Government Promotion

Senate “Hate Crimes” Bill Proponents Settle on Amendment Strategy to Avoid Filibuster

Thursday, June 11th, 2009

Folks, this article from the homosexual Washington Blade newspaper is a must-read. Note that pro-homosexual strategists in Washington fear a filibuster of a “stand alone” version of the bill. We’ve included the key portions below. TAKE ACTION: the anti-Christian homosexual lobby group Human Rights Campaign is pushing hard to get “Hate Crimes” passed. Call your U.S. Senators at 202-224-3121 and urge them to oppose S. 909 or any “Hate Crimes” legislation — as an amendment or a stand-alone bill. For more on the dangers of Orwellian “Thought Crimes” laws, go HERE, HERE and a legal analysis of the House version of S. 909 HERE

Excerpted from the Washington Blade:

Senate to pass hate crimes bill as amendment

HRC calls for vote before summer’s end

By CHRIS JOHNSON, Washington Blade | Jun 8 2009

Senate leadership has decided to pass hate crimes legislation as an amendment to another bill instead of a standalone piece of legislation, according to the Human Rights Campaign.

Trevor Thomas, an HRC spokesperson, told the Blade in a statement Monday that the Senate settled on this method of passage.

“We understand that Senate leadership does not believe a hearing or mark up on the bill is necessary and plans to bring it directly to the floor as an amendment to another moving vehicle,” he said.

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‘Gay’ Leader Kevin Jennings Says Dream Is to ‘Promote Homosexuality’ in Schools

Wednesday, June 10th, 2009

GLSEN Speakers Tout ‘Gay’ Lessons for Kindergartners


Promoting Homosexuality: Kevin Jennings, Obama appointee and founder of the Gay, Lesbian Straight Education Network, said in 1997 that he looked forward to the day when parents would react to reports that schools are “promoting homosexuality” by saying, “Yeah, who cares?”


GLSEN leaders contend that effective redefinition of the next generation’s attitude toward homosexuality requires the positive portrayals of homosexuality starting in kindergarten.  According to GLSEN activist Jaki Williams, children at that age are “developing their superego,” and “that’s when the saturation process needs to begin.”

Dear Readers,

AFTAH has been exposing the radical agenda of Kevin Jennings and the organization he founded —  the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN) — for a long time. This article on a GLSEN conference in New York City was first published in the Lambda Report [the publication that preceded Americans For Truth About Homosexuality], in early 1998.

Brian Burt’s firsthand report reveals both the frankness of Jennings and fellow homosexual activists in expressing their revolutionary goals, and GLSEN’s agenda of manipulating very young minds to support homosexuality. The “saturation process” quotation above should give pause to even liberal-minded parents who might be wary of GLSEN’s utilitarian strategy of supplanting the parents’ role in guiding their children’s moral upbringing with teacher-activists intent on indoctrinating even kindergartners (!!) in the celebration of homosexuality.

Kevin Jennings has been appointed by President Obama and Education Secretary Arne Duncan as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Education for the Department of Safe and Drug-Free Schools. We will be loading all Lambda Report articles online, including others about GLSEN and Jennings. — Peter LaBarbera,

‘Gay’ Leader Kevin Jennings Says Dream Is to ‘Promote Homosexuality’ in Schools
GLSEN Speakers Tout ‘Gay’ Lessons for Kindergartners

By Brian J. Burt

January/February 1998, Lambda Report, Americans For Truth

NEW YORK CITY—The head of a homosexual teachers group said he looks forward to the day when “promoting homosexuality” in schools will be seen in a positive light, while others at a recent conference sponsored by his organization advocated exposing kindergartners to pro-homosexual lessons.

“I can envision a day when straight people say, ‘So what if you’re promoting homosexuality,’” said Kevin Jennings, cofounder and executive director of the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN), at an October 25 conference here. “Or straight kids [will] say [to a male homosexual friend], ‘Hey, why don’t you and your boyfriend come over before you go to prom and try your tuxes on at my house?’

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Forget Marriage in June – for Obama, It’s ‘Gay’ Pride Month

Wednesday, June 10th, 2009

“No president, even Bill Clinton, has issued such a radical embrace of the entire homosexual agenda,” says Knight

obama_homosexual_logo.gifCandidate Barack Obama had a special logo for homosexual and transsexual “pride.” No wonder “queer” activists have high expectations for him to carry forward their agenda as President.


By Robert Knight – Guest Columnist for OneNewsNow [to sign up for OneNews Now’s Daily News Brief, go HERE] – 6/9/2009

For the first time in history, a U.S. president has issued a White House proclamation celebrating transgenderism — along with homosexuality, lesbianism, and bisexuality.

In his June 1 “Pride Month” proclamation, Barack Obama boasted of appointing Senate-confirmed openly homosexual nominees to high executive offices, described reluctance to accept homosexuality as “discrimination and prejudice,” and called for passage of the entire homosexual political agenda, including programs for “LGBT youth.”

No president, even Bill Clinton, has issued such a radical embrace of the entire homosexual agenda. To give “teeth” to the LGBT youth emphasis, President Obama recently appointed Kevin Jennings, the founder of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, as the Assistant Secretary of Education for Safe and Drug Free Schools. [See AFTAH articles on Jennings HERE and HERE (his “[F–k] ’em quotation on the “religious right”).] Jennings’ group backs homosexual lessons for children, beginning in kindergarten, and sponsored a Massachusetts conference in 2000 in which children as young as 12 were instructed graphically about how to perform homosexual acts.

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‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ Upheld

Monday, June 8th, 2009

Note: Matt Barber is a Board Member of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH).
He will be the keynote speaker at AFTAH’s fundraising banquet in Arlington Heights, Illinois (outside Chicago) on Saturday, Oct. 24th.

TAKE ACTION: call or write your U.S. Representative and Senators and urge them to oppose all efforts to homosexualize the United States Armed Forces. Call 202-225-3121 or 202-224-3121 or go to


DATE: June 8, 2009

Lynchburg, VA – Matt Barber, Director of Cultural Affairs with both Liberty Counsel and Liberty Alliance Action issued the following statement today on news that the U.S. Supreme Court has upheld the military’s prohibition against homosexual conduct within the ranks of the armed forces. The high court refused an appeal from former Army Captain James Pietrangelo II, who was discharged after his superiors learned that he self-identified as “gay”:

“This is a military victory of a different sort,” said Barber. “Today our armed forces triumphed over the enemy of moral relativism; an enemy that seeks to replace military wisdom with San Francisco vice. This is a victory for our fighting young men and women and for the nation.

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‘Civil Unions’ Decisively Defeated in Illinois — a Pro-Family Victory with National Significance

Tuesday, June 2nd, 2009

Heartland rallies against faux “gay marriage,” which is not inevitable, after all

wgn_prop-8_reaction.jpgNo “Civil Unions” in Illinois: thanks to an energetic grassroots campaign, pro-homosexual “civil unions” legislation (H.B. 2234) — ridiculously titled the Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Unions Act — was rejected decisively by the Illinois General Assembly. Homosexual activist Rick Garcia’s prediction that H.B. 2234 would “absolutely” pass did not come true. as Garcia’s allies fell well short of the backing needed to call for a floor vote — despite their huge, well-funded lobbying campaign. Americans For Truth made the case against “civil unions’ and “gay marriage” on WGN-TV (left), Moody Radio (WMBI), WIND (Geoff Pinkus Show) and in the Chicago Tribune.  AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera’s argued in a Tribune religious reporter’s blog that “gay marriage” and “civil union” laws violate business owners’ freedom of conscience.

TAKE ACTION: Thank your state House legislator (call Springfield at 217-782-2000; go to or find your representative at if he or she opposed the “civil unions” legislation. Express your gratitude to them for NOT BUCKLING to the enormous, well-funded pro-“gay” lobbying blitz in Springfield.  Also call your state senator and ask for his or her stance on “civil unions” — since the main battle was in the House. Stay vigilant in this battle, as homosexual activists are already vowing to lobby key districts over the summer.

By Peter LaBarbera

Pro-family grassroots forces in Illinois have scored a stunning victory with the decisive defeat of “civil unions” legislation, (H.B. 2234/S.B. 1716) — despite the prediction of the state’s leading homosexual activist that “civil unions” would “absolutely” be voted on and passed (by last Wednesday), and overcoming a massive and well-funded lobbying campaign by pro-homosexual groups.

Despite some some very premature gloating by homosexual activists across the country who thought a victory was in the bag, and despite some dirty tactics and lies, time ran out in the Illinois General Assembly Sunday night with the bill not even being called due to lack of support in the House.

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AFTAH Calls on Obama and Education Sec. Arne Duncan to Withdraw Nomination of Homosexual Extremist Bigot and GLSEN Founder Kevin Jennings to Preside over ‘Safe Schools’

Monday, June 1st, 2009

GLSEN founder who presided over ‘Fistgate’ scandal; Jennings’ group has corrupted and endangered students by exposing them to “queer” perversions

kevin_jennings1.jpgNews Release, Americans for Truth About Homosexuality

June 1, 2009; contact: Peter LaBarbera: (630)717-7631

Suburban CHICAGO, Ill. – Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) President Peter LaBarbera today urged President Obama and Education Secretary Arne Duncan to withdraw the nomination of longtime homosexual activist Kevin Jennings as Assistant Deputy Secretary for the Department of Education’s Office of Safe & Drug Free Schools, due to Jennings’ vicious anti-religious bigotry and his role with an extremist homosexual group that has recklessly endangered youth.

Jennings, the founder of the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN), presided over the 2000 Boston “Fistgate” scandal in which homosexual adults – at a GLSEN-sponsored youth workshop on “Queer Sex & Sexuality” — guided young teenagers on how to engage in perversions including the horrifying “gay” fetish known as “fisting,” in which a man inserts his arm up the anal cavity of another man.

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GLSEN Founder and Obama Education Appointee Kevin Jennings Said ‘[F- -k] ’em’ to Religious Right — in a Church

Monday, June 1st, 2009

kevin_jennings.jpgPresident Obama has appointed Kevin Jennings, founder of GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network) — which sponsored the conference that produced the notorious “Fistgate” scandal (in which young teens were guided on how to perform dangerous homosexual perversions including “fisting”) — to head up “Safe Schools” efforts at the Department of Education. Jennings is a vicious, anti-religious bigot who once said “[F–k] ’em” to the “Religious Right.” He supports promoting homosexuality and gender confusion as normative to even young students.  He made that comment in a New York City church. TAKE ACTION: Urge your U.S. Congressman and Senators to call for the withdrawal of Jennings’ appointment at the Education Department. Call Congress at 202-224-3121 or 202-225-3121.

Folks, with President Obama’s appointment of homosexual activist and GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network) founder Kevin Jennings to head the “Safe Schools” efforts at the Department of Education, we will be rolling out Jennings’ long record of radical statements and writings, his personal nastiness toward religious conservatives, and his group’s promotion of unsafe behaviors (GLSEN sponsored the Tufts University conference that produced the infamous “Fistgate” scandal in which young teenagers were given how-to instruction on various ).

Americans For Truth About Homosexuality calls for the withdrawal of this divisive nomination — which is an affront to Christians,  parents’ rights and decent, moral citizens everywhere who oppose the indoctrination of students in a pro-homosexuality, pro-gender confusion agenda. The following comments by Jennings are from a paper I wrote for Concerned Women for America (CWA), titled, “When Silence Would Have Been Golden: Acts of Homosexual Promotion to Youth that We Wish Had Never Happened.”

Get ready for a political fight. Appointing Kevin Jennings, a vicious homosexual activist, to head up a “Safe Schools” project for American youth would be like appointing David Duke to head up a national panel on racial reconciliation. If we had anything even close to a fair media in this country, Jennings would have been discredited long ago for GLSEN’s role in “Fistgate.” Something tells me that Obama’s Education Secretary, Arne Duncan, hasn’t heard of Fistgate. But he will now — and so will many more people. Much more coming on this breaking story. — Peter LaBarbera,

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AFTAH Asks: Why Are ‘Conservative’ Leaders Selling Out on ‘Civil Unions’?

Thursday, May 28th, 2009

Americans For Truth rejects “civil unions” as a capitulation, not a compromise

signorile_ingraham-fox.jpgConservative Capitulation Cometh? Homosexual activist Mike Signorile tells FOX’s Laura Ingraham that she and everyone who opposes same-sex “marriage” will be supporting it in five years because “the world is changing.” Some influential conservatives like talk show host Mike Gallagher are selling out on the homosexual agenda by embracing “civil unions.”  Americans For Truth rejects such false compromises. We know that the more you give in to homosexual activists, the more they demand. Signorile himself has championed legalized homosexual “marriage” as a “a chance to wholly transform the definition of family in American culture … [and]  the final tool with which to …  get education about homosexuality and AIDS into public schools.”


 Help Americans For Truth … and Get a Free Book

If you will help Americans For Truth with a tax-deductible gift of $25 or more, we will send you a free copy of the hard-cover book Homosexuality: A Freedom Too Far, by the late Charles Socarides, a man who dedicated his life to understanding homosexuality and helping people overcome it.  Will you consider a gift of $25, $100, $500 or even $1,000 or more to help Americans For Truth fight the powerful, well-financed Homosexual Lobby?  You can make your gift online at, or mail your gift to: Americans For Truth, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522. 

A Special Appeal from AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera:

Dear Readers,

I am writing to ask your help to lift Americans For Truth about Homosexuality (AFTAH) out of a financial crisis, but also to you to do your part to lift America out of her moral crisis.  If you support Americans For Truth, it’s probably because you appreciate our direct approach to the problem of homosexual activism.  We at AFTAH don’t play politically correct games by trying so hard not to offend anyone that we water down Truth.  No, we just tell it like it is, and the homosexual activists hate us for it.

Every day, I receive vicious letters like this from an e-mail containing the name Seth Yatovitz (who gave his e-mail name as “Jesus”) [WARNING: VULGAR]:

Thank You ….For letting me know who you are so I can ream you in your ass even though I am straight. Burn in Hell Father [F–ker]! God loves everyone, even gay people like Jesus! I will be saying prayers for your enlightenment even though you disgust me more than any deviant sexual act ever could. Gays are NOT child molesters, they are the children of God.

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