A – What does the Bible say about homosexuality?

Truth From a Beauty is All Ye Need to Know

Saturday, May 16th, 2009

“The self-appointed political guardians of ‘tolerance’ aren’t so tolerant, after all”

trump-prejean.jpgBy Kathryn Jean Lopez, Townhall.com

It’s an odd day when Donald Trump becomes your hero. But that’s the new light I see him in, standing beside Miss California as she withstood the worst kind of public incivility, just for giving an honest answer to a question about a fundamental institution in American lives.

Truth be told, “hero” might be overkill. But Trump, for whatever his reasons, deserves credit for how he handled the Carrie Prejean controversy. Prejean, who was a runner-up in the recent Miss USA pageant (a stepping stone to the Miss Universe pageant), became a household name because of her opinion on gay marriage, which she gave in response to a question asked during the televised event.

But by the end of the story — when Trump, who is co-owner of the Miss Universe brand, decided to keep Prejean on despite accusations of inappropriate activism and breach of contract — due to previously unpublished semi-nude photos that were exposed (and overexposed) in the wake of her now-infamous answer — it became about showing the lie of tolerance. And as Trump allowed Prejean to keep her title of “Miss California,” he also defended free speech and said some true things rarely uttered by non-culture-warriors.

Click here to read the rest of Lopez’s article: “Truth from a Beauty,” on Townhall.com

AFTAH in the News – APA Revises ‘Gay Gene’ Theory

Thursday, May 14th, 2009

TAKE ACTION:  Call your U.S. Senators and urge them to oppose S. 909, the “Hate Crimes” (Thought Crimes) bill; call 202-224-3121 or 202-225-3121, or go to www.congress.org. See these AFTAH articles: “Analysis of 2009 Hate Crimes Bill, HR 1913”; “‘Hate Crimes’ Bill Is Full of Swill”; “NC Congresswoman Claims Shepard Murder ‘Not a Hate Crime’”; “Iowa Rep. Steve King Discusses Democrats’ Hate Crimes Bill.”

Also, let us know if you plan on attending: Americans For Truth’s banquet October 10 featuring Matt Barber as our keynote speaker; and Linda Harvey’s dinner talks at AFTAH’s new offices on June 2 and June 4. See: “Linda Harvey to Address AFTAH on Destructive ‘Gay Youth’ Agenda and Corruption of Christianity”;


OneNewsNow, the news service of American Family Association, reports [click HERE to listen to the report online (click the “Hear Report” icon)]:

By Charlie Butts – OneNewsNow – 5/14/2009 6:30:00 AM

The attempt to prove that homosexuality is determined biologically has been dealt a knockout punch. An American Psychological Association publication includes an admission that there’s no homosexual “gene” — meaning it’s not likely that homosexuals are born that way.

For decades, the APA has not considered homosexuality a psychological disorder, while other professionals in the field consider it to be a “gender-identity” problem. But the new statement, which appears in a brochure called “Answers to Your Questions for a Better Understanding of Sexual Orientation & Homosexuality,” states the following:

“There is no consensus among scientists about the exact reasons that an individual develops a heterosexual, bisexual, gay or lesbian orientation. Although much research has examined the possible genetic, hormonal, developmental, social, and cultural influences on sexual orientation, no findings have emerged that permit scientists to conclude that sexual orientation is determined by any particular factor or factors. Many think that nature and nurture both play complex roles….”

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Come to the Americans For Life Rally in Chicago on Friday, May 22nd

Wednesday, May 13th, 2009

ultrasound_unborn_baby-2.jpg Smiling in the Womb: Ultrasound photo of a seemingly happy preborn baby. Liberals love to talk about “safe spaces,” but most don’t apply that to the womb. What did innocent, helpless unborn babies do to deserve being slaughtered by the thousands every day in America? Calling it “choice” does nothing to lessen the gruesome horror of abortion-on-demand. Come join Americans for Truth at the Americans For Life rally in downtown Chicago on Friday, May 22nd, at 11:30-3:00. Click on photo to enlarge.

Folks, I will be speaking on the defense of marriage in Illinois at the Americans For Life rally in downtown Chicago on Friday, May 22nd, at the State of Illinois Building, from 11:30-3:00. The rally is being organized by my friend Dick Walsh, a tough, veteran cultural warrior if there ever was one. WYLL’s Sandy Rios — another great friend of life and marriage — will be emceeing the event. Come to the rally, stand up for the unborn, whose lives are slaughtered for convenience. Bring your family and have a wonderful time standing up with fellow pro-life and pro-marriage Americans! — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.com

Here are the details:

Please join Americans For Life at the May 22, 2009 March for Life
11:30 a.m.  to 3:00 p.m. in downtown Chicago

11:30 am to 12:15 pm    Rally at the State of Illinois Building 100 West Randolph Street (between LaSalle and Clark Streets):

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Donald Trump, Let Carrie Prejean Keep her Crown

Monday, May 11th, 2009

Thomasson: “Donald Trump has to avoid hypocrisy, he’s got to respect Carrie’s right to her opinion and let her keep her Miss California title.”

perez_hilton_doctored_photo_what-a-jerk.jpgVictim of Intolerance: Is the American Left descending to the level of Perez Hilton, the “queer” activist blogger who arrogantly launched the attack on Carrie Prejean for merely voicing the timeless truth that marriage is between a man and a woman? At left is Hilton’s phallic defacement of Prejean from a doctored photo on his blog.

Folks, I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that the Number One threat to free speech and religious freedom in America today is the pro-homosexual activist movement — which now includes overzealous straights who delude themselves that they are advancing “civil rights.” even as they work to take away the First Amendment freedom of others. And to think that the Left used to lecture us about “imposing our morality”! Who would have dreamed 20 years ago that pro-homosexual fanaticism would take us to this point — where a young woman faces punishment and ridicule for merely voicing belief in marriage as between a man and a woman? We know “the Donald” loves the publicity, but he should have dismissed this un-American request out of hand.  — Peter LaBarbera


SaveAmerica.com writes:

Donald Trump, Let Carrie Prejean Keep her Crown

TAKE ACTION: To leave a message for Mr. Trump, call the Miss Universe Organization (212) 373-4999

Sacramento, California — SaveAmerica.com, a leading West Coast pro-family organization, is blaming the intolerant homosexual agenda for trying to strip the crown of Miss California Carrie Prejean.

Holding a Beverly Hills news conference today to call for stripping away Prejean’s crown were Miss California pageant co-directors Keith Lewis and Shanna Moakler, both of whom have been fiercely attacking Prejean ever since the April 19 Miss USA pageant, when she said “marriage should be between a man and a woman.”

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Mike Heath Announces Peoples Veto Campaign to Overturn ‘Gay Marriage’ Vote in Maine

Friday, May 1st, 2009

mike_heath.jpgDear Readers,

Mike Heath, head of the Christian Civic League of Maine (now renamed the Maine Family Policy Council), has led two successful statewide drives to turn back “sexual orientation” (homosexuality) laws in Maine, in 1998 and 2001. Now Heath (Board Chairman of AFTAH) will lead the effort to preserve the real definition of marriage in his state. We predict that he will win. Thanks to the efforts of Heath, Paul Volle, Paul Madore, and others, the homosexual agenda has encountered more serious resistance in Maine than in any other New England state. Sure, Mainers are worn out by the “queer” debate — something that GLBT activists count on to achieve their misguided goals — but they still know a fraud when they see one. Please help Mike — who needs to raise $100,000 immediately for the marriage-defense campaign — and the good people at Maine Family Policy Councill any way you can. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.com


From the Maine Family Policy Council:

Heath Will Lead Peoples Veto
By Staff

In the early 1990s Mike Heath said that the push for gay rights wouldn’t end until homosexual marriage was enacted.  Twice he persuaded a majority of Mainers to affirm common sense in statewide voting.  The 47 year old father of three is prepared to do it again.  Today he announced that he would lead his third peoples veto of sex outside of marriage.

The people of Maine know what marriage is,”  said Heath.  “Politicians pretend this debate is complicated and emotional.  It isn’t.  Maine people know the difference between right and wrong.  What has been going on in Augusta for the past twenty years is a horrific farse.”

In 1998 Heath campaigned for equal rights [against a pro-homosexual “sexual orientation” law].  He said he will do that again this time.

He continued, “The other side has that part right.  This is about equal rights.  It is about making sure everyone has equal legal rights that are rooted in something substantial.  Common sense tells all of us that you can’t give rights to people for doing wrong!”

“It is also a matter of freedom of conscience.  No government has the right to silence the people in a matter pertaining to a grave moral evil, nor will any government ever have the right to equate a grave moral evil with a sacred institution,”  he said.

Heath has been married for 27 years.  He reminded everyone that all Mainers can already get married.  They can marry someone of the opposite gender.  Real equal rights preserve, honor and uphold that reality.

The Peoples Veto will begin as soon as the Secretary of State provides petitions to Heath.  He said he looks forward to working with everyone in Maine who wants to preserve marriage and urged people to call 207-592-4137 or e-mail him at  mike@mainefpc.com.

Barber: Iowa Governor Chet Culver Should ‘Veto’ Court’s Homosexual ‘Marriage’ ‘Opinion’

Monday, April 27th, 2009

iowa_supreme_court_smarter_than_god.jpgMeet Iowa’s New ‘Super-Legislature’: forget those civics lessons, kiddos: the real, ultimate power to create laws lies with the nature-defying liberals in charge of the Iowa Supreme Court (left). Needless to say, Iowa’s Democratic governor, Chet Culver (who once taught high school government), did not take Matt Barber’s bold advice today — that is, he did not interfere with the new immoral, counterfeit “marriages” imposed by the seven smiling “judiciocrats” at left.

Contact: Matt Barber: jmattbarber@comcast.net

DATE: April 27, 2009


Iowa Governor Should Tell Court ‘Thanks but No Thanks’

Lynchburg, VA – Matt Barber, Director of Cultural Affairs with both Liberty Alliance Action and Liberty Counsel* released the following statement today encouraging Iowa Governor Chet Culver to honor his obligation to uphold the Iowa Constitution and refuse to issue marriage licenses to same-sex pairs.

“In Baker v. Nelson, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to imagine there exists a ‘constitutional right’ to ‘same-sex marriage.’ It held that if the Court were to create such a right, it would amount to an unconstitutional act of ‘judicial legislation.’ With its recent opinion charging that such a right exists and ordering that, starting today, marriage licenses be given to homosexual duos, the Iowa Supreme Court has done just that. It has co-opted the role of both the legislative and executive branches of government and has presumed to unconstitutionally create and administer law from the bench.

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AFTAH Responds to Letter: God Did Not Make Your Son a Homosexual

Saturday, April 25th, 2009

I sent a version of the following letter to a “Christian” writer who appears to have accepted the Big Lie put forth by pro-homosexual ideologues and liberal religionists — that some people (in this case, his son) are intrinsically “gay”; that God “created” them that way (i.e., as a loving creation); and hence, by implication, that God approves of their homosexual behavior:

Dear Sir,

…. Are you saying that a holy God made your son to desire and have sex with other men — even though that same God in the Bible clearly and unequivocally condemns homosexual practice (Old and New Testaments)? Do you believe God designed nature so that “men who have sex with men” (MSM), to use sterile CDC terminology, even though MSM suffer disproportionately from all sorts of sexually transmitted diseases? With all due respect, I think that is an untenable position. (See Professor Rob Gagnon’s website, www.robgagnon.net, for more information on the Bible and homosexuality.)

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VIDEO: Perez Hilton and In-Your-Face ‘Queer’ Activists: the Obnoxious Spoiled Brats of our Culture

Tuesday, April 21st, 2009

Carrie Prejean sought to please God rather than politically-correct man; WARNING: GRAPHIC DESCRIPTIONS

By Peter LaBarbera

OK, where do we start with the Perez Hilton-Carrie Prejean Miss USA controversy? Earlier today I was a guest on the Bob Dutko Show on WMUZ in Detroit, and observed that Hilton epitomizes the spoiled-brat aspect of “queer” activism. It’s bad enough that this obnoxious and rude “gay celebrity blogger” calls Miss California a “dumb bitch,” and then stands behind his ugly remark after initially apologizing for it. I want to know why this nasty fellow is then treated so deferentially by the media — first by this MSNBC anchor Norah O’Donnell and then NBC’s Matt Lauer? Are the liberal media — like those irresponsible parents who let themselves be manipulated by their spoiled children — now so indulgent toward homosexuals that they can’t even call out an angry activist whose vicious and juvenile conduct is obvious to most everyone else? Would NBC have accorded similar respect to a right-wing blogger who blasted a homosexual contestant as a “dumb fag”? Of course not (but they would have made an example of him as a hateful bigot, which is precisely what Mr. Hilton is). Watch this YouTube of this morning’s NBC Today Show, followed by more commentary after the jump:

You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view this YouTube video

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