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Screenshot of “Blues Clues Pride Parade” video promoting homosexuality, transgenderism, pansexuality and Black Lives Matter. Blues Clues is produced by Nickelodeon.
To listen to Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) President Peter LaBarbera’s interview with VCY America “Crosstalk,” hosted by Jim Schneider, click HERE. The Crosstalk description of the broadcast is below.
LGBTQ+ Tsunami
Date: June 3, 2021 Host: Jim Schneider ?Guest: Peter LaBarbera
America is being hit by a tsunami. We see the demise of the family and the church through the policies and institutions that are coming under the LGBTQ+ agenda. This tsunami is also hitting schools, businesses, libraries, the prison system, media and more.
This broadcast detailed some of the specifics as Peter LaBarbera, founder and president of Americans for Truth, joined Jim to bring details concerning the following stories:
Lesley Stahl of 60 Minutes did a story about those who come out as transgender, only to change their minds and de-transition. According to Peter, she simply let them tell their stories and this enraged homosexual and transgender activists.
A grade school gym teacher in Virginia expressed his concern about the transgender indoctrination of students in the schools. Two days later he was removed from the classroom.
An excerpt of a LGBT pride parade song (sung by a “drag queen”) from the TV series, Blues Clues, celebrates aberrant, un-biblical family models.
Kellogg’s is sexualizing their cereal boxes with the release of Together with Pride. The box tops feature a spot for children to add their own pronouns of choice. With every box sold, the company is donating $3 to GLAAD to support the LGBTQ+ community.
A 9 year old in 3rd grade brought home a school assignment referring to experimenting with gender presentation and gender spectrum.
Jim and Peter presented much more including LGBTQ news from politics, sports, the military and the church, while listeners contributed their thoughts as well.
“Just OK” for a child not to have a mommy (by design)? AT&T pushes “gay parenting” in its “Just OK is not OK” ad campaign.
Folks, this AT&T commercial with two homosexual “dads” and their “just OK” babysitter aired frequently during some of the post-Christmas college bowl games. The theme of the ads is, why would you settle for an important service that is “just ok,” as opposed to excellent and trustworthy? Notice the two men going out on a date like normal parents.
Anyone with a pulse who watches TV should have noticed by now that the ad business is engaged in heavy-handed promotion of interracial couples. (It seems as if 90 percent are interracial.) Even for everyday Americans like me who loathe racism and applaud such couples, the campaign is tiresome and condescending. As a friend told me the other day: “It’s as if in TV World, white people don’t marry white people anymore, and black people don’t marry black people.” Irritating overkill from the “diversity” scolds.
Now throw sexual perversion into the mix. Hollywood and Corporate America have been working overtime for years to normalize homosexuality and gender confusion, and it’s only going to get worse. There is a key difference between natural (man-woman), mixed-race marriages and homosexual unions: the former naturally produce beautiful children, while two people of the same sex cannot reproduce (by themselves). One honors God’s created order, the other flouts it and defies our Creator.
Remember, too, that big corporations score points on Human Rights Campaign’s woefully biased “Corporate Equality Index” scorecard for running pro-LGBTQ ads like this. (The HRC scorecard punishes the same companies if they dare to publicly support groups like AFTAH that defend natural marriage.) Surely most Americans are oblivious to this behind-the-scenes manipulation. Play the ad video below: [See more commentary after ad and page jump]
Target Sides with the Hard Left: The corporate retailer Target is a top sponsor of Human Rights Campaign, which routinely demonizes people of faith who oppose homosexuality and extreme gender confusion (transgenderism) as immoral. HRC’s top legislative priority is the LGBTQ “Equality Act,” which would create federal “rights” based on changeable homosexual and transgender identification (read: behavior). This would be a massive departure from traditional civil rights law rooted in unchangeable skin color and ethnicity. Target has lost customers by stubbornly sticking to its policy of allowing biological male “transgenders” (men who think they are “women) to use its female restrooms. Contact Target at 800-440-0680 or online HERE.
The following are listed as the major corporate sponsors of the Human Rights Campaign, the world’s largest and most powerful Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender-Queer (LGBTQueer) lobby group (as of Jan. 5, 2019). I suspect that every single one of these companies supports the federal “Equality Act” (a top HRC priority), which would add homosexuality and transgenderism as criteria for America’s Civil Rights law–thereby elevating “rights” based on sexual-and-gender perversion (and immorality) to noble civil rights status in the law. This would have a devastating impact on people and institutions of faith–and enhance the ability of LGBTQ activists to legally bully Cristians into supporting radical “gay” and “trans” agenda items like homosexuality-based “marriage” and transgender “rights.” We will update and enhance this list. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @PeterLaBarbera
[As of January 5, 2019]
Platinum (Highest Level)
American Airlines
Coca Cola
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
Northop Grumman Target
Gold Partners
West Elm (Williams Sonoma / Pottery Barn)
Silver Partners
Smearing Christians and Moral Citizens as “Haters.” Like most LGBTQueer activist organizations and activists, Human Rights Campaign conflates opposition to its radical agenda with “hate.” Defending Judeo-Christian morality is not hate. However, intentionally mislabeling it such is indeed hateful. This graphic is taken from the HRC website; click on it to enlarge.
Alaska Airlines
Cox Enterprises
EY (Ernst & Young LLP)
J. Crew
MGM Resorts International
US Bank
UPDATE: VICTORY: LGBTQ legal activist and Obama appointee Chai Feldblum has stepped down from the EEOC, thanks to the principled tenacity of Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah). Please contact Sen. Lee (info below) and THANK HIM for taking action in defense of truth, natural marriage and religious and First Amendment liberty!
‘Gay Rights’ Over Religious Freedom? Radical lesbian activist and EEOC Commissioner Chai Feldblum (first nominated by Obama) was curiously reappointed to the federal agency by President Trump last year. But her nomination is stalled due to a Senate block by conservative Utah Sen. Mike Lee (R). The above is a screenshot of Feldblum’s Twitter page blocking AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera–commentary in red is ours–demonstrating her lack of impartiality. Click to enlarge.
We applaud Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) for putting a hold in the Senate on leftist lesbian legal activist Chai Feldblum, whom President Donald Trump foolishly reappointed to the federal EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) last December. AFTAH has followed Feldblum (an atheist) for many years and fought her back in 2009 when she was first appointed to the EEOC by Obama. By the way, she petulantly blocks me on Twitter, indicating her lack of impartiality and strong activist bias.
Feldblum argues that the battle between “gay rights” and religious liberties is a “zero-sum game” and that LGBTQ legal activists should and invariably will win those fights. I don’t know what Trump was thinking when he reappointed her. After all, he ran for office pledging to his base of evangelical Christian voters that he would ardently defend religious freedom. And “LGBTQ rights” is the Number One threat to freedom of conscience in America today. How about draining that Obama LGBTQ swamp, Mr. President?
Below is a column that Sen. Lee wrote back in February. Please support him by calling his office, and the two Senators representing your state. –Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
Take Action:
Thank Sen. Lee, online HERE, or by calling his DC office: 202-224-5444. His Salt Lake City office number is 801-524-5933.
Contact your own state’s U.S. Senators through the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 and urge them to reject this anti-marriage sexual revolutionary at the EEOC.
Contact the White House online HERE or by calling 202-456-1111. Urge President Trump to drain Obama’s federal LGBTQ swamp by withdrawing the (re)nomination of Obama appointee and LGBTQ legal crusader Chai Feldblum.
Related Resources:
NBC News: “GOP Senator blocks reappointment of EEOC’s only LGBTQ commissioner”
Peter Sprigg, Family Research Council report: “Chai Feldblum should not be reappointed to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission” (Dec. 2017)
AFTAH article (2009): “Obama EEOC appointee Chai Feldblum would turn Christians and moral foes of homosexuality into second-class citizens”
A Threat to Marriage from the EEOC
By Sen. Mike Lee, Feb. 9, 2018
Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah)
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission may seem like an unlikely threat to religious liberty and the institution of marriage. After all, the federal agency was created to combat workplace discrimination by the Civil Rights Act of 1964. But sadly, the agency created to fight discrimination now threatens to discriminate itself; one nominee to the commission’s five-member board wants to use the federal agency’s power to undermine our nation’s founding principles.
Chai Feldblum was first nominated to the EEOC by President Barack Obama in 2009, but she was not confirmed by the Senate. In March 2010, President Obama skirted the Senate by seating Feldblum on the commission when Congress was in recess. The Senate ultimately confirmed Feldblum on a 54-41 vote during a lame-duck session in December of that year. Only two Republicans voted for Feldblum’s confirmation.
Following is an interview I did today with Pastor Greg Young of Chosen Generation radio. Go to the 1:37 mark in the audio player below for the start of the segment (you manipulate the time of the show playback by touching the yellow bars at the bottom of the graphic). We have other, past interviews with Pastor Greg to post, which we will do in the future. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH.org; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
Peace in Our Time? Apparently some evangelical “leaders” are taking their cues from 20th-Century British appeaser Neville Chamberlain in seeking to work out an unbiblical compromise with the powerful homosexual-bisexual-transgender lobby–supposedly to preserve their religious freedoms. No Christian should support the creation of “rights” based on sinful sexual behaviors that are changeable and do not define a person.
“Jesus didn’t formulate the Golden Rule to provide special legal protections for, and promotion of, immoral behavior.”
* * *
“These Evangelical appeasers have the ‘innocent as doves’ demeanor down but not the ‘wise as serpents’ part.”— Prof. Robert Gagnon
Take Action: Contact the National Association of Evangelicals at their DC office at 202-479-0815 (or online HERE), and the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities HERE (Phone — choose option #8: 202-546-8713). Voice your opposition to their unbiblical compromise that would create and recognize federal “rights” based on immoral homosexual and transgender lifestyles.
Related info:
NAE compromise proposal (obtained by WORLD mag): [HERE]
Ryan Anderson’s article in Daily Signal: “Misguided Proposal From Christian Leaders and LGBT Activists Is Anything but ‘Fairness for All’”
Folks, the largely Christian social conservative movement never seems to learn that by constantly “playing defense” and backing up in the face of a hyper-aggressive LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) movement, we will always lose. Now a group of “leaders” from two evangelical associations are getting in the game, floating a disastrous and cowardly compromise with “gay” and “transgender” activists that if enacted, will only help advance the normalization of sex-and-gender perversion in the United States. Prof. Robert Gagnon, probably the world’s leading authority on the Bible and homosexuality, ably responds to their misguided proposal below. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
Dr. Robert Gagnon’s Response to Evangelical Leaders’ Compromise with LGBT Activists
In a blog post titled “‘Fairness For All’: Smart Politics, Or A Sellout?” (Dec. 13), Rod Dreher, senior editor at The American Conservative, reports a defense of the recent decision by the boards of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU) and the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) to support “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” “federal anti-discrimination law in exchange for religious liberty guarantees written into the same law.” The defense was made by “a prominent conservative Evangelical political strategist who works at both the national and state levels” and whom Dreher calls “Smith.” Rod himself professes to be unsure about the whole subject; an uncertainty that appears to be fueled by his usual belief that voting Republican changes nothing.
The substance of the defense is essentially born of naïve utilitarianism, overlaid with a veneer of high rhetoric about standing up for the “rights” of LGBTQ persons. In effect: We are losing the battle over human sexuality in the culture so, while we still can, let’s cut a deal with proponents of all things “gay” and “transgender” that gives us something in return. They will (allegedly) recognize our good will and then become favorably disposed to protect our “religious liberties” in both the short- and long-term.
The problem with the argument is that it amounts to a policy of appeasement with sexual extremists who advocate (from our perspective) a grossly immoral sexual policy and have never exhibited a “we’ll stop here approach” before. It is an appeasement that requires us to sacrifice our basic principles to get some statutory assurance that can easily be retracted by legislative vote after a full-court indoctrination surge, predicated on the new law, overwhelms remaining resistance. In addition, it is an appeasement that provides only the narrowest of exemptions for religious institutions while throwing under the bus the vast majority of Christians who work and live outside those institutions.
This interview by LifeSiteNews founder and publisher Steve Jalsevac with conservative Catholic apologist Peter Kreeft is excellent. Kreeft concisely summarizes the weakness of modern American Christianity in the face of two much bolder foes: the LGBTQueer movement and fundamentalist Islam. Watch the full nine minutes: [to sign up for LSN’s superb daily pro-life/pro-family news email, go HERE]. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
The full LifeSiteNews story on the Kreeft interview can be found HERE.
“Even this traditional icon of Americana … is being co-opted by whitewashed depravity.”—Linda Harvey
Macy’s Corrupts Children — And Liberals Are Loving it: Homosexual behavior is immoral, and proscribed as sinful in the Bible (see Romans 1:26). Yet major corporations like Macy’s–egged on by the radical Human Rights Campaign–are promoting it like never before. This is a photo from a YouTube video of the 2018 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade, which featured two actresses kissing (we’ve blocked the indecent kiss here). The occasion for the celebration of lesbianism was a new Broadway musical comedy, “The Prom,” about a lesbian student who is frustrated (by Christian bigots, of course) in her attempt to take another girl to her high school prom.
Folks, we’ll have more on this latest abuse of children’s innocence by pro-LGBTQ “progressives.” I was attacked on Twitter for tweeting this about my good friend Linda Harvey’s piece (one fanatic urged Twitter to suspend me):
Cultural Subversion: Macy’s had to *go there* and promote #lesbianism at their parade, because mainstreaming deviance is now a corporate norm, thanks to leftist Sin Movement lobby groups like @HRC: https://t.co/74hh6OlMOV
Hollywood and the media are really, really good at selling sexual perversion. But also remember that much of corporate LGBTQ activism of this type is being done to score points on the LGBTQueer lobby Human Wrongs Rights Campaign’s rigged “Corporate Equality Index” scorecard. That scoring system, outlined by AFTAH HERE, uses deceptive and very unfair tactics to pressure companies to adopt pro-homosexual and pro-“transgender” policies. More on that coming. –Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
On Thanksgiving morning at 9:00 am, we turned on the TV, eager to see the Ohio State marching band in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade. The famous all-brass stars of Big 10 football games were scheduled to be the leading band in the heartwarming procession down Central Park West to 34th Street.
But of course, we weren’t allowed to enjoy this moment before the incessant homosexual agenda was thrust into America’s face.
The cast of the hit Broadway musical “The Prom” performed in the first few minutes of the broadcast, smilingly introduced by NBC’s Hoda Kotb as the story of a teen girl whose high school would rather cancel prom than let her take a girlfriend to the dance. In the scene, the female performers held hands—one in a tuxedo and the other in a dress — and the closing touch was their lesbian kiss.