“Civil Unions” & “Gay Marriage”

Sorry, Sean Penn, We’re PROUD to Defend Marriage — Hollywood Denounces God and Applauds Pedophilia

Monday, February 23rd, 2009

The more homosexual content a film has, the less it earns at the box office: Baehr


Homosexuality and Pedophilia Promotion: “I think it’s a good time for those who voted for the ban against gay marriage to sit and reflect on their great shame, and their shame in their grandchildren’s eyes if they continue that support,” said Oscar-winner Sean Penn. star of “Milk,” in his Academy Award night rant against Prop 8 supporters. Hollywood also gave its top award to “The Reader,” a film about a woman who seduces a 15-year-old boy.

So now it’s come to this: one of the leading men in Hollywood, which has no shame, says Californians who supported traditional marriage by voting in Proposition 8 should have “great shame.” Sorry, Sean Penn: the shame is on you: every Californian who helped Prop 8 pass — overcoming millions of dollars worth of free PR from pro-homosexual-“marriage” Hollywood bigshots like you — should feel tremendous pride, not guilt, in defending and preserving marriage as God ordained it. As usual, the elitists in Hollywood have it completely backwards: it is homosexual behavior that is shameful, not traditional mores. I finally saw “Milk” over the weekend and will have more to say on that later. Ted Baehr of MovieGuide is right on below. — Peter LaBarbera

Hollywood Denounces God and Applauds Pedophilia at the Oscars

By Ted Baehr

The Academy Awards showed its support for sexual perversions last night at its annual Oscar ceremony.

And, the Academy wrongly painted the Entertainment Industry as a bunch of Commie rats, as it applauded Communist sympathizer Sean Penn’s gleeful greeting after winning an award for portraying an assassinated homosexual leader, “You Commie, homo-loving sons of guns!”

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Georgia ‘Gay’ Republican Activist Calls AFTAH ‘Domestic Terrorist Group,’ Compares Us to Nazis

Tuesday, February 17th, 2009

Abe Lincoln was right: “A house divided against itself cannot stand”

jamie_ensley_log_cabin.gifUnhinged Anti-Christian Bigotry: Homosexual activist Jamie Ensley, President of the Georgia Log Cabin Republicans and a Georgia GOP official, smeared Americans For Truth as a “radical christian domestic terrorist group” and compared AFTAH to Germany’s Nazi Party. Call the Georgia Republican Party and GOP Chairman Michael Steele (contact info below) and ask that disciplinary action be taken against Ensley. Photo taken from Log Cabin Republican website.

TAKE ACTION:  Respectfully request that the Georgia Republican Party (404-257-5559; info@gagop.org) and the Fulton County (Ga.) Republican Party (www.FultonGOP.org) take appropriate disciplinary action against Jamie Ensley, president of the Georgia “Log Cabin Republicans” (and Fulton, County, Georgia Republican Party member) — after Ensley compared Americans For Truth to Germany’s Nazi Party and labeled AFTAH a “radical christian domestic terrorist group” (see letter below). Ensley was reacting to our call last week to GOP Chairman Michael Steele not to bend to the Log Cabin’s homosexual activist agenda (which includes “same-sex marriage” and the attempt to overturn Proposition 8, passed by California voters on Nov. 4, through the courts). Calls opposing the homosexual Log Cabin agenda have poured into Steele’s office following our appeal.

Also, please write or call Mr. Steele (chairman@gop.com; 202-863-8700) and graciously urge him to work hard keep the GOP a pro-traditional-marriage party that does not promote homosexuality in the guise of “tolerance.” Congratulate Mr. Steele on winning the GOP’s chairmanship and send him a copy of Ensley’s slanderous letter (below) as evidence of Log Cabin’s bigoted, anti-Christian agenda that will cost the party support if promoted by the GOP. (If you are a Democrat, contact the Democratic National Committee (202-863-8000) and/or President Obama (202-456-1414) and urge them to reverse the Party’s growing collusion with radical homosexual activists.)


Dear Readers,

Someone smart once said that the first person in a debate to accuse his opponent of being a “Nazi” automatically loses the argument. If this is true, then the Georgia Log Cabin Republicans (LCR) — a homosexual activist group — has just telegraphed the bankruptcy of its “Homosexuality-First” agenda. In the e-mail below sent Saturday by Georgia LCR President Jamie Ensley to GOP Chairman Michael Steele and copied to Americans For Truth, Ensley compares AFTAH to “a mainstream Nazi Germany organization” and calls us a “radical christian domestic terrorist group.”

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AFTAH Gives RNC Chief Michael Steele 20,000 Reasons NOT to Embrace Divisive Homosexual ‘Log Cabin Republican’ Agenda

Thursday, February 12th, 2009

michael_steele.jpgAmericans For Truth about Homosexuality
Press Release

February 12, 2009
Contact: Peter LaBarbera: 630-717-7631; americansfortruth@comcast.net

NAPERVILLE, Illinois – Americans For Truth (AFTAH) President Peter LaBarbera today urged Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele not to promote the divisive agenda of the homosexual activist group ‘Log Cabin Republicans’ – which has just 20,000 members nationwide — at the expense of the huge, grassroots pro-family conservative GOP base.

AFTAH is encouraging Republicans and pro-family citizens nationwide to contact Steele and the RNC to urge them not to sell out the conservative GOP platform by courting an organization that works to undermine tradition marriage and supports anti-religious, pro-homosexual special-rights legislation.  (AFTAH is also launching a parallel effort encouraging pro-life and pro-family Democrats to appeal to their Party to stop promoting a “Culture of Death” agenda.) Steele can be reached at:

Office of RNC Chairman Michael Steele
Phone: 202-863-8700;
E-mail: Chairman@gop.com;
RNC (www.gop.com): 202-863-8500

“Michael Steele and the GOP need to do the math: it is foolish and impractical to risk alienating millions of pro-family, pro-life, conservative grassroots Republicans to appease a tiny homosexual special interest group with fewer members than the population of Liberal, Kansas,” LaBarbera said. “If the Republican Party is to turn itself around, it must reach out aggressively to real, pro-family minorities like Steele himself — not homosexual activists whose agenda would restrict our precious religious and First Amendment freedoms by using the government to promote aberrant sexual lifestyles.”

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Look Who’s Talking Morality Now … Observations on Rea Carey’s ‘Creating Change’ Speech

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009

“We are leaders in what is good and right and just in this country,” boasts “gay” leader of group that presents “leather leadership” award to homosexual pornographer

See our adjoining story: National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Talks of ‘Moral Leadership’ while Honoring Homosexual S&M Pornographer

rea_carey.jpgRea Carey of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force says her movement shows “moral leadership” to the nation — even as the Task Force presented its “Leather Leadership Award” to a homosexual pornographer. The Task Force’s “Creating Change” conference in Denver ran supportive workshops on: transsexuality; prostitution (“sex workers’ rights”), “polyamory/nonmonogamy”; and – most disturbing – pushing a “sexual freedom” (read: sexual license) agenda on youth.

Dear AFTAH Reader,

If you are reading this website, you are seriously concerned about the homosexual activist agenda.  So I have an assignment for you.  Please print out the enclosed “State of the Movement” speech by the Rea Carey, the new executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, and read it all the way through (it’s about 8 printed pages with my introduction).  Now, why would a Christian pro-family organization send out a speech by a radical homosexual activist?  Because we need to know what our Culture War enemies are saying and this speech is very instructive for OUR cause of defending traditional morality and marriage in America.

If you can’t find time to read the whole “Creating Change” speech, at least read the parts of it that we have bolded below.  Note how Ms. Carey talks about “moral leadership” even as the Task Force gave its ‘Leather Leadership Award” to a hard-core homosexual pornographer at the same “Creating Change” conference.  (Talk about chutzpah!)  And note also how she refers to the Bush administration as the “Evil Empire” – Ronald Reagan’s famous description of expansionist Soviet Communism – just as Iraqi citizens were preparing to vote in another free election made possible by the U.S. liberation of their country from the grip of dictator Saddam Hussein.  Nobody lies like the Left, yet the liberal media rarely challenge groups like the Task Force on their many falsehoods and slanders.

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Book — One Man, One Woman by Dale O’Leary

Wednesday, January 28th, 2009

dale_oleary_book-2.jpgI’ve only read a couple chapters of this book, which I should have read when it came out in 2007, but I heartily recommend Dale O’Leary’s One Man, One Woman: A Catholic Guide to Defending Marriage, for anyone needing to become conversant in the arguments in defense of marriage and God-ordained (which is to say normal) sexuality.

This book is a must for any social conservative’s library. (Order it HERE.) I’ve known Dale for over a decade, and few in the pro-family movement have demonstrated the diligence, courage, dedication and intelligence that she has in answering the various propaganda myths and lies emanating from the radical feminists and their homosexual and gender-confused (“transgender”) allies. Here is a typically sensible quote from One Man, One Woman (p. 217):

It’s true that human beings can be weak, selfish, and sinful, and not every married couple will be good parents. But a male/female married couple nonetheless has built into it all the things children need for healthy development: a mother and a father to fulfill parenting roles and to model gender identity; a vowed bond of permanent commitment between two persons with sexual complementarity; and freedom from the stigma and distractions that accompany “experimental” family forms.

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Fascinating Discussion about American Evangelicalism

Wednesday, January 28th, 2009

How will ‘cosmopolitan evangelicals’ handle the homosexual issue?

I stumbled upon this interesting seminar about American evangelicalism on the Ethics and Public Policy Center website. The event was put on last year by the Pew Forum. A brief excerpt is below and the full transcript is HERE. Note Michael Lindsay’s dichotomy — not “left vs. right” but “cosmopolitan vs. populist” evangelicals.

The question with regard to homosexuality is this: insofar as acceptance of homosexuality (or, in politically correct jargon, the “gay and lesbian community”) has become a defining feature of modern big-city culture, how will the “cosmopolitan evangelicals” react as they seek to retain their influence in “elite” circles? So far we have seen left-leaning evangelicals like Jim Wallis embrace a “rights” framework regarding the pro-homosexual agenda — while still claiming fealty to the Bible. (Wallis favors “civil unions” laws for homosexual couples.) Homosexual activists have applauded the leftward evangelical shift, but Christians who take the Bible’s proscription of homosexual acts seriously view the Evangelical Left’s posturing on this issue as a capitulation to worldly forces, and a violation of Scripture.

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Abortion and Homosexuality Movements Are Linked in their War Against Life and Marriage

Thursday, January 22nd, 2009

On Roe v. Wade Anniversary — Think Abe Lincoln, Says Harrington

joe_solmonese.jpgJoe Solmonese (left) went from helping to elect pro-abortion-on-demand Democrats at EMILY’s List to advancing the pro-homosexuality/ -transsexuality agenda as president of the Human Rights Campaign. The twin evils of homosexuality and abortion share a common foundation: the elevation of self over transcendent truth and God’s revealed will for men and women. Homosexual activists have been in the forefront of “defending” abortion centers against pro-lifers whose aim is merely to save innocent babies from destruction and persuade women NOT to make a decision that will haunt them the rest of their lives. Below is a photo of a fetus’ feet at 10 weeks.

Folks, the issues of defending life and sexual morality are joined at the hip: each of the evil movements they oppose — the abortion and homosexuality lobbies — elevates mankind’s selfish desires over God’s will. Is it any wonder that the two greatest sin lobbies of today have as their sworn enemies the preservation of life and natural marriage and the God-ordained family? And this is not just theoretical: front-line, pro-life veterans such as Joe Scheidler tell me that over the years homosexual activists have been in the forefront of defending abortion “clinics” (killing centers) — to block the life-saving efforts of people trying to witness the truth about life to pregnant girls and women going into the death-centers to abort their own children.

fetus_feet-at-10-weeks.gifCuriously, homosexual groups like Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force have incorporated abortion-related advocacy in their agendas. In fact, HRC’s president, Joe Solmonese, is the former CEO of EMILY’s List, described by Wikipedia as “one of the nation’s prominent pro-choice Democratic political action committees.” After helping to advance abortion, homosexuality and gender confusion, I don’t know what’s next on Joe’s career path — perhaps Chairman of the Board for a major porn distribution company?

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Obama Begins Full Court Press on Extremist Homosexual Agenda within Minutes of Taking Oath of Office: Barber

Wednesday, January 21st, 2009

Contact:  jmattbarber@comcast.net


Lynchburg, VA – Literally within minutes after President Obama took the oath of office yesterday, the official White House webpage was updated – under the heading of “The Agenda: Civil Rights” – to detail Obama’s wholesale “support for the LGBT (homosexual activist) community.”  His stated plans include the following:

  • Defeating all state and federal constitutional efforts to defend the millennia-old definition of natural marriage;
  • Repealing the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) signed by Bill Clinton – the only line of defense keeping all 50 states from being forced to recognize so-called “same-sex marriages” from extremely liberal states like Massachusetts and Connecticut;
  • Repealing the military’s “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy;
  • Passing constitutionally dubious and discriminatory “hate crimes” legislation, granting homosexuals and cross dressers special rights – denied other Americans – based on changeable sexual behaviors;
  • Passing the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) which would force business owners (religious and otherwise) to abandon traditional values relative to sexual morality under penalty of law; and,
  • Creating intentionally motherless and fatherless homes and sexually confusing untold thousands of children by expanding “gay adoption.”

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