Current State Law

LaBarbera: No Special Legislation Needed in Tennessee Church Shooting Case

Tuesday, July 29th, 2008

AFTAH in the News… 

By Allie Martin – OneNewsNow – 7/29/2008; listen to the story online HERE

tn_killer_jim_adkisson.bmp Alleged church shotgun murderer Jim Adkisson had a problem with the Bible and the church, liberals and homosexuals, according to reports.

The president of Americans for Truth says homosexual activists will use the recent church shooting in Knoxville, Tennessee, to advance their agenda and call for “hate crimes” legislation.

According to police reports, Jim Adkisson walked into the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church in Knoxville on Sunday and opened fire — killing two and wounding five others. Authorities believe Adkisson selected the congregation because of its liberal social stance, including support for homosexual causes.

Shortly after the shootings took place, pro-homosexual groups such as the Human Rights Campaign were offering assistance to the church. Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality thinks groups with agendas similar to HRC’s will use the tragedy to continue their push for federal hate crimes legislation.

“The fact is, this case will get the attention it deserves — and I believe this man could be given the death penalty, without any extra help from the feds and any sort of hate crimes prosecution,” he explains. “If he’s guilty of murder, and [if] the facts are true, he should get the death penalty.”

Click HERE for the rest of the story at One News Now

North Carolina Pro-Family Coalition Turns Back Pro-Gay ‘Anti-Bullying’ Bill

Thursday, July 24th, 2008

students_raising_hands.jpgSchools can protect all students from abuse and harassment without promoting homosexuality and gender confusion.

The campaign for passing an anti-bullying law was stopped in its tracks by concerned citizens of North Carolina in the final days of the short session of the NC General Assembly last week.

Fayetteville-based Donna Miller, Americans For Truth’s Special Projects Director and a leader for CWA (Concerned Women for America)-NC, coordinated an effort in her county to alert members between CWA-NC and the NC Federation of Republican Women of the impending legislation.

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Colorado Law Targets Speech Critical of Homosexuality, Transsexuality

Friday, June 20th, 2008

The following is excerpted from a WorldNetDaily article, “Criminal Crackdown Targeting Christians,” about Colorado’s radical new pro-homosexuality, pro-gender-confusion law, which contains a provision banning publication of “discriminative matter”:

Criminal Crackdown Targeting Christians

‘Biggest danger is to religious conscience of business owners’

By Bob Unruh, © 2008 WorldNetDaily, June 16, 2008

When a Christian pastor in Canada wrote a commentary on the Bible’s perspective on homosexuality, a government commission ordered him to renounce his faith and apologize. When a family-owned photography studio in New Mexico refused, on religious grounds, to take pictures at a same-sex ceremony, the fine for such “discrimination” was $6,600. Now the experts say Colorado is joining in the repression of the practice of Christianity.

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I Now Pronounce You Party A and Party B: ‘Gay Marriage’ Begins in California; Will Florida Be Next?

Tuesday, June 17th, 2008

john_stemberger_fljpg.JPGThe following was sent out by John Stemberger, chairman of, which is attempting to pass a constitutional amendment protecting the age-old definition of marriage in Florida:

Dear Friend,

Last night at 5:01 pm, so-called “gay marriages” started being performed in California for the first time. Unlike in Massachusetts where homosexual “marriages” are limited to the recognition of residents from just that state, now same-sex couples from all over the country will rush to California to try and get “married.” They will then return to states like New York to try to force recognition of these illegitimate unions. This kind of radical social change could easily happen in Florida over just the next 9 months.

By Early 2009, Florida’s Supreme Court Will Completely Change

With the recent resignation of Jeb Bush appointees Florida Supreme Court Justices Raul Cantero and Kenneth Bell, coupled with the mandatory retirement ages of Justices Charles Wells and Harry Lee Anstead in early 2009, the makeup and membership of the Florida Supreme Court will undergo a total change in well under 12 months. We hope and pray that Governor Charlie Crist will do what he promised to do in his campaign, namely appoint judges who will “strictly interpret the law, not expand upon it or legislate from the bench.” Time will tell. However Florida voters will not have to wait around to see which direction the court goes in order to protect marriage thanks to the campaign.

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LISTEN: Restroom Activism: Colorado’s New ‘Transgender’ Law

Friday, June 6th, 2008

gayterrorist-mini.jpgThis cross-dressing man — who gained worldwide attention as the subject of a “Gay Terrorist” joke email — has a right to dress this way, but should he be allowed to use the woman’s restroom?

Click HERE to listen to Concerned Women for America’s online radio show:

CWA writes: There is a new law in place in Colorado that prohibits discrimination against transgendered people in any and all public accommodations. Matt Barber, CWA’s Policy Director for Cultural Issues speaks with Jim Pfaff, President and CEO of Colorado Family Institute and Colorado Family Action, about this new law that would allow people – regardless of their anatomy – to choose which restroom, locker room or similar accommodation they wish to use. While churches and religious organizations are exempt from this new law both public and private schools must comply, as well as small Christian-owned businesses and individuals making property available for rent. Listen | Download June 5, 2008

Staver Cites California Supreme Court’s ‘Political Agenda’ in Rejecting Stay

Thursday, June 5th, 2008

mat_staver_2.JPGMat Staver of Liberty Counsel.

California Supreme Court’s Denial of Stay Ignores the Will of the People

Liberty Counsel considers filing petition for stay with the California Court of Appeal

San Francisco, CA, Liberty Counsel, June 4 – Today the California Supreme Court by a 4-3 vote denied the Petition for Stay and for Rehearing in the California marriage cases. The decision was split along the same lines as the original May 15 ruling with Chief Justice George and Justices Kennard, Werdegar and Moreno in the majority. Justices Baxter, Chin and Corrigan dissented. Today’s ruling states that the May 15 “same-sex marriage” decision will become final on June 16, 2008, at 5:00 pm (PT).

Liberty Counsel filed a Petition on behalf of the Campaign for California Families requesting the California Supreme Court to stay its opinion pending the November election. On Monday, the California Secretary of State, Debra Bowen, certified the California Marriage Protection Act (“Amendment”) for the November 2008 ballot. The Amendment to the California Constitution states: “Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.” Thus, neither the courts nor any governmental agency will be permitted to validate or recognize any same-sex marriage license.

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Bauer Calls for Impeachment of N.Y. Gov. David Patterson for Recognizing Out-of-State ‘Gay Marriages’

Thursday, May 29th, 2008

david-paterson.jpgNew York Governor David Patterson (D)

The following was sent out today by Gary Bauer as his “End of Day” e-mail for the Campaign for Working Families. Click HERE to sign up for Bauer’s excellent publication, which I enjoy reading every day. For a take on the Left’s reaction, here’s the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force’s press release on New York Gov. David Patterson’s imperious, pro-homosexual-“marriage” act. (What an ally for the governor: keep in mind that the loony Task Force in February gave its annual “Leather Leadership Award” to a homosexual sadistic sex activist who specializes in “consensual” sexual “slavery.”) — Peter LaBarbera

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FRC Panel Analyzes California Marriage Ruling; Video Available Thursday Afternoon

Thursday, May 29th, 2008

Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins writes in yesterday’s ‘Washington Update’ (May 28); go to FRC’s website this afternoon to view the panel discussion on California’s supreme court marriage decision online:

As local organizations start mobilizing their troops to the front lines of marriage in California, FRC is launching a national effort to educate the public to the damage this ruling may do to democracy, the family, and religious freedom. Together with a broad coalition of pro-family allies, FRC has planned a strategic series of panel discussions on the implications of the California supreme court decision for the nation. Tomorrow, we’ll kick off the event at the National Press Club with legal and policy experts such as Glen Lavy of the Alliance Defense Fund, Mat Staver of the Liberty Counsel, FRC’s own Ken Blackwell, and more. More people must recognize that this epidemic of judicial activism has sweeping consequences for children, businesses, the legal system, and every other facet of society. If you live or work in the nation’s capital, we encourage you to join us at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow at 529 14th Street, NW for “California Same-Sex Marriage: Answering the Assault on Family and Society.” To RSVP, call 1-800-225-4008 or visit our website at If you cannot attend, please log onto our site Thursday afternoon for video of the panel discussion.

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