“Civil Unions” & “Gay Marriage”

San Francisco ‘Gaystapo’ Tries to Shout Down Pro-Family Press Conference

Friday, September 26th, 2008

Homosexual militants defend public sex, nudity on city streets; say children (with parents) should be allowed to attend X-rated Folsom Street Fair

By Peter LaBarbera


Anthony Gonzalez of the St. Joseph’s Men’s Society speaks at pro-family press conference at the San Francisco City Hall — denouncing the uber-perverse Folsom Street Fair, which will occur Sunday in the “gay” Mecca. Earlier, homosexual militants led by veteran “AIDS activist” Michael Petrelis sought to disrupt our press event. Petrelis and other “queer” advocates defended public sex on city streets and even said parents should be allowed to bring their young children to Folsom — despite the rampant public nudity and street orgies at the annual sadism-celebrating fair.

SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Sept. 26 — Well, folks, this is what it boils down to in the nation’s “queer” Mecca: the same homosexual activists who have no problem tolerating public nudity, sex acts and sadomasochistic whippings on their city streets could not tolerate a simple pro-family press conference on the steps of City Hall.

Yes, the “Gaystapo” tried to shout down our press event this morning — prancing in front of our speakers, chanting that we were “bigots” and shouting over us throughout. Right off the bat, veteran homosexual “AIDS activist” Michael Petrelis jumped in front of me and our big banner that read, “Stop Public Nudity & Street Orgies” — demanding an answer as to whether I oppose “gays being hanged in Iran.” When I said yes, I oppose that, Petrelis was not appeased, and continued to jump in front of me and generally be obnoxiously disruptive (a “gay” militant specialty, it seems).

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AFTAH: Folsom Street Fair in Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s District with its Public Nudity and Street Orgies Represents America’s Deepening ‘Moral Crisis’

Friday, September 26th, 2008

Americans For Truth about Homosexuality

September 26, 2008; Contact: Andre Traversa: 847-318-6413

SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. – In remarks prepared for a press conference this morning at San Francisco’s City Hall, Americans For Truth President Peter LaBarbera said that – like homosexual “marriage” — the public perversions and nudity allowed to go on at the annual “Folsom Street Fair” in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s district represent America’s deepening moral crisis.

The 25th annual “Folsom Street Fair” will be held this Sunday, Sept. 28, in San Francisco.  Details of today’s and Monday’s press conference follow:

WHAT:  Two press events exposing Folsom and the politicians who enable it;
WHERE:  San Francisco City Hall
WHEN:  Friday, Sept. 26, 11:00 AM – pre-Folsom; and Monday, Sept. 29, 10:00 AM – post-Folsom;
WHO:  Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Linda Harvey, Mission America; Diane Gramley, American Family Association of Pennsylvania; Anthony Gonzalez, St. Joseph’s Men’s Society

Pelosi has refused to condemn the debauched Folsom Fair in her district, which features:

• Rampant public nudity including men walking the streets in nothing but their socks and sneakers; police refuse to enforce decency laws and even recruit at the fair;
• Public street orgies in which men engage in homosexual sex acts – as depicted on enlarged photos at the press events — as thousands of fairgoers walk by;
• Blatant anti-Christian bigotry – e.g., the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” — transvestite mock “nuns” who work closely with Folsom; and religious-themed “sex toys” sold by vendors;

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How Desperate Is Joan Rivers?

Friday, August 22nd, 2008

This desperate:

joan_rivers_desperate.bmp Joan Rivers is playing sadomasochist venues, helping celebrate 25 years of the Folsom Street Fair’s open-air perversion in San Francisco, and raising money for Folsom “beneficiaries” like the Transgender Law Center. And how about this from the Folsom Street website for a dress code unique to Sodom-by-the-Bay:

“If you want to be fashionable, then start planning your outfit now because this event is formal. Appropriate attire includes formal wear, dress leather and high-fashion kink wear.”

Can you imagine the conversation between leather partners Stephane and Jahn before the big event:

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Hallmark Panders to Homosexuals — Offers ‘Gay Marriage’ Cards

Thursday, August 21st, 2008

Company chooses ‘relevance’ over morality

hallmark_logo.jpgBy Peter LaBarbera

Needless to say, the AP (Always Politically-correct?) story below contains no critical comments from a pro-natural-family critic of homosexual “marriage.” I sent this note to Hallmark, after calling the company (816-274-5111) and being informed that Hallmark CEO Don Hall is not taking critical calls:

Dear Hallmark CEO Don Hall,

My wife and I won’t be buying Hallmark cards again until you stop promoting homosexuality and “gay marriage.” It’s very sad that your company — which most Americans would associate with more wholesome values — has now chosen to profit off of sexual immorality. (Homosexual behavior is sinful, changeable — see this EX-gay site: www.janetboynesministries.com — and often linked to serious health risks.)

Good luck with your new, politically correct business plan, but I will be informing as many people as I can to stop buying Hallmark cards until you get out of the homosexuality-promotion business.


Peter LaBarbera

You’ll actually get a human being when you call Hallmark at 816-274-5111 as opposed to their computerized customer service line at 1-800-HALLMARK (800-425-5627). Please politely communicate your disappointment to them, as the operator is not responsible for this bone-headed move and might actually share your values. You can also e-mail them off their web contact page. Below is Associated Press’ biased story:


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AFA: McDonald’s Does It Again — Sponsoring Homosexual Activism ‘from the Inside’

Friday, August 15th, 2008

ronald_mcdonald_rainbow2.jpgThe following E-Alert was sent out by American Family Association:

Take Action!

• Sign the online Boycott McDonald’s petition.
• Forward this to family and friends and ask them to sign the petition.
• Print and distribute the Boycott McDonald’s petition.

August 13, 2008

McDonald’s has done it again. First, the company paid $20,000 to become a member of the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce and to have a seat on the board of directors. Next, McDonald’s refused a request to remain neutral in the culture war by choosing to promote the gay agenda. Then McDonald’s accused those opposing the gay agenda, including same-sex “marriage,” of being motivated by hate.

Now we learn that McDonald’s sponsors training for homosexuals on how to promote their agenda among corporations from the inside. Out & Equal™ Workplace Advocates is a national organization devoted to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community in the workplace. One of its primary purposes is to train employees how to aggressively promote homosexuality within the company they work for, all the way to the corporate boardroom. Part of last year’s Out & Equal Summit in Washington, DC, (sponsored by McDonald’s) was an organized march into congressional offices demanding same-sex “marriage” laws be passed.

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Pelosi Backs Obama on Repeal of Defense of Marriage Act

Wednesday, August 13th, 2008

DOMA law protects states from being forced to recognize out-of-state homosexual “marriages”

nancy_pelosi_smaller.jpgHouse Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is a Catholic, yet she is an ardent proponent of homosexual activism and abortion-on-demand — both opposed by the Church. Pelosi’s San Francisco district allows men to walk completely nude in public and have homosexual orgies on city streets.

CNSNews.com reports:

Pelosi Backs Obama on Repeal of Defense of Marriage Act

August 01, 2008

By Josiah Ryan, Staff Writer

(CNSNews.com) – If Barack Obama is elected president, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) will support him in fulfilling his vow to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which currently protects states from having to recognize same-sex marriages contracted in other states as they ordinarily would be required to do by the Full Faith and Credit Clause of the Constitution.

“Yes,” Pelosi said Thursday at a press conference, when CNSNews.com asked if she would support Obama’s policy. Hear CNS Audio HERE.

The DOMA defines marriage as the legal union of one man and one woman for purposes of all federal laws. Signed into law by President Bill Clinton in 1996, the DOMA protects states from having to recognize same-sex marriages contracted in other states.

Ordinarily, under the “Full Faith and Credit Clause” of the Constitution, states are required to recognize “the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State.”

The “pride” section of the Obama campaign Web site reads: “Obama also believes we need to fully repeal the Defense of Marriage Act and enact legislation that would ensure that the 1,100+ federal legal rights and benefits currently provided on the basis of marital status are extended to same-sex couples in civil unions and other legally-recognized unions.”

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Judge Upholds Redefined, Biased California Prop 8 Marriage Amendment Language

Friday, August 8th, 2008

Pro-family attorneys to challenge ruling on AG Jerry Brown’s biased summary language

jerry_brown-2.jpgCalifornia Attorney General Jerry Brown redefined the state’s pro-traditional marriage amendment description as taking away people’s rights — even though the so-called “right” to “same-sex marriage” as created by the state’s high court will be only a few months old when voters go to the polls in in November.

From the news site OneNewsNow of the American Family Association:

Judge upholds redefined Prop. 8 ballot language

By Jeff Johnson – OneNewsNow – 8/8/2008
Click HERE to listen to the audio story on OneNewsNow

Pro-family attorneys are vowing to go back to court to get biased, pro-homosexual language removed from the ballot title and summary for the California marriage protection amendment.

The amendment states that “only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.” But somehow, Attorney General Jerry Brown reinterpreted that as eliminating “the right of same-sex couples to marry.” Timothy Chandler, legal counsel with the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF), was in Superior Court in California Thursday arguing that Brown’s editorializing is illegal.

“The issue before the voters is whether or not California should define marriage as between one man and one woman,” Chandler explains. “And rather than presenting it that way to the voters, the attorney general got political with it.”

Instead of providing a neutral and unbiased ballot title and summary, says the ADF attorney, Brown bowed to “political pressure” and “gave a biased and prejudicial summary” — in effect failing to follow his obligation under state law. “The attorney general is required by law to provide an objective summary of what the proposition would do to the law,” Chandler explains.

But the Superior Court disagreed Friday, ruling that Brown was within his rights to define the amendment as taking away rights, even though those alleged rights were only recently created by the California Supreme Court.

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Those McFabulous Rainbow Arches

Thursday, July 31st, 2008

mcdonalds_boycott.jpgBy J. Matt Barber, Liberty Counsel, July 29, 2008

I’m always mystified when allegedly intelligent, bottom-line-obsessed corporate types abandon the fiscally secure milieu of political neutrality and take sides, officially, on deeply polarizing, socio-cultural issues of the day.

That’s exactly what the formerly family-friendly McDonald’s Corporation recently did. In an apparent effort to pierce the hyper-demanding good graces of the radical homosexual lobby, these clowns (pun intended) have thrown the vast majority of potential Mickey D’s customers, worldwide, under the bus. Because of this colossal corporate blunder, the hamburger giant is now facing an embarrassing and ever-growing international boycott.

McDonald’s self-inflicted woes started back in March, when the company paid $20,000 to have Richard Ellis, McDonald’s “out and proud” homosexual vice president of communications, placed on the board of the innocuously tagged “National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce.” NGLCC is an extremist, “gay” activist organization that lobbies for leftist causes, such as “gay marriage,” and pushes for other policies that would grant special privileges to certain individuals who define themselves based upon unhealthy, traditionally immoral and changeable sexual behaviors.

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