolishly embrace counterfeit “marriage” and other aspects of homosexualism, replacing their pro-family Platform.
  • Tournament-of-Roses-logoDEMONIZING CHRISTIANS AS “HATERS” AND “BIGOTS”: As the Phil Robertson/Duck Dynasty controversy shows, homosexual groups like GLAAD regularly smear moral and religious critics with malicious slurs like “Bigots, Haters, and Homophobes.” Opposing homosexualism (the ideology of proud homosexuality as a “civil right”) in all its forms is not “hate.” Rather, it is being faithfully obedient to our loving, holy Creator. True Christians should offer the hope of the life-changing Gospel – not counterfeit “marriage” – to homosexuals. Jesus has helped many people like Michael Glatze abandon homosexual sin.
  • FAITHFUL CHRISTIANS MUST SPEAK OUT NOW: The unbiblical “progressive evangelical” and liberal Catholic movement to affirm unrepentant homosexuals as “Christians” serves Satan’s agenda, not God’s. (Substitute another sexual sin for “gay” and see if it makes sense: would the Rose Parade allow a live incestuous “union” atop one of its floats?) Bible-believing Christians must speak out against the agenda to normalize homosexuality — especially since children are its target. If Christians will not resist the evil specter of homosexual “marriage,” who will?


Educate Your Church and Social Network

Peter LaBarbera (on Twitter @PeterLaBarbera) has more than two decades experience fighting and exposing the powerful, well-funded homosexual lobby. He is available as a speaker on a number of topics surrounding the “gay/transgender” agenda and the promotion of biblical sexual morality, such as:

  • Gay Power vs. Religious Liberty;
  • Pro-Homosexual Indoctrination in Schools;
  • Reclaiming Uncompromising Biblical Sexual Morality;
  • Pro-“Gay” Media Bias;
  • Homosexual Activism and the “Criminalization of Christianity”; and
  • The Slippery Slope of  “Gay Rights”: From Tolerance to “Gay Marriage” to Criminalizing Opponents.

Write americansfortruth@gmail.com or call AFTAH at 312-324-3787 to book LaBarbera at your church or group event.

Merry Christmas from AFTAH – America Needs Jesus Christ

Tuesday, December 24th, 2013

“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send the His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him. Whoever believes in Him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.” (John 3: 16-18)

“This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe.” (Romans 3:22)


Nativity scene in Chicago's Daley Plaza. An atheists' display is nearby -- offering a contrast between good and evil.

Nativity scene in Chicago’s Daley Plaza. An atheists’ display sits nearby — offering a contrast between God and secularism, and good and evil.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and Blessed Holiday, as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World!  Yesterday I had planned to bring you another AFTAH story that illustrates the depravity of man and the evil of organized homosexuality – but since it grotesquely blasphemed Jesus I could not bring myself to post it just days before Christmas.  (I will do so December 26.)

The other day I was reading a Christian book and the author named these as the most important words ever spoken:

“Jesus answered [Thomas], ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life.  Nobody comes to the Father except through Me.’” – John 14:6

As C.S. Lewis wrote, the man who uttered those words is either a lunatic, a liar, or the Son of God (Lord).  I believe He is the latter – and I want to know Him better and become more like Him through His grace in 2014.  I hope you do, too.

America is in dire straits, as we all know.  Good has become evil and evil good (Isaiah 5:20), and apparently believers in Christ are the only group in society that it is OK to ridicule and malign.  (See our release on Phil Robertson, and read what the Duck Dynasty patriarch actually said about sexual sin.)  So many Americans are “wise in their own eyes,” and as a nation we have not just kicked God to the curb – but are in many quarters defiantly celebrating evils like abortion-on-demand, pornography, fornication and homosexual “marriage.”

And then there is the rise of the Religious Left (e.g., see the mischievously-named Faithful America), which promotes sin in the name of God.  Somehow we think that even while blatantly disobeying God’s moral law or relegating Him to the role of sentimental prop, America can remain “the greatest nation on earth.”  (We can’t.)

Perhaps like many of you, when I watch those some of the old Christmas movies like It’s a Wonderful Life, I am struck by how America was more innocent as a nation and more good – despite our many shortcomings – than we are today in all our supposed sophistication.  I realize that each generation says this about the one before, but no American generation ever approached the rebellion against Nature and its Creator of calling homosexualism “marriage”!

 “There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death,” wrote the Psalmist (14:12).  This is as important a verse for homosexuals – and all of us dragged down by our sinful “orientation” – as Romans 1:24-27. For as the Apostle John wrote about Jesus: “This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil.” (John 3:19)

Politics cannot save us (yet we must resist calls to pull away from it).  More conservatives won’t do it (especially when so many are secularists, libertarians – or worse, atheists like S.E. Cupp who crusade for homosexual “marriage”).  Republicans, too, fall short — how instructive is it that it is precisely God’s moral dictates that many in the GOP want to jettison (to win elections, they claim)?!

So what will save America?  More of Jesus, who turns lives around – lives like Michael Glatze, who went from being an up-and-coming “gay” activist to a maturing Christian and pastor who just married his bride Rebekah in October.  The Christ of Christmas is our hope!  Join me in making the pledge to get into your Bible in 2014 to pursue a righteousness that can only come from heaven above.

Thank you for standing with AFTAH!  We are so blessed to fight for God’s Truth alongside countless Americans like you who value God’s revealed wisdom on sexual morality over the sin-stained ideas and formulations of men.  Please pray for AFTAH, and help us with a year-end donation as you are able.

—  Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH.org

PS. Your gifts to AFTAH are tax-deductible; to receive a tax deduction for 2013, your gift must be received [i.e., online donations] and/or postmarked before midnight on December 31.  Mail your donation to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522.  Give online HERE.

What Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson Actually Said in GQ Interview

Monday, December 23rd, 2013
Phil Robertson

Phil Robertson

“We never, ever judge someone on who’s going to heaven, hell. That’s the Almighty’s job. We just love ’em, give ’em the good news about Jesus—whether they’re homosexuals, drunks, terrorists. We let God sort ’em out later, you see what I’m saying?” — Phil Robertson, GQ interview

“Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.” — 1 Corinthians 9-11 [Bible verses paraphrased by Robertson in GQ interview (NIV version of Bible)]

[NIV footnote [a]: 1 Corinthians 6:9: The words ‘men who have sex with men’ translate two Greek words that refer to the passive and active participants in homosexual acts.]

The following are the comments by Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson (founder of the Duck Commander company) in his interview with GQ magazine and reporter Drew Magary — which led to him being suspended indefinitely by by A&E. Following those we have reprinted Robertson’s initial statement in response to the controversy, and also the initial statement by the homosexual activist group GLAAD that stoked the controversy, reported by Huffington Post.

[Click HERE to read AFTAH’s Dec. 19 press release on the matter: “AFTAH Stands with Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson against GLAAD’s ‘Homo-Fascist’ Campaign to Demonize Him”] 


Phil Robertson’s Comments in GQ Interview [his comments are bolded]:

“It seems like, to me, a vagina—as a man—would be more desirable than a man’s anus. That’s just me. I’m just thinking: There’s more there! She’s got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying? But hey, sin: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical.”

“We’re Bible-thumpers who just happened to end up on television,” he tells me [GQ’s Magary]. “You put in your article that the Robertson family really believes strongly that if the human race loved each other and they loved God, we would just be better off. We ought to just be repentant, turn to God, and let’s get on with it, and everything will turn around.” …

“Everything is blurred on what’s right and what’s wrong,” he says. “Sin becomes fine.”

[GQ reporter Magary:] “What, in your mind, is sinful?”

[Phil:] “Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men,” he says. Then he paraphrases Corinthians: “Don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers—they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.”

[Magary writing:] During Phil’s darkest days, in the early 1970s, he had to flee the state of Arkansas after he badly beat up a bar owner and the guy’s wife. Kay Robertson persuaded the bar owner not to press charges in exchange for most of the Robertsons’ life savings. (“A hefty price,” he notes in his memoir.) I ask Phil if he ever repented for that, as he wants America to repent—if he ever tracked down the bar owner and his wife to apologize for the assault. He shakes his head.

“I didn’t dredge anything back up. I just put it behind me.”

As far as Phil is concerned, he was literally born again. Old Phil—the guy with the booze and the pills—died a long time ago, and New Phil sees no need to apologize for him: “We never, ever judge someone on who’s going to heaven, hell. That’s the Almighty’s job. We just love ’em, give ’em the good news about Jesus—whether they’re homosexuals, drunks, terrorists. We let God sort ’em out later, you see what I’m saying?”

[Magary:] Okay, so perhaps it’s not exactly shocking that a deeply religious 67-year-old hunter from rural Louisiana would have, shall we say, enthusiastic ideas about what constitutes good Christian morality. That’s the unspoken red-state appeal of Duck Dynasty. They’re godly folk. “Real” folk….

Read the whole story at GQ: http://www.gq.com/entertainment/television/201401/duck-dynasty-phil-robertson#ixzz2o2eujjxZ


Read the rest of this article »

AFTAH Stands with Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson against GLAAD’s ‘Homo-Fascist’ Campaign to Demonize Him

Thursday, December 19th, 2013

AmericansForTruth.org Press Release

Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty is pictured second from left in this Parade magazine cover.

Phil Robertson of the popular “Duck Dynasty” show on A&E  is pictured second from left on this Parade magazine cover. A&E suspended Robertson after he criticized homosexuality, bowing to a pressure campaign by the “gay” media group GLAAD. The intolerant GLAAD has a long history of trying to shut down conservative speech opposed to the homosexual agenda — including media exposure to successful ex-“gays” — in the public square.

Contact: Peter LaBarbera: 312-324-3787; americansfortruth@gmail.com

[Warning: some graphic descriptions of high-risk homosexual anal sex]

[RELATED POST: “‘Gay Rights’ Icon Frank Kameny Tells AFTAH: Bestiality OK ‘as Long as the Animal Doesn’t Mind'”]

Read this release on Christian Newswire HERE

CHICAGO – Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) President Peter LaBarbera urges Americans to stand behind Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson’s right to free speech – and affirmed his common-sense views on sexual sin and morality as being consistent with historic Christian and biblical teachings. LaBarbera condemned A&E for “caving in to the anti-Christian homo-fascism of GLAAD” (formerly the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) by suspending Robertson.

“There’s far more truth and wisdom in what Phil Robertson told GQ than in the everyday pro-‘gay’ pablum that is pumped out daily by the liberal media,” LaBarbera said. “Indeed, male homosexual anal sex is not just repulsive and wrong, but highly dangerous – contributing to the disproportional link between ‘men who have sex with men’ and HIV and other sexually-transmitted diseases (see below).

“More importantly for the souls of homosexuals, Robertson is exactly right to paraphrase 1 Corinthians chapter 6 in warning that proud homosexuals (like other unrepentant sinners) will not go to heaven, and that we’re living in a culture in which “Everything is blurred on what’s right and what’s wrong…Sin becomes fine,’” LaBarbera said. “But like all faithful Christians, as a forgiven sinner himself Robertson knows that Jesus Christ in His grace and divine power can help homosexual men and women leave that sinful lifestyle behind.”

LaBarbera made the following additional points about the Phil Robertson story:

  • BIBLE AGREES WITH ROBERTSTON: As Politically Incorrect and offensive to secularists as it may be, the Bible confirms Robertson’s association of homosexual misbehavior with other egregious sexual sins: in the Old Testament Book of Leviticus (chapter 20), the condemnation homosexuality is grouped in between proscriptions against adultery, bestiality, and incest [for more on this see Bible-and-homosexuality scholar Robert Gagnon’s superb site, www.RobGagnon.net].
  • GLAAD STIFLES DEBATE: GLAAD, the homosexual pressure group in the forefront of attacking Robertson, has a long history of attempting to shut down speech critical of homosexuality — and demonizing as “haters, bigots and homophobes” those (usually Christians) who speak out against homosexualism or affirm the truth that homosexuals can change and leave the lifestyle. GLAAD regularly lobbies the media to shun conservatives on the homosexual issue – e.g., its 2010 pressure campaign targeting CNN for including ex-“gay” therapist Richard Cohen in a debate segment on homosexuality.;
  • MEDIA DOUBLE STANDARD: Why is it that pro-family, Christian conservatives like Robertson invariably become the targets of the politically correct media — while vicious and vulgar homosexual activists like Dan Savage are free to spew the most vile hatred imaginable with barely any critical media glare? Phil Robertson is suspended while Dan Savage – who infamously “re-defined” Rick Santorum’s last name as a by-product of anal sodomy, and joked that to control overpopulation “abortion should be mandatory for about 30 years” – is a liberal media hero. (In fact, Savage, far from being punished for his malicious barbs and antics, was rewarded with his own show on MTV.)
  • HOMOSEXUAL HEALTH RISKS: If Americans were to come to understand how truly dangerous homosexual anal sex is, they would demand a full-scale government-corporate campaign to discourage it – especially among young men. For example, the CDC recently reported that 94-95 percent of HIV cases among young men (13-24) in 2011 were linked to homosexual sex. In his book The Ins and Outs of Gay Sex, homosexual Dr. Stephen Goldstone compares the active role in homosexual rectal sex to a “battering ram”: “An anal tear can occur during the initial phase of anal sex precisely because your partner pushes his penis through a closed sphincter. Think of his penis as a battering ram, one for which your internal sphincter is no match.” Goldstone also writes that the “anus is the highest place risk for STDs.” (The “gay” doctor urges condom use, but many homosexual men shun condoms – as evidenced by the widespread availability of condomless, gay “barebacking” pornography in homosexual Meccas like San Francisco.) Another homosexual activist, Jack Hart, writes that “some practices common among gays — especially rimming [oral-anal “sex”] and anal intercourse — are highly efficient ways of transmitting disease.”
  • SEXUALLY IMMORAL SLIPPER SLOPE: Robertson was correct again on the slippery slope of sexual immorality: “Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men,” he told GQ. Look what has paralleled the advance of proud homosexuality in our nation: greater sexual permissiveness (fornication) in general and growing disrespect for marriage in our “hook-up” culture; the porn-fed promotion of heterosexual anal sex, bringing a new threat to women; websites like “Ashley Madison” that actually facilitate adultery; and an explosion of “transgender rights” that shockingly encourages gender-confused boys to identify as girls and use female restrooms and locker rooms in schools.
  • LEFT “JUDGES” FAITHFUL CHRISTIANS: Lastly, Bible-believing Christians are sick and tired of liberal, pro-homosexual advocates (including the Religious Left) telling us how Christians are supposed to believe and speak. Last night on Fox News’ “The Kelly File,” a liberal, Jewish, Democratic activist informed viewers that Christians should not “judge” – even as he used his appearance on Fox to JUDGE and condemn Phil Robertson.

LaBarbera concluded: “Homosexual behavior is wrong, unnatural, often high-risk, but thankfully, changeable – as testified to by the redeemed lives of formerly “gay” men like Michael Glatze and ex-lesbian women like Yvette Cantu Schneider who have overcome homosexuality through faith in Jesus Christ. The Homosexual Lobby in America has morphed into an intolerant and ‘vengeful’ ‘monster in our midst’ – to quote British historian Paul Johnson in describing the growth of homosexual power in the U.K. [see full Johnson passage HERE]. Christians and moral-minded Americans must rally behind Phil Robertson, condemn the homo-fascist ‘Gay Thought Police’ led by GLAAD who regularly pressure the media into silencing moral speech, and demand that an energetic and civil debate on homosexuality be allowed to flourish in this land we call free.”

Paul Johnson ‘Monster in our Midst’ Passage Describes Homosexual Activist Slippery Slope in U.K.

Wednesday, December 18th, 2013

From de-criminalization of the “great moral evil” of homosexuality to a “powerful, clamouring, threatening, vengeful” Homosexual Lobby

“Thus we began by attempting to right what was felt an ancient injustice and we ended up with a monster in our midst, powerful and clamouring, flexing its muscles, threatening, vengeful and vindictive towards anyone who challenges its outrageous claims, and bent on making fundamental – and to most of us horrifying – changes to civilised patterns of sexual behavior.” – British historian Paul Johnson, The Quest for God

Jamaicans are still shocked by the radical homosexual agenda -- including pro-homosexual "children's" picture books like the above, "King & King," about a "gay" prince who "marries" another prince rather than a princess. In America and the U.K., even many Christians are so beaten down by the homosexualist agenda that they so longer feel the need to fight it.

Corrupting Children: As opposed to jaded Americans, Jamaicans are still shocked by the radical homosexual agenda — including pro-homosexual “children’s” picture books like the above, “King & King,” about a “gay” prince who “marries” another prince rather than a princess. Historian Paul Johnson describes how what began in the U.K. in the name of “compassion” for homosexuals (rescinding anti-sodomy laws) morphed into a vengeful “monster in our midst” — the powerful Homosexual Lobby. Today’s homosexual activists will even corrupt the minds and souls of the very young in their desperate quest to rationalize their sinful behavior, which God condemns.

By Peter LaBarbera

Folks, when I was in Jamaica I took time in my presentations to share this compelling passage from British historian Paul Johnson, from his book, The Quest for God: A Personal Pilgrimage. (Hat tip to Paul Cameron of Family Research Institute for bringing this to light.) I have found nothing that better explains the inevitable slippery slope of indulged pro-homosexual activism — from the repeal of anti-sodomy laws (motivated by well-intended but misguided compassion toward homosexuals as “victims”); to demands for “tolerance” of homosexuality; to the steady growth of a “gay rights” movement winning passage of laws granting affirmative “rights” based on sexual perversion (and gender confusion); to homosexual and transgender advocacy in schools (targeting even the very young [see book photo]); and ultimately, to the rise of a powerful, well-heeled Homosexual/Transgender Lobby that achieves dominance in society at the expense of biblical truth, religious tradition, public health and the rights of others to disagree.

Note that Johnson correctly calls homosexuality a “great moral evil” – something I think even many committed Christians – neutered by political correctness and decades of “gay” propaganda – today would have a hard time admitting (to their shame). Johnson, writing in 1996, had not yet experienced the attachment of this moral evil to the noble institution of marriage itself (as is now legal in the U.K and in 16 American states). Sin’s advance – like an insatiable, devouring monster — destroys people and cultures, and displaces virtue with man-centered notions of wrong as right (Isaiah 5:20).

But God’s Truth – our Creator’s standard of righteousness – is unchanged – despite fanatical efforts by religious homosexuals to co-opt even Christianity itself. Like homosexual (mis)behavior, the ideology of homosexualism – proud homosexuality aggressively defended as a “civil right” and moral good – is an egregious sin before God. (For if, as the Word of God teaches, homosexual practice is detestable and always sinful in God’s sight, how can a movement based on condoning and celebrating it be any less so?) [See Leviticus 20:13 (note the context), Jude 7 (a verse liberals conveniently ignore in distorting the meaning of Sodom and Gomorrah), Romans 1:26-27, and 1 Corinthians 6:7-11.]

Of course, we in America have our own arrogant and vengeful “gay” (LGBT) “monster in our midst” — and I warned the Jamaicans that they, too, will have one if they give in to Western powers by opening up the Pandora’s box of homosexual “rights” in their country. The smart and resolute Jamaican leaders and pastors whom I encountered understand the tragic lesson from Britain and the United States: all attempts to appease this self-justifying Sin Movement are doomed to fail, as each concession leads only to further, and more radical, demands.

Jamaican Pastor Eric Edwards of Word of Life Church in Kingston, with AFTAH's Peter LaBarbera. "Right is right, and wrong is wrong," said Edwards, in response to international pressure on Jamaica to repeal its anti-buggery law banning homosexual conduct.

Jamaican Pastor Rev. Everal Edwards (left) of Church of the Open Bible in Kingston, with AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera, who was a guest speaker at the church. “Right is right, and wrong is wrong,” said Edwards, in response to international pressure on Jamaica to repeal its anti-buggery law banning homosexual conduct. The law is largely unenforced but repealing it is only the first in a long chain of homosexual activist demands in the island nation.

It was the Irish statesman Edmund Burke who famously said: “Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.” Let us hope and pray that the Jamaicans (and Russians, Czechs, Poles, etc.) succeed at stopping the LGBT juggernaut and avoiding our tragic fate. Please pass on this excerpt to others – especially those who naively – or cravenly – counsel “compromise,” retreat or surrender in the face of escalating homosexual activist demands.  – Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality


Johnson “Monster in our Midst” Passage:

Excerpt from The Quest for God: A Personal Pilgrimage, by Paul Johnson (pages 28-29) [emphasis is added, and for readability I have also broken in half the paragraph beginning, “I believe…”]:

…after a section in which Johnson discusses radical, worldly movements – race, sexual, environment and health politics — that collectively present an alternative to God and traditional religion:

“The radical agenda …with its strong appeal to the idealistic, as well as the materialistic, instincts of mankind, especially among young people, does constitute an alternative religion. Like any other form of humanism, it replaces God by man, and the welfare – or supposed welfare – of man, rather than the worship of God and obedience to his commandments, as the object of human existence and the purpose of society. That, of course, is its defect. The Jesuit theologian Karl Rahner once argued that it is the consciousness of God, the acceptance that there is power outside and above ourselves, to whom we owe allegiance and whose guidance we must follow, which essentially distinguishes mankind from other creatures. If belief in God were ever to fade completely from the human mind, we would not, Promethean-like, become masters of our fate; on the contrary, we would descend to the status of very clever animals, and our ultimate destiny would be too horrible to contemplate.

I believe this argument to be profoundly true, and corroborated by history, and what worries me about the new radical agenda is the danger that it will dehumanise man just as the totalitarian alternatives did, though no doubt in rather different ways. But there are further, related objections. All the items on the agenda lend themselves to extremism. Take, for instance, the issue of homosexuality, an important part of the sexual politics item. There were many of us, in the 1960s, who felt that there were grave practical and moral objections to the criminalisation of homosexuality, and who therefore supported, as happened in most Western countries, changes in the law which meant that certain forms of homosexual behavior ceased to be unlawful. Homosexuality itself was still to be publicly regarded by society, let alone by the churches, as a great moral evil, but men who engaged in it, within strictly defined limits, would no longer be sent to prison. We believed this change to be the maximum homosexuals deserved or could reasonably expect.

Paul Johnson

Paul Johnson

We were proved totally mistaken. Decriminalisation made it possible for homosexuals to organise openly into a powerful lobby, and it thus became a mere platform from which further demands were launched. Next followed demands for equality, in which homosexuality was officially placed on the same moral level as standard forms of sexuality, and dismissal of identified homosexuals from sensitive positions, for instance in schools, children’s homes, etc., became progressively more difficult. This was followed in turn by demands not merely for equality but privilege: the appointment, for instance, of homosexual quotas in local government, the excision from school textbooks and curricula, and university courses, passages or books or authors they found objectionable, special rights to proselytise, and not least the privilege of special programmes to put forward their views – including the elimination of the remaining legal constraints – on radio and television. Thus we began by attempting to right what was felt an ancient injustice and we ended up with a monster in our midst, powerful and clamouring, flexing its muscles, threatening, vengeful and vindictive towards anyone who challenges its outrageous claims, and bent on making fundamental – and to most of us horrifying – changes to civilised patterns of sexual behavior.

Here indeed we have sexual politics in action. And, as with other alternatives to God, the result is not human happiness, but human misery. The homosexual community, as they now styled themselves, by their reckless promiscuity during the 1970s and 1980s, helped to spread among their members the fearful scourge of AIDS, a killer disease of a peculiarly horrible nature, for which there is no cure, and no immediate likelihood of a cure….

AFTAH Urges Jamaicans Not to Bend to United States/E.U. Pressure on Buggery Law

Tuesday, December 10th, 2013

AFTAH in the News: LaBarbera tells Jamaicans to ignore U.S. scoldings on homosexuality

The Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society is fighting against the absurd idea that repealing the country's anti-buggery law will make it easier to control the spread of HIV in Jamaica.

The Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society (JCHS) is fighting against the misguided idea — advanced by the United States, U.K., and international organizations — that repealing the country’s anti-buggery law will make it easier to control the spread of HIV in Jamaica. This is a slide from a new video, “Sex, Lies and Rights,” released by  JCHS. (MSM stands for “men who have sex with men.)

Folks, I was blessed and energized by my trip to Jamaica, in support of a wonderful conference put on by Christians working under the name Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society . [See their outstanding educational video on the anti-buggery law (which is not really enforced) HERE; see also the Jamaica Gleaner article reprinted below about the conference.]

I loved the moral clarity of the Jamaican family advocates whom I met. Contrast that with the U.S. State Department and the European Union (EU), which along with the U.N. are backing the country’s main LGBT group, J-FLAG.

My message to the the Jamaicans was that the United States government has nothing to teach you about sexual morality but you, Jamaicans, have a lot to teach us. We should support the Jamaican Christian majority and expose the new US/EU imperialism that uses foreign aid to undermine biblical morality in sovereign nations. More coming on this story. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality

PS. All this this UN, EU, and international propaganda has a LOT more influence in a tiny nation like Jamaica than it does in the US. Below is an article on the conference from the Jamaican Gleaner, one of country’s two major newspapers:


‘Don’t Bow To Gay Pressure’ – Crusaders Urge Jamaicans To Stand By Buggery Law

Published: Monday | December 9, 2013 46 Comments

Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, speaks to the audience during a presentation at the Jamaica Conference Centre on Saturday. - Photo by Gladstone Taylor

Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, speaks to the audience during a presentation at the Jamaica Conference Centre on Saturday. – Photo by Gladstone Taylor, Jamaican Gleaner

Jodi-Ann Gilpin, Gleaner Writer

Peter LaBarbera, president of the Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH), in the United States of America (US), has encouraged Jamaicans to be grounded in their Christian beliefs and not to be lured by other countries in repealing the buggery law.

“The United States has no business lecturing anybody about sexual morality. America has rampant abortions, rampant promiscuity, and I stand wholeheartedly with Jamaicans and encourage you all to hold to your beliefs, ” LaBarbera told The Gleaner.

LaBarbera made the comments Saturday following The Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society International Human Rights conference at the Jamaica Conference Centre in downtown Kingston.

“We are all watching Jamaica to see what happens [regarding the buggery law], and I believe if Jamaica can stand up and not bow to the pressure, you can be an example to the world. There is no need to follow anybody,” LaBarbera said.

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VIDEO: Jamaican Pro-Family Coalition Fights Effort to Rescind Anti-Buggery Law

Friday, December 6th, 2013

United States, European Union use foreign aid to pressure small Caribbean nation to make pro-homosexual change

Folks, this is a well-done video by the Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society, which is co-sponsoring a pro-family conference in the capital of Kingston tomorrow. Jamaica is being pressured — by pro-homosexual forces worldwide (including the United States, which supports the main LGBT group in the country) — to rescind its laws against homosexual behavior. I will be speaking for AFTAH at tomorrow’s event, titled “International Law and the Welfare of the Family.” The U.K.-based Lawyers’ Christian Fellowship (affiliated with Christian Concern) is the other co-sponsor. I cannot help but think that millions of American young people — and their parents! — would benefit greatly by watching this 55-minute video. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth

Homosexual Activist Wayne Besen Calls Ex-‘Gay’ Michael Glatze’s New Wife a ‘Prop’

Thursday, December 5th, 2013

Besen unleashes hate on man who left homosexualism behind; calls Glatze a “fake Christian” with a “reprobate mind”

Michael and Rebekah Glatze at their recent wedding.

Michael and Rebekah Glatze at their recent wedding. Homosexual hatemonger Wayne Besen calls their marriage a “sham” and refers to Rebekah as Michael’s “prop.” For an old photo of Michael as a “gay” man, see below.

By Peter LaBarbera

Folks, my friend Michael Glatze — as one of the most prominent former homosexuals in the world (and no, he decidedly does NOT wish to be known as a former homosexual or ‘ex-gay’) — is again a target of LGBT malcontents. That’s because a few weeks ago, on October 26, Michael — a one-time up-and-coming “gay youth” activist — married his lovely bride, Rebekah, at a ceremony in Bluffton, South Carolina.

Now for most sane people (read: those who haven’t drunk the “gay” Kool-aid), the Glatze’s wedding was a joyous occasion deserving of celebration. But for homosexual activist Wayne Besen and his grotesquely named “Truth Wins Out” (TWO)– and for many of his snarky comrades on the LGBT Left — it has become an opportunity to mock and malign this beautiful Christian couple.

I call Besen and his ilk “Focus on the Failures,” because they love to highlight “former homosexuals” who stumble back into sin — and then project those failures onto all efforts to “change sexual orientation,” which they deem impossible. How odd. Think about it: in what other area of life would we celebrate failure? Can you imagine highlighting only those who tried but couldn’t overcome, say, a drug or porn addiction:

Headline: Drug activists exulted as Joe Smith lapsed back into his narcotics habit Tuesday — saying it offers further proof that NOBODY can ever overcome drug addiction (Courtesy ‘Drugs Win Out’)

This is silly, of course. In the real world, we cheer the success stories, of which Michael Glatze is but one. Moreover, Christians of all people should celebrate — just as their Heavenly Father does — when a man or woman accepts Jesus Christ and leaves sin behind:

[Jesus said:] “I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.” (Luke 15:7)

Yet for obvious reasons, Besen & Co. ignore happy and successful former homosexuals, except to lie about them, as is the case here.


‘Gay’ hate, Christian love

Take a minute if you can stomach it to read Besen’s petty and cruel web post on the Glatze’s wedding, and the Comments, mostly from other homosexual activists, that follow it. Poor, bitter Wayne can’t seem to stifle his seething resentment toward Michael for his godly metamorphosis. The “Truthiness Wins Out” founder wickedly calls Rebekah Michael’s “prop” and his “victim.” And Besen curiously describes Michael in his wedding clothes as being in “fundie drag” (a shirt, tie and slacks — go figure). Then Wayne puts on his “gay psychologist” hat (see the Comments section) and pronounces Glatze’s transformation away from homosexuality the result — not of the miraculous hand of God — but of Michael having a “mental disorder.” (Since homosexuality was once diagnosed as a “mental disorder” by the American Psychiatric Association — before “gay” activists bullied the APA into removing the designation in 1973 — some LGBT militants get a perverse joy out of accusing their foes of having a “mental disorder.”)

For his part, as you can read HERE or below, Michael Glatze takes all the homosexualist hate in stride and continues to reach out with the grace of Christ to those who malign him. Pray that he would have many opportunities in the years ahead to share the love of God with people who need it! 


Presuming failure

Old life: Photo of Michael Glatze as a young "gay" activist with his boyfriend.

Old life: photo of Michael Glatze (left) as a young “gay” activist with his then-boyfriend and fellow activist Benjie Nycum.

Sin definitely has its cheerleaders these days. Besen and his reactionary followers (again, read the TWO Comments) for the most part presume that Michael’s and Rebekah’s marriage is destined to fail — and most are probably rooting for it to fail. Not all homosexuals are this fanatical and mean-spirited; some even accept the possibility of leaving (overcoming) homosexuality. But most lack the influence of Besen, who works the liberal media hard with his pseudo-scientific schtick that homosexuality “orientation” is unchangeable. Funny how even as Wayne hastens to proclaim the death of the “ex-gay” movement, those pesky, happy former homosexuals keep popping up here and there, giving the lie to his “queer” narrative.

(Even the wife of New York City’s Mayor-elect, Bill de Blasio, Chirlane McCray, is a former lesbian. I wonder if she gets a pass from the Haters of Ex-Gays at TWO because she’s a Democrat.)

Lastly, as many of you know, Besen and his “Truthless” crowd just love to call me “Porno Pete” (maybe they’re projecting, given the over-abundance of pornography in the “gay” male world). It’s quite evil how these lost fellows love to name-call and demonize — all the while fancying themselves the voices of love and tolerance! Sadly, in all his meanness and over-the-top nastiness, Wayne is just one of many homosexual activists who are on the “wrong side of history” — the side that hates and defies God.

Please write to congratulate Michael and Rebekah at michaelglatze@gmail.com. God bless. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH


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