Biblical Truth

LISTEN: AFTAH Interview with Greg Quinlan – Part Two

Monday, March 7th, 2011

Greg Quinlan

Here is Part Two of my radio interview [click HERE to listen] with Greg Quinlan, president of PFOX (Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays) and a speaker at next month’s Truth Academy co-sponsored by Americans For Truth About Homsexuality and Mission America (April 1-2, in Columbus, Ohio). This pre-recorded interview aired March 5, 2011. Quinlan walked away from homosexuality years ago and now helps others do the same. He also testifies across the nation (most recently in Maryland) against legalizing homosexual “marriage” and other LGBT activist agenda goals. You’ll want to listen to the interview for Greg’s informed answers to some common pro-homosexual objections to idea of leaving homosexuality (ex-“gays”). For example, he responds to those who say, “I prayed for God to remove my homosexuality and he didn’t answer my prayer.” (He stresses that homosexual strugglers who are committed to change can do so.)

Greg calls homosexuality a “wounding” — i.e., it develops as a maladaption to trauma, abuse or emotional wounds in a person’s life.  Of course, as a very public former homosexual and one-time “gay” activist, Greg has been targeted by hateful LGBT militants like “Truth Win’s Out” founder Wayne Besen (who derides people trying to — as he mockingly puts it — “pray away the gay”). Today’s young people (and the rest of us) are inundated with “gay”-positive messages that glorify sin and undermine God’s Word. What a blessing it would be to expose a young person to the Truth Academy to hear Greg’s uplifting story in person. RSVP or make inquiries at — Peter LaBarbera,

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

3-5-11, Greg Quinlan

Homosexual Activists Target Jim and Beth Walder, Illinois B & B Owners, for Denying ‘Civil Unions’ Ceremony

Thursday, March 3rd, 2011

“Civil Unions” law cynically named “Religious Freedom Protection Act” now used to force Christians to violate their moral conscience

Jim and Beth Walder and their five children. The Walder's, owners of a Paxton, Illinois bed and breakfast, believe homosexuality is sinful and do not allow "civil union" ceremonies to be held at their establishment. Because of that they now potentially face years of litigation after a homosexual activist couple filed a legal complaint againt them with state authorities.

Dear AFTAH Readers,

On Tuesday, March 1, I and an AFTAH volunteer visited Jim Walder, who with his wife Beth is owner of the Timber Creek Bed & Breakfast [e-mail:] in Paxton, Illinois and the latest victim of the homosexualist legal-political agenda in the United  States. Below is an article by my friend Laurie Higgins of Illinois Family Institute about how Walder and another Illinois bed & breakfast owner are being sued by a homosexual activist couple because they will not allow a same-sex “civil union” ceremony to be held at their establishments.

The well-financed, big-city “gay” agenda is rolling into small town USA, and it will crush religious freedom in its path if it is not defeated. Paxton is a quiet farming community in central Illinois with a population of 4,600 — and here it is embroiled in the “culture war” battle of our day: whether homosexuals’ supposed “right” to have their sexual lifestyle and relationships affirmed supersedes moral-minded citizens’ First Amendment right to disagree with sexual immorality. (And their right to live out their beliefs: freedoms for beliefs that must be kept “personal and private” and that cannot be acted upon are not real freedoms.)

Here’s the bitter irony: the law being used by the homosexual couple attempting to force Walder and all Illinois B&B owners to allow homosexual “union” ceremonies on their property was named the “Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Union Act.” It doesn’t get much more cynical and dishonest than that; no wonder Americans don’t trust politicians.

Walder is being represented by Alliance Defense Fund, and he is not doing interviews at this time, but his disturbing case classically illustrates why “sexual orientation” laws — especially combined with “civil union” or “gay marriage” laws — are so dangerous to our God-given liberties, and why they must be repealed. Legal “rights” based on changeable, aberrant and unhealthly sexual misbehavior (sin) are destined to collide with genuine First Amendment liberties, which are rooted not in government but in God Himself.

Illinois' Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn signed the ironically named "Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Union Act" into law Jan. 31. Photo: Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth.

As Gary Glenn correctly said in my recent interview with him — confirmed by homosexual legal activist and Obama appointee Chai Feldblum below — pro-homosexual “sexual orientation” laws naturally discriminate against people of faith. A few weeks ago, Jim and Beth Walder hadn’t given that much thought. Now they and their family (see photo below) are living out this painful reality caused by modern secular liberalism. All who cherish religious freedom and American liberty must stand with the Walder’s. AFTAH will closely follow this story. God bless you. — Peter LaBarbera,; copy me with your encouraging notes to Jim and Beth at


  1. Please pray for the Walder’s;
  2. Send Jim and Beth a note of encouragement ( and pass this article on to your friends and family. Better yet, stay a night or two at the Timber Creek Bed & Breakfast in Paxton (it is wonderful and comes highly recommended);
  3. Write or call Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan and urge her to respect the Walders’ freedoms of religion and association; and
  4. Inside llinois: call your Illinois state representative and senator (217-782-2000) and educate them on the Walder’s victimization at the hands of aggressive “gay” activists, and urge them to REPEAL both the Illinois “sexual orientation” law and the “civil unions” law — each of which was passed in a lame-duck session and signed into law by Democratic governors. Outside Illinois: call your federal, state and local representatives and urge them to oppose ALL homosexuality-based “sexual orientation” legislation because the evidence is in: these laws will destroy religious freedom in America.

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Cardinal George Responds to Homosexual Activist Protest in Front of Holy Name Cathedral

Wednesday, February 16th, 2011

Gay Liberation Network activists marched in front of Catholic Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago Sunday morning, chanting against the church's supposed "hate." Pro-perversion militants like the GLN classify church opposition to homosexuality as "religious-motivated bigotry."

Following is an account by Renew America writer Matt Abbott of AFTAH’s silent “counter-protest” against the radical Gay Liberation Network’s outrageous protest Sunday, February 13, 2011, directly in front of Holy Name Cathedral in downtown Chicago. Homosexual activists chanted against the supposed “hate” of Cardinal Francis George — a preposterous accusation given George’s soft-spoken manner. Of course, the mere defense — any defense — of historic church beliefs proscribing homosexual conduct is enough to earn one the “hate” label from the likes of GLN.

Following the article is George’s statement about the GLN protest, and then a reply by the Gay Liberation Network. We must all stand together to defend against the aggressive secular “gay” assault on marriage and the Judeo-Christian values that have served America well as the foundation of our freedoms. If you still believe that hard-core homosexual activists as represented by GLN actually respect the Church and the right of people to disagree with their sinful yet changeable lifestyle, it’s time for you to wake up and start defending Marriage, Truth — and your religious liberty to live out your faith. — Peter LaBarbera,

TAKE ACTION: Thank Card. Frances George for his and the Catholic Church’s defense of marriage — and strong stance against recently passed “civil unions” legislation in Illinois. You can write him at [see contact page HERE]. Or call the Office of the Archbishop at 312-534-8230 (hit #4).

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LISTEN: Part 3 – AFTAH Interview with Gary Glenn

Wednesday, February 16th, 2011

Democratic “hate speech”? What if someone made a vicious public comment like this against a homosexual activist?

In a podcast, Democrat Joe DiSano, a host on the Michigan political podcast "Two Guys Named Joe," said he hoped Republicans would go over to pro-family advocate Gary Glenn's headquarters and "beat the hell out of this guy" with a sock full of quarters.

Gary Glenn of American Farmily Association of Michigan

Part Three of our interview [click HERE to listen] with Gary Glenn of AFA of Michigan. We play some audio from a hateful podcast (Oct. 29, 2010) by “Two Guys Named Joe” — Michigan political consultants Democrat Joe DiSano and Republican Joe Munem. In a discussion railing against Glenn for exposing a homosexual Republican candidate’s pro-“gay” record (using radio ads quoting pro-homosexual sources), the Democrat, DiSano, gets so worked up that he says: “I would hope the Republicans would go over to Midland [Mich.] where he lives, take a whole bunch of quarters in a sock and beat the hell out of this guy.”  Glenn notes that had he said the same about, say, a homosexual activist, there would be a huge outcry. (Surely he’d be accused of committing a “hate crime.”) AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera and Glenn discuss the immense health risks associated with practicing homosexuality, and the absurd idea — fostered by the Southern Poverty Law Center (which has cynically labelled both AFTAH and AFA “hate groups”) — that educating the public about this is “hateful.” [See Part Two of Glenn interview HERE and Part One HERE.]

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

2-12-11, Gary Glenn

LISTEN: AFTAH Interview with Gary Glenn – Part Two

Thursday, February 10th, 2011

This is Part 2 [click HERE to listen] of our 4-part interview with Gary Glenn, president of American Family Association of Michigan [see Part 1 HERE]. It was pre-taped and aired Feb. 6, 2011. AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera and Glenn discussed how “sexual orientation” laws are inherently discriminatory against people of faith and anyone who opposes homosexuality. Glenn ticks off case after case of Christians and moral organzations like the Boy Scouts being victimized by pro-homosexual “sexual orientation” laws. Glenn also holds a mini radio “Truth Academy” on the proper mindset for pro-family work — urging activists not to use defensive language that suits the Homosexual Lobby’s debate frame but rather to put homosexual activists on the defensive by “telling the truth” that the “homosexual agenda itself discriminates against people.” Glenn and LaBarbera agree that the idea of “civil unions” as a supposed compromise is a non-starter — noting how the concept was regarded as “radical” in Vermont just a few years ago, while today leading liberal elites easily jump from backing “civil unions” to “gay marriage.”  Glenn also discusses school bullying laws, urging an approach that protects ALL students without “segregating” them by singling out “sexual orientation.” 

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

2-5-11, Gary Glenn

Ad Charges CPAC Betrays Conservative Principles and Threatens Conservative Unity

Monday, February 7th, 2011

AFTAH Joins Liberty Counsel, Vision America, other pro-family groups in defending Reagan’s vision

See text of the Washington Times ad in the text of this article.

MEDIA ADVISORY, Feb. 7, 2011 /Christian Newswire/

In a full-page ad in today’s Washington Times, a group of conservative leaders say they are deeply troubled by the direction of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) – which opens on February 10. Click HERE to see the ad as it appears in today’s Washington Times” (including a list of signers).

Vision America President Pastor Rick Scarborough, who initiated the project, noted: “For the third year in a row, GOProud will be participate in CPAC. GOProud seeks repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act, without which judges will ultimately legislate homosexual ‘marriage.’ Last year, GOProud advocated for homosexuals serving openly in the military, which will devastate our armed forces and sacrifice unit cohesion on the altar of ‘inclusiveness.'”

Some of the most prominent conservative groups and leaders are boycotting CPAC, due at least in part to the presence of GOProud. They include American Family Association, Liberty Counsel, Family Research Council, the Heritage Foundation, Gov. Mike Huckabee, Sen. Jim DeMint and Sean Hannity.

“Ronald Reagan spoke at CPAC in 1977. But would Reagan be comfortable at CPAC 2011?” Scarborough asked. “Our 40th president spoke of conservatism’s three-legged stool, economic, defense and social (family values) issues. Remove one, and the entire structure collapses.”

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LISTEN: AFTAH Interview with Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt – Part Two

Sunday, January 30th, 2011

Chaps Klingenschmitt

Part Two of our  interview with “Chaps” Gordon Klingenschmitt of the Pray in Jesus Name Project. This was pre-recorded and aired Jan. 22,  2010 on WYLL-AM 1160 in Chicagoland. This is the second of a two-part interview; click HERE to listen to Part One. AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera and Chaps discuss the next steps in the debate over “homosexualizing” the U.S. military — following the lame-duck congressional repeal of the ban against homosexual servicemembers. They discuss the prospects of Republicans in Congress making a serious move to thwart or reverse the implemtation of the new plan to open up the Armed Forces to open homosexuals. Chaps also rebuts left-wing accounts that accuse him of deceit in his public efforts as a then-Navy chaplain to “pray in Jesus’ name.”

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

1-22-11, Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt

Jay Bakker Is Wrong – God’s Grace Doesn’t Lead Us into Sin

Wednesday, January 26th, 2011

Jay Bakker

Note: here is a previous AFTAH article on homosexuality-affirming apostate Jay Bakker: “The Latest Bakker Scandal”. We hope Jay repents and gets back to defending Bible truth rather than subverting it. (Did you know that God spoke personally to Jay and told him that homosexuality is not a sin? Quick, launch a massive recall of all those “homophobic” Bibles so they can be updated with Bakker’s politically correct “truth”!) And don’t get me started on confused Wheaton College alum Cathleen Falsani, praised HERE by renegade “evangelical” Brian McLaren (never a good sign). Phil Magnan is right on below: God does not enable sin but in His great love and mercy helps repentant sinners overcome it [listen to our interview with former homosexual DL Foster HERE]. Those who shill for “gay christianity” (small ‘c’) are denying Jesus Christ’s — God’s –power to transform the lives of humbled sexual sinners. — Peter LaBarbera,


God’s Grace Doesn’t Lead Us into Sin

By Phil Magnan, President, Biblical Family Advocates

It isn’t as though you want to throw stones at this guy. I truly pity Jay Bakker and the people he met in this article in the liberal Huffington Post. Bakker, the son of the past televangelist, Jim Bakker, is so lost in his interpretation of what grace really means. If you read the article, it’s an eye opener of what we are up against — in which, so-called preachers are leading others into sin. Bakker pastors his own church but according to this article, he is sliding into apostasy with the best of intentions.

You can tell that the “drag” crowd about which Bakker writes yearn to be accepted, but on their terms and not on God’s terms. Jesus came into the world to call sinners to repentance; not acceptance to live in sin. We truly need to reach out to the lost, including the homosexual community. But real love does not rejoice in unrighteousness, it rejoices in the truth. (1 Corinthians 13:6)

You see, when people live in the real truth, it will set them free! But when you think that grace leads you to sin more, you do not have grace at all. In fact, Jesus said He would declare that He never knew us if we embrace sin. There is no question that we all want grace and forgiveness from God; but the grace He gives enables and teaches us to deny ungodliness.

As the scripture says in Titus 2:11-15; “For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all men, instructing us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live sensibly, righteously and godly in the present age, looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus, who gave Himself for us to redeem us from every lawless deed, and to purify for Himself a people for His own possession, zealous for good deeds. These things speak and exhort and reprove with all authority Let no one disregard you.”

These false shepherds are leading people into sin as they have transformed the grace of God into license for sin. As Jude 1:4 affirms: “For certain persons have crept in unnoticed, those who were long beforehand marked out for this condemnation, ungodly persons who turn the grace of our God into licentiousness and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.”

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