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Biblical Truth
Wednesday, November 27th, 2013
‘Gay’ activists use Thanksgiving to be “thankful for” homosexual advances
“[I]t is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor.” — George Washington, in his Thanksgiving Day Proclamation, Oct. 3, 1789
 The ACLU and secular leftists would seem to be at war with the Thanksgiving Day Proclamation of our nation’s first President, George Washington, who declared that “it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor.”
By Peter LaBarbera
As we enjoy Thanksgiving Day tomorrow with our families, we should remember that the original purpose of Thanksgiving was to thank God for our blessings as Americans. This is clearly demonstrated by two of the “founding documents” of Thanksgiving (reprinted below) – George Washington’s and Abraham Lincoln’s Thanksgiving Day Proclamations. Both pay homage to God (so much for ACLU’s vision of separating God from State).
As secularism and – dare I say – godlessness deepen in these United States, many are leaving God out of Thanksgiving Day. Language always follows the heart: have you noticed the habit that has crept in of people being thankful for this and that – without being thankful to God?
Now homosexuality advocates (and others) have taken this regrettable phenomenon a step further: using Thanksgiving as an opportunity to be “thankful for” developments that are decidedly ungodly – e.g., the advance of out-and-proud homosexualism, including “same-sex marriage,” in the United States.
I came upon this homosexual website article timed for Thanksgiving about homosexuals being thankful for various “gay rights” achievements, including more lesbians on TV! We know as Christians and Bible-respecting Jews that Our Heavenly Father is not smiling on that: here is some eternal, unchanging biblical truth on the sin of lesbianism and homosexuality:
Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. (Romans 1: 24-27)
And here is some eternal, unchanging Good News for lesbians and all sinners [emphasis added]:
Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. (1 Corinthians 6:9-11)
Thanking God for sin?
And so, we have come full circle: citizens of a nation founded “under God” use our annual day of gratitude — conceived to humbly give thanks to God — to celebrate sin. How insidious is the “Progressive” Left’s radical redefinition of everything noble – patriotism, liberty, equality, and now even God Himself – to advance their destructive agendas?
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Biblical Truth, News, Redefining Morality, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Monday, October 28th, 2013

“To whom can I speak and give warning? Who will listen to me? Their ears are closed so they cannot hear. The word of the Lord is offensive to them; they find no pleasure in it.” — Jeremiah 6:10
Spending time reading Scripture (and I don’t spend near the time I should), helps one gain perspective on what truly ails the United States of America. Of all our problems, America’s godlessness and our defiance of biblical Truth (coupled with biblical illiteracy) is our most serious. In many quarters, we have moved from apathy toward the Word of God to utter contempt for it (think: “gay pastors”). We think we’re smarter than God, but we’re not, and our foolish pride will bring us to ruin if we don’t humble ourselves as a nation and repent.
Our national immorality is merely a symptom of a much deeper problem: our rebellion against God. Any nation that glorifies sin tempts God’s holy and righteous judgment. But the very ideas of sin and judgment are ridiculed by the secularists (on Left and Right) who have gained considerable sway over our politics and culture in the U.S. But look back in American history: our leaders feared God and called Americans to repent. (See President Abraham Lincoln’s 1863 Proclamation “Appointing a Day of National Humiliation, Fasting, and Prayer”; can you even imagine Obama doing that?)
Here is a photo from Iowa by Markel Peters. Isn’t it beautiful? Consider it a representation of God and Country. The day (April 3, 2009) that homosexual “marriage” (so-called) was imposed on the people of Iowa — smack in the middle of America’s heartland — was a huge victory for those waging war against godly values (and hence against God) in our nation. Linking the divine institution of marriage to the perversion of homosexuality, and then pretending that these “unions” can achieve God’s blessing, is nothing short of blasphemy on steroids. Domesticated Sin is still sin. No wonder the God-defying Left was ecstatic to see such a uniquely “queer” agenda take hold in the Midwest, once known for its biblical ethos and common sense. [More commentary after photo; click on photo to view enlarged]

As with other issues, the homosexuality debate often pits Urban versus Rural America. Rural America possesses wisdom, tradition and respect for the Bible — while Urban Liberals (and Libertarians), with their haughty irreverence and “tolerance” for radical sexual and gender ideologies, fancy themselves open-minded sophisticates. (Of course, experience tells us that left-wingers and homosexual activists are among the most intolerant and close-minded of all people — witness their irrational and hateful reactions to happy ex-“gays” — but that’s another story.)
Modern liberalism is a “religion,” but one whose “priests rule by their own authority,” not God’s — and its practitioners (both secular and religious) “love it this way” (Jeremiah 5:31). On the homosexual front, a vast array of Religious Left activists are now promoting “gay marriage” and the acceptance of homosexuality as not sinful and even a moral good. Evil is repackaged as good (Isaiah 5:20) as we are told that homosexual “orientation” is a “gift from God” (see my “Satan’s Talking Points” piece). I love American ingenuity, but not when it is applied to rationalizing sin.
How do we respond? Christians must lay hold of the authority of Scripture and preach it to a nation of sinners who are so distracted and out of touch with God that they are ignorant of their own peril. The antidote to pride is going back to biblical basics, preaching the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ, the “hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27). The antidote to secular cynicism and hate is the Love of God, embodied in the same Christ who requires our humility to accept His gift and be saved:
“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23)
“But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)
[See God’s wonderful plan of salvation HERE.]
Just like the corn that comes up year after year in America’s Heartland, we too will reap what we sow as a nation. Christians who are sold out uncompromisingly to biblical truth may emerge as a small minority in this country, but they will be the only minority that holds the key to the restoration of our great nation. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; americansfortruth@gmail.com
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Biblical Truth, D - GLBTQ Pressure Within Churches, News, Redefining Morality, Redefining Normal, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Too Much Tolerance |
Thursday, October 24th, 2013
How ‘gay rights’ are eroding Americans’ freedom to oppose sexual sin
 Whistleblower explores the “gay”-“transgender” revolution. Click on cover above to enlarge. The issue can be ordered for $7.50 from WND by calling 800-496-3266.
Folks, my article in this month’s edition of Whistleblower — the monthly print magazine for WorldNetDaily (WND.com) — is titled, “‘Gay’ Power vs. Religious Liberty: How ‘Gay Rights’ Are Destroying Freedom of Conscience in America.” I summarize a bevy of cases over the last two decades pitting homosexual “rights” against religious liberty (and tragically, people of faith have lost many of those battles). I highly recommend purchasing this particular Whistleblower issue (for $7.50 including postage), which is loaded with cutting-edge information on the LGBT agenda, including Editor David Kupelian’s piece on the “transgender” revolution. Below is a promotional piece on the Whistleblower issue, which you can special-order by calling 800-496-3266 or e-mailing support@wnd.com. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
[Buy this single issue from WND for $7.50 or a year’s subscription to Whistleblower for $39.95]
From WND:
October 2013 – THE NEW SEXUAL REVOLUTION: How the ‘gay rights’ movement has become a Trojan Horse for totalitarianism
Get special discounts on quantity purchases of your favorite Whistleblower issues. For more information or to order at quantity discounts, please call WND Customer Service toll-free at 1-800-496-3266 (1-800-4WND-COM) or email support@wnd.com.
When it started, who could possibly have known it would turn out like this?
After all, it emerged right after the historic ’60s Civil Rights movement, which nobly outlawed racial segregation in America. And in the warm glow of the Martin Luther King era, many people came to believe “gays” were simply the next group needing protection from discrimination.
Of course, being an overwhelmingly Christian nation meant millions of Americans strongly objected to homosexuality on moral and religious grounds. But Americans are also the most pluralistic, tolerant and open-minded people on earth, and were increasingly inclined to give “gay rights” activists the benefit of the doubt.
Eventually warming up to a growing “gay-friendly” culture (promoted at every turn by the news and entertainment media), Americans abandoned their previous caution, flung their doors wide open and heartily welcomed the “gay rights” agenda with open arms.
However, it was a Trojan Horse. And most people had no idea what lay in waiting.
Today – as documented in October’s groundbreaking Whistleblower issue, titled “THE NEW SEXUAL REVOLUTION” – a new totalitarian order is sweeping the land.
Parts of this burgeoning totalitarianism are already evident – like legislation that flat-out prohibits counseling help for minors who want to overcome unwanted same-sex attractions; the prosecution and criminalization of ever-larger numbers of Christian businesspeople for simply declining to promote homosexuality on moral and religious grounds; the new California law decreeing that boys must be allowed to use girls’ restrooms and locker rooms if they identify with the opposite sex, and vice versa; forced integration of open homosexuals into the military; and the imposition on the nation of homosexual marriage.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Gay" Subversion of Institutions, "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), Biblical Truth, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, Homo-fascism - Intimidation by Gay Lobby, News, Sex-change Operations, Sexual Freedom, Transgender-General |
Thursday, October 10th, 2013
 AFTAH launches its ongoing series, “What Russians Don’t Want,” highlighting the realities of the “gay,” bisexual and transgender movements that people of other nations do not want to take hold in their own country.
WARNING: graphic sexual references
“…They invent ways of doing evil…” (New Testament Book of Romans, 1:30)
Folks, after watching this video, I thought to myself: who the heck does the United States and especially the homosexual activist movement think they are lecturing Russia about homosexuality?! This “gay sex club” for HIV-positive men is precisely the sort of perversion-on-steroids that Russians — and peoples of many other nations — do not want to take hold in their country. Of course, Russia is far from perfect — but so is the USA with our tolerance for and celebration of sexual depravities that would have made Sodom blush.
And so we launch a new ongoing feature on the AFTAH website, “What Russians Don’t Want” — highlighting the excesses of the out-and-proud LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) movement that receive far less media attention than politically correct stories about homosexual “marriage.” If you can sit through this 11-minute video by Mark King, a self-described “gay man in recovery living with HIV” — you will understand why even homosexual activists admit that “HIV is a Gay Disease.” (Note that King matter-of-factly states that a lot of men lie about their “HIV negative” status.)
[Translations of “gay” male perversions mentioned in video: “Barebacking” is anal sodomy without a condom; and a “Glory Hole” is a several-inch hole cut out of the wall of a small room — or cut into a bathroom stall divider — through which one man sticks his penis so that another man (unseen) on the other side of the wall can sexually service him orally; homosexual men also engage in anal sex through “glory holes.”]
A healthy society closes down homosexual orgy “clubs” and bathhouses that cater to indiscriminate, anonymous, deviant sex — but in America, they are seen merely as an extension of “gay rights.” In fact, this “Poz4Play” club, like other homosexual sex clubs, operates freely in Atlanta, home of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). What a joke.
Alas, truth really is stranger than fiction: if you were to put 50 right-wingers together and pay them to create some propaganda with which to smear the Homosexual Lobby, I’m not sure they could come up with anything this evil, this depraved, and, frankly, this bizarre. When a society allows perversions like homosexuality to flourish, this is what you get. Unrestrained homosexuality and anything-goes sex is the ultimate Pandora’s Box that helps bring nations down
Bottom line: America needs to stop lecturing Russia and the world about morality (including “human rights”) and clean up its own house!
Below the video — which contains only interviews and no nudity or sexual images — is King’s description of it. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
Creator Mark King’s description of video [watch on YouTube HERE]:
Uploaded on Feb 16, 2011
Mark S. King (“My Fabulous Disease”) updates a video from last year in which he tours a gay sex club and chats with the host of an HIV+ sex party (“Poz4Play”) for a conversation about HIV/STD risk and serosorting. In this updated version, Mark speaks to the club host again and asks about the reaction to the original posting, and what has happened to the club since. MORE AT: www.MyFabulousDisease.com
Posted in Biblical Truth, Health & Science, HIV/AIDS, HIV/AIDS, News, Physical Health, YouTube videos |
Friday, September 20th, 2013
 Is the pope using language that is easily exploited by the aggressive Sin Movement that calls itself “gay”? Read his full interview HERE.
Dear AFTAH Readers,
Americans For Truth About Homosexuality works closely with conservative Catholics from across the nation, indeed the world, in opposition to the homosexual activist movement. It is my experience that wherever the Catholic Church still has influence, if the Church or its leaders takes a strong stand against pro-“gay” legislation, the bills usually fail — but if Church leaders compromise on doctrine or go AWOL (public policy-speaking), homosexual activists triumph.
Having said that, I acutely recognize — from my perspective as an evangelical (who was raised Catholic) — that there has always been a “friendly distrust” or competition between ministry and the defense of morality. Between Christians who believe that the primary role of believers is compassionate Gospel outreach to lost homosexuals — and “culture war” Christians who (although also loving the Gospel) see religious traditionalists as a crucial force resisting the Sin Movement of homosexuality that so profoundly threatens our culture.
In this context we ponder the meaning and ramifications of Pope Francis’ new rhetoric on homosexuality. Below we reprint portions of an article from our good friends at LifeSiteNews — a Catholic pro-life, pro-family news site and one of the top social conservative websites in the world — on Pope Francis’ much-discussed interview released yesterday [available HERE or as a PDF document HERE]. We note LifeSite’s apprehensive take that:
“Most major media are reporting the statements [by Pope Francis] as a direct challenge to the Church’s way of operating on the moral issues. The comments are very different from those of his two predecessors.”
Yesterday, I sent out the following cautionary tweet in response to the pope’s comments — both in the new interview and a previous one — about the Church being more “welcoming” and less judgmental toward homosexuals:

The tragic reality is that a lack of proper moral “judgments” toward and vigilance regarding homosexually-inclined priest candidates contributed greatly to the horrifying homosexual-predator crisis that has so devastated the Catholic Church. This was exacerbated by liberals such as Milwaukee’s notorious homosexual Archbishop Rembert Weakland (see my report for America’s Survival on Fox News’ pro-“gay” bias).
I dare say that a more sinister plot to undermine the Catholic Church and its reputation could not have been carried out had Satan’s earthly minions spent $100 million devising one:
- Homosexual men take advantage of more lax standards to enter priesthood.
- Homosexual priests and male Catholic school officials use their authoritative role to seduce and molest mostly male teenagers and boys.
- Homosexuals like then-Archbishop Weakland and their sympathizers in the Church cover up priest abuses and transfer predators to new, unsuspecting parishes, where they molest more boys.
- The homosexual-predator scandal blows up in the media — alienating millions of Catholics from the Church and doing untold damage to its reputation and moral, spiritual and political influence.
- Homosexuals and liberal allies who advocate for acceptance of homosexuality turn around and say Church is now discredited because it harbored “pedophiles.” Meanwhile, Church officials resist full disclosure of the scandal, thus perpetuating it.
- Lastly, “gay” activists and their liberal allies continue to insist that the male-on-boy priest abuse scandal has little or nothing to do with homosexuals — but rather was a “pedophile” or “ephebophile” (adult who is sexual attracted to adolescents) problem.
My hunch is that each and every one of those complicit Church apologists for homosexuality, like Weakland, would consider himself “more compassionate” and “more Christ-like” than “anti-gay Catholics” who have been scandalized by the homosexualist advances in their Church. Such is the arrogance of liberals. This despite the untold suffering of boys victimized by sexual deviants masquerading as pastoral guardians of others’ souls. (See Catholic writer Randy Engel’s Rite of Sodomy: Homosexuality and the Catholic Church — one of the best books ever written on homosexuality — and Leon Podles‘ Sacrilege: Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church [available through AFTAH; see below to order].)
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in "Gay" Subversion of Institutions, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Biblical Truth, Catholic, Catholic general, Catholic Pro-Family, D - GLBTQ Pressure Within Churches, Ex-Gay Politics/Gay Oppos. to Ex-Gays, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Truth Wins Out |
Tuesday, September 17th, 2013

Here’s a great column by Matt Barber, who sits on AFTAH’s Board. To listen to Part One of AFTAH’s interview with Trail Life USA Founder and Board Chairman John Stemberger, go HERE. To listen to Part Two of the interview — in which Stemberger relates that he was told be a high-ranking Boy Scout official that the BSA’s new “gay”-affirming policy will result in more boy-on-boy sexual contacts through Scouting — go HERE. And here is the link for Trail Life USA; please promote this Christian alternative to the BSA far and wide. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
By J. Matt Barber, September 15, 2013
It was Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 6, 2013. The huge hall was overflowing, the convention sold out. Over 1,200 attendees, with many spilling out into the foyer, eagerly awaited the announcement. What would this safe, moral and non-sexualized alternative to the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) look like? With a stirring introductory video came the answer: “Trail Life USA” would now endeavor to “be the premier national character development organization for young men, which produces godly and responsible husbands, fathers and citizens.”The reveal, eagerly anticipated by hundreds of thousands – if not millions – of Americans was met with rousing cheers. “Our mission is simple and clear,” came the official mission statement, “to guide generations of courageous young men to honor God, lead with integrity, serve others and experience outdoor adventure.”
A brief summary from the new scouting-like organization’s website (TrailLifeUSA.com) reads as follows:
“Most guys want exciting outdoor adventure with their friends. We’ve got that! Trips and travel? That, too. Camping. Check. Physical and mental challenge? Yep. And awards? Of course!
“Trail Life USA is a Christian adventure, character and leadership movement for young men. The K-12 program centers on outdoor experiences that build a young man’s skills and allow him to grow on a personal level and as a role model and leader for his peers. Living the Trail Life is a journey established on timeless values derived from the Bible.”
Countless men and boys who once called themselves “Boy Scouts” will now proudly bear the title of “Trailman.”
Back in May, millions of Americans were shocked and saddened when the BSA inexplicably bowed to left-wing political pressure and became something it had never before been: a hyper-politicized, aberrantly sexualized petri dish for social and sexual experimentation.
Created in 1910 to “prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes,” the BSA, on May 23, 2013, tragically voted to welcome into its ranks “open and avowed” homosexuality (boy-on-boy sexual attraction and behavior), thereby disavowing the “morally straight” Scout Oath its members have been sworn to uphold for over a century.
Even worse, and in so doing, the BSA effectively waived the only legal defense it once had to preclude openly homosexual Scout leaders and gender-confused girls from its ranks: religious and moral conviction. It’s only a matter of time until the BSA is forced to capitulate to sexual extremists’ political demands and allow homosexual adults – men who define their identity based upon carnal appetites for other males – to take your boys on overnight camping trips.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in "Gay" Subversion of Institutions, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Biblical Truth, Boy Scouts, Boy Scouts of America, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Morality and Moral Judgments, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Trail Life USA, Youth and School Related Organizations |
Thursday, September 12th, 2013
Ex-football star and sports commentator Craig James was fired by Fox Sports Southwest as a college football analyst due to the following comments he made in the GOP candidates’ primary debate in 2012 in Texas. [See Michael Brown’s column on the firing.] This YouTube video from a homosexual publication Dallas Voice shows the large video screen above the candidates; those who are shown are, left to right: Ted Cruz (who won the Republican race and eventually became U.S. Senator from Texas; Craig James; former Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert; and Leia Pettinger. The video opens with Cruz saying, “I have something against gay marriage”…:
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Biblical Truth, Christian, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, YouTube videos |
Thursday, September 12th, 2013
 Former football star and TV announcer Craig James becomes the latest victim of intolerant, pro-homosexual liberal groupthink. In a 2012 GOP debate in Texas, James said America is in a moral crisis and that homosexuals will have to answer to God for practicing that sin.
TAKE ACTION: 1) Contact Fox Sports HERE about their firing of Craig James just because he voiced his Christian moral convictions during a GOP candidates debate. You can watch on YouTube what James said in 2012 HERE.; 2) Read the America’s Survival in-depth report by AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera on Fox News’ growing pro-homosexual bias and urge Fox to include more social and moral conservatives in its reporting and commentary; contact Fox HERE.
The excerpt below is from a terrific column by our good friend Michael Brown (author of A Queer Thing Happened to America), which was published today in Charisma magazine’s website. Regarding Fox Sports’ shameful firing of Craig James, I sent out these tweets this morning:
Watch out, Christians (and moral-minded people): The (Pro-) ‘Gay’ Thought Police are EVERYWHERE, and they WILL find you! #CraigJames
Craig James gets fired for saying homosexuality is sin. Dan Savage gets new MTV show after “redefining” Rick [Santorum’s last name] as fecal matter.
Liberal intolerance is growing + it’s not good for America. Craig James joins list of #Christians PUNISHED for expressing their faith.
As America rapidly de-Christianizes, it becomes more and more intolerant of biblical speech. God help us if we continue down this road of sexual immorality that has brought about the downfall of other great civilizations. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; on Twitter @PeterLaBarbera; “Like” and follow AFTAH on Facebook
Keith Olbermann, Craig James and the Shocking Example of Double Standards
By Michael Brown, CharismaNews.com
So this is what our society has come to. Within a 10-day period, sportscaster Craig James was fired by Fox Sports for comments he had made against homosexuality during a political campaign last year while Keith Olbermann was lauded for his 9-minute anti-Russia, pro-homosexuality rant on ESPN. The double standards are as glaring as they are shocking.
As reported on Advocate.com, a leading gay website, “Keith Olbermann opened his ESPN show last night with a scathing rant against Russia’s antigay laws and the International Olympic Committee’s response to calls for a boycott of the Winter Games in Sochi.
“Olbermann’s nine-minute tirade brilliantly pointed out the ridiculousness of recent comments by President Vladimir Putin—who has tried to claim Russia’s so-called gay propaganda law is not homophobic.”
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", (Pro-) Gay Thought Police, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Biblical Truth, Christian Persecution, Diversity - Real (including ex-gays and critics of gay agenda), Freedom Under Fire, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Twitter, Victims of Pro-Homosexuality Liberalism |

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