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Anal Sex
Friday, September 14th, 2018
Below is a graphic about the recent act of Facebook censorship against Americans For Truth About Homosexuality’s (AFTAH) FB page. Our commentary at right was not a part of the original deleted post. The circled portion is Facebook’s notification to AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera; it reads:
“Only you can see this post because it goes against our standards on hate speech.”
Honestly, I don’t know what triggered the left-leaning techies at Facebook (or that FB “algorithm” we keep hearing about in the news): was it the use of the word “queer,” even though I was just paraphrasing a widely used slogan by the homosexual group “Queer Nation”? (Note: almost all major LGBTQ groups and websites use that word.) Or was it that I covered up the indecent “gay kiss”?
Either way, FB’s oppressive application of leftist “hate” politics is deeply troubling. The Soviet Thought Police had nothing on these morally-challenged techies.
How can conservatives go on in the most popular social media platforms under these conditions? Talk to almost any pro-family advocate on Facebook who defends biblical sexuality and you will find similar stories of heavy-handed and often petty acts of FB censorship. It has happened to us before. Perhaps it’s time to break up these leftist de facto monopolies.–Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH.org; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

Posted in (Pro-) Gay Thought Police, Anal Sex, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, News |
Friday, March 30th, 2018
 Yours with any gift of $100 or more to AFTAH. Give online HERE.
Learn the hard truth, help AFTAH: Americans For Truth About Homosexuality is offering a copy of the MassResistance book, “The Health Hazards of Homosexuality: What the Medical and Psychological Research Reveals,” for your gift to AFTAH of $100 or more.
This is not a book for the faint of heart, nor for those who seek to deny the politically incorrect reality about destructive homosexual behaviors. (That includes most “progressives” and the LGBTQ Cheerleading Squad otherwise known as “the media.”) Its nearly 600 pages are loaded with CDC data and medical reports about the dangers of homosexual practices–i.e., the disturbing, unmentionable facts that lie beneath the “gay”-affirming veneer used to sell homosexuality to youth and the larger culture. That’s why sexual perversion activists HATE this book and don’t want you to read it. We need to get it into every library in the world.
Yours with $100 donation: Give safely online HERE (request “Health Hazards” book in Comments section on form) or send your check for $100 or more to: Americans For Truth (AFTAH), P.O. Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522, and we will send you a copy of “Health Hazards of Homosexuality.”
I challenge you to do what I’m doing: read this well-researched book by the end of the year. Then you will be better armed as a truthful change agent in our deceived culture. If you have further questions, ask for Brad Wallace by calling AFTAH at 312-324-3787 or write him at connops@yahoo.com. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera; americansfortruth@gmail.com.

Posted in Anal Sex, CDC, Changing Societal Attitudes, Corrupting Children, Gay Activist Hypocrisy, Gay Sex Health Risks, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Health & Science, HIV/AIDS, Homo-Promiscuity, Homosexual Hate, Mental Health, News, Physical Health |
Saturday, February 11th, 2017
 Not Politically Correct, but True: One thing the “gay”-cheerleading media refuse to discuss is the connection between homosexual behavior and disease. Order HERE for 29.95 or as an e-book for 9.95 HERE. Click on graphic to enlarge.
Folks, if you care about answering the absurd “gay” narrative that God’s design for sex and marriage is “equal” to sexual perversion, buy this book. If you want to support pro-family warriors who are on the front lines of defending what’s right–like the great people at Mass Resistance–buy this book. If you want to educate an LGBTQ-brainwashed friend or millennial, buy this book! C’mon, everyone: the truth matters, and the truth is homosexual behavior is destructive and unhealthy.
TAKE ACTION, Get Informed: Buy the new paperback HERE for 29.95, or as an e-book HERE for 9.95.
–Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
http://www.massresistance.org/docs/issues/homosexuality-health-book/paperback-here.html [Table of Contents is after the jump]
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Anal Cancer, Anal Sex, Bisexuals-Conduits of HIV to Heteros, Born that Way?, Gay-on-gay violence, Gonorrhea, Health & Science, Health Care, Hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, Mental Health, News, Physical Health, Sodomy, Suicide, Syphilis |
Wednesday, October 26th, 2016
 Not “Equal,” Not Even Close: LGBTQ activists are loathe to discuss and debate the manifold disproportionate health risks associated with their unnatural lifestyles. Order this new book by our friends at MassResistance through Amazon HERE.
Special Book Offer: Despite the ubiquitous media and LGBTQ propaganda, homosexuality is NOT a normal variant of human sexual behavior. To help you prove that obvious point to others, we are offering the thoroughly-documented, 600-page Mass Resistance book, “Health Hazards of Homosexuality,” which we are making available through AFTAH for $20 postpaid. Order it online here with your gift of at least $20 [note book order in the Comments box], or send your check to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522, noting the book order. “Progressives” despise this book, and you’ll know why when you get a copy!
Folks, homosexual health risks are the elephant in the “gay” living room that is often denied by anti-science “gay” activists, and rarely gets the attention it deserves from squeamish conservatives and Christians. I know and trust the author of this MassResistance book, and that person has excellent research skills. The book has 1,800 endnotes–including some citing articles by AFTAH and this writer–so it is loaded with “inconvenient truths” and uncomfortable realities about LGBTQ behaviors and lifestyles that Big Gay Inc and their media lackeys do not want you to know.
I just bought my copy of “The Health Hazards of Homosexuality“ off Amazon (available only in Kindle e-book format). Go HERE to buy yours today. Stay tuned for much more on this terrific resource. –Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @PeterLaBarbera
Below is the author’s description of the book on Amazon:
“Health Hazards of Homosexuality” brings together in one resource up-to-date information on the serious physical and mental health issues experienced by gays, lesbians, and bisexuals. This e-book includes 1,800 endnotes with live links to sources including the CDC, medical and mental health professional associations, medical research, GLB advocacy groups and websites, and the mainstream media. Numerous documentary color photos enliven the text.
The book looks at reasons for the higher levels of pathology (in both physical and mental health) experienced by these sexual minority groups, including life experiences, lifestyle choices, and risky sexual practices.
The book begins with discussion of the social and institutional context, summarizes estimates of the GLB population, and dismantles the “born that way” myth. Several chapters look at the higher incidence of mental health disorders exhibited by many in the GLB community, including depression, anxiety, suicidality, substance use, partner abuse, and BDSM practices. [BDSM is a sadomasochism acronym that stands for–according to its aficionados–“Bondage & Discipline, Dominance & Submission, Sadism & Masochism.” No wonder they’re now calling it “Kink” for media and cultural mainstreaming purposes.–AFTAH]
The general public has not been told the whole truth about sexually transmitted diseases (including HIV/AIDS) and other illness following from the behaviors associated with GLB sexual orientations. Gays and bisexual men, in particular, are most vulnerable and are driving recent increases in STD incidence. Our nation’s youth, male and female, are suffering from the fallout and are experiencing startling increases in STDs.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in 10 Percent Myth, American Psychiatric Association, American Psychological Ass'n, Anal Sex, Gay Sex Health Risks, Gay-on-gay violence, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Government Promotion, Kink, News, Polyamory-Polygamy-NonMonogamy, Sex-Ed Curriculum |
Tuesday, May 3rd, 2016
Hotels now openly host vile homosexual sadomasochistic events; “Fisting A to Z” workshop features “hands-in” demonstration–in conference room; CLAW “charity” funds LGBT groups
WARNING: Graphic descriptions and revolting photos of horrifying homosexual perversions–after page jump. Not for children.
 Profiting Off Perversion: Twitter announcement for CLAW annual sadomasochistic deviance sex event. Note both Holiday Inn Cleveland South (Phone: 216-524-8050) and Embassy Suites [Rockside] -Independence, OH (Phone: 216-986-9900) are listed as hosting this orgiastic event celebrating the most vile sexual perversion invented by mankind.
“A good man will be ashamed to speak of what many wicked men are not ashamed to do.”—Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary on the New Testament Book of Ephesians, Chapter 5:3-14
TAKE ACTION: Contact the Holiday Inn-Cleveland So (216-524-8050); ask for Gen. Manager Tom Moore. Call Holiday Inn’s parent company, International Hotel Group, at 800-621-0555. Also contact the Embassy Suites-Rockside hotel at 216-986-9900. [Embassy Suites is owned by Hilton: call them 800-362-2779; online form HERE]. Lastly, contact the Westin Cleveland Downtown — the host of next year’s (2017) CLAW leather convention: phone: 216-771-7700; ask for Gen. Manager Bob Megazzini].
By Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH exclusive
Summary: Part One:
- Two Cleveland hotels, Holiday Inn Cleveland-South and Embassy Suites, both in Independence, OH, jointly sponsor homosexual “leather weekend” conference called CLAW. Holiday Inn also hosted the deviance celebration last year;
- CLAW rented the entire Holiday Inn hotel, for three days, April 28-May 1–even closing the bar and restaurant (like the rest of the hotel) to the public for this private perversion-fest;
- CLAW celebrates the most extreme and vile sexual behaviors invented by sinful men–including Fisting, Rimming, Scat, Watersports (involving urine), Master-Slave “relationships,” and a twisted “Puppy” fetish in which men become human “dogs” for their “masters.” This is sexual anarchy and as sick and satanic as it gets;
- One CLAW workshop, “Fisting A to Z,” instructs homosexual men on how to “fist”–a bizarre and dangerous sadomasochistic perversion in which a man inserts his hand and forearm into the rectum and lower colon of his fisting partner [see below];
- The “fisting” workshop advertised a “hands-in” demonstration–i.e., the disgusting act apparently was performed in the Holiday Inn conference room advertised for the session [see below];
- CLAW, like other homosexual male “leather” conventions, features deviant-sex orgies–and apparently not just in hotel rooms–which the poor maids are forced to clean up;
- Another CLAW workshop, titled “Down in the Brown,” was about the “scat” fetish–essentially eroticizing poop (feces). It was held in the Embassy Suites Con 1 meeting room [see below]
- The non-profit CLAW calls itself a “charity” and raises money for homosexual activist groups like GLSEN, PFLAG and Equality Ohio.
- Next year’s CLAW is advertised as being held at the Westin Cleveland Downtown [Phone: 216-771-7700; ask for Gen. Manager Bob Megazzini]
 ‘Fisting’ Perversion Class at the Holiday Inn: Page from the CLAW (Cleveland Leather Annual Weekend) website shows a “Fisting A to Z” class at the annual deviance sex celebration. Note (circled in yellow) the host Holiday Inn Cleveland South – Independence, OH as a sponsor of CLAW. A hotel employee described the private sadomasochistic all-hotel event to a caller as an “All Men’s Leather Convention.” Click to enlarge.
One of the features of post-Sexual Revolution and LGBT-friendly America is that the most vile misbehaviors invented by mankind increasingly are committed out in the open–with the full cooperation of corporations, which profit off of the organized perversion. Apparently no deviant behavior act or group is too vile not to be accommodated by big businesses in sexually “liberated” America.
Such was the case in Cleveland over the weekend, where an event featuring the most heinous deviant sex-fetishes ever conceived–including “fisting”–was not only hosted but sponsored by the Holiday Inn Cleveland South, in Independence, Ohio. The annual event is called CLAW: Cleveland Leather Annual Weekend–and it drew mostly homosexual “leathermen” from across the country and beyond. (The same Holiday Inn hotel sponsored last year’s CLAW, drawing around 1,500, according to organizers.)
CLAW organizers rented the entire Holiday Inn hotel–with 363 rooms–closing it to the public for three days. The event was co-hosted by the nearby Embassy Suites Cleveland-Rockside. These hotels allowed some of their meeting rooms and (I suspect) pools to become orgy spaces—-as the above graphic for the CLAW 2016 “Fisting A-Z” class held in a Holiday Inn conference room above shows. (“Fisting” is a bizarre fetish invented by homosexual men in which a man inserts his hand and forearm into the rectum and lower colon of his “partner.”
The “Fisting A to Z” class advertised a “hands-in” (as opposed to a “hands on”) demo (demonstration), held in the Hercules 277 meeting room at the Holiday Inn Cleveland South. Here is the “class” description:
Fisting A to Z
In addition to covering the basics of a fisting session and fisting play parties, we will cover as many letters of the alphabet as time allows — Anatomy, Breathing, Cleaning, Dildos, Eating and so forth.
And we will have a hands-in demo.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Anal Sex, Fisting, News, Promiscuity, Rimming, Sadomasochism, Sexual Revolution, Tolerance? |
Wednesday, December 31st, 2014
 Not at All Like Normal Kisses: NFL draftee Michael Sam (left) kisses “boyfriend,” Vito Cammisano, on national TV after learning that he had been drafted by the St. Louis Rams. Ultimately, Sam got cut from the team, but he was lionized by LGBT activists and the media alike. AFTAH blocks homosexual kisses because they are indecent and glamorize immorality, which is especially harmful to children.
Folks, 2014 was another year of intense promotion by the media of all things “gay” and “transgender.” One beneficiary of that was an articulate college football player named Michael Sam, who became the first openly homosexual (“out”) man to be drafted by the NFL. When that moment came, Sam kissed his homosexual lover, Vito Cammisano, on national TV, sparking an awkward national debate about homosexual displays of affection.
Many–dare I say most–people did not care for the televised same-sex kiss, but few pundits took the principled, common-sense position of AFTAH: of course we treat homosexual PDAs (public displays of affection) differently than, say, a football player kissing his girlfriend on the field because (say it with me): HOMOSEXUAL BEHAVIOR, A SIN, IS ALWAYS WRONG, whereas heterosexuality is natural and normal.
Too many conservatives, including Bill O’Reilly and other talkers on Fox News [see my America’s Survival report on Fox News’ pro-“gay” bias HERE] allowed themselves to be hamstrung by political correctness to the point where they failed to admit the obvious: homosexuality is not normal; it’s a perversion–so we treat it differently than everyday (not excessive) displays of affection between a man and a woman. That’s especially the case when it comes to subjecting innocent children to the celebration of immorality that grieves God’s heart [See Romans 1 and 1 Corinthians 6:9-11]. [Note: see this biased AP piece on Sam curiously re-published by the “conservative” TheBlaze.com.]
Since it’s New Year’s Eve, we’re having a little fun here at AFTAH: below is a poem I wrote playing loosely off the lyrics, rhythm and meter of Dr. Seuss’ “Green Eggs and Ham” (you know, the one with “Sam I am”). Although it’s light, the message is serious: public celebration of perversion is indecent–and another harmful and obnoxious by-product of “gay” and “same-sex marriage” advocacy. Sure, I’ll be chided by humorless homosexuals and “progressive” hacks who bristle at anything characterizing homosexuality as immoral, destructive and changeable. But who cares: LGBTQ activists attack, slander and lie about AFTAH all the time anyway. So enjoy…or not. Happy New Year! — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth; americansfortruth@gmail.com
P.S. On a very serious note, please pray for Michael Sam and others caught up in homosexuality, that they would accept Christ and become overcomers who leave their sinful lifestyle behind, as many others have [see this “Ex-Gay Truth” site].
I Saw the Kiss by Michael Sam. It Made Me Mad. He Kissed a Man!
By Peter LaBarbera; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
I saw the kiss by Michael Sam..
It made me mad–he kissed a man!
That’s something I don’t want to see
It’s wrong, unnatural, and it’s not just me.
Many now say, “Homosexuality is OK.”
But God says there’s a better way.
He made men for women, and women for men.
So why are “gays” so prideful then?
Please, no public same-sex kisses, Michael Sam.
We don’t want to see this man-on-man!
Not in a boat, not in a car
This public perversion goes too far!
Not in the store or on a bus
This same-sex stuff, it brings disgust.
Not at the movies or on TV
It’s wrong, unnatural, can’t you see?!
I don’t want my kids to think it’s right
So please, please, keep it out of sight!
Why is it always in our faces?
This sin–celebrated in so many places?
Even at football and baseball games
We have to pretend homosexuality’s the same.
Young kids exposed to same-sex acts,
When parents just wanna’ have fun and relax.
“Well,” said Michael Sam, “let me ask you this:
“Do you get mad when men and women kiss?!”
Man and woman, that’s Nature’s way.
As long as there’s not too much PDA.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in 'Gayness' as identity?, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, A little humor, African-Americans, Anal Sex, Biblical Truth, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Monday, January 20th, 2014
 Not Natural, Not Healthy: Homosexual doctor Stephen Goldstone–author of this “medical handbook” about homosexual sex– is an expert on the bodily trauma and diseases that result from the violent act of rectal sodomy.
WARNING: Description of homosexual perversion
Can you handle the truth about homo-sex? Most people can’t, because it is brutal (literally) and repulsive. Here is a quotation from Dr. Stephen Goldstone, an open homosexual and author of The Ins and Outs of Gay Sex. Dr. Goldstone is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Surgery at The Mount Sinai School of Medicine and an expert on “gay men’s health” and “anorectal disorders,” according to the (“gay”-affirming) Physicians Research Network [see their bio of Goldstone HERE]. This item is reprinted from 1999 issue of Lambda Report, the print predecessor to Americans For Truth.
As I wrote back then, “keep in mind that Goldstone is a ‘sex positive’ homosexuality advocate who dedicates his book to his [male] lover, Bruce.” Also, it seems obvious but it needs to be said: anal sex is also high-risk if practiced by heterosexuals [see this British web article and this interesting piece, “Women Are Having Anal Sex for All the Wrong Reasons”]. Tragically, pornography is helping to “mainstream” this destructive vice — which in saner times was described (by English jurist William Blackstone) as the “infamous crime against nature” — and “a subject the very mention of which is a disgrace to human nature.” — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
Dr. Goldstone writes (emphasis is authors):
“Just as your internal sphincter muscle involuntarily relaxes when feces enter your rectum, it involuntarily contracts when a penis or other object attempts to enter from the outside…An anal tear can occur during the initial phase of anal sex precisely because your partner pushes his penis through a closed sphincter. Think of his penis as a battering ram, one for which your internal sphincter is no match.”
 Dr. Stephen Goldstone
–Dr. Stephen Goldstone, The Ins and Outs of Gay Sex: A Medical Handbook for Men, (Dell: New York, 1999), p. 4.
Some Related AFTAH Articles:
Posted in Anal Sex, Gay Sex Health Risks, Health & Science, Homosexuality - Practical Considerations, Homosexuals in their own words, News, Physical Health |
Friday, January 17th, 2014
 The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is radically pro-homosexual in its ideology, but the data it produces on the extraordinary health risks of homosexual sex make a strong case for discouraging immoral “gay, lesbian, and bisexual” behaviors.
By Peter LaBarbera
WARNING: graphic descriptions of homosexual perversions
Here is Part Two of our 2014 Resolutions for Christians Fighting the Homosexual/Transgender Lobby. Part One — link to it HERE — included the following:
- Decide Whether You are with God or Against Him
- Apply the “Sexual Sin Substitution Test” (S3T) — substitute another sexual sin for “gay” and see if it makes sense. [This was by far the most popular based on the feedback we received! – Editor]
- Get Off the Sidelines and Start Speaking Out!
- Publicize Ex-”Gays” — the “Greatest Story Never Told” (by the Media)
- Reject LGBT Hate-Slurs (“Bigot, Hater and Homophobe”)
6) Jesus Judged Sin, So You Can, Too (and You’re Judging Behavior): Regarding judging, first remember that we judge BAD BEHAVIORS all the time. It’s OK to judge! – as long as you’re not a sanctimonious, hypocritical jerk violating your own judgments and lacking God’s love and grace toward sinners. “But who am I to judge people who happen to be gay”? you ask. Answer: you are a follower of God, who reveals righteousness in His Word, the Bible. Besides, nobody just “happens to be gay” – and nowhere in the Bible is homosexuality recognized as a personal “identity” (see Point 7). The evil genius of the “gay” movement is that it turned a changeable sin into a proud, personal identity — one often embraced due to difficult or dysfunctional environmental circumstances in one’s childhood (including predatory sex abuse). Bottom line: God calls us to make right judgments on sin. The Secular- and Religious Left scream, “Judge Not!” but Jesus preached forgiveness of sin through humble repentance, such as when He told the adulteress, “Go and sin no more.” If Jesus didn’t approve of making righteous judgments, why did He praise John the Baptist as the greatest man every born – the same John the Baptist who publicly preached repentance from sin and even called out King Herod for his sexual sin? [See this interesting essay on King Herod and John the Baptist.] And isn’t it odd that the same pro-LGBT critics who scold us for judging “gays” JUDGE Bible-believing Christians all the time?! Here’s a terrific video by Frank Turek — a Christian who has suffered in the corporate world for opposing homosexual “marriage” — on proper “judging.”
7) Sodomy and Homosexual Behaviors Are Worthy of Judgment: Homosexuality is about “what people do,” not “who they are” (hence the existence of ex-“gays”; see point 4 in Part One). Perhaps you are ignorant of just how high-risk unnatural homosexual behaviors are: did you know that:
- 94-95 percent of HIV cases among boys and young men ages 13-24 are linked to homosexual sex?
- A “gay” doctor, Stephen Goldstone, described homosexual sodomy this way: “Think of his penis as a battering ram, one for which your internal sphincter is no match.”
- The book HIV Essentials, written by “world renowned [HIV] experts,” reports, “The incidence of anal cancer in gay men is approximately 80 times that of the general population.”
- Homosexual activist Jack Hart writes that “some practices common among gays – especially rimming [oral-anal perversion] and anal intercourse – are highly efficient ways of transmitting disease.”
- Homosexual and bisexual men make up a whopping 75 percent of all syphilis cases
- Bisexual men (including secretly homosexual men on the “down low”) are the main conduit for HIV to women in America — yet if a bisexual man transmits HIV to his girlfriend or wife, the CDC misleadingly classifies that as a “heterosexual” transmission;
- Many lesbians mimic male homosexuals by engaging in anal perversions like “rimming” and “fisting” — and/or inserting “sex toys” like dildos (fake penises) into their partner’s anus (or vagina). Deviance begets deviance, and the godless “invent ways of doing evil” (Romans 1:30). Moreover, many lesbians report having sex with men.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Anal Cancer, Anal Sex, Biblical Truth, Democrat Party, Gender 'Fluidity' (Confusion), HIV/AIDS, HIV/AIDS, Homosexual Hate, News, Physical Health, Republican Party, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |

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