Gay Sex Health Risks

LISTEN: Part 3 – AFTAH Interview with Gary Glenn

Wednesday, February 16th, 2011

Democratic “hate speech”? What if someone made a vicious public comment like this against a homosexual activist?

In a podcast, Democrat Joe DiSano, a host on the Michigan political podcast "Two Guys Named Joe," said he hoped Republicans would go over to pro-family advocate Gary Glenn's headquarters and "beat the hell out of this guy" with a sock full of quarters.

Gary Glenn of American Farmily Association of Michigan

Part Three of our interview [click HERE to listen] with Gary Glenn of AFA of Michigan. We play some audio from a hateful podcast (Oct. 29, 2010) by “Two Guys Named Joe” — Michigan political consultants Democrat Joe DiSano and Republican Joe Munem. In a discussion railing against Glenn for exposing a homosexual Republican candidate’s pro-“gay” record (using radio ads quoting pro-homosexual sources), the Democrat, DiSano, gets so worked up that he says: “I would hope the Republicans would go over to Midland [Mich.] where he lives, take a whole bunch of quarters in a sock and beat the hell out of this guy.”  Glenn notes that had he said the same about, say, a homosexual activist, there would be a huge outcry. (Surely he’d be accused of committing a “hate crime.”) AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera and Glenn discuss the immense health risks associated with practicing homosexuality, and the absurd idea — fostered by the Southern Poverty Law Center (which has cynically labelled both AFTAH and AFA “hate groups”) — that educating the public about this is “hateful.” [See Part Two of Glenn interview HERE and Part One HERE.]

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

2-12-11, Gary Glenn

LISTEN: AFTAH Interview with Gary Glenn – Part Two

Thursday, February 10th, 2011

This is Part 2 [click HERE to listen] of our 4-part interview with Gary Glenn, president of American Family Association of Michigan [see Part 1 HERE]. It was pre-taped and aired Feb. 6, 2011. AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera and Glenn discussed how “sexual orientation” laws are inherently discriminatory against people of faith and anyone who opposes homosexuality. Glenn ticks off case after case of Christians and moral organzations like the Boy Scouts being victimized by pro-homosexual “sexual orientation” laws. Glenn also holds a mini radio “Truth Academy” on the proper mindset for pro-family work — urging activists not to use defensive language that suits the Homosexual Lobby’s debate frame but rather to put homosexual activists on the defensive by “telling the truth” that the “homosexual agenda itself discriminates against people.” Glenn and LaBarbera agree that the idea of “civil unions” as a supposed compromise is a non-starter — noting how the concept was regarded as “radical” in Vermont just a few years ago, while today leading liberal elites easily jump from backing “civil unions” to “gay marriage.”  Glenn also discusses school bullying laws, urging an approach that protects ALL students without “segregating” them by singling out “sexual orientation.” 

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

2-5-11, Gary Glenn

LISTEN: AFTAH Interview with Barb Anderson — Discusses Radical Sex Ed and School Promotion of Homosexuality

Wednesday, December 1st, 2010

WARNING: Graphic and Offensive Topics

Why doesn't the media -- or the SPLC -- call homosexual activist Dan Savage a "hater" given his history of hate-filled attacks against Christians?

This interview [click HERE to listen] with Barbara Anderson of the Minnesota Family Council aired Nov. 27, 2010. Anderson is a writer and researcher for the MFC specializing in education issues. Here she discusses some of the incredible abuses that have gone in the name of education — including teaching young children about anal sex and other homosexual practices in the name of being “inclusive.” Americans For Truth President Peter LaBarbera and Anderson discuss the privileged role that the liberal group SIECUS (Sexuality Information and Education Council of the U.S.) plays in American sex education — while the vast majority of parents remain ignorant of SIECUS’ radical agenda. We’re not going to give it away: you simply have to listen to this interview to believe the incredible things that are being taught to kids in the name of safety, diversity and tolerance. This is the first of three interviews.  

In the opening monologue, LaBarbera discusses an incredibly hateful stunt done several years ago by homosexual activist Dan Savage against Pennsylvania’s Republican former U.S. Senator, Rick Santorum. The discussion on “Savage Hate” is in the context of AFTAH now “officially” being labelled a “hate group” by the leftist Southern Poverty Law Center. Savage created an obscene definition for “Santorum”  — a gross byproduct of anal sex — and then set up a website with that creation, [Warning: graphic content].  Anderson says Savage’s deviant definition “truly is a reflection of the kind of perverted thinking of these people … They are not only trying to silence the opposition; they are trying to destroy the opposition.”  LaBarbera asks why the likes of Savage “aren’t ever called haters by the media?”  

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file.  Left click once on the link below to play.  (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show. 

11-27-10, Barb Anderson, All

Dude, Obama: Here are Some Less Hip Questions We Wish Jon Stewart Had Asked You on the Daily Show

Friday, October 29th, 2010

President Obama degraded the Office with liberal Stewart’s help 

Barack Obama may be setting new highs when it comes to presidential appointments of People Practicing Homosexuality (PPH) in his administration — already more than 150, according to AP — but he’s setting new lows everywhere else. Yesterday, leftie Comedy Central “anchor” Jon Stewart referred to the Commander-in-Chief as “dude” in the course of his half-hour interview with Obama. (Obama is the first president to appear on the show.) 

Read liberal Washington Post writer Dana Milbank’s slam on Obama and his appearance (“On Comedy Central, the joke was on President Obama Wednesday night”) HERE, and watch the “dude” reference in context starting at about 1:45 on Part 3 of the videos of the Daily Show interview HERE.

I agree with this comment responding to a YouTube critical of Obama’s Daily Show disaster: “Obama has diminished himself so many times enough already that even liberals don’t treat? him with presidential respect.” We at AFTAH are not nearly as cool as Jon Stewart, and don’t have anything approaching his cultural sway (especially with young people), but here are some questions and comments we wish he would have delivered to the Dude-in-Chief:

  • Dude, stop undermining our military by using illegal means to homosexualize it (under the existing law that only Congress can change, homosexuals are barred from serving in the Armed Forces; see; 
  • Dude, abortion is the murder of an innocent life; stop promoting it and don’t make taxpayers subsidize it;
  • Dude, aren’t you trashing the Defense of Marriage Act and the Constitution by granting via Executive Order marriage-type benefits to homosexual “spouses“?;
  • On the same point: dude, you really pulled the wool over America’s eyes (and Rick Warren’s…) with all that talk in the 2008 campaign about how you believe marriage should be preserved as between a man and a woman. If that were true, why didn’t you use your Bully Pulpit to criticize the homosexual activist judge who recently single-handedly overturned California’s Proposition 8 — even though this marriage-defense amendment had passed in a statewide referendum?
  • Read the rest of this article »

Homosexual Activists Are Exploiting Tragedies to Silence Religious Opponents

Wednesday, October 13th, 2010

Americans For Truth,; Oct. 13, 2010

Contact: Peter LaBarbera: 630-717-7631;

Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, issued the follow statement:

  • Homosexual practice is always wrong. To advocate for this lifestyle, including homosexual relationships, is also wrong. Advocacy of a sin is itself a sin.
  • It is immoral to “mainstream” homosexuality to children in schools in the guise of teaching tolerance and diversity.
  • No sincere Christian supports violence or hatred directed at homosexuals. In fact, Christians want homosexuals to accept Christ, repent of their sin and be forgiven — and change their lifestyle, as countless former “gays” have. Violence and abuse toward homosexuals is the work of people who reject Christian love and compassion.
  • Read the rest of this article »

LISTEN: AFTAH Interview – Prof. Rob Gagnon Compares Homosexuality to Consensual Incest – Part Two

Wednesday, September 15th, 2010

Prof. Rob Gagnon at AFTAH Truth Academy in August. Gagnon questions whether those supporting "rights" based on homosexuality would do the same for incest and polyamory.

Part Two of Peter LaBarbera’s interview with Prof. Rob Gagnon of Pittsburgh Theological Seminary (part Three is next week). This interview aired Sept. 11, 2010. In this discussion, Gagnon ( goes deeper into his biblical analogy between homosexuality and “adult committed incest” and polyamory (multiple-partner sexual unions). He also further critiques liberal evangelical Andrew Marin’s ministry approach in Chicago, noting that repentance — i.e., turning away from homosexual practice — is “part of the conversion process.”

Pegging off Marin’s line about once being a ” Bible-banging homophobe,” Gagnon questions whether Marin would ever say, “I was once a Bible-banging incest-phobe.” He said the fact that liberals object to this sexual sin analogy does not make it invalid — and said it is more relevant than comparing the Bible’s prohibition of homosexual practice to biblical writings about slavery, women’s roles and dietary laws. 

Gagnon addresses the homosexualist challenge that the biblical concept of homosexuality was different than today’s homosexuality, noting that monogamous homosexual relationships did exist in Bible times. He also discusses lesbianism and critiques the NIV (New International Version) translations of homosexual terms in 1 Corinthians 6.  

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file.  Left click once on the link below to play.  (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

9-11-10, Robert Gagnon, All

Is Glenn Beck Blind to the Cultural Issues ‘Overton Window’?

Wednesday, September 1st, 2010

Glenn Beck needs to attend the next AFTAH Truth Academy, says Champion News editor John Biver.

Reprinted with permission from; first published August 27, 2010

By John Biver

From coast to coast, platform-supporting Republicans have reacted to Glenn Beck’s weak-kneed cave-in regarding the issue of homosexual “marriage.” He’s quoted as telling Fox News Network’s Bill O’Reilly,

“I believe that Thomas Jefferson said, ‘If it neither breaks my leg, nor picks my pocket, what difference is it to me.'”

Some people are even calling for a “moratorium” on the political discussion of the cultural issues. That idea is foolish, as we’ve addressed on links found HERE. Try as you might, you can’t separate economics from culture.

The cultural issues are numerous. They include the proper use of facts when it comes to history, honesty in intellectual debates, integrity in the free market system, standing with our friends and allies in foreign countries, the right of the unborn to not have their life taken through the barbaric procedure of abortion, and decorum that befits a civilization when it comes to matters that should be private such as individual sexual predilections.

The two that get the most attention are abortion and the sexual problems of at best 3 percent of the population: homosexual behavior. I call it a problem because it is. The physical health statistics, sociological data, and psychological evidence reached critical mass a long time ago about the dangers of that behavior choice.

Read the rest of this article »

Letter to Elisabeth Hasselbeck on ‘Gay Marriage’

Saturday, August 21st, 2010

Note: we apologize for botching Elisabeth Hasselbeck’s name not once, but twice (first and last); it is fixed below. We also note that Hasselbeck’s views on same-sex “marriage” have been evolving for some time, as this 2007 YouTube video with a homosexual activist shows:

The following letter was sent to Elisabeth Hasselbeck, who recently announced her support for homosexual “marriage” — sent through ABC’s The View’s online contact page (web links added to original):

Elisabeth Hasselbeck of ABC's 'The View'

Elisabeth, you really abandoned your conservative and Christian principles by coming out for homosexual “marriage.” Homosexual practice is unnatural, often unhealthy, and a changeable sin opposed by God and the Bible. Deep down you must know that two men or two women were never meant to be involved sexually, much less get “married.” Please reconsider your position on this issue. If you are a Christian, you should believe the Bible and not twist your views to accommodate popular culture, or your liberal co-hosts. (Also, stand up boldly for the life of the unborn as a matter of human rights — rather than equivocating on this core issue!)

I know you take a lot of grief on the show for NOT being a liberal (on most issues) — and I respect you for that. But caving on “same-sex marriage” only hurts your credibility as The View’s repesentative, as it were, for millions upon millions of conservative and pro-family Americans who resent the liberal media’s and Hollywood’s secular Left bias. Elisabeth, there are many EX-gay men and FORMER lesbians who have overcome homosexuality in their lives (most by becoming born-again Christians). You should be championing them instead of counterfeit “gay marriage”! God bless you,

Peter LaBarbera
Americans For Truth About Homosexuality;

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