A – What does the Bible say about homosexuality?

Should Children Attend Lewd ‘Gay Pride’ Parades? LaBarbera Asks Biased Chicago Tribune Reporter

Thursday, June 25th, 2009

chicago_tribune-bias-gay-pride-children.jpgGay Pride Parades Good for Kids? That’s the strange thesis of the Chicago Tribune, which put this photo and caption alongside its biased puff-piece about Chicago parents who pushed to include their children’s elementary school in the city’s annual “gay pride” parade (which takes place this Sunday, June 28). Below right is one of AFTAH’s photos from the 2007 “Pride” parade, in which open nudity was allowed to be flaunted without any punitive action by police or parade organizers. AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera also witnessed two men engage in a revolting “gay” sex act directly in front of police (on the street) at the 2004 Chicago “gay pride” parade. Police did nothing to stop the illegal public sex act.

TAKE ACTION: Call or write Nettelhorst Elementary’s principal, Cindy Wulbert, at Cw1411@gmail.com or (773) 534-5810.

I send the following note to Rex Huppke of the Chicago Tribune, reporter who wrote the article: “Chicago School to March in Pride Parade” (reprinted below):

Mr. Huppke, have you ever been to a Gay Pride parade?…

… If you had, you might have covered the issue of rampant and inappropriate sexual misbehavior that goes on at such events.  In the past few years observing Chicago Gay Pride parades as a critic of the organized homosexual movement, I have witnessed:

Linda Harvey on the Emerging (‘Christian Left’) Lie

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2009

The following is taken from the recent presentation at Americans For Truth by my good friend Linda Harvey of Mission America:

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Sen. Chris Dodd Becomes Latest Democrat to Sell Out on ‘Gay Marriage’

Monday, June 22nd, 2009

chris_dodd_small.jpg Full Convert to Immorality: Chris Dodd (D-CT) joins Al Gore and other Democrats who have embraced “same-sex marriage” despite the judgment of their own religion that homosexual acts are immoral and disordered. Dodd, a Catholic, is also strongly in favor of abortion-on-demand and received a 100 percent ranking from NARAL.

By Peter LaBarbera

I just saw this on homosexual activist Joe Jervis’ blog: Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Connecticut) becomes the latest liberal Democrat to sell out his purported religious faith (Dodd is Catholic) to embrace the revolutionary, oxymoronic concept of homosexual “marriage.” More proof that the jump between “civil unions” and “gay marriage” is far shorter than the chasm between government recognition and non-recognition of immoral homosexual relationships. What motivates Dodd? It appears that it mostly comes down to the “principle of fairness” — a principle that seems to elude pro-homosexual advocates when faced with the quest of multiple-partner “truples” or “quadruples” (or whatever) to “marry.” (If marriage is gender-neutral and just about “love,” then why not allow “committed” polygamous “marriages”?)

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Sally Kern: Obama Proclaims Whole Month of ‘Gay Pride’ Yet Will Not Acknowledge a National Day of Prayer

Sunday, June 21st, 2009

Says President does not know the difference between God-given rights and sinful, changeable behavior

sally_kern-2.jpgThe following are the remarks of Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern (R) at AFTAH’s pro-family coalition press conference in Chicago June 17 highlighting President Obama’s radical homosexualist agenda (links added):

The homosexual agenda is only one symptom of the real problem in America. The problem is that we have forsaken the Judeo-Christian values upon which this nation was founded. Noah Webster declared: “The principles of genuine liberty and of wise laws and administrations are to be drawn from the  Bible.”

There are two conflicting worldviews vying for power. The secular humanist worldview versus the Judeo-Christian or Biblical worldview. Humanism sees the world as impersonal matter shaped by chance with man just another animal. There is no basis for values or laws. The Biblical worldview recognizes a Creator who established moral laws and absolute truth as revealed in the Bible. Man, made in God’s image, is priceless.

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Miss California Pageant Officials Required Carrie Prejean to Attend Pro-‘Gay Marriage’ Event

Thursday, June 18th, 2009

Folks, we’re way behind on our posts, so I apologize for the delay in bringing you this piece by Randy Thomasson. What a sorry nation we are becoming when a woman like Carrie Prejean is punished and vilified for her polite defense of traditional marriage. And to think that the “gay” movement has gotten this far by playing the victim. Perversion movements are not “nice” in that they are willing to sacrifice much good for the sake of legitimizing their perversion. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.com

Also see Randy’s blog story: “Carrie Prejean: 4 of 12 Miss USA Pageant Judges Were Homosexuals”

Randy writes on his blog:


Why Carrie Prejean lost her earthly crown

Thursday, June 11, 2009, 5:43 pm | Randy Thomasson blog

First, a homosexual activist “judge” kept Carrie Prejean from winning the Miss USA contest.

Next, the homosexual “marriage” activists who led the California pageant tried to get Carrie fired, but Donald Trump said no.

Finally, the homosexual activist director of the Miss California Pageant persisted and got rid of Carrie.

Keith Lewis, the director of the Miss California USA Pageant, is an open homosexual and obviously very insecure. After Carrie said on national TV on April 19 that marriage is only for a man and a woman, Lewis said he was personally offended. For weeks, he campaigned unprofessionally, publicly and continually attacking Carrie and aggressively lobbied Donald Trump to fire her.

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Mr. President, ‘Fire Harry Knox NOW!’ Catholic Leader Urges at AFTAH Press Conference

Thursday, June 18th, 2009

harry_knox_msnbc.jpg“Discredited” Appointee?  Obama “Faith Advisory Council” appointee Harry Knox called Pope Benedict a “discredited leader” of “an army of oppression” — leading a group of Congressmen to call for Knox’s dismissal. The “gay” activist claims his homosexuality is an “unchangeable gift from God, one for which I am very grateful. And it would fly in the face of my respect for God to give that gift back.” TAKE ACTION: Call or write your Senators and Congressmen (202-224-3121/202-225-3121) and President Obama (202-456-1414) and urge the removal of the bigoted Knox from the president’s faith council.

Following are the remarks by Preston Noell, President of Tradition, Family, and Property, at yesterday’s coalition press conference in Chicago against Obama’s homosexual agenda:

“President Obama’s much vaunted ‘search for a common ground’ no longer passes even a perfunctory smell test. His bromides are designed to soothe and assuage. But his hypnotic rhetoric belies his actions.

“By appointing Harry Knox to his Faith Advisory Council, Obama panders to the homosexual movement, and manifests cynicism at its worst.

“Knox is the very incarnation of hate-filled, anti-Catholic bigotry and must go. His militant, hate-mongering anti-Catholicism is amply on display. Knox’s malicious attack on Pope Benedict as a “discredited leader of an army of oppression” is the rallying cry portending the persecution of the Church.

“Knox is the ugly new face of anti-Catholic oppression and persecution.  President Obama has a choice: either give Knox a pink slip or be known not only as the abortion president but the anti-Catholic president as well.

“Mr. President, fire Knox, NOW!!”


Related AFTAH stories on Harry Knox:

AFTAH Press Conference: Obama’s Appointments and Policies Reflect Extreme Homosexual Agenda

Tuesday, June 16th, 2009

HATE CRIMES ALERT:  FoxNews and the “gay” press are reporting that the Senate could vote today or tomorrow on “Hate Crimes” legislation. It reportedly will be attached to an innocuous bill, S. 1023, the Travel Promotion Act.  Please call your U.S. Senators at 202-224-3121 or 202-225-3121 (www.congress.org) and urge them not to pass “Hate Crimes” legislation, which would create unequal protection and federalize “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” (transsexual “rights”) in the law.  After “hate crimes” laws invariably come “hate speech” laws (e.g., in Canada and Great Britain), so this bill represents a grave threat to our First Amendment liberties. Please forward this e-mail on to your network. — Peter LaBarbera, www.americansfortruth.com


Media Advisory

Americans For Truth About Homosexuality

June 16, 2009; Contact: Angela at 847-722-5330; americansfortruth@comcast.net

Coalition Press Conference: Obama’s Appointments and Policies Reflect Extreme Homosexual Agenda

CHICAGO, Ill. – Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) is organizing a news conference Wednesday, June 17th at 11:00 AM, to highlight President Obama’s radical homosexual appointments and overall “gay” agenda:

Where: 29 South LaSalle Street, Suite 610, Chicago, IL
When: Wednesday., June 17, 11:00 AM
Who: Scheduled speakers:

Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality
Matt Barber, Liberty Counsel;
Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern (R);
Hiram Crawford, pro-family, pro-life advocate, Chicago;
Mary Ann Hackett, Catholic Citizens of Illinois;
Diane Gramley, American Family Association of Pennsylvania;
David Smith, Illinois Family Institute;

Pastor Larry Rogers, Israel Methodist Community Church, Chicago;
Tom Brejcha, Thomas More Pro-Life Law Center;
Pastor Calvin Lindstrom, Church of Christian Liberty, Arlington Heights, IL

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Forget Marriage in June – for Obama, It’s ‘Gay’ Pride Month

Wednesday, June 10th, 2009

“No president, even Bill Clinton, has issued such a radical embrace of the entire homosexual agenda,” says Knight

obama_homosexual_logo.gifCandidate Barack Obama had a special logo for homosexual and transsexual “pride.” No wonder “queer” activists have high expectations for him to carry forward their agenda as President.


By Robert Knight – Guest Columnist for OneNewsNow [to sign up for OneNews Now’s Daily News Brief, go HERE] – 6/9/2009

For the first time in history, a U.S. president has issued a White House proclamation celebrating transgenderism — along with homosexuality, lesbianism, and bisexuality.

In his June 1 “Pride Month” proclamation, Barack Obama boasted of appointing Senate-confirmed openly homosexual nominees to high executive offices, described reluctance to accept homosexuality as “discrimination and prejudice,” and called for passage of the entire homosexual political agenda, including programs for “LGBT youth.”

No president, even Bill Clinton, has issued such a radical embrace of the entire homosexual agenda. To give “teeth” to the LGBT youth emphasis, President Obama recently appointed Kevin Jennings, the founder of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, as the Assistant Secretary of Education for Safe and Drug Free Schools. [See AFTAH articles on Jennings HERE and HERE (his “[F–k] ’em quotation on the “religious right”).] Jennings’ group backs homosexual lessons for children, beginning in kindergarten, and sponsored a Massachusetts conference in 2000 in which children as young as 12 were instructed graphically about how to perform homosexual acts.

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