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Gay Sex Health Risks
Friday, March 9th, 2012
- Linda Harvey has been viciously slandered by homosexual activists for taking a leading role in exposing the Homosexual Lobby and especially its corruption of American youth.
Folks, my good friend Linda Harvey’s organization, Mission America, has recently been added to the (bogus) list of “hate groups” created by the leftist, pro-homosexuality scam-artists over at Southern Poverty Law Center (welcome to the club, Linda!). Translation: Linda is an effective truth-teller and principled opponent of the homosexual activist lobby. She and her husband, Tom, are wonderful Christians who use their many talents to selflessly serve the Lord, and as such are models for citizen action. It was an honor for AFTAH to co-sponsor with Mission America our second Truth Academy, last year in Columbus [Audio-CD ordering information HERE].
As a reward for telling the truth about the (changeable, unhealthy) sin of homosexuality and those who celebrate it, Linda has been on the receiving end of some of the most vile and nasty e-mails and blog posts you can imagine. (She just forwarded me a few rancid e-mails from the Forces of Tolerance.) Yes, we all know who the real hateful bigots are — so isn’t it queer how the SPLC has never labeled a homosexual activist organization as a “hate group” (even one like the Chicago “Gay Liberation Network,” which explicitly REFUSED to condemn a pro-homosexual brick attack against Americans For Truth)? Press on, Linda, you’re in good company! — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
TAKE ACTION: The “gay” lobby is corrupting and endangering our young people by promoting deviant identities and harmful sexual/gender behaviors to them in the nice-sounding name of “equality.” Get connected with Mission America and make a donation to advance Linda’s fine work; send regular mail checks to: Mission America, P.O. Box 21836, Columbus, OH 43221-0836. (Currently there is no online giving option.)
AFTAH ‘March Money-Bomb’: While you’re at it, make a small gift (or a large one) to Americans For Truth to help AFTAH reach our “March Money-bomb” goal of $10,000 by the end of the month: www.americansfortruth.com/donate/. Regular mail gifts: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522.
Here is the transcript of a radio commentary by Linda Harvey for the Columbus, Ohio radio station WRFD from last June dealing with so-called “gay pride month”:
Mission America Commentary, June 2011
What’s Wrong with “Gay” Pride?
June used to be a month for weddings, graduations, Father’s Day and the beginning of summer. Unfortunately in recent years, it is also a time when all over the nation, many cities sponsor homosexual “pride” events. But I think these events are a time for shame and sorrow, not pride.
Columbus will hold a gay pride parade on Saturday, June 18th, Cleveland’s will be Saturday, June 25th, and Cincinnati’s is on July 10. Dayton already held a parade on June 4th.
For the third year in a row, our President issued an official White House Proclamation declaring June “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender” Pride Month.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Biblical Truth, C - Heroes for Truth, Christian, Evangelicals, Gay Sex Health Risks, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Homosexual Hate, News, Ohio, Politics of "Hate", Pro-Homosexual Vandalism, Promoting Gender Confusion, Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Friday, February 24th, 2012
Dear AFTAH Supporter,
Homosexual activists are giving Americans For Truth and yours truly an extra dose of venom beyond their usual hatred and ridicule for posting an article by a medical trascriptionist about male homosexual health risks — with a photo of anal warts (yes, it’s offensive: see online story with photo HERE). There are two things “gay” activists NEVER want to talk about (or hear anyone else talk about, especially the media):
- Former “Gays”…That there are lots of happy EX-homosexual men (like DL Foster); EX-lesbians (like Linda Jernigan and Yvette Schneider); and even EX-transsexuals (like Walt Heyer) who have overcome sexual/gender confusion and troubled circumstances in their own lives — usually through a relationship with Jesus Christ; and
- Unhealthy Behavior….The multiple health risks associated with homosexual behavior — which occur at vastly disproportionate rates relative to the rest of society. Naturally, practicing perversion is harmful to one’s body (and soul).
Of course, the medical transcriptionist story deals with #2. I was contacted by a medical transcriptionist, who couldn’t help but take notice of the many maladies contracted by male homosexual patients, whose records she was typing. Keep in mind that young people are RARELY IF EVER taught or told about the massive health risks associated with homosexual behavior — e.g., the CDC’s report that61 percent of all new HIV cases involve “men who have sex with men.”
I recently had the opportunity to debate a homosexual activist at a Naperville, Illinois, high school — where I mentioned the enormous “gay” health risks. A male student came up to me after my talk, incredulous about the CDC’s “61 percent” figure above for homosexual men and AIDS. He asked me how he could verify this information; I told him to go to the CDC website. I could see that it really got him thinking. (Who knows? Maybe it will help deter him from embracing a destructive homosexual identity.) Today’s youth — like this young man — are starved for basic facts like this; we must find ways to reach them with accurate information!
Hard Truths: Homosexuality-related diseases and dangers is not an easy subject to discuss, but discuss it we must. (Note the obvious connection between Epididymitis and homo-sexually deviant acts in the AFTAH article.) One of the reasons that the “gay” side currently has all the momentum is that conservatives have not done a good job of telling the HARD TRUTHS about homosexuality. (Of course, many people are intimidated and simply afraid to criticize “gayness” or the radical homosexual agenda at all due to Political Correctness.)
That’s where AFTAH comes in: we are stepping up our efforts to tell the uncomfortable facts and tragic realities about homosexual behavior and its intolerant and extreme activist-defenders. Please help us do so today with your gift to AFTAH — online at www.americansfortruth.com/donate/; or via regular mail: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522. Please give me your feedback, and God bless. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org; e-mail: americansfortruth@gmail.com
Posted in Gay Sex Health Risks, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, News |
Sunday, February 19th, 2012
Penile lesions, anal warts, anal tearing, epididymitis, gay-on-gay violence found in records
Special to Americas For Truth About Homosexuality
Editor’s Note: each of the cases Ms. Melton describes were identified by physicians as homosexual males for the medical transcriptions for which she was responsible.
By Lara Melton†
- Anal warts: just one of the many maladies for which men practicing homosexual sex are at higher risk relative to the general population.
It’s heartbreaking at times being a medical transcriptionist, typing the medical and psychiatric illnesses of those admitted to hospitals, emergency rooms, mental health units and seen in clinics. People’s pain is what we see every day. Many can be cured, many can’t. Many are in pain or have illness because of lifestyle choices or practices that they will not change. That may be their “right,” but those choices unfortunately have a ripple effect to those around them.
In my 20-plus years typing acute care medical records, at times I have almost ceased to be shocked at what I see. At other times, I continue to be shocked. For those who don’t know what a medical transcriptionist does: Every patient who is admitted to a hospital, seen in an emergency department, or seen by a doctor in a clinic, has a medical chart with the summary of each visit dictated by a physician and transcribed by a medical transcriptionist.
The hospital records consist of documentation which includes a history and physical examination summarizing the patient’s chief complaint, history of the present illness, past medical history, family history, social history, review of systems (what the patient has complaints about throughout their whole body from head to toe not necessarily related to the chief complaint), physical examination (what the doctor’s own findings are on a head to toe exam), laboratory work; the doctor’s impression or diagnosis that he/she determines from the data gathered and his/her plan or recommendation.
Similarly, there are consultations, operative reports (transcription of the surgical procedure), discharge summaries describing the patient’s hospital course and condition on discharge, psychiatric reports, emergency department reports, radiology reports and a myriad of diagnostic and lab procedures that are transcribed. With that history, you can imagine what truths medical transcriptionists are exposed to.
What disturbs me most is the extreme disconnect between what you hear and see in media and in movies, and what children are taught in schools, and what real-life, indisputable medical reports prove. For purposes of this article, we’ll deal with the horrifying physical and emotional maladies and domestic abuse that takes place amongst practicing homosexuals. These patients are seen in all aspects of hospital care including emergency rooms, mental health units, rehabilitation (Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy[PT/OT]) units, surgery and clinics.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Anal Cancer, Gay Sex Health Risks, Gay-on-gay violence, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Health & Science, HIV/AIDS, HIV/AIDS, Mental Health, News, Physical Health |
Friday, September 23rd, 2011
Human Rights Campaign targets Kern and OK legislators with calls after initial AFTAH interview
Here is Part 2 of our interview with Oklahoma State Representative Sally Kern (R) [click HERE to listen], author of “The Stoning of Sally Kern: The Liberal Attack on Christian Conservatism and Why We Must Take a Stand.” This interview was pre-recorded and aired September 1o, 2011. AFTAH is offering Kern’s book for $20, which includes postage. After our first interview with Sally, in which she explains her comments comparing the destructiveness of homosexuality to terrorism, she and her office were once again barraged with homosexual calls. The Human Rights Campaign, the leading homosexual lobby group in the United States, put out a special e-mail alert slamming Kerns. The “gay” pressure group targeted Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin (R) and the Oklahoma senate with their campaign, which falsely accuses Kern of “slandering” homosexuals. HRC claims that 200,000 calls flooded into Oklahoma. For Part One of the Kern interview, go HERE.
HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes. Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.
9-10-11, Sally Kern, Part Two
Posted in "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Americans for Truth Hour, C - Heroes for Truth, Christian Persecution, Extremism, Freedom Under Fire, Gay Activist Hate Against Christians, Gay Sex Health Risks, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011
![KGB-B small](http://americansfortruth.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/KGB-B-small.jpg)
- AFTAH has launched a “Keep the Gay Blood Ban” campaign to oppose the renewed Homosexual Lobby push to end the FDA ban on “men who have had sex with men” giving blood. Cliff Kincaid discusses the extraordinary health risks associated with gay male sex.
The following is excerpted from a presentation by Cliff Kincaid [click HERE to listen; see listening instructions below] at the debut Americans For Truth Academy in August 2010. Kincaid discusses the risks of opening up the blood supply to men practicing homosexuality. The talk by Kincaid — Director of Accuracy in Media’s Center for Investigative Journalism and founder of America’s Survival — is titled, “The Battle over Blood: Gay Health Risks and Public Policy.” He focuses on the homosexual-related health threats to our military and spoke before the law was changed to allow homosexuals to serve openly in the military. AFTAH Radio Hour replayed this excerpted speech August 6, 2011.
- Cliff Kincaid
Kincaid asks, “How can you admit gay males in the military if gay men can’t give blood” — and speculates that the renewed push to open up the blood supply to homosexuals is motivated by the need to address that quandary. He also mentions an in-depth America’s Survival report on health risks and the military by Dale O’Leary, “Asking for Trouble: How admitting homosexuals to the U.S. Armed Forces will undermine military readiness, order and discipline,” available in PDF format HERE. [NOTE: the full presentation by Kincaid includes Q & A; this and a second talk by Kincaid in Chicago is available on the Chicago 2010 Truth Academy DVD set offered below.]
Order Truth Academy Sets: DVDs of Chicago 2010 or CDs of Columbus 2011 — A DVD-video set of the entire three-day Truth Academy is available for $89 (including postage). Other speakers include: Rena Lindevaldsen, Robert Knight, Matt Barber, Greg Quinlan, Ryan Sorba, Laurie Higgins, Robert Gagnon, Arthur Goldberg and AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera. Columbus 2011: A CD-audio set of this year’s two-day Truth Academy in Columbus, OH — co-sponsored by Mission America — is also available, for $49 postpaid; speakers include: Lindevaldsen, Quinlan, Barber, Linda Harvey, Gary Glenn, Gagnon, LaBarbera and David Kupelian. Order BOTH Truth Academy sets (the Chicago DVD and the Columbus CD) for a discount price of $129. Send your check and specify your order to AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522; or give online at www.americansfortruth.com/donate/ (please use PayPal if possible).
HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes. Do not use Real Player. It is not supported and there may be difficulty when listening with it. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.
8-6-11, Cliff Kincaid
Posted in "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, AFTAH presenters, Americans for Truth Hour, Blood ban, Candidates & Elected Officials, CDC, Conservative Leaders, Democrat Party, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, Gay Sex Health Risks, Government Promotion, Health & Science, HIV/AIDS, Military, News, Physical Health, Promiscuity, Truth Academy |
Friday, June 24th, 2011
This essay by my friend Linda Harvey of Mission America was published by WorldNetDaily.com on June 21, 2011.
“MSM [males who have sex with males] aged 13–24 had the greatest percentage increase (53 percent) in diagnoses of HIV infection from 2006 through 2009. Yet public schools must keep on “affirming” this behavior? This is educational and medical malpractice.” — Linda Harvey
![Boston_Gay_Youth_Pride-gay_ass_sign_MR](http://americansfortruth.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Boston_Gay_Youth_Pride-gay_ass_sign_MR.jpg) Girl attending this year's annual Boston "Gay Youth Pride Day" celebration holds sign that says, "God (loves) my gay ass." Photo: Mass Resistance.
By Linda Harvey
What’s worse than asking ninth-graders intrusive and sexually explicit questions on a school survey, even if they do live in a liberal district?
It’s discovering misbehavior, coming to exactly the wrong conclusion about the causes and recommending more harm be done.
A new report published by the Centers for Disease Control shows that teenagers in public schools who believe themselves to be homosexual or bisexual are taking more risks all across the board. While this should not come as a big surprise to the average American with common sense, it is a stunning revelation to our psychobabbly federal public health professionals. After all, they can’t even bring themselves to say “Stop it!” to men who have anal sex with other men.
The National Youth Risk Behavior Surveys are given to high schoolers, and the Centers for Disease Control looked at the data from 2001 to 2009 in the states of Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Vermont, Wisconsin and the cities of Boston, Chicago, Milwaukee, New York City, San Francisco and San Diego, locales where the schools permitted questions about homosexual identity/behavior, which isn’t always the case in less “progressive” areas.
Teens who called themselves “gay, lesbian or bisexual,” or who were unsure, as well as those who didn’t use those labels but had sexual contact only with same-sex people or with both sexes, were found to be more likely than heterosexually identified students to engage in seven out of the 10 risk behavior categories. These were: 1) behaviors that contribute to violence; 2) behaviors related to attempted suicide; 3) tobacco use; 4) alcohol use; 5) other drug use; 6) sexual behaviors; and 7) weight management.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Biblical Truth, Boards, Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, Gay Sex Health Risks, Gay Straight Alliance, Gender 'Fluidity' (Confusion), GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Government Promotion, Health & Science, Homosexuality - Practical Considerations, Massachusetts, Mental Health, News, Physical Health, Political Correctness vs. Truth |
Thursday, April 28th, 2011
Americans For Truth News Release – ** EXCLUSIVE PHOTO-STORY**
CONTACT: Peter LaBarbera: 630-717-7631; americansfortruth@gmail.com
WARNING: Offensive descriptions and photos of materials that should NOT be promoted to college students
![Califia-Bookshelf-U-Chicago](http://americansfortruth.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Califia-Bookshelf-U-Chicago-300x225.jpg) Books on display at "Leather Library" exhibit hosted and sponsored by University of Chicago. Book at center, "Macho Sluts," combines S&M, incest and pedophilia. Other books promote sadistic perversion and public sex. Photos: Peter LaBarbera; click to enlarge.
[First of several reports on U-Chicago’s corruption of students]
TAKE ACTION: Call the University of Chicago at 773-702-1234 and ask for President Robert Zimmer’s Office. [e-mail him at president@uchicago.edu]. Let him know that you are appalled that the Universiity is promoting sexual sadism and deviant pornography — even pedophilia — to its students. The Chicago Sun-Times reports that U-Chicago could be the first of MANY colleges to host the perverse “Leather Library” exhibit — but it also could be the last if this academic abuse causes the appropriate controversy. So make your voice heard on this today.
Keep this story alive: Lastly, contact Sun-Times reporter Kara Spak at kspak@suntimes.com [312-321-3000; press #5 twice] and: 1) thank her for doing the story; 2) tell her that most Americans would be outraged to learn of this academic abuse; and 3) urge her to keep following this shocking story of U-Chicago directly promoting S&M to students in the name of “diversity.”
University of Chicago Promotes Sadomasochism and Pedophilia to Students — in the Name of Diversity
CHICAGO–The University of Chicago provided nearly $3,200 to a “kink” student group for a traveling sadomasochistic “leather library” exhibit at the University that eroticized pedophilia, incest, and the most deviant pornographic perversions known to mankind.
Americans For Truth about Homosexuality (AFTAH) sent a reporter yesterday to the exhibit – at the University’s International House – and came back with photos of the shockingly perverse offerings of the “Carter Johnson Leather Library,” including:
- The lesbian porn book “Macho Sluts,” by Pat Califia, which includes a story about a mother who engages in sadistic, violent “sex play” with her own 13-year-old daughter;
- Numerous books celebrating “Master-Slave” relationships;
- “Gay” male pornographic fiction books with pederastic themes, including one 1975 book, “Small Town Boy,” about a 15-year-old boy who meets up with and is sodomized by an adult businessman visiting from New York City;
- Photos and posters depicting the twisted violence and “consensual” degradation and cruelty of S&M – including one of a woman caning her ball-and-chained male ”slave.”
![U-Chicago-Small-Town-Boy-Gay-Pederasty](http://americansfortruth.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/U-Chicago-Small-Town-Boy-Gay-Pederasty-244x300.png) The University of Chicago "leather" exhibit featured dozens of homosexual porn fiction books like this one, "Small Town Boy," about a 15-year-old boy who williingly is sodomized by an adult man visiting from New York City.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Academic Bias, Boards, Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, Chicago, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Gay Sex Health Risks, Gay Straight Alliance, Gay-on-gay violence, Gay-Pedophile Associations, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Homosexual Meccas, Kink/BDSM Activism, Leather, News, Promiscuity, Redefining Morality, Sadomasochism, Sexual Freedom, Sodomy, Tolerance?, Too Much Tolerance |
Tuesday, April 12th, 2011
Exposure to homosexual promiscuity consistent with GLSEN’s past
![GLSEN_GSA-Facebook_Page-full_shot_NEXGAY-4-11-11](http://americansfortruth.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/GLSEN_GSA-Facebook_Page-full_shot_NEXGAY-4-11-11.png) ORIGINAL PAGE: Above is how the GLSEN "Gay-Straight Alliances" Facebook page appeared as of the afternoon of April 11, 2011 -- before Mission America exposed its pornographic links. Note the three photos for "NEXGAY" -- a pornographic homosexual male hook-up website -- and the photo for "Gay Trip Thailand," a sex-tourism Facebook page. Also, the photo for "Blueprint," a movie about homosexual male lovers distributed by TLA, a "gay" video company that sells homosexual porn videos.
TAKE ACTION: Parents and Guardians: Call your children’s middle or high school and ask if students and/or teachers will be permitted to refuse to speak during class on Friday, April 15 (as part of the annual homosexual activist “Day of Silence”). For more information, go HERE.
By Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
A Facebook page affiliated with the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN) — to support homosexual student clubs and GLSEN’s upcoming activist “Day of Silence” in schools nationwide (Friday, April 15) — was linked for several weeks to a pornographic “gay” hook-up website containing full-frontal nudity and personal ads expressing interest in dangerous homosexual practices including anal sodomy, “rimming” and various sadistic sex fetiishes popular in the homosexual male subculture.
The GLSEN “Gay-Straight Alliances” Facebook page was also linked to a “Gay Trip Thailand” Facebook page with shirtless Thai males — luring men to that notorious sex-tourism destination — as well as a movie about two male lovers that is sponsored by a leading “gay” pornographic video distributor. When the salacious links were exposed April 11 by Mission America, a pro-family group, they were quickly removed from the GLSEN Facebook page.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Baptist, BDSM, Biblical Truth, Boards, Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, Books & Required Reading in Public Schools, Bullying & Victimhood, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, E - Praying for the Lost, Extremism, Fistgate-GLSEN, Gay Culture, Gay Sex Health Risks, Gay Straight Alliance, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, GLSEN, HIV/AIDS, Homosexual Pornography & Film Festivals, News, Pornography, Promiscuity, Sadomasochism, Sodomy, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
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