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Freedom Under Fire
Tuesday, October 20th, 2009
If a Christian did this to a “gay” activist, would it be reported as a “hate crime”?
Folks, imagine if a Christian or conservative group publicized the phone number of a homosexual employee taking calls for a “gay” organization’s fundraiser, in an obvious attempt to harass the person and the group. Such a dirty trick rightly would be condemned by pro-family and conservative leaders as beyond the pale. Well, check out this little bit of nastiness by New York City-based atheist homosexual blogger Joe Jervis, creator of the “Joe.My.God” website [WARNING: this is a very dirty and vulgar website]. Jervis posts (North Carolina-based) AFTAH staffer Donna Miller’s phone number FOUR times in a 100-word post. Creepy. Homosexual militants love to rail against Christian “hate”– falsely equating traditional beliefs about homosexuality with malice and bigotry. But if this isn’t true hate and harassment, then nothing is. (If you have a thick stomach, check out the mean and twisted comments, mostly targeting Barber, that follow Jervis’ post.) — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org. [More info on AFTAH’s Banquet HERE; sign up online with your donation HERE.]
From Jervis’ website (the links won’t work on this graphic, including the one to the announced Gay Liberation Network protest against our event):
Posted in Christian Persecution, Gay Activist Hate Against Christians, Gay Activist Hypocrisy, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, Homosexual Blogs, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Hate Speech, News, Tolerance? |
Friday, October 16th, 2009
Don’t Let the Smile Fool You….Lesbian activist and Georgetown University professor Chai Feldblum is a hard-nosed pro-homosexuality/bisexuality/transsexuality ideologue and the legal mind behind the Employment NonDiscrimination Act (click HERE for an article about a Bush-era version of ENDA). Feldblum believes sodomy (gay sex) is “morally good” and that homosexuality-based “rights” supersede those of moral-minded Americans to live out their beliefs against homosexual practice. Click HERE to listen to CWA’s Martha Kleder interview AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera about the Feldblum nomination.
From Concerned Women for America’s online radio show. Also see AFTAH’s article: “Obama EEOC Appointee Chai Feldblum Would Turn Christians and Moral Foes of Homosexuality into Second-Class Citizens.” TAKE ACTION: Please call and write your U.S. Senators and urge them to stand against Feldblum’s nomination to the EEOO: 202-224-3121; www.congress.org.
President Obama has nominated yet another radical, liberal activist to a key government position. His latest pick is Chai Feldblum, Georgetown University Law professor and chief author of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, to be commissioner for the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Peter LaBarbera, President of Americans for Truth, says this nomination is a warning shot for all traditional and religious-based businesses and para-church ministries, that untold legal battles are ahead for any that refuse to applaud gender confusion. Listen HERE | Download HERE
Chai Feldblum’s views on religion and homosexual rights can be found in her paper: “Moral Conflict and Liberty: Gay Rights and Religion.”
Posted in Freedom Under Fire, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, News, Obama, Radio interviews online, Sexual Revolution, Stealing Civil Rights |
Tuesday, October 13th, 2009
Key gay legal activist says homosexual sex is “morally good” — and says her side’s “moral” claims eclipse our right to oppose homosexuality
“As a general matter, once a religious person or institution enters the stream of commerce by operating an enterprise such as a doctor’s office, hospital, bookstore, hotel, treatment center and so on, I believe the enterprise must adhere to a norm of nondiscrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. … … While I was initially drawn to the idea of providing an exemption to those enterprises that advertise solely in very limited milieus (such as the bed & breakfast that advertises only on Christian Web sites), I became wary of such an approach as a practical matter….”
— Homosexual legal activist, Georgetown law professor, and Obama EEOC appointee Chai Feldblum, “Moral Conflict and Liberty: Gay Rights and Religion,” 2006, p. 52. Feldblum favors a limited exemption to “gay rights” laws for religious teaching institutions and the “leadership” of faith-based groups.
Will Her ‘Rights’ Replace Yours? In the world of Chai Feldblum (above), defending sodomy and homosexuality-based relationships is a “moral” endeavor. Legally speaking, she sees the battle between “gay rights” and religious/moral opposition to homosexuality as a “zero sum game” — i.e., one side wins and the other side loses. But if the “right” of homosexuals and transsexuals to have their lifestyles approved supersedes the freedom of Americans to act on their belief that homosexual behavior is wrong, then wouldn’t Christians and moral Americans become second-class citizens?
TAKE ACTION: The U.S. Senate will be taking up the Chai Feldblum nomination, probably in the next few weeks. Call and write your two U.S. senators (202-224-3121; www.congress.org) and urge them to oppose her confirmation to be a Commissioner on the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Tell your Senators that you oppose awarding superior rights to people based on their homosexual, bisexual or transsexual lifestyle — which they would have if Feldblum’s radical egalitarian philosophy takes hold in the employment realm. Explain that Americans’ First Amendment liberty to follow our conscience should never be made subservient to special interest sexual agendas.
Dear Readers,
AFTAH is featured in the report below by American Family Association’s “One News Now.” about President Obama’s latest homosexual appointee: Georgetown law professor and lesbian legal activist Chai Feldblum as a commissioner at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). (Think “sexual orientation discrimination” EEOC lawsuits against businesses if Obama gets his way legislatively.)
Unlike some “gay” activists, Feldblum at least grants that we religious Americans have a legitimate “belief liberty” to oppose homosexuality. But she also asserts that according to her reading of the law and Constitution, homosexuals’ “moral” claims should usually eclipse ours under. (And please forgive me if I don’t gush over Feldblum’s recognition of our moral rights — considering that homosexual practice has been linked as a dominating causal factor for HIV and other sexually-transmitted diseases, and that it ranks up there with incest, bestiality and child sacrifice in the Old Testament not-to-do list.)
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, Academic Bias, Catholic general, Christian Persecution, ENDA, Freedom Under Fire, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, GLBTQ Lawsuits & Retribution, Government Promotion, News, Obama, Post-modernism/relativism, Sodomy, Stealing Civil Rights |
Friday, October 9th, 2009
STUDENT/PASTOR AFTAH BANQUET DISCOUNT: sponsor your pastor or teenage students (and their friends) for $25 — half off the regular banquet price of $50/person — to attend AFTAH’s banquet Saturday, Oct. 24 at 6:30 PM at the Christian Liberty Academy outside Chicago, featuring Matt Barber as keynote speaker. Sign up online using the “Banquet Sign-up” link at www.americansfortruth.com/donate/, or send your check for $50/person or $25 per sponsored student or pastor to: Americans For Truth, P.O. Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522. Write americansfortruth@comcast.net or call 910-308-7619 if money is a problem for a student or pastor to attend.
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to the king, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king. But even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.” (Daniel 3: 16-18)
By Peter LaBarbera
Folks, in the few years I have known Matt Barber — I met him in 2005 after he was fired by Allstate Insurance Company after writing an article on his own time critical of homosexuality — I have come to see him is an antidote of sorts for the ills besetting the “anti-homosexual-agenda” movement. (Calling it “anti-gay” makes it sound like we’re against people when we really oppose destructive, unnatural and changeable behaviors that for centuries have been prohibited according to Judeo-Christian moral teachings; “gay” self-identity is a very new concept, historically speaking.)
Barber’s contribution to our noble cause should not be underestimated: he is just as unapologetic and aggressive for biblical truth as hell-bent activists like Kevin Jennings and HRC’s Joe Solmonese are for their evil agendas. That’s why coming to see him at AFTAH’s banquet on Saturday, October 24 will be so good for your soul. Each of us needs to have our batteries recharged to fight the anti-Christian Left — and there is no force, short of Muslim extremists perhaps, that poses a greater threat to our God-given American liberties than the homosexual/transsexual activist juggernaut.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Bible, Biblical Truth, Catholic, Christian, Christian Left, Christian Persecution, D - GLBTQ Pressure Within Churches, Emergent (evangelical) Church, Freedom Under Fire, Gay Activist Hate Against Christians, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, GLBTQ Lawsuits & Retribution, News, Stealing Civil Rights, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Thursday, September 10th, 2009
By Peter LaBarbera
WARNING: Offensive Language (required to expose hateful “gay” extremism)
Lying Leatherman: homosexual atheist blogger Joe Jervis (left) didn’t appreciate that Americans For Truth called attention to the vicious comments posted by his online followers against Patricia Mauceri (below right) — the Christian soap actress who was dumped by ABC’s “One Life to Live” after objecting to a pro-homosexuality story line. And it looks like Mauceri is not the first soap actor to object to the faith-undermining requirements of pro-“gay” political correctness in the business. Blogs like Jervis’ “Joe. My. God.” give evidence that no activists are as mean and hateful as homosexual activists — who project their beef with the Creator (unacknowledged, in Joe’s case) on to His followers.
TAKE ACTION: contact ABC and tell them enough is enough with their promotion of the homosexual agenda and sexual immorality in general. Tell them you are outraged at the politically correct firing of Patricia Mauceri (right). And ask them to cast happy, contented “ex-gays” in major TV roles and sympathetic Christian/religious characters who remain faithful to their faith convictions — for the sake of diversity.
Ah, I see that Joe Jervis (above), the non-average “Joe” behind the homosexual activist “Joe. My. God.” blog, has focused his intellectual energies (or should I say bigoted, emotional impulses) into crafting a response to AFTAH’s post about his blog yesterday. We were simply highlighting some of his buddies’ crude and very mean attacks on Patricia Mauceri, the Christian soap actress who says she was fired for objecting to a pro-homosexual story line.
Here is the essence of Jervis’ response:
- I have a comb-over hair style (ouch — problem here is I have so little hair to comb over — if this were true it would really be an exercise in futility: see tragic evidence at right);
- I’m really a gay-porn-obsessed homosexual (hence the nickname: “Porno Pete”: this smear term was actually invented by Wayne Besen, the truth-challenged professional homosexual zealot behind the “ex-gay”-bashing group “Truth Wins Out”; some “gay” activists have stopped using Porno Pete in favor of the much more mature “The Peter” — peter being a boyish slang term for the male sex organ);
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in ABC, AFT In the Blogs, Atheism, Christian Persecution, Corporate Promotion, Diversity Propaganda, Freedom Under Fire, Gay Lies about AFTAH, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, GLBTQ Lawsuits & Retribution, Homosexual Blogs, Homosexual Hate, Media Promotion, News, REAL diversity |
Wednesday, September 9th, 2009
Folks, those loving and compassionate human rights activists over at the homosexual blog “Joe. My. God.” are at it again — showing fired soap actress and committed Christian Patricia Mauceri (right) what it means to respectfully disagree with an opponent without falling into cheap, vulgar name-calling and ad hominem smears. Well, not really.
Here’s some of the hateful “gay” slime dumped on One Life to Live actress Mauceri after JMG’s Joe Jervis attacked AFTAH’s post relaying a FoxNews report about her claim that she “was fired and abruptly replaced for objecting to a gay storyline because of her religious beliefs.” This is no way to treat a lady. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
From atheist New York City homosexual activist Joe Jervis’ “Joe. My. God.” blog:
I trust the [c**t’s] next role will be one in which her most important line will be “Do you want fries with that?”
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Posted in Christian Persecution, Freedom Under Fire, GLBTQ Lawsuits & Retribution, Homosexual Blogs, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Hate Speech, News |
Tuesday, September 8th, 2009
From AFA’s One News Now; sign up for ONN’s daily news briefs HERE
Aug. 7, 2009
A conservative Christian leader says a Senate bill that would ban job discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity “turns private sin into a public right.”
Senator Jeff Merkley (D-Oregon) has introduced a new version of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) that would add perceived and actual sexual orientation and gender identity to categories protected under federal law against discrimination [read homosexual newspaper Washington Blade account of Merkley’s ENDA bill HERE]. Proponents of the legislation call it a “fully inclusive” ENDA because it contains “gender identity” in the language. Democrats have been divided over whether the legislation should protect transsexuals and cross-dressers in addition to homosexuals.
Robert Knight (left), the senior writer for Coral Ridge Ministries, says the Merkley ENDA bill is more dangerous than previous versions because it includes gender identity.
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Posted in Candidates & Elected Officials, Democrat Party, ENDA, Freedom Under Fire, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, GLBTQ Lawsuits & Retribution, Government Promotion, News |
Monday, September 7th, 2009
Reverse Discrimination? How’s this for a timely story for Labor Day — highlighting the current reality that Christians and traditionalists who oppose homosexuality are more likely to be fired or disciplined for their beliefs than homosexuals are for “being gay.” TAKE ACTION: Call your Congressman and Senators next week (202-224-2131; 202-225-3121; www.congress.org) and urge them to oppose ENDA — the Employment Nondiscrimination Act — which would federalize “sexual orientation” law and greatly expand government power to promote the “gay” agenda. ENDA would become a tool for the Left to use the state to force Christian and moral-minded business owners to promote and subsidize homosexuality and transsexuality against their will.
FoxNews online reports:
Soap Actress Says She Was Fired Because of Religious Beliefs
Friday , September 04, 2009
By Lauren Green
If you tuned in to the soap “One Life to Live” this week, you may have noticed there’s been a change of character. One character in particular.
Actress Patricia Mauceri says she was fired and abruptly replaced for objecting to a gay storyline because of her religious beliefs.
Mauceri played the recurring role of Carlotta Vega on “OLTL” for the last 14 years. But when she objected to how the writers wanted her deeply religious character, a Latina mother, to handle a storyline involving homosexuality, she objected. And for that she claims she was fired.
Mauceri, 59, a devout Christian, told FOX News that character Vega’s gay-friendly dialogue was not in line with the character she helped create by drawing on her own faith.
“I did not object to being in a gay storyline. I objected to speaking the truth of what that person, how that person would live and breathe and act in that storyline,” she said. “And this goes against everything I am, my belief system, and what I know the character’s belief system is aligned to.”
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, ABC, Christian, Christian Persecution, D - GLBTQ Pressure Within Churches, ENDA, Freedom Under Fire, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, Media Promotion, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Tolerance? |
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