“Civil Unions” & “Gay Marriage”

‘Gay Marriage’ Loses in Maine, Kalamazoo Passes Pro-Homosexual Ordinance, GOP Sweep in Virginia

Wednesday, November 4th, 2009
*May 17 - 00:05*

Add Maine to the List: Homosexual "marriage" activists lost in Maine, while pro-family advocates debate the best tactics to oppose counterfeit "marriage" and all aspects of the homosexual agenda.

By Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org

Tuesday was a mixed bag for pro-family citizens concerned about the homosexual agenda. Here are the main election stories surrounding homosexuality that we are following:

  • “Gay marriage” goes down to defeat in Maine — Congratulations to all who supported the effort to preserve traditional marriage in Maine! Despite a massive effort by outside homosexual activist groups to influence the vote, a homosexual “marriage” bill went down to defeat in Maine through a “People’s Veto” — whereby voters can reject a law by plebiscite. The YES on 1 lead was inching up in the late hours Tuesday and early morning. At 2:00 AM EST, with 87% of the precincts tallied, the Bangor Daily News reported that the “YES” vote to repeal Maine’s new “gay marriage” law was ahead by about 52.75 to 47.25%. In the final days of the campaign, Americans For Truth and MassResistance worked with Maine pro-family stalwart Paul Madore of the Maine Grassroots Coalition to educate citizens on the role of outside radical homosexual groups in the “NO” campaign. Madore ran a print ad featuring Brian Camenker’s popular article, “What Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ has Done to Massachusetts”; it reached 500,000 Mainers. And Madore’s press conference last Wednesday — though curiously disavowed by the pro-traditional-marriage “Yes on 1” group, Stand For Marriage Maine (SFFM) — received wide media coverage. That, combined with some hard-hitting ads by SFMM targeting the promotion of “homosexual marriage” in Maine schools, may have tipped the balance against the “gay marriage” law.
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Audio of Maine Press Conference Laying out Radical Gay Task Force Agenda

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009

LaBarbera_Maine_Press_Conf_2009Highlighting Outside ‘Gay’ Extremism in Maine: Thanks to our opponents, we have an audio record of the Maine news conference last week led by Paul Madore of Maine Grassroots Coalition in which Americans For Truth laid out the incredibly extreme agenda of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) — which has worked closely with Maine homosexual activists to promote counterfeit (same-sex) “marriage.”

The NGLTF boasts HERE how they helped mobilize grassroots activists to pass homosexual “marriage” in the Maine legislature, and then how they stepped up their grassroots and monetary assistance in an attempt to defeat Question 1, a ballot measure to be decided today. If Question 1 passes — i.e., a YES vote — it would repudiate the “gay marriage” legislation signed into law by Gov. John Baldacci (D).

Here’s the link for the audio on lesbian activist Pam Spaulding’s AFTAH-bashing website. (There are audio files and video links.) If you are a glutton for punishment, you can read the hateful ad hominem attacks and irrational putdowns by “Louise” (from Maine) and others on Pam’s left-wing-nut blog. (Looking for a straw man to knock down, Louise calls our event a “rally” though it was an informational press conference.)

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Is the Republican Label Irrelevant?

Monday, November 2nd, 2009

Two times as many voters identify as Conservatives than Republicans.

By Bay Buchanan, Townhall.com, 11/2/09

According to a recent Gallup study, 40% of Americans view themselves as conservative, 36% call themselves moderate, and only 20% fall into the liberal category. While this may be great news for conservatives, the Grand Old Party did not fare so well.

Last Spring a Pew poll found that only 23% of voters consider themselves Republicans. This month an ABC/Washington Post survey suggests the number has fallen even further—to 20%. Meanwhile the largest block of voters, 36%, classify as Independents, with 35% calling themselves Democrats.

One more number: 72% of Republicans identify themselves as conservative.

Bottom line—the Republican Party is deeply conservative while America is predominantly conservative. It is the party label that has trouble, not the philosophy which was once its driving force.

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Homosexual Halloween Hate: ‘Gay’ Couple Targets Maggie Gallagher, Carrie Prejean, and Mormons in Vicious Rooftop Display

Saturday, October 31st, 2009

Same deviant duo hanged Palin in effigy last year

NOTE: Due to potential copyright infringements, four photos documenting this wicked act by two homosexual activists were removed. The captions remain. –Publisher, AFTAH, Jan. 2021 

WARNING: Offensive Images

Malice Targets Maggie: A photo of pro-traditional-marriage advocate Maggie Gallagher’s face is attached to a nude mannequin with “LIAR” written on the stomach — the rooftop creation of West Hollywood homosexual couple ChadMichael Morrisette and Mito Aviles. The deviant duo say the theme for their bigoted rooftop display is the “forces of evil 2009” — seemingly oblivious to the nastiness of their crude attacks on religious and conservative leaders.

By Peter LaBarbera

Well, it’s Halloween again, so that means more über-tacky rooftop hate-displays by West Hollywood homosexual duo ChadMichael Morrisette and Mito Aviles. Delighted by their 15 minutes of fame last Halloween for infamously hanging a mannequin dressed up as Sarah Palin with a noose around her neck, the homosexual couple this year has broadened its hate campaign by loading their house’s rooftop with several new images attacking social conservatives.

Morrisette and Aviles painted “LIAR” on the stomach of a nude mannequin and attached as its head the face of Maggie Gallagher, the leader pro-family activist fighting “gay marriage.” Gallagher runs the Institute for Marriage and Public Policy and founded the National Organization for Marriage.

(Memo to liberal bloggers and media: please take care to spell Morrisette’s and Aviles’ names correctly when you write your nonjudgmental pieces about their “decorations” — and try not to think about how differently you would craft your piece were the story about “gay” leaders being cruelly depicted on a conservative couple’s rooftop.)

“The reason that [“Gallagher”] is naked is that we are exposing her lies,” Morrissette told Curbed LA.

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Blind Conservative Activist Shocked at ‘Gay’ Protesters’ Insensitivity, Says AFTAH Banquet a Huge Success

Sunday, October 25th, 2009

donald_wildmon.jpg‘Truth Teller’ Honored: Donald Wildmon, Founder and Chairman of American Family Association and American Family Radio, was the first recipient of AFTAH’s “American Truth Teller” Award at the Americans For Truth banquet Saturday.

Thanks to everyone who made our Americans For Truth banquet last night a resounding success. Matt Barber was insightful as our keynote speaker, and Pete Lines — a former homosexual who overcame years of confusion stemming from being sexual molested in his youth — stirred the crowd with his testimony. The only “hate” to be found was outside the building at the (Marxist) Gay Liberation Network’s ineffective protest. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org

The following report is from our friends at the Republicans For Fair Media (RFFM) website:

Americans For Truth About Homosexuality Fundraiser Huge Success: Gay Protest Fizzles

RFFM.org Staff Writer

An estimated audience of over 100 pro-family leaders gathered in Arlington Heights on Saturday night, October 24th, in support of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH).  The evening featured a speech by Peter LaBarbera, Founder and President of AFTAH, and a nationally recognized activist who has toiled on behalf of pro-family issues for more than two decades.

The keynote speaker was J. Matt Barber, AFTAH Board Member: Director of Cultural Affairs, Liberty Counsel; Associate Dean, Liberty University School of Law; and author of “The Right Hook: From the Ring to the Culture War.”

Others addressing the event:

  • Paul B. Madore, Founder and Director, Maine Grassroots Coalition (see their website: SaveMaineMarriage.org);
  • Jim Finnegan, President, Choose Life Illinois; and
  • Pete Lines, who overcame the homosexual lifestyle

LaBarbera told RFFM.org that the night was a huge success and he expressed his appreciation to those gathered and to Pastor Calvin Lindstrom, Church of Christian Liberty and Christian Liberty Academy, who delivered the invocation.

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LaBarbera: Obama’s ‘Different Kind of Hate’ Scorns America’s Judeo-Christian Tradition

Wednesday, October 14th, 2009

joesolmonese2.jpgStunned by Obama’s Embrace of Homosexual Relationships: “Gay” activist Joe Solmonese of the Human Rights Campaign — who maliciously equates pastoral preaching against homosexuality with “hatred” — was stunned at how strongly  Barack Obama endorsed homosexual relationships Saturday evening. Read the transcript of the president’s HRC speech HERE, and AFTAH’s response HERE.

From an article yesterday in the conservative CNSNews.com, “Obama: Homosexual Relationships ‘Just as Real and Admirable’ as Heterosexual Marriage”:

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
By Pete Winn, CNSNews.com Senior Writer/Editor

(CNSNews.com) – President Obama delivered an unprecedented message to the Human Rights Campaign Saturday night. Sounding more like a homosexual activist than a sitting president, Obama went well beyond his expected message of “I’m here with you” on the homosexual agenda.

“My expectation is that when you look back on these years, you will see a time in which we put a stop to discrimination against gays and lesbians — whether in the office or on the battlefield,” Obama told an estimated audience of 3,000. “You will see a time in which we as a nation finally recognize relationships between two men or two women as just as real and admirable as relationships between a man and a woman.”

Even Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese was stunned at the breadth of  Obama’s statement, calling it “something quite remarkable.”

“This was a historic night when we felt the full embrace and commitment of the President of the United States,” Solmonese said in a post-speech statement. “It’s simply unprecedented.”

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Terminating the GOP Brand: Schwarzenegger Signs ‘Harvey Milk Day’ Bill and Pro-‘Gay Marriage’ Legislation

Tuesday, October 13th, 2009

harvey_milk_childrens_book.jpgHere Comes the Harvey Milk Propaganda: will this children’s picture book lionizing assassinated San Francisco “gay”activist Harvey Milk make its way into grade schools across California now that the state is on record celebrating the pro-homosexuality crusader?

Folks, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and every Republican who covers up for Schwarzenegger’s liberal follies are helping to destroy the GOP’s “pro-family” brand. Corrupting children’s minds and souls through manipulative school exercises like “Harvey Milk Day” is anti-family and anti-child to the core. You simply cannot be pro-sexual sin and pro-family at the same time.

Thanks to California’s moral weakling of a governor, millions of schoolchildren will be subjected to propaganda extolling San Francisco homosexual crusader Milk — who, as my friend Randy Thomasson of SaveCalifornia.com rightly says — is hardly an appropriate role model for children. Kudos to Randy and other pro-family Californians for working so hard trying to stop this public policy madness. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth

TAKE ACTION: Contact Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele (chairman@gop.com; 202-863-8700 or -8500) and also your local/state GOP representatives (in office and out) and tell them how offended you are at Republican California Gov. Schwarzenegger’s latest capitulations to the Homosexual Lobby. Tell Steele that moral issues are an important plank of the Republican Party and that “going gay” will sap the strength out of the conservative grassroots. If you are a Democrat, call or write Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine and urge the party to STOP pandering to homosexual activists and undermining traditional marriage. (Kaine is the current Governor of Virginia.)


SaveCalifornia.com News Release, October 12, 2009

SaveCalifornia.com Appalled at Signing of ‘Harvey Milk Gay Day’

SB 572, opposed by overwhelming majority, signed by “People’s Governor”


Sacramento – SaveCalifornia.com, a leading West Coast pro-family, pro-child organization, is appalled that Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed SB 572, “Harvey Milk Day,” into law.

“Harvey Milk* was a sexual predator of teens, an advocate of polygamous relationships, a public liar, and is in no way a good role model for impressionable schoolchildren,” said Randy Thomasson, president of SaveCalifornia.com. “Sadly, children in public schools will now have even more in-your-face, homosexual-bisexual-transsexual indoctrination. This provides the strongest impetus yet for loving parents to remove their children from anti-family public schools.”

“’Harvey Milk Day’ teaches children as young as five years old to admire the life and values of the notorious homosexual activist Harvey Milk” said Thomasson. “The ‘suitable commemorative exercises’ that are part of ‘Harvey Milk Day’ can easily result in cross-dressing exercises, ‘LGBT pride’ parades and mock gay weddings on school campuses — everything Harvey Milk supported.”

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Obama EEOC Appointee Chai Feldblum Would Turn Christians and Moral Foes of Homosexuality into Second-Class Citizens

Tuesday, October 13th, 2009

Key gay legal activist says homosexual sex is “morally good” — and says her side’s “moral” claims eclipse our right to oppose homosexuality


“As a general matter, once a religious person or institution enters the stream of commerce by operating an enterprise such as a doctor’s office, hospital, bookstore, hotel, treatment center and so on, I believe the enterprise must adhere to a norm of nondiscrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. … … While I was initially drawn to the idea of providing an exemption to those enterprises that advertise solely in very limited milieus (such as the bed & breakfast that advertises only on Christian Web sites), I became wary of such an approach as a practical matter….”
— Homosexual legal activist, Georgetown law professor, and Obama EEOC appointee Chai Feldblum, “Moral Conflict and Liberty: Gay Rights and Religion,” 2006, p. 52. Feldblum favors a limited exemption to “gay rights” laws for religious teaching institutions and the “leadership” of faith-based groups.

Will Her ‘Rights’ Replace Yours? In the world of Chai Feldblum (above), defending sodomy and homosexuality-based relationships is a “moral” endeavor. Legally speaking, she sees the battle between “gay rights” and religious/moral opposition to homosexuality as a “zero sum game” — i.e., one side wins and the other side loses. But if the “right” of homosexuals and transsexuals to have their lifestyles approved supersedes the freedom of Americans to act on their belief that homosexual behavior is wrong, then wouldn’t Christians and moral Americans become second-class citizens?


TAKE ACTION: The U.S. Senate will be taking up the Chai Feldblum nomination, probably in the next few weeks. Call and write your two U.S. senators (202-224-3121; www.congress.org) and urge them to oppose her confirmation to be a Commissioner on the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Tell your Senators that you oppose awarding superior rights to people based on their homosexual, bisexual or transsexual lifestyle — which they would have if Feldblum’s radical egalitarian philosophy takes hold in the employment realm. Explain that Americans’ First Amendment liberty to follow our conscience should never be made subservient to special interest sexual agendas.

Dear Readers,

AFTAH is featured in the report below by American Family Association’s “One News Now.” about President Obama’s latest homosexual appointee: Georgetown law professor and lesbian legal activist Chai Feldblum as a commissioner at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). (Think “sexual orientation discrimination” EEOC lawsuits against businesses if Obama gets his way legislatively.)

Unlike some “gay” activists, Feldblum at least grants that we religious Americans have a legitimate “belief liberty” to oppose homosexuality. But she also asserts that according to her reading of the law and Constitution, homosexuals’ “moral” claims should usually eclipse ours under. (And please forgive me if I don’t gush over Feldblum’s recognition of our moral rights — considering that homosexual practice has been linked as a dominating causal factor for HIV and other sexually-transmitted diseases, and that it ranks up there with incest, bestiality and child sacrifice in the Old Testament not-to-do list.)

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