Freedom Under Fire

Homosexual Zealot Clay Rooker Warns Family Activist Linda Harvey: ‘You Are Being Watched!’

Tuesday, November 11th, 2008

Threatens: “jeebus-lovin-christers’ rights will slowly be taken away one by one”

linda_harvey_2.jpgWell, it looks like Prop 8’s passage in California has brought out the homo-fascist element within the larger “queer” activist movement. Below, anti-Christian Clay Rooker — who has soured our pages before with his bile — attempts to intimidate our good friend, Linda Harvey, founder of Mission America and a regular commentator on the Moody Broadcasting Network. Now that’s no way to treat a lady, Clay, especially a classy one like Linda who has done yeoman’s work in educating America about the aggressive homosexual youth agenda. — Peter LaBarbera

Rooker sent the following hate-email to Harvey:
Dear Linda:

The following has been submitted online for your perusal:

Date:  11/10/2008
Name:  Clay Rooker
E-mail:  [——–]
Addy: … /City: …/ …./ State:…/Zip:
IP:  [————–]

Comments:  You are very much being watched!  All you jeebus-lovin-christers rights will slowly be taken away one by one the more you try to press your beliefs down our throats. Beware. We are everywhere and you will never know it. Watch your mouth. Watch your actions. We are watching them my friend and we are many and we are rich and we are very well educated and very powerful. …

Will Federal Female Employees Be Safe from Cross-Dressing Men Using Ladies’ Restrooms in the Obama Administration?

Monday, November 10th, 2008

trans-living_magazine.jpg Will big-boned men in dresses and high heels like this fellow be allowed to use women’s restrooms in federal buildings under the Obama Administration? That’s what Obama’s plan to create “rights” based on gender confusion might bring. Obama’s pro-transsexual agenda — he favors federal rights based on “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” — was never discussed or debated seriously in the election campaign.


News Release, Americans For Truth about Homosexuality

Contact: Peter LaBarbera: 630-717-7631;

November 10, 2008

 “The Obama-Biden Transition Project does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or any other basis of discrimination prohibited by law.”— Application for non-career federal jobs in an Obama Administration,

CHICAGO, Ill. —  Americans For Truth reacted to the news that an Obama Administration will likely enact “gender identity” as a nondiscrimination category by questioning whether federal female employees will be protected from transsexual men wearing dresses who demand to use ladies’ restrooms on the basis of their self-perceived “female identity.”

“Men who believe they are women, and vice versa, will be officially protected based under Obama on the basis of their ‘gender identity’ (read: gender confusion),” said Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth about Homosexuality. “Cross-dressing, ‘male-to-female’ activists already demand the right to use female restrooms on the basis of this same notion of ‘gender identity’-based rights. So will an Obama Administration allow these big-boned men in female clothing to use ladies’ restrooms in federal buildings?

“What will a President Obama do to protect the right to privacy of female federal workers who don’t want men wearing dresses – with male genitalia – sharing their women’s restroom?” LaBarbera said. “Will a President Obama request funds from Congress to embark on an ambitious ‘Transgender Restroom Construction Project’ to build special “trans” bathrooms in government buildings – so as not to subject female employees to sexual harassment and violations of their privacy?”

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Homosexuals Call for Violence against Christian Supporters of Prop 8

Thursday, November 6th, 2008


Surprise, surprise. Some “queer” activists are revealing their homo-fascist tendencies in the wake of the passage Tuesday of the pro-traditional-marriage amendment Prop 8 in California. Matt Barber of Liberty Counsel — who is also a Board Member of Americans For Truth about Homosexuality — issued the release below exposing the intolerance of some homosexual opponents of Prop 8.

The two web posts shown here are copied from the vicious homosexual activist website “Queerty” (which is no fan of AFTAH either). To be fair, there were also posts from homosexual activists — including “gay” icon Frank Kameny — condemning the violent statements. Said Kameny mockingly:

Yes, isn’t it wonderful that all these wonderful boys and girls who fly their rainbow flag and talk about “tolerance” would advocate violence against institutions and people that didn’t vote their way in an election, i.e. the free exercise of DEMOCRACY.” Fidel [Castro] and Hugo [Chavez] would be oh so proud.

The despicable “Queerty,” posts are among the “comments” to a Queerty post titled, “You’ll want to punch them” — showing Prop 8 backers celebrating on election night. Queerty’s webmaster has not removed these two postings even after Barber sent out his release criticizing them yesterday. WorldNetDaily reports on the “gay” anti-Prop 8 intolerance HERE.

Now just imagine the outcry if a Christian site left up a comment from a guy calling on readers to burn down a “gay” church. — Peter LaBarbera



Barber’s release follows:


DATE: November 5, 2008

“Gays” Call for Violence Against Christian Supporters of Prop 8

Lynchburg, VA – In a stunning reaction to the passage of state constitutional marriage protection amendments in California, Arizona and Florida, several self identified homosexuals on a number of homosexual blogs are advocating violence against Christians and other supporters of traditional marriage.  Additionally, some homosexuals are calling for church burnings in response to yesterday’s three state referenda in defense of natural marriage.

In a blog entry titled “You’ll Want to Punch them” on, poster “BillyBob Thornton” wrote, “… I have never considered being a violent radical extremist for our Equal Rights, But now I think maybe I should consider becoming one.”

“Stenar” asked (see graphic at top), “Can someone in CA please go burn down the Mormon temples there, PLEASE. I mean seriously. DO IT.” “Angelo Ventura,”  said, “… hope they all rot in hell, those servants of a lying, corrupt devil!
BAN RELIGIOUS FUNDAMENTALISM!”  And, “Jonathan,” warned, “I’m going to give them something to be f – ing scared of. … I’m a radical who is now on a mission to make them all pay for what they’ve done.”

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Video Shows Intolerance of Anti-Natural-Marriage Forces in California

Tuesday, November 4th, 2008

prop_8_family_harassed_smal.jpgVandals For ‘Gay Marriage’? California family that supports the Proposition 8 amendment — reinstating the natural definition of marriage as between a man and a woman — poses beside their car, which was vandalized by “No on 8” activists. The family was targeted for their beliefs. Click HERE to watch a Protect Marriage video describing the hateful acts and slanders committed by pro-homosexual “No on 8” activists.

Dear Americans For Truth Reader,

Please go to the California “Protect Marriage” website and view their compelling video on the desperation of “No on 8” forces trying to derail the proposed constitutional amendment to preserve the natural definition of marriage as one-man, one-woman.

Note the hypocrisy of the “gay marriage” forces — you know, the ones who like to lecture the rest of us on  “tolerance.” Come to think of it, it looks like the “No on 8” activists could use some diversity training.

Seriously, it is imperative that California citizens VOTE TODAY on this critically important issue and urge your friends to do likewise! Ditto for voters in Florida and Arizona who also have the opportunity to preserve and protect natural marriage at the ballot box. (Florida’s amendment requires a 60-percent “Yes” vote.)

To everyone else outside those states the message is the same: please vote today, and do not let the liberal media decide this election. If you are in the western half of the country, please do not even consider not voting — even if you have heard that exit polls on the eastern half of the country are running against your candidate or your preferred party! Your vote counts — not just for deciding who will be our next president, but for deciding a host of local races and the composition of the United States House and Senate.

Again, I urge you: don’t throw your vote away by failing to show up on Election Day! America’s fighting men have given their lives to guarantee the freedom to vote for Iraqis in that far away land. Let’s not dishonor their sacrifice by failing to exercise our same precious right here in America. God bless you. — Peter LaBarbera,


Below is a letter from California Proposition 8’s campaign manager, Frank Shubert:

Dear Friend,

With every recent poll showing Proposition 8 slightly leading or surging with support, our opponents are growing increasingly desperate.

They have aired two new commercials this weekend that are nothing short of shameful. In one, they compare people who believe in traditional marriage to those responsible for the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II. And in another they call backers of traditional marriage, “intolerant” and “offensive.”

Did you ever dream that because you believe marriage is between a man and a woman you’d be called “intolerant,” “offensive” and have it suggested you are racist to boot?

Do the tactics of our opponents anger you? They anger me. But let’s not lash out. Let’s use this as motivation to maximize our get-out-the-vote efforts so that we send a powerful message on Tuesday: Proposition 8 will pass because traditional marriage matters.

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What ‘Gay Marriage’ Has Done to Massachusetts

Wednesday, October 22nd, 2008

Folks, this is an outstanding piece by my good friend Brian Camenker – who is in my view the most principled and effective pro-family advocate in (the People’s Republic of) Massachusetts.  Please read it carefully and disseminate it as widely as possible.  This is also a tutorial of sorts on the cascading ill effects of a state embracing homosexuality as a “civil right.”  Please support the fine work of MassResistance. God bless.—Peter LaBarbera,

P.S. Check out this AFTAH article to see the face of real diversity, as people of various ethnicities and religions unite to oppose a homosexual “special rights” law in Hamtramck, Michigan.


Oct. 21, 2008

MassResistance Update

“In a time of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
– George Orwell

What same-sex “marriage” has done to Massachusetts

It’s far worse than most people realize

by Brian Camenker

[Note: As the debate on this issue rages in states across the country, most people are unaware of what’s really happened here. Get ready for an eye-opener.]

Anyone who thinks that same-sex “marriage” is a benign eccentricity which won’t affect the average person should consider what it has done in Massachusetts. It’s become a hammer to force the acceptance and normalization of homosexuality on everyone. And this train is moving fast. What has happened so far is only the beginning.

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Muslims, Catholics, Buddhists, Evangelicals and Hindus Unite Against Hamtramck Gay-rights Ordinance

Monday, October 20th, 2008

Hamtramck Citizens Voting NO to Special Rights Discrimination


Click on photo to enlarge. Opposition to homosexuality- and gender-confusion-based “sexual orientation” laws is something that all committed religious people can agree on — because these laws invariably oppress religious people’s freedom to live out their beliefs. At right is multi-religious, multi-ethnic rally held Oct. 12 in Hamtramck, Michigan against a proposed “gender identity”-inclusive homosexual law.

Press Release
Contacts: Jay McNally: 734 717-1174; Fr. Andrew Wesley: 313 892-1310;
Akm Rahman: 313 293-7343; e-mail:

Dear Readers,

It always strikes me as odd to see homosexual activists aligning themselves with American Muslims, who oppose homosexual practice as sinful in accordance with the religion, like faithful Christians and Bible-believing Jews. These photos from a rally in Hamtramck, Michigan reflect the appropriate political/sociological equation against homosexual activism: religious people (and moral people who are irreligious) cannot abide “rights” based on same-sex misbehavior (sin). In fact, as we’re seeing in California (where Christian doctors will now be forced to perform artificial inseminations for lesbians) and across the nation, the very outworking of government-enforced homosexuality-based “rights” is to oppress religious freedom.

Americans will have to decide whether creating aberrant-sex- and gender-confusion-based “rights” — including “same-sex marriage” and its cowardly cousin, “civil unions” — is worth trampling on the historic religious and First Amendment freedoms that have defined the American republic since its beginning.  –Peter LaBarbera,

Here is the Hamtramck Citizens Opposing “Special Rights” press release put out before the rally; under that is an article on the coalition’s website explaining the coalition’s position:


Catholic, Muslim, Buddhist and Hindu Religious Leaders Speak Out Against Hamtramck Gay-rights Ordinance at campaign rally

HAMTRAMCK (Oct. 10) – Nearly a dozen religious leaders in the City of Hamtramck and a nationally prominent lawyer will speak at a campaign kick-off rally for the group Hamtramck Citizens Voting NO to `Special Rights’ Discrimination.

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Another Presidential Non-Debate on Homosexual ‘Marriage’

Thursday, October 16th, 2008

‘Gay’ agenda not raised in three presidential debates — but don’t just blame the media …

mccain-obama_debate.jpgBy Peter LaBarbera

OK, now it’s official. In three presidential debates to help us decide which man – John McCain or Barack Obama – will lead this nation, the critical issue of homosexual “marriage” didn’t even come up.

Add to that the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), the federal “hate crimes” bill and Employment Nondiscrimination Act (ENDA), homosexuality in the military, how “gay rights” laws threaten religious and other freedoms, and homosexual adoption of children.

On each of these issues, Obama and McCain strongly disagree, but we never (or barely) got to hear them explain their positions on the same stage – in contrast to Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church debate where at least “gay marriage” was discussed. The only time that homosexuality was raised in the four official debates, including the vice-presidential debate, was when moderator Gwen Ifill asked a poorly constructed question about same-sex benefits and then “gay marriage” to Gov. Sarah Palin and Sen. Joe Biden.

The issue of judicial appointments did come up but certainly has received far less attention than it deserves since judges are setting now policy in this country.

Do you feel as gypped as I do by the combination of media bias, campaign jingoism and political correctness that resulted in one of the most important issues facing our nation — whether marriage should be radically redefined to accommodate “rights” based on homosexual behavior – not even being mentioned in the official debates?

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Virginia Christian Mom, Lisa Miller, Could Lose Custody of Daughter to Former Partner, Vermont Lesbian Activist

Wednesday, October 8th, 2008

lisa-miller-isabella-2.jpgLisa Miller and her child Isabella.

We gladly reprint the following appeal from Rena Lindevaldsen of the Liberty Counsel:

September 22, 2008

I know you are busy, but trust me when I tell you that the few minutes it will take to read this letter will be well-spent and life-changing. I’d like to tell you about Lisa Miller — my client, my friend, my sister in Christ, and mother of six-year old Isabella.

On October 27, 2008, a Vermont judge is holding a hearing to determine whether little Isabella will be stripped from her mother’s care and given to a woman, Janet Jenkins, who is openly living the homosexual lifestyle. You see, Lisa Miller is one of thousands across this nation who have left the homosexual life through the redeeming power of Jesus Christ. The problem is, however, that while Lisa was involved in a same-sex relationship with Janet, in Virginia, Lisa had a child, in Virginia, by artificial insemination. Now, because Lisa has refused to comply with a court order giving Janet liberal unsupervised visitation with Isabella, Janet has asked the court to transfer custody of Isabella from her only biological parent (Lisa) to Janet, who is openly living a homosexual lifestyle.

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