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It’s hard not to despise the liberal media when they behave like NBC’s Matt Lauer did in this Oct. 11, 2010 Today Show segment — scolding interviewing Republican New York gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino, who went off the Politically Correct reservation while speaking at an Orthodox Jewish gathering. Sorry to break it to you, Matt, but most parents would not bring their children to a “Gay Pride” parade — especially if they knew what actually goes on there. (Over the years I have witnessed open nudity at several homosexual “pride” parade, and a sickening homosexual sex act that was allowed to go on in the street right in front of a row of cops at a Chicago “pride” parade.)
And no, Matt, homosexuality is not equal to normalcy. (I wish a few politicians had the guts to say so, even when the liberal PC Enforcers like Lauer come after them.) I wonder: what drives straight liberals like Lauer and Jon Stewart to be so obsessed with promoting homosexuality? The modern American liberal has a religious-like devotion to normalizing sexual perversion — why? Since when did Affirming Homosexuality become so sacrosanct? — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
Perverse pop star wants to “inject gay culture into the mainstream”
Lada Gaga on the cover of OUT magazine. Click to enlarge.
From the homosexualist magazine OUT, September 2009, “The Lady Is a Vamp,” p. 113 (Gaga’s quotes in blue, emphasis added by AFTAH):
Her devotion to gay culture is unparalleled by any other artist operating at her level of visibility or success. “When I started in the mainstream it was the gays that lifted me up,” she says. “I committed myself to them and they committed themselves to me, and because of the gay community I’m where I am today.” Earlier this year, in her acceptance speech for her MuchMusic award for best international video, Lady Gaga thanked “God and the gays.” Before agreeing to tour with Kanye West this fall, Gaga told the rapper, “I just want to be clear before we decide to do this together: I’m gay. My music is gay. My show is gay. And I love that it’s gay. And I love my gay fans and they’re all going to be coming to our show. And it’s going to remain gay.” That’s another clause in the Gagaland constitution: Gay culture shall gush undiluted into the rapids of society. It shall not be co-opted, fancified, dolled up, or Uncle Tommed. “I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream,” she says, “It’s not an underground tool for me. It’s my whole life. So I always sort of joke the real motivation is to just turn the world gay.”
Sexual radical Lady Gaga gets serious when it comes to promoting open homosexuality in the military
Lady Gaga poses naked and with a simulated bloody mouth on the cover of OUT, a homosexualist magazine. Gaga is using her pop culture power to overturn the ban on homosexuality in the Armed Forces. See article for resources for understanding the military's common-sense homosexual exclusion policy, and Lady Gaga's Senate lobbying video. Click on photo to enlarge.
TAKE ACTION NOW: Call your U.S. Senators immediately [202-224-3121; www.senate.gov] and urge them to vote against the Defense Authorization Act (SB 3454) containing an amendment repealing the military’s common-sense homosexual exclusion ban. The vote, orchestrated by Majority Leader Harry Reid, is this afternoon. This is perhaps the most important homosexuality-related congressional vote in U.S. history. Urge support for Sen. John McCain’s filibuster of this radical change in military policy that would lead to the exodus of good men and women from the Armed Forces — and result in the persecution of chaplains and people of faith, merely because they oppose homosexual behavior or do not think homosexuality and “gay” politics belong in the military. You must let your voice be heard as homosexual groups and sexual radicals like Lady Gaga — encouraged by the liberal media — are flooding the Senate with calls in favor of allowing open homosexuals in the military.
Educate yourself on the common-sense Homosexual Exclusion Ban:
Below are resources to educate yourself on the implications of today’s vote:
Text of current homosexual exclusion law, Public Law 103-160, Section 654, Title 10, which would be repealed in a process launched by passage of SB 3454, if Sen. McCain’s filibuster is not successful.
Sen. Reid Goes ‘Gaga’ over Homosexuals in the Military
By Peter LaBarbera
Folks, you know as well as I that the media — and apparently Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid — are absolutely “ga ga” over “gays in the military.” (Reid recenly ‘tweeted’ in support of pop mega-star Lady Gaga — freakishly photographed nude on the cover of the “gay” magazine OUT above — after she urged her millions of followers to lobby the Senate to support homosexuals in the military.)
This is what we’re up against — not just for today’s critical vote on homosexuals in the military (commonly misnamed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”) but in trying to preserve truth for younger Americans who are, in effect, brainwashed on homosexuality. (And that is hardly an overstatement given the level of ignorance about the LGBT agenda that we’re seeing, even among Christian and pro-life youths.)
The following is adapted from our exchange with a “gay” reader who wrote to AFTAH urging us to abandon what he calls the “losing battle” over homosexuality:
Dear Marcus, you could apply your note, with a slight rearrangement of words, to numerous “losing battles” of the past, e.g., the fight against Communism or the ongoing struggle against legalized abortion-on-demand. Somehow those causes turned around (who dared to think 20 years ago that blatantly pro-life films would grace the big screen?). I do not know if the same will happen with organized homosexuality, but regardless, to my mind, the fight for truth — on any issue — is necessary, right and the appropriate guiding compass for good living.
This is not about the “social outcasting of gays,” but telling the truth about homosexuality — which is:
immoral (according to many religious traditions, especially America’s own Judeo-Christian heritage).
I urge you to abandon your soulless, utilitarian way of thinking and return to principle. Ideas and the pursuit of Truth stir men’s hearts, and will always matter more than political or cultural trends.
Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth, www.aftah.org
Cost:Adults: $149 for 3-day conference; Single day rate: $50/day; Married couples discount: $199 for full conference; Youth: $99 (scholarships available to attendees ages 14-25)
All presentations are 45 minutes followed by 15 minutes of Q & A. There will be a panel discussion and Q & A on Thursday and Friday, and a special evening presentation each of those evenings.
8-9:30 – Light breakfast; Registration
9:30 – 10:00 – Opening Prayer, Calvin Lindstrom, pastor, Church of Christian Liberty;
Welcoming Remarks, Peter LaBarbera, President, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality:
“From gay pride to gay tyranny”
10:10 – 11:10 – Prof. Rena Lindevaldsen, Liberty University School of Law:
“History of modern ‘gay’ activism and the courts”
11:20-12:20 – Matt Barber, Liberty Counsel; Board Member, AFTAH:
“Masculine Christianity: a non-defensive approach to the Culture War over homosexuality”
Linda Harvey founded Mission:America to expose the anti-Christian messages -- including the promotion of homosexuality and gender confusion -- aimed at American young people.
In our May 22, 2010 interview with our good friend Linda Harvey, founder and president of Mission America, we discussed her Christian conversion, which took her on a path from secular advertising professional to faith-based culture critic. Harvey discusses her summer reading over the appalling “recommended reading” list of the the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN), and the Left’s largely successful transformation of America’s schools into GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender) affirmation zones. She also discusses GLSEN founder (and Obama “Safe Schools” deputy) Kevin Jennings’ manipulation of alleged “gay” victimhood to promote the homosexual agenda in Massachusetts schools.
Homosexuals launch pressure campaign to show ‘gay’ couple smooching
Scene from ABC sitcom "Modern Family," showing the show's normal couple (left) greet each other with a kiss, while the abnormal couple (male-male, at right) greets each other with a hug. Hollywood producers know that most Americans still do not want to see homosexual behavior or even homosexual affection -- which is as it should be. It's natural to be uncomfortable at the sight of two men kissing; it's unnatural to see it as no big deal. This screen shot was taken by "gay" activist Jeremy Hooper for his "Good As You" blog.
Well, what do you know? Even Modern Liberals trying to create a prototype for a “Modern Family” by mainstreaming Age-Old Deviance (homosexuality) apparently still have to deal with the reality that Modern Americans don’t want to see two men kiss. (Yuck.)
Yes, I was checking out openly homosexual Brit Andrew Sullivan’s blog — upon learning that he agrees with us (from an entirely different perspective) that Elena Kagan should answer the question of whether she is a practicing lesbian — and there it was: the photo above from a Modern Family episode — showing that normalcy is not a dead concept, even among those trying so hard to undermine it.
Opines Sullivan about the photo: ‘The shot is, perhaps, a perfect distillation of where the culture now is on gays: fine but not equal.”
No, Andrew, the photo is a perfect distillation of what’s wrong with Modern Homosexuality: homosexual behavior itself. Sexual perversion can never be “equal” to the natural and normal created order (savvy “gay” sloganeering aside). And a society that sees these two representative TV couples as morally equivalent is a society in serious decline — as the late popular historian Will Durant observed about America back when we as a nation were only beginning our “gay” embrace.
San Francisco drag queen “Sisters'” “Hunky Jesus” contest mocks Resurrection — on Easter Sunday
By Peter LaBarbera
Truth is often stranger than fiction these days in Politically Correct America, thanks to the Anti-Christian, Libertine Left:
Every Easter Sunday in San Francisco, the twisted drag queen group "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence" hosts a blasphemous "Hunky Jesus" contest mocking the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
In three days, in what has become a sick, blasphemous Easter Sunday ritual in San Francisco, America’s “gay” Mecca, a group of homosexual drag queens — posing as mock nuns and calling themselves the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” — will sponsor the “Hunky Jesus” contest in a city park. Scantily-clad homosexual men and cross-dressing, queer “Sisters” with gaudy, painted faces will mock the Resurrection of Christ on an outdoor stage, as crude “homoerotic” jokes fly and the crowd roars with laughter. Last year’s winner: “Brokeback Jesus.” … I wish this were an April Fool’s Day joke…but it’s not. [To watch a “Hunky Jesus” contest on YouTube, go here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4fyiucdHyA&feature=related#]
An Episcopal Bishop, V. Gene Robinson — “V” stands for Vicky; his parents wanted a girl — travels the country using his once-respected church office to promote the sin of homosexuality. He does this in the name of “Christianity,” of course. Yes, Vicky Gene – who left his wife and family to pursue a “gay” lifestyle with another man — knows better than God. He believes “monogamous gay relationships” are a good thing and argues that poor Apostle Paul just didn’t understand all that we sophisticated, modern-day Westerners know about “sexual orientation.” The Episcopal Church has also approved its first avowedly lesbian bishop, “Rev.” Mary Glasspool — Chapter One of the New Testament Book of Romans be damned. … I wish this were an April Fool’s Day joke…but it’s not.
The state of Maine is on the verge of implementing “rights” for “transgender” students to use opposite-sex restrooms in schools — following the passage of a homosexual/transgender law. Grade school boys who think they’re “girls” would be able to use the girls’ restrooms…. I wish this were an April Fool’s Day joke (and so do Maine’s parents)…but it’s not.