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From: Jan
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 5:34 PM
To: ncwarren@eharmony.com [Dr. Neil Clark Warren, founder, eHarmony.com]
Subject: unbelievable
Dear Mr. Warren:
I was absolutely shocked that you would cave into the homosexual agenda, by offering date-matching for homosexuals on your “Christian” dating website. They have their own dating websites which I understand to be extremely X-rated.
I have several single and widowed friends who use your website. I will be sending an e-mail to them about your caving into EVIL and that they should not use your website — ever again.
Boy Scouts fought same homosexual law, and won in Supreme Court
E-PERVERSION.COM? Born-again Christian Neil Clark Warren and the company he founded, eHarmony.com, have capitulated to a New Jersey “sexual orientation” complaint using the state’s homosexual “rights” law– by expanding its dating service to homosexuals. The Boy Scouts fought the same law rather than cave on their principles. Click HERE for the settlement and HERE for a news release by New Jersey’s Attorney General. TAKE ACTION: write Warren at ncwarren@eharmony.com.
Americans For Truth sent out the following e-letter today to: Dr. Neil Clark Warren, founder of the eHarmony online dating company; eHarmony’s management team; and various pro-family groups and leaders (listed at bottom). We refer you to WorldNetDaily’s story, “eHarmony to Match ‘Gays,’” detailing the company’s capitulation to New Jersey following a “discrimination” complaint by a homosexual activist. Some excerpts from the WND story are at bottom. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
TAKE ACTION: Contact Dr. Neil Clark Warren at ncwarren@eharmony.com. An eHarmony contact page and blog for comments can be found HERE (several management e-mails listed bounced back).
Subject: Dr. Warren et al, you sold your soul (or at least eHarmony’s)…
Importance: High
FR: Peter LaBabera, Americans For Truth
TO: Dr. Neil Warren, founder of eHarmony, and eHarmony’s Management:
Dr. Warren et al, you sold your soul (or at least eHarmony’s)…
… It is a shame that you chose not to follow the lead of the Boy Scouts of America by standing up for your legal rights as a moral company that believes in REAL marriage – one that would not promote homosexuality and ungodly, unhealthy relationships. (You will recall that the Scouts, too, were challenged under New Jersey’s “sexual orientation” law, but New Jersey was overruled by the U.S. Supreme Court.) I suppose this means you have now officially joined the list of Companies Promoting Immorality (CPI) – a growing list, indeed. How tragic that eHarmony’s resources – and your good name — will be used to advance the cause of homosexual behavior, a changeable sin.
You could have set an example to Christians and freedom-loving Americans everywhere by fighting on principle for your company’s First Amendment right not to be bullied into submission by a politically correct state bureaucracy. Instead, you capitulated. In addition to hurting the cause of Christianity, you have damaged the cause of freedom and particularly religious freedom in America. It appears that eHarmony is no longer a “match” for Integrity.
federal recognition of homosexual “civil unions”; and
using the president’s bully pulpit to advocate for homosexual adoption and other homosexual activist policy goals.
I’m sure we’ve missed some homosexual agenda items. But if you are a Christian and/or consider yourself pro-natural-family — and you voted for Mr. Obama — perhaps it’s time to start contacting him to urge him NOT to pursue these misguided policies. (We assume that many strongly religious Obama voters were at least partly — and perhaps willfully — ignorant of his liberal-left plank on the moral issues of homosexuality and abortion.) We don’t know if the messages will get to him, but here’s a contact page for the Obama transition team: http://www.change.gov/page/s/contact. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
The Citizenlink story is below:
The following is an edited version of the informational background accompanying a YouTube video showing the aftermath of a homosexual mob attack — including an alleged sexual assault — on a group of Christians that come to San Francisco’s Castro district every Friday to witness the Gospel. As the original note says, “This video was not posted by any member of the group in the video. However, below is an account [by] one of the team members who was there.”
This mob assault occurred following the passage of Proposition 8 restoring traditional marriage in California. Homosexual activists are deriding the successful ballot measure as “Prop H8” (hate) — but look at the hatred on display below in what is supposedly America’s most “tolerant” city. This criminal assault is also significant in that “gay” activists routinely charge Christians and pro-family groups — and most recently Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family — with fomenting “hate violence.” Clearly, “hate violence” and threats committed by vengeful homosexual militants against religious people and churches is on the rise following California’s electoral repudiation of “gay marriage” on November 4th. — Peter LaBarbera. www.aftah.org
The Eye-witness account of the incident is posted beneath the YouTube video:
Posted November 14, 2008
Eye-witness account by posted with YouTube video by member of Christian group:
I went to the Castro (the homosexual district of San Francisco) like we usually do on Friday nights.
Normally, we sit on 18th and Castro, and someone plays the guitar, and we all worship God.
Sometimes a person will yell at us, or maybe a few. Sometimes people will ignore us. Sometimes people will let us pray with them.
This time was not a normal night. It was the first time we’d been back in the Castro to do our normal outreach since California Proposition 8, which defined marriage as “one man with one woman,” was passed. We played the guitar and sang together and worshiped the Lord. After just singing and worshiping God for a while, Roger decided that we should all hold hands in a circle and continue singing. So we did.
Someone (actually a person who came up and hugged and kissed some of us whom he knew from the past) convinced some people that we were there to protest against the “No on 8” campaign.
“Defending Marriage Is Not ‘Hate,'” say pro-family advocates
The far left, Chicago-based Gay Liberation Network has been smearing Christians as “haters” for years. Here they shown in 2005 picketing the city’s beloved Moody Church, which GLN fanatically labeled a “House of Hate” because Moody pastor Erwin Lutzer wrote a book against homosexual “marriage.” Click to enlarge; photo by Dave Smith, Illinois Family Institute.
CHICAGO – Peter LaBarbera, Board Member of Protect Marriage Illinois and president of Americans For Truth (www.aftah.org), issued the following statement in response to the national homosexual protest day against Proposition 8’s passage in California. LaBarbera joins Matt Barber of Liberty Counsel (www.lc.org) and a small group of Illinois pro-family advocates in Chicago to oppose the Chicago pro-homosexual-“marriage” rally today at Federal Plaza.
Statement by Peter LaBarbera:
We stand here today proudly in support of Prop 8 – which preserves the age-old definition of marriage as between and a man and a woman in California – and similar pro-traditional-marriage amendments that have passed in 30 states across the nation. Americans have spoken: they oppose the radical redefinition of marriage. We in Illinois hope to join the other states in passing a constitutional amendment to prevent activist courts from foisting “gay marriage” on our citizens.
Matt Barber says Prop 8 violence shows ‘gays’ are ‘most hateful among us’
Envelopes with suspicious white powder were discovered at two Mormon temples, including this one in Salt Lake City, and a Knights of Columbus printing plant in Connecticut — probable “gay” terrorist retribution for the Mormons and the Catholic group’s strong support for Proposition 8 in California. “Queer” intolerance for dissent is out of control — but where are the “gay” leaders reigning in their fanatics? When asked on FOX News today about the escalating anger and protests targeting churches, Joe Solmonese of Human Rights Campaign — which has sought to link Christian pro-family groups to “hate violence” against homosexuals — could barely bring himself to say a negative word against the radicals on his side. Americans need to know: are the Justice Department and FBI watching out for coordinated acts of homosexual “hate violence” and churches, synagogues and mosques?
Matt Barber, who is director of Cultural Affairs with both Liberty Counsel and Liberty Alliance Action and associate dean with Liberty University School of Law — and a Board Member of Americans For Truth — puts all the “queer” anger, intolerance, and even violence in perspective below. Send you comments to Matt at jmattbarber@comcast.net.
With a unified voice amplified several million-fold through the ballot box megaphone, African-Americans have spoken on the issues of marriage, family and human sexuality. Whether young or old, male or female, Democrat or Republican, blacks are justifiably fed up with the deceptive antics of the self-described and craftily contrived “gay rights movement.”
For decades now, well-organized, well-funded and highly influential “gay” political pressure groups have, with impertinence, hijacked the language of the authentic civil rights movement. In what amounts to a sort of soft racism, self-styled “queers” have disingenuously and ignobly hitched their lil’ lavender wagons to a movement which, by contrast, is built upon the genuine and noble precepts of racial equality and humanitarian justice.
An illegitimate offspring of the ’60s sexual revolution, the newfangled “gay rights” cult is today’s postmodern, sex-centric cause célèbre. Its core tenets include, among other things, mandated moral relativism, social androgyny and forced acceptance of a pleasure-based, though demonstrably destructive, lifestyle. Apart from practitioners of “the sin that dare not speak its name,” its devotees are in large part institutional fringe elitists confined to blue-state America who almost universally suffer the insufferable pangs of white guilt.
Dear Readers, here’s more evidence that homo-fascism is coming out of the closet following the triumph of Proposition 8, which simply restores the traditional definition of marriage in California. “Gay” activists now rail against ANY opposition to their agenda as “hateful.” Watch this video from Palm Springs, California — a notorious homosexual Mecca. Note the anchorman’s politically correct summation, as if the “hate” on the video really came from “both sides”! Beneath the video is more background on this latest “gay” outrage; note that a commercial precedes the online video news story. — Peter LaBarbera
Here’s the report on this incident in The Desert Sun:
A candlelight service to protest the state’s recently enacted gay marriage ban turned hostile Friday night when a woman carried a cross into the crowd.
The crowd chanted, “Go home!” “Nazi!” and “Shame on you!” as organizers pleaded with the crowd to ignore the woman.
“God has given me a message, a word for all of us and it’s fidelity,” said Phyllis Burgess, a Palm Springs supporter of the gay marriage ban.
“I have a right to be here.”
The crowd saw things differently, pressed in on Burgen, ripped the cross from her hands and stomped on it. In the rush, protesters pushed one another and Burgen, who said she would not press charges although she was bruised in the exchange.
Activists disrupt worship service, shout ‘Jesus was gay!’ Is this a ‘hate crime’?
Above, homosexual “Bash Back” protesters pose in jihadist-type garb, for online photo. The anarchist hate group stormed an Assemblies of God church in Lansing, Michigan, Sunday.
Below is a statement posted by an anarchist “queer” group called “Bash Back!,” which stormed the Mount Hope Church in Lansing, Michigan Sunday. You can read more about their carefully planned assault in WorldNetDaily, which reported: “Worshippers at a Bible-teaching church in Lansing, Mich., were stunned Sunday when members of a pro-homosexual, pro-anarchy organization named Bash Back interrupted their service to fling propaganda and condoms around the sanctuary, drape a profane banner from the balcony and feature two lesbians making out at the pulpit.”
Note below the diversionary tactics that enabled the hate group to disrupt Mount Hope’s worship service. We want to know if the Michigan Attorney General is going to investigate and prosecute the twerps that organized this hateful attack — or is the whole “hate crimes” concept a one-way street that serves only politically correct causes like homosexuality? Imagine if a conservative or Christian group stormed a Sunday service of the Metropolitian Community Church, which caters to homosexuals — would there be media outrage and a sense of urgency to prosecute the perpetrators? You bet there would.
Veteran observers of the homosexual activist movement will know that this “Bash Back!” assault is only the latest of many “gay” direct action attacks over the years designed to intimidate conservatives and Christians into silence. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
The Mount Hope Church is a deplorable, anti-queer mega-church in Lansing, Michigan. The church works to institutionalize transphobia and homophobia through several repulsive projects including organized “ex-gay” conferences and so-called “hell houses”, which depict queers, trannies and womyn who seek abortions as the horrors. Mt. Hope is complicit in the repression of queers in Michigan and beyond.
Bash Back! ain’t down with that. And so on Sunday November 9th, about thirty radical queers from Lansing, Chicago, Memphis and Milwaukee disrupted the church’s most well-attended sermon.
At noon, a small group of folks dressed in pink and black, equipped with a megaphone, black flags, picket signs and an upside-down pink cross began demonstrating outside the church. The group was extremely loud and wildly offensive.