A – What does the Bible say about homosexuality?

Gay Liberation Network Applauds Wright State University’s Ban on Christian Bible Group

Tuesday, March 24th, 2009

Schwartz defends state action against “bible based bigotry against gays”

bob_scharz_solo.jpg Bob Schwartz of the Chicago-based Gay Liberation Network supports Wright State University’s ban against the Campus Bible Fellowship. The Christian campus group opposes Wright’s “nondiscrimination” code, which would force it to abandon its faithfulness to Scripture by allowing unrepentant homosexuals as members. Schwartz previously claimed to oppose laws criminalizing Christian speech — yet he favors banning groups because he  considers them “bible bigots.” Would Schwartz and GLN (which AFTAH considers to be an anti-Christian hate group) allow a tax-supported public university to dictate ITS membership standards if it operated on a college campus?

AFTAH was copied on the following e-mail letter from Bob Schwartz of the left-wing Gay Liberation Network, based in Chicago, to Wright State University President David Hopkins. Schwartz sent his letter following Americans For Truth’s reprint of a press release by the Foundation for Individual Rights (FIRE) , which is fighting to overturn Wright State’s oppressive policy of forcing Campus Bible Fellowship to violate its faith creed in order to stay on campus. Note at bottom Schwartz’s clarification in response to a question from this writer.

Please study this series of e-mails and links [Wright State story HERE and Schwartz’s previous statement against censorship HERE] and see if you can comprehend how Schwartz can simultaneously hold two seemingly contradictory positions:

  1. he “opposes” government censorship against Christian speech (for which AFTAH wrote that “we are pleasantly surprised that the GLN leader is not an outright advocate of censorship”);
  2. while he supports a government-funded school banning a Christian group for, effectively, sticking to its Biblical faith creed.

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AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera to Speak at Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights on Monday, March 23rd

Friday, March 20th, 2009

peter_labarbera_new.jpgThe following was sent out by Pastor Calvin Lindstrom of the Church of Christian Liberty and the Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights, Illinois. You can download a flyer for this event HERE and distribute to your friends. I hope to see some of you at the Christian Liberty Academy, 502 West Euclid Avenue in Arlington Heights, Illinois, on Monday evening, March 23rd! — Peter LaBarbera


Dear Friend of Freedom,

Though we live in a difficult and dangerous time, we are called by our Lord and Savior not to be afraid but to let our light shine before men so that others may see our good works and glorify our Father in Heaven (Matt. 5:16).

As the militant homosexual movement and its agenda continues to influence political decisions and laws, we as God’s people must be aware of its threat to families and religious freedom. While many in this movement claim their desire is to be left alone, their real agenda is much more insidious. In Europe, Canada, and other nations, Christian pastors have been jailed, fined, and threatened for simply speaking the truth of God’s Word as it relates to the sin of homosexuality. Christians in the US have also been jailed and harassed for daring to speak God’s truth.

You are invited to hear from Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth on Monday, March 23, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. at the Christian Liberty Academy, 502 West Euclid Ave., Arlington Heights, IL 60004.

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Lively Accuses Throckmorton of Betraying Christ and Grove City College Mission

Tuesday, March 17th, 2009

Homosexual activists are “using you as a patsy,” he tells evangelcal professor


Grove City College professor Warren Throckmorton has escalated his homosexuality-affirming rhetoric in recent years, as he has sought to “expose” conservative Christians standing boldly against the GLBT agenda.

The following is an article sent out yesterday by veteran pro-family advocate Scott Lively, founder of DefendtheFamily.com, a branch of Abiding Truth Ministries, which Lively founded. Click HERE to see the blog of Grove City College professor Warren Throckmorton, who has criticized Lively for allegedly “enabling” Ugandan programs punishing homosexual behavior.  Click here for AFTAH’s article reprinting Lively’s initial report following his Uganda trip, in which he states that Throckmorton and others distorted his counsel to the Ugandans. Also see our reprint of the excerpt of Throckmorton’s 2007 interview with “gay” activist Mike Signorile in which he agrees with Signorile’s characterization that “being gay” is “natural, normal and healthy.” (Which begs the question: is Throckmorton helping to “enable” homosexual activists seeking to “mainstream” homosexual behavior?) — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.com.

Lively writes:



I was recently attacked by Grove City College Professor Warren Throckmorton on the false charge that I called for Uganda to force homosexuals into therapy. In recent months, Dr. Throckmorton has become the darling of the “gay” movement for his criticisms of ex-“gay” ministries and recovery methods. Without checking first with me, he took the word of “gay” activists about my recent mission in Uganda and blasted me on his blog. I exchanged e-mails privately with him about that matter, but a bigger issue deserves to be aired publicly, which is his endorsement of mutually consensual unions of principle of homosexuals who don’t want to change.

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Grove City Prof Warren Throckmorton Affirms Homosexuality as ‘Normal, Natural and Healthy’

Tuesday, March 17th, 2009

warren_throckmorton.jpgBelow is an excerpt from Grove City College associate professor Warren Throckmorton’s (left) July 2007 radio interview with well-known homosexual activist Mike Signorile, on Signorile’s show on the Sirius satellite radio network:

WARREN THROCKMORTON: The aim of Sexual Identity Therapy is a satisfied life – a client who believes that they have come to an integration of their conflicts, and we’re, by the way, only talking about people who are in conflict.

MIKE SIGNORILE: So you think it is normal, natural and healthy for people who come out and accept that being homosexual — accept being gay — and completely have no issues with their religious faith — you believe — would you describe the words as [strong emphasis by Signorile] “normal, natural and healthy” – that that is fine?

THROCKMORTON: Yes. Yes, I have been very clear about that in my public statements, that the efforts to demonize people who accept their homosexuality and come out as gay have been futile. The research–[Signorile cuts him off] …

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Lively Gives Report on Uganda Conference

Monday, March 16th, 2009

How many American men would still be alive today had they never practiced sodomy?

scott_lively.jpgThe Ugandans are a thousand times better off inviting Scott Lively (left) to their country than pro-homosexuality, Christian-hating activists like Wayne (“Anything but Straight”) Besen.

DefendTheFamily.com Alert

The following was sent out March 10 by Scott Lively, founder of Abiding Truth Ministries and its affiliated website, www.defendthefamily.com. It has been fascinating to watch the homosexual activists — and their new, unexpected ally, Warren Throckmorton of Grove City College — seek to make a huge controversy over the illegality of homosexual acts in Uganda and the call at this conference to substitute reparative (ex-“gay”) therapy for incarceration. (Note in bold below how Lively says they distorted his advice to the Ugandans.) Perhaps the “queer” ideologues and their misguided fellow travelers ought to reflect on the massive crisis that legal and celebrated homosexuality has caused here in the United States of America — including hundreds of thousands of premature deaths linked to deviant sexual behavior — before lecturing the poor Ugandans, who are attempting to maintain a pro-Christian-morality public policy (what a concept).

At AFTAH, we preach Christian mercy and have denounced Talibanesque capital punishment for homosexuals in countries like Iran. But we also believe that if states and localities here in America (and governments abroad) wish to ban sodomy, they have every right to do so — notwithstanding polemical U.S. Supreme Court decisions inventing newfangled “constitutional rights” and influenced by inaccurate homosexual activist amicus briefs. We’ll have more on the Throckmorton controversy (see his Christianity-defying, pro-homosexuality 2007 interview quotes HERE) in the coming days, including Lively’s public call on Throckmorton to repent. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.com

P.S. I wish Warren would cease his gossipy, online correspondence with activists committed to aberrant, ungodly sexuality and think about the answer to this: How many American men would still be alive today had they never practiced the sin of sodomy?

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We Disagree about Homosexual Behavior; We Don’t Hate

Sunday, March 15th, 2009

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” (Gospel of John, 11:26-26)

By Peter LaBarbera

The following are excerpts from a critical note sent to me, and then my response. Note that in the future we will direct people to handy refutations of the ubiquitous homosexual “shellfish” canard, but for now we direct you to Professor Rob Gagnon’s website. “Ms.” writes:

“… God is love. The bible preaches about “loving thy neighbor”, “judge not lest ye be judged” as well as “he who is without sin cast the first stone.” Are you without sin? If you say no, you’re lying, that that would be a sin. 🙂 .. so if you’re a sinner, and I am a sinner, and the whole world is full of sinful, worldly people, who are you to throw stones? Is it out of fear, or ignorance?

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Michael Steele’s False Comparison between Race and Homosexuality

Friday, March 13th, 2009

michael_steele.jpgtim_wilkins.jpg FALSE COMPARISON: GOP Chairman Michael Steele (left) cannot change his skin color. Former “gay” Tim Wilkins of Cross Ministries already has changed his homosexual lifestyle and self-identification. Call or write Steele (202-863-8700; chairman@gop.com) and kindly urge him to avoid using liberal talking points and to stick to the conservative GOP platform. See the superb column by Ken Ervin of CWA below.

TAKE ACTION:  Call or e-mail Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele (202-863-8700; chairman@gop.com) and kindly inform him that it is erroneous to equate unchangeable skin color with changeable homosexuality. There are no “ex-Blacks.” There are many ex-homosexuals. Also remind him of the perils of using self-serving feminist terms (“choice”) to describe abortion, the taking of innocent unborn life. (For guidance see Ken Ervin’s excellent column below and AFTAH Board Member Matt Barber’s comments on One News Now HERE.)


Steele’s Aim Off on Social Issues

By Ken Ervin

Originally posted on CWA’s website, 3/13/2009
According to Ron Gunzburger over at Politics 1, Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele seems to be steering the party ship to the left. In a GQ magazine interview, the newly minted chairman dubs abortion “an individual choice,” directly opposing his own party platform, which labels abortion “a fundamental assault on the sanctity of innocent human life.”

He also demonstrates a woefully misinformed view of the homosexual lifestyle. “I don’t think I’ve ever really subscribed to that view that you can turn it on and off like a water tap,” says Steele. “You just can’t simply say, oh, like, ‘Tomorrow morning I’m gonna stop being gay.’ It’s like saying ‘Tomorrow morning I’m gonna stop being black.'”

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The ‘Bottom’ Line: Behavior IS the Issue and Sodomy Is Disgusting

Wednesday, March 11th, 2009

There is no dignity in practicing perversion

By Peter LaBarbera

Folks, I e-mail back-and-forth frequently with “Gerald,” a committed critic of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality. Below, Gerald reacts to our piece, reprinted from the Urban Dictionary, on the definition of “Power Bottom” (yuck). Per the usual, AFTAH received the kill the messenger (or maybe mock the messenger) treatment from “gay” apologists like Jeremy Hooper, a New York City blogger. The poor homosexual activists, their minds reprobate and sold out to sexual sin, can’t understand our purpose: to expose the real (destructive and wicked) behaviors associated with homosexuality lifestyles (and yes, there are many different lifestyles, not one “gay lifestyle”).

We post items like this because the public discussion about homosexuality has moved so far away from the actual behaviors associated with homosexuality. We’re trying to bring people back to the reality of what we oppose — and away from euphemistic abstractions (e.g., “gay civil rights” and “marriage  equality”). Try this, painful as it is: go back and read the “‘Power Bottom’ Defined” post and see if you don’t gain a better understanding of why God through His Word pronounces homosexual acts “detestable.” See if you don’t perceive homosexuality as more about “human wrongs” than “human rights.” Only a person committed to practicing or justifying deviance, or a zealous libertine, can’t see it. (And yes, we also oppose heterosexual anal “sex” — and lesbian-lesbian simulated anal “sex”: there’s not much to be said for imitating male homosexual sodomy, a causative factor for HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases.)

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