Click HERE to see photos from “Transgender” Awareness Week, Nov 13-20, 2006, in Tucson, AZ.
Mayor Bob Walkup signed an official proclamation commemorating “transgenders”:

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Not with MY Tax money!Your Tax Dollars Endorse “Transgender” Awareness Week in TucsonTuesday, December 5th, 2006Click HERE to see photos from “Transgender” Awareness Week, Nov 13-20, 2006, in Tucson, AZ. Mayor Bob Walkup signed an official proclamation commemorating “transgenders”: ![]() Controversy Over Frank Kameny PapersMonday, December 4th, 2006Excerpted from Historic Controversy: Anti-gay Activist Launches Campaign Against Kameny’s Acceptance at Library of Congress, by Yusef Najafi, published Nov 30, 2006, by the pro-homosexuality Metro Weekly: If Peter LaBarbera had his way, there would be a caution sign next to all of Franklin Edward Kameny’s 70,000 artifacts documenting the gay rights movement for the past 50 years, recently archived at the Library of Congress. LaBarbera, founder of the anti-gay organization Americans for Truth (AFT), even suggests some language for such a sign: “Frank Kameny is a radical who uses hateful rhetoric against his foes. …”We’re concerned that only one side of Frank Kameny is presented,” LaBarbera says. ”Kameny doesn’t belong in the category of ‘Civil Rights Heroes.’ He can be a very harsh activist. When you write a bunch of Christians and you say, ‘Gay is good, gay is godly, you are neither,’ it’s sort of an in-your-face approach and I want to make sure that is not white-washed in this presentation.” ‘Gay’ Hero Frank Kameny Calls Believers “Christianofascists”; Library of Congress Honors “Gay Is Godly” AtheistWednesday, November 15th, 2006By Peter LaBarbera The National Gay & Lesbian Task Force, a leftist homosexual organization, honored Frank Kameny at its 2006 Creating Change conference Nov. 8-12 in Kansas City, Missouri. At the event, Kameny referred to Christians with venom, calling them “Christianofascists” and “nutty fundamentalists,” according to an Americans For Truth reporter who attended the conference and heard his acceptance speech. The author of the “gay is good” slogan, Kameny–whose papers have just been accepted by the Library of Congress and the National Museum of American History–also told conference attendees that “gay is moral and virtuous,” as part of his ongoing crusade to redefine ancient moral truths through catchy activist slogans. I’ve known Kameny for years. I respect his zeal, but loathe his ideology, just as he loathes mine. He is brilliant but wasted his considerable intellect and talents on homosexual activism, which is a shame. Like others in the pro-family movement, I have been on the receiving end of Kameny’s angry and pointed letters, or should I say screeds, in which–if my memory serves–he would repeat his patented slogan, “Gay is good,” followed by, “Gay is godly. You are neither.” Kameny is a feisty old bird who agreed to sit down with me and Ken Ervin for an extended interview back when Ken and I were both working at Family Research Council in Washington, D.C. One of the things we learned in that interview is that Kameny is an atheist, which makes his “gay is godly” assertion a tad disingenuous. But hey, anything to advance the homosexual cause, right? ![]()
We’ll have more about Frank Kameny later, but suffice it to say that this man with a penchant for anti-Christian bigotry and questionable sloganeering does not deserve to be honored as a “civil rights” pioneer by America’s national library. Somehow my mind just can’t get around the idea of putting Dr. Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks and Harriet Tubman in the same category, historically speaking, with a homosexual and “fervent atheist” who says “gay is godly” and “gay is moral and virtuous,” just to sock it to the Christians.
Read the rest of this article » In NY, Women Will Have to Share the Toilets with Cross-Dressing MenFriday, October 27th, 2006Excerpted from Girls’ Room His, Too, by Pete Donohue, published Oct 24, 2006, by New York Daily News: …The Metropolitan Transportation Authority agreed to allow riders to use MTA rest rooms “consistent with their gender expression,” the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund announced yesterday. The group filed a complaint against the MTA on behalf of a 70-year-old telephone repair technician who was arrested for using the women’s room at Grand Central Terminal. The technician, who is assigned to the terminal by Verizon, was born Henry McGuinness but now goes by Helena Stone. “I’m a 24-hour woman,” Stone declared proudly. “I just feel like a woman and I like to wear women’s clothes.” The MTA would not comment on the settlement but Stone’s lawyer said it also includes mandatory transgender sensitivity training for MTA employees and a $2,000 payment to the technician for legal fees… [Note from Americans for Truth: Note the shift in moral compass from generation to generation as demonstrated in the following quotes…]
One rider feared predators might dress as women and lurk in the women’s room. But Rena Gantz, 23, a college student, shrugged off the settlement.
A Tale of Two Predators: Liberals Decry Foley Scandal But Lionize Pervert Gerry Studds in DeathWednesday, October 18th, 2006Censured Democrat Congressman would get boys drunk, take them to his apartment, then make his move
AN Americans For Truth SPECIAL REPORT The death Saturday of former Massachusetts Rep. Gerry Studds (D) is an untimely one for Democrats hoping to use the Mark Foley scandal to dethrone Republicans in the House of Representatives. While the prospects of political rehabilitation are bleak for Foley, Studds was re-elected six times after it was revealed that he had sex with a 16- to 17-year-old page—and tried to seduce two other minor boys—as a Congressman in 1973 (Studds was 36 at the time).
The sad truth is that Studds, although brilliant and talented in other areas of his life, was a pervert who never apologized for his predations on innocent and impressionable boys. In fact, once discovered, Studds manipulated the scandal as way to gain sympathy as a supposedly aggrieved “gay” man. In other words, in his own mind Studds was the victim, not the corrupted boys. Of course, the media are mostly buying it. Press stories have highlighted the alleged injustice of Studds’ male “husband” not receiving pension benefits because the federal government does not recognize their Massachusetts “marriage.” (The federal Defense of Marriage Act, which defines spouse and marriage in federal law as between a man and a woman, may have saved the taxpayers more than $114,000 in this case; Studds’ estimated annual congressional pension is reportedly $114,337.) CONTINUE READING THIS AFT SPECIAL REPORT Read the rest of this article » It WAS a Flop: Despite Corporate Millions, Chicago Gay Games is $200K in the RedSaturday, October 14th, 2006The Chicago media treated the recent “Gay Games” as if it were a serious sporting and cultural event, but few spectators showed up to watch. Writing for Illinois Family Institute, I called the “Games” a flop. Now we learn that despite all the hype and corporate subsidies (and free publicity), the “Gay Games” was a financial flop, too. Click on the links in the story below for photos and local coverage of the event from June.–Peter LaBarbera Excerpted from Gay Games Plans Final Event, by Joel Nosh, published Oct 12, 2006, in Chicago Tribune: Paraphernalia sale intended to help eliminate shortfall … With a $200,000 budget shortfall on an event organizers predicted would at least break even, everything must go. By shedding these assets and soliciting donations, organizers who ran the Games on a $10 million cash budget say they will get back to zero or maybe even generate a slight surplus by the spring. …[Kevin] Boyer said letters were sent to potential donors two weeks ago in an effort to raise $100,000. Another $100,000 has already been pledged in matching funds, he said. More money will come in from the sale of thousands of items large and small later this month. The 2002 Games in Sydney and 1998 Games in Amsterdam both finished more than $1 million in the red. The 1994 New York Games declared bankruptcy with a $350,000 shortfall, and the 1990 Vancouver Games ended $100,000 in the hole. In each case, local governments, businesses or both absorbed the ultimate financial blow. …Gay Games organizers have been chipping away at their debts, Boyer said, and getting creative when able. Equipment has been accepted in place of cash, and in some cases they have asked for bills to be lowered or forgiven. Chicago Park District spokeswoman Jessica Maxey-Faulkner said the Gay Games has given $17,000 of equipment, including softball equipment and fencing, to chip away at its balance. Gay Games, which still owes nearly $30,000, also has been sending in money on a payment plan, she said. Dr. Albert Mohler: Universities as Purveyors of Liberal TheologyThursday, October 12th, 2006Listen to this 1 minute audio from Dr. Albert Mohler, citing examples of public (taxpayer supported) universities promoting homosexuality. Click HERE to listen. San Diego City Councilman Blocks Public Display of Photos from “Gay Pride” ParadeSunday, October 1st, 2006Excerpted from Sept 28, 2006, post on The James Hartline Report: …San Diego City Councilman [Scott Peters] has refused to allow a group of Christian activists to present photographic documentation of children being exposed to sexual obscenities during a July, 2006 San Diego Gay Pride parade and festival. …On July 25, 2006, it was Councilman Peters, along with lesbian Councilwoman Toni Atkins, who helped pass a city resolution declaring San Diego Gay Pride Week in the city. Peters and Atkins, along with Atkins’ lesbian sex partner Jennifer LeSar, rode together in that parade. During a Sept 12th Council meeting, Hartline and a team of thirty Christians attempted to show photographs of the parade that Peters participated in, but Peters proceeded to censor many of the photos and even attempted to block Hartline from speaking to the council on the issue altogether. …You can watch the war of words that ensued between Councilman Peters and Christian activist James Hartline during the San Diego City Council meeting when Hartline attempted to present the Gay Pride Parade Photographs… Click HERE The city council video clearly shows Councilman Scott Peters telling Hartline, “I can’t allow you to put those pictures on television.” The pictures in question were taken at the San Diego Gay Pride Parade in which Councilman Peters not only issued a proclamation to honor, but personally rode in the parade along with fellow Councilwoman Toni Atkins. Additionally, sixteen different law enforcement agencies, as well as the Mayor of San Diego, were in the parade where the pictures were taken. |
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