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American Psychological Ass’n
Wednesday, October 26th, 2016
 Not “Equal,” Not Even Close: LGBTQ activists are loathe to discuss and debate the manifold disproportionate health risks associated with their unnatural lifestyles. Order this new book by our friends at MassResistance through Amazon HERE.
Special Book Offer: Despite the ubiquitous media and LGBTQ propaganda, homosexuality is NOT a normal variant of human sexual behavior. To help you prove that obvious point to others, we are offering the thoroughly-documented, 600-page Mass Resistance book, “Health Hazards of Homosexuality,” which we are making available through AFTAH for $20 postpaid. Order it online here with your gift of at least $20 [note book order in the Comments box], or send your check to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522, noting the book order. “Progressives” despise this book, and you’ll know why when you get a copy!
Folks, homosexual health risks are the elephant in the “gay” living room that is often denied by anti-science “gay” activists, and rarely gets the attention it deserves from squeamish conservatives and Christians. I know and trust the author of this MassResistance book, and that person has excellent research skills. The book has 1,800 endnotes–including some citing articles by AFTAH and this writer–so it is loaded with “inconvenient truths” and uncomfortable realities about LGBTQ behaviors and lifestyles that Big Gay Inc and their media lackeys do not want you to know.
I just bought my copy of “The Health Hazards of Homosexuality“ off Amazon (available only in Kindle e-book format). Go HERE to buy yours today. Stay tuned for much more on this terrific resource. –Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @PeterLaBarbera
Below is the author’s description of the book on Amazon:
“Health Hazards of Homosexuality” brings together in one resource up-to-date information on the serious physical and mental health issues experienced by gays, lesbians, and bisexuals. This e-book includes 1,800 endnotes with live links to sources including the CDC, medical and mental health professional associations, medical research, GLB advocacy groups and websites, and the mainstream media. Numerous documentary color photos enliven the text.
The book looks at reasons for the higher levels of pathology (in both physical and mental health) experienced by these sexual minority groups, including life experiences, lifestyle choices, and risky sexual practices.
The book begins with discussion of the social and institutional context, summarizes estimates of the GLB population, and dismantles the “born that way” myth. Several chapters look at the higher incidence of mental health disorders exhibited by many in the GLB community, including depression, anxiety, suicidality, substance use, partner abuse, and BDSM practices. [BDSM is a sadomasochism acronym that stands for–according to its aficionados–“Bondage & Discipline, Dominance & Submission, Sadism & Masochism.” No wonder they’re now calling it “Kink” for media and cultural mainstreaming purposes.–AFTAH]
The general public has not been told the whole truth about sexually transmitted diseases (including HIV/AIDS) and other illness following from the behaviors associated with GLB sexual orientations. Gays and bisexual men, in particular, are most vulnerable and are driving recent increases in STD incidence. Our nation’s youth, male and female, are suffering from the fallout and are experiencing startling increases in STDs.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in 10 Percent Myth, American Psychiatric Association, American Psychological Ass'n, Anal Sex, Gay Sex Health Risks, Gay-on-gay violence, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Government Promotion, Kink, News, Polyamory-Polygamy-NonMonogamy, Sex-Ed Curriculum |
Saturday, October 8th, 2016
Folks, we introduce a new writer for AFTAH, Garry Ingraham, who “came out”–of the homosexual lifestyle–and now leads the sexual wholeness ministry Love and Truth Network. Garry is also a Board Member of Restored Hope Network, an umbrella group of ex-“gay” ministries, member churches and Christian counselors across the nation. Here Garry comments on a LifeSiteNews article about American Psychological Association (APA) researcher (and LGBTQ activist) Dr. Lisa Diamond’s determination that “sexual orientation” is fluid — and that homosexual advocates should stop promoting the “born that way” myth. Please consider supporting Garry’s important work HERE. And sign up for the outstanding LifeSiteNews’ daily updates HERE. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
By Garry Ingraham, first published on Facebook Oct. 7, 2016
As a former gay-identified man and bartender at a gay bar, who concluded that “there has to be more to life than this”, I know from personal experience that sexuality and attractions are fluid and can be changed over time. I’ve also known hundreds of others who are on the same journey toward Christ – out of homosexuality and a life dominated by sexual & relational brokenness.
Finally, in the attached article we have an intellectually and scientifically accurate statement from the APA about what many people have known all along…People can and do change their sexual attractions. These are not hard wired… Check out the article below-
Whether or not someone desires to change is up to them, but the right to change or seek help to overcome unwanted LGBT attractions and desires has come under legal attack — all for the sake of political correctness and an ideological crusade — based on the false narrative of the immutability of LGBT desires and sexual attraction.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in American Psychological Ass'n, APA, Ex-Gay Politics/Gay Oppos. to Ex-Gays, News |
Thursday, January 14th, 2016
Homosexual activist pressure campaign drove Spitzer to disavow his own study on “ex-gay” therapy, but Archives of Sexual Behavior editor refused to retract it
 Target of Homosexual Pressure Campaign: The late Dr. Robert Spitzer, above, reported in a landmark 2003 academic study that “there is evidence that change in sexual orientation following some form of reparative therapy does occur in some gay men and lesbians.” “Gay” activists barraged him with criticism, so much so that he later disavowed his own study–which, however, was NOT retracted. See the study HERE and the abstract of it below.
Folks, below is an excerpt of a critically important Crisis Magazine piece by Linda Ames Nicolosi, formerly the publications director of NARTH (and wife of Joe Nicolosi). Her subject, Robert Spitzer, played a tragic yet pivotal role in the normalization of homosexuality and the advancement of the homosexual political and cultural agenda. But, as Linda describes, for a time he also advanced the truth that people can indeed overcome unwanted homosexual attractions–by authoring a landmark 2003 study of 200 homosexual men and lesbians who self-reported a “change from homosexual to heterosexual orientation.” This seemingly most politically incorrect of all realities is anathema to homosexualist (“gay”) ideologues, who mercilessly hammered Spitzer–then an old man–ultimately manipulating him into disavowing his own research. Note that, despite his requests, the editor of Archives of Sexual Behavior, Kenneth Zucker, refused to retract Spitzer’s study because the data had not been falsified.
Remember: reports of homosexual people who tried to change but couldn’t are counter-balanced by the many people who have successfully left homosexual lifestyles behind. Of course, in line with the LGBT propaganda tactic that I call “Focus on the Failures,” the latter get far less media attention than the former. You can read the full Crisis article HERE. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
Below is the abstract of the 2003 Spitzer study;
Position statements of the major mental health organizations in the United States state that there is no scientific evidence that a homosexual sexual orientation can be changed by psychotherapy, often referred to as “reparative therapy.” This study tested the hypothesis that some individuals whose sexual orientation is predominantly homosexual can, with some form of reparative therapy, become predominantly heterosexual. The participants were 200 self-selected individuals (143 males, 57 females) who reported at least some minimal change from homosexual to heterosexual orientation that lasted at least 5 years. They were interviewed by telephone, using a structured interview that assessed same sex attraction, fantasy, yearning, and overt homosexual behavior. On all measures, the year prior to the therapy was compared to the year before the interview. The majority of participants gave reports of change from a predominantly or exclusively homosexual orientation before therapy to a predominantly or exclusively heterosexual orientation in the past year. Reports of complete change were uncommon. Female participants reported significantly more change than did male participants. Either some gay men and lesbians, following reparative therapy, actually change their predominantly homosexual orientation to a predominantly heterosexual orientation or some gay men and women construct elaborate self-deceptive narratives (or even lie) in which they claim to have changed their sexual orientation, or both. For many reasons, it is concluded that the participants’ self-reports were, by-and-large, credible and that few elaborated self-deceptive narratives or lied. Thus, there is evidence that change in sexual orientation following some form of reparative therapy does occur in some gay men and lesbians.
The Bob Spitzer I Knew
By Linda Ames Nicolosi, in Crisis Magazine, January 11, 2016
When I opened the newspaper a couple of days after Christmas, I was surprised by a familiar face in the obituaries section: psychiatrist Robert Spitzer. The name brought back a flood of bittersweet personal memories. I had learned something about human nature from Bob Spitzer, and also about politics as they play out behind the scenes in the mental-health establishment.
About 15 years before, Spitzer had asked me to help him with a new research project he was working on—a study of people who had come out of a gay lifestyle. He needed help on his wording and the expression of concepts, and I was, at the time, publications director for NARTH (National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality).
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in (Pro-) Gay Thought Police, American Psychological Ass'n, Ex-Gay Politics/Gay Oppos. to Ex-Gays, Morality and Moral Judgments, News, Political Correctness vs. Truth |
Wednesday, August 21st, 2013
 Chris Christie sided with homosexual activism over parental rights in signing into a law a bill banning reparative therapy for minors in New Jersey.
AFTAH News Release; contact: Peter LaBarbera: 312-324-3787; americansfortruth@gmail.com
August 21, 2013
CHICAGO—Peter LaBarbera, President of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH.org), said today that New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie succumbed to homosexual activist propaganda and myths in signing into law a bill that bans professional counselors in the Garden State “from attempting to change a minor’s sexual orientation.”
LaBarbera made the following points regarding Republican Christie siding with the “Big Gay Government” agenda by banning parents from helping their children overcome the destructive pull of homosexuality:
1) Christie cited the pro-“gay” American Psychological Association in claiming that efforts to change sexual orientation “can pose critical health risks” to children. But he strangely did not mention the existence of successful, happy former homosexuals. Nor did he acknowledge the widely-available data pointing to the myriad health risks associated with homosexual behavior itself – such as the rising HIV risk among “young men who have sex with men.”
2) Pro-family advocates call the New Jersey law – like a similar California law – a “Jerry Sandusky” law because it could ban parents from specifically seeking reparative therapy for their child even if the child was molested by a homosexual pedophile (the law’s language is ambiguous on this point [see comments following this blog post by pro-homosexual “evangelical” professor Warren Throckmorton]. Sadly, many “gay” men like CNN’s Don Lemon and MSNBC’s Thomas Roberts do not acknowledge the causative link between their molestation as boys by homosexual predators and their subsequent embrace of a deviant “gay” identity.
3) Lies and calculated LGBT disinformation have muddled the debate and confused the public over the issue of homosexuality and the potential for ex-“gay” change. Falsehoods often are repeated by the liberal media, such as AP’s report of the Christie bill-signing, which stated: “Lawmakers heard horror stories from some during hearings on the ban, including Brielle Goldani of Toms River, who testified she underwent electric shocks and was given drugs to induce vomiting after being sent to an Ohio camp at age 14 to become straight.” (Associated Press report, Politico, Aug. 20)
The problem is Goldani was lying, as was confirmed by Christopher Doyle, himself a successful ex-“gay” who counsels people to overcome unwanted homosexual desires. Doyle tried to track down the “Ohio camp” but discovered that it never existed. Needless to say, Doyle’s clarification did not garner near the attention of Goldani’s horrific yet spurious testimonial tale.
4) Christie is misinformed in claiming that homosexuals are “born gay”: efforts to confirm “born gay” junk science have failed — e.g., the much-heralded studies by homosexual-activist researchers Dean Hamer (1993) and Simon LeVay (1992) could not be replicated. (See www.mygenes.co.nz; Hamer, author of a media-touted “gay gene” study, now makes gay-advocacy documentaries.) Nevertheless, the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA) cunningly includes the word “innate” in its “Stylebook” definition of “sexual orientation,” as revealed in the author’s report on pro-homosexual media bias for America’s Survival. (The NLGJA also collaborates with homosexual gadfly Wayne Besen, hater of “ex-gays” and creator of the “Pray the Gay Away” polemical smear.) Homosexual activists and liberals often fall back on the convenient “born gay” myth as a way of avoiding the reality that homosexuality – primarily environmentally influenced — is about immoral, unhealthy, and changeable behavior.
5) Christie’s statement (relying on his “born gay” belief) that homosexuality is not a sin is not only a repudiation of his own Catholic teachings on homosexuality. It is also a craven capitulation to the secular political correctness of this age that celebrates homosexuality and extreme gender confusion as “civil rights.”
Posted in "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, American Psychological Ass'n, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Born that Way?, Candidates & Elected Officials, Catholic, Causes of homosexuality, Conservative and Chrisian sellouts, Government Promotion, Hateful Homosexual Attacks on Ex-Gays, Health & Science, HIV/AIDS, HIV/AIDS, Homosexual Hate, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Warren Throckmorton, Wayne Besen |
Tuesday, November 1st, 2011
This morning I sent the following public letter to Grove City College professor and homosexuality-affirming blogger Warren Throckmorton, as well as dozens of pro-family leaders. Note that Throckmorton, a frequent critic of conservative evangelical leaders, has been singled out for praise by the leftist Southern Poverty Law Center — the same SPLC that outrageously labeled AFTAH, Family Research Council, American Family Association and other mainstream pro-family organizations as “hate groups.” [Contact Grove City College HERE.]
In another post we will publish Prof. Rob Gagnon’s response to Richard Cohen’s new and curiously “gay”-affirmative approach to the homosexual issue. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
I certainly don’t think Richard Cohen or anyone needs to apologize for stating the obvious truth that “Change [away from and rejecting homosexuality] is possible.” If we were to apologize for everything that “offends” hardened LGBT activists, we’d be apologizing 24/7.
The question is, when will YOU apologize for affirming homosexuality as an acceptable (or innocuous) identity — while claiming (falsely) to uphold biblical orthodoxy? When will YOU repent for working hand-in-hand with “gay” activists who are diametrically opposed to the Christian worldview on homosexuality as an overcomable sexual sin (and an abomination) — by actively discrediting the need AND potential for wholesome change away from same-sex behavior and indulging same-sex desires?
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, American Psychological Ass'n, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Biblical Truth, Christian, Christian Colleges, Christian Left, Christian/pro-family naivete, Conservative and Chrisian sellouts, D - GLBTQ Pressure Within Churches, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Too Much Tolerance |
Thursday, July 29th, 2010
 Jennifer Keeton
Here’s the latest victim of the Pro-Gay Thought Police (PGTP): Jennifer Keeton. Her predicament is further evidence of the “zero-sum game” in the Culture War between pro-“gay” policies/laws and religious liberty. It’s incredible that this public institution, Augusta State U,, is requiring this principled young woman to alter her beliefs and even attend a “gay pride” parade as a condition for completing the program. (Imagine the outcry if a public university required a committed, secular “gay” student to go to a Bible-believing church as part of a remediation plan.)
Will authentic Bible-believing Christians (as opposed to the compromised, homosexuality-affirming variety) be boxed out of the counseling profession? If so, faithful Christians will have to support alternative counseling institutions, because unrepentant homosexuality will never be compatible with Christianity. And there are way too many happy ex-gays and ex-lesbians out there for sexually struggling people not to be given this healthy option.
Modern “diversity” is to genuine diversity as Marxist-Leninist “People’s Democratic Republics” are to true democracy. Wouldn’t true “diversity” allow people to exercise their own choice to see either a pro-homosexual counselor or one that adheres to traditional moral views? I guess that’s asking too much of left-wing academics and the pro-“GLBTQ” movement. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
P.S. Check out this Queety blog post on the Keeton case. It contains a video of Keeton giving her side of the story. Note the nasty and irrational pro-homosexual comments that follow the Queerty post, including this one:
Imagine if a KKK member became a firefighter and said “If a black person is in a fire I’m not going to save their life. It’s against my beliefs.” Rubbish.
LifeSiteNews reports [Click HERE to subscribe to LifeSite’s daily e-mails.]:
Augusta State Univ. to Counseling Student: Change Beliefs or Get Out
AUGUSTA, Georgia, July 22, 2010 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Attorneys with the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) filed suit against Augusta State University Wednesday on behalf of a counseling student who was allegedly told that her Christian beliefs are unethical and incompatible with the prevailing views of the counseling profession. The student, Jennifer Keeton, says she has been told to stop communicating her beliefs and that she must undergo “training” to accept homosexuality in order to graduate from the counseling program.
Augusta State ordered Keeton to undergo a re-education plan, in which she must attend “diversity sensitivity training,” complete additional remedial reading, and write papers to describe their impact on her beliefs. If she does not change her beliefs or agree to the plan, the university says it will expel her from the Counselor Education Program.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Academic Bias, American Psychological Ass'n, Biblical Truth, C - Heroes for Truth, Christian Persecution, Diversity - Real (including ex-gays and critics of gay agenda), Freedom Under Fire, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, GLBTQ Lawsuits & Retribution, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Government Promotion, Morality and Moral Judgments, News, Political Correctness vs. Truth, Post-modernism/relativism, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Tolerance?, Universities & Colleges |
Thursday, May 6th, 2010
Update: leftist group fixes error but retains inaccurate claim about LaBarbera
 Southern Poverty Law Center director Mark Potok sent AFTAH a snide message to point out a small factual error, yet for years the SPLC has confused AFTAH's Peter LaBarbera with Family Research Institute founder Paul Cameron on its website.
EDTIORS NOTE: After the publication of our article, the SPLC fixed the major error described below of (twice) confusing AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera for Family Research Institute founder Paul Cameron. However, the leftist group’s website retains one error, claiming that LaBarbera called for closing down all homosexual “establishments.” In actuality, LaBarbera called for closing down all “gay” sex clubs and bathhouses (where men go to have anonymous sexual encounters with other men) in the interest of protecting the public’s health.
By AFTAH Staff
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a left-wing organization under fire for expanding its “hate” designations beyond racist fringe groups to pro-family organizations like Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) and the conservative Tea Party movement — has mistaken AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera for Family Research Institute researcher Paul Cameron in two longstanding “Intelligence Report” posts on its website.
The sophomoric error first appeared in a Spring 2005 SPLC “Intelligence Report,” “A Mighty Army,” about pro-family organizations opposed to homosexuality (see the section on Page 3 of Concerned Women for America). It was repeated in a Summer 2006 SPLC “Intelligence Report” article, “Passive Aggressive,” by Heidi Beirich. Both fallacious reports have been posted on the Southern Poverty Law Center website for years and have been repeated by sympathetic liberal activists on the web. The SPLC, which raises and spends millions of dollars annually for its “anti-hate” political and research activities, works with government and law enforcement authorities to provide research on alleged “hate” groups.

The above excerpt from the 2005 Southern Poverty Law Center report "A Mighty Army" mistakes Peter LaBarbera, founder of Americans For Truth, with Paul Cameron, founder of Family Research Institute. The typo in the first sentence (should be "In") appears in the original report.
Ironically, after the Southern Poverty Law Center outrageously designated Americans For Truth as a “hate” website — urged on by the pro-communist “Gay Liberation Network” — SPLC director Mark Potok sent Americans For Truth the following snide e-mail message to correct an inadvertent error in a column by (AFTAH Board Member) Matt Barber:
I know you all value accuracy above all things — I can tell that from the fine and incisive quality of your writing and research. Therefore, I\’m sure you\’ll want to let Matt know that we\’re based in Montgomery, Ala., not Atlanta, Ga. I know these places all seem the same to you — kind of like the unspeakable horrors of homosexuality — but hey, they\’re not. Of course, Matt does appear incapable of doing any actual reporting — his little attack piece is a compendium of ancient quotes he dredges from a 10-year-old Harper\’s magazine article.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, American Psychological Ass'n, Gay Lies about AFTAH, Gay Sex Health Risks, Left-wing activism, Liberal Groups' Misinformation, News, Politics of "Hate", Sodomy, Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), Tolerance? |
Thursday, August 20th, 2009
Americans for Pedophile Advocacy? Dutch pedophilia advocate Theo Sandfort is a Fellow with the American Psychological Society (APA). As part of his “research,” Sandfort once interviewed 25 boys from between the ages of 10 and 16 who were in “sexual relationships” with adults. The adult predators took Sandfort to interview their underage sexual “parters” (i.e., their child victims). “For virtually all the boys … the sexual contact itself was experienced positively,” Sandfort duly reported. Not surprisingly, the APA, which has an overwhelming pro-homosexualist bias, has worked to cast doubt on the idea that people practicing homosexuality can make the healthy transition to heterosexuality.
Folks, Americans give far more credit to professional institutions like the American Psychological Society (APA) than they deserve. We forget the strong liberal, anti-faith bias of academia and especially the soft sciences — and the enormous cultural subversion that PC-driven professional organizations have engaged in over the years. (Groundbreaking “sexologist” Alfred Kinsey himself was a notorious pervert.) This includes, in the APA’s case, forays into the “study” of adult-child sex (pedophilia). Remarkably, as Lifesite’s Matthew Hoffman reports below, the APA continues its affiliation with known pedophilia advocate Theo Sandfort. Regardless of what it puts out on the (in)ability of people to change their “orientation” (translation: sexual practices, thoughts and habits), the APA has no moral authority on these matters given its documented conflict-of-interest stemming from an overwhelming pro-homosexualist bias. Conservatives should resist the temptation to cite the APA as authoritative when it happens to bend a degree or two in their direction. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
LifeSiteNews reports:
The Psychological Profession and Homosexuality: Lunatics Running the Asylum?
Special LifesiteNews Report Commentary by Matthew Cullinan Hoffman [click HERE to sign up for LifeSiteNews e-mail updates]
WASHINGTON, August 14, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) — A man goes to a psychologist with a problem. “Doctor,” he says, “I’m suffering terribly. I feel like a woman trapped inside the body of a man. I want to become a woman.”
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Academic Bias, American Psychological Ass'n, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, News, Pedophilia/Pederasty, Reorientation Therapy |

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