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Saturday, April 10th, 2010
Will the United States become a magnet for foreign homosexuals?
 Pro-family Christian Julio Severo fled his home country of Brazil to avoid state prosecution and harassment on "homophobia" charges. Would Severo be granted U.S. asylum like Brazilian homosexual Augusto Pereira de Souza?
By Peter LaBarbera
Homosexual websites are celebrating that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has granted asylum to 27-year-old Brazilian homosexual Augusto Pereira de Souza, who claims he would face torment and violent attacks if forced to return to his country.
I wonder what would happen if Julio Severo (right), the outspoken Brazilian Christian advocate who fled his country due to escalating oppression against critics of homosexuality, were to apply for applied for U.S. asylum. An article in the “Queerty” blog claims that Brazil is “one of the world’s most violently anti-gay countries … with 180 reported LGBT murders in 2008 alone.” I do not know the accuracy of this information. But here is the problem: already Queerty and other pro-homosexuality activists are citing the case of Souza (whose asylum claim was secured by three students at Columbia Law School’s Sexuality and Gender Law Clinic,” Queerty reports) as good news for Ugandan homosexuals who might want to make similar claims.
Is the United States of America under President Obama going to become the magnet for foreign homosexuals and “queer” activists the world over? AFTAH has condemned draconian punishments against homosexuals (such as “solutions” prescribed by radical Islamists). However, America and the West have no right to impose their decadent, perversion-celebrating values on the rest of the world, and other countries certainly have the right to criminalize homosexual behavior just as it was criminalized in the United States prior to the Supreme Court’s activist Lawrence v. Texas decision. (Anti-sodomy laws remain on the books in many states and laws that do not solely ban homosexual sodomy have NOT been struck down; here is a Wikipedia article which — despite that website’s strong pro-homosexual bias — describes the sodomy law situation in all 50 states.)
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, Abortion, Brazil, Criminalizing Sodomy, Hate Speech (Laws), Homosexual Blogs, Homosexual Hate Speech, International, News, Sodomy |
Sunday, May 11th, 2008

AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera interviewed by the Brazilian magazine Enfoque Gospel.
You can read my extended interview with the Brazilian Christian magazine Enfoque Gospel HERE IN ENGLISH, or HERE IN PORTUGUESE on the Enfoque Gospel website. The English version is found on the blog of Brazilian pro-family hero Julio Severo, who is himself a target of pro-homosexual activists in that great South American nation.
Click here to read Gay Christian Movement Watch’s short interview with Severo. — Peter LaBarbera
Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, AFT In the News, Bible, Brazil, Christian, Christian Persecution, D - GLBTQ Pressure Within Churches, Freedom Under Fire, Gospel evangelism, Government Promotion, News, South America, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Thursday, August 2nd, 2007
Brazilian family advocate Julio Severo had his website taken down by Google for three days after a smear campaign by homosexual militants.
The following article is reprinted with permission from Lifesitenews (http://www.lifesite.net/), which has become one of the world’s leading pro-family sources for news. (To sign up for Lifesite e-updates, click HERE.)
Call it homo-fascism, homo-totalitarianism, homo-supremacy or whatever you will, but the “gay” activist movement’s drive to silence opponents is intensifying worldwide. Yet American liberals and homosexual activists alike –with rare exceptions such as lesbian Georgetown University professor Chai Feldblum — play dumb, as if they cannot comprehend how homosexuality-based “rights” (in the guise of sexual orientation “equality”) will erode the freedoms of those who regard homosexual behavior as wrong.
We welcome homosexual (and liberal) activists who are not afraid of freedom and the battle of ideas to denounce the growing pro-“gay” trend of silencing opposing speech — whether it’s GLAAD threatening to sue a news producer to squelch a report on lesbian bullying; Britain trotting out the “anti-homophobia” police to crush that grave threat to democracy of a Christian passing out tracts at a “gay” event; or pro-homosexual militants claiming that decent religious people who agree with God about sexual sin are causing the murders of homosexuals like Matthew Shepard.
Where else but in the Orwellian world of pro-GLBT “multiculturalism” would you see politically correct bureaucrats squelching faith-based dissent in the name of “diversity” and “tolerance”? The time to speak out against the coming tyranny is now. We would do well to read Feldblum’s paper (delivered last year at a Becket Fund for Religious Liberty symposium): at least she acknowledges that the struggle between “gay rights” and religious freedom of conscience is a “zero-sum game.”
P.S. Take a guess which side Feldblum says deserves to win.– Peter LaBarbera
Here is the LifeSiteNews report on Brazil; for Part One, “Brazilian Homosexual Activist Luiz Mott Confesses to Pederastic Love for Boys,” click HERE:
Brazil Attacks Against Family Defenders Backed by Pro-Homosexual Regime of Nation’s President
Part 2 of Lifesite’s report on Brazil’s aggressive homosexual movement
See Part 1 – Leader of Brazil Homosexual Movement Under Investigation for Pedophilia
By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman
BRAZIL, July 30, 2007 (LifeSiteNews.com) – In recent months other Brazilians have been subject to the wrath of Brazil’s pro-homosexual regime.
In June of this year a coalition of protestant church groups, the National Vision for a Christian Conscience (VINACC), was ordered to halt their campaign “In Defense of the Family”, which displayed billboards that said “Homosexuality: God made them man and woman, and saw that it was good!” A court order decreed the removal of the billboards and the cancellation of a public event scheduled by VINACC to further the defense of family values, claiming that it was “homophobic”.
On May 29th of this year, a Lutheran pastor in the Brazilian town of Rancho Queimado; the Rev. Ademir Kreutzfeld, was subject to a criminal investigation when he was accused of calling local businesses in an effort to inform them that a newspaper they were sponsoring was promoting the homosexual agenda. The homosexual activist who owns the paper filed charges against the pastor for “defamation.”
Although no further steps have been taken against the minister as yet, homosexuals are agitating for his prosecution. “What have I done?” asks Kreutzfeld. “I just made some phone calls to shops, alerting that they were, without perceiving, sponsoring a newspaper of homosexual ideology. As a Christian committed to the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, I could not fail to inform them. Of course, I am not ‘homophobic.’ As a Christian, I love sinners. I am also one of them. But I cannot remain silent before sinful practices”.
Julio Severo (see his English-language blog HERE), who is seen as the principal opponent of Brazil’s militant homosexuals, and who has written a book called “The Homosexual Movement” warning against the political goals of the movement in Brazil and worldwide, states that, since he began his efforts against the homosexual movement in Brazil, he has suffered persecution and has been forced to flee his hometown. According to Severo, a homosexual government official used his refusal to involve his children with vaccines against him and had a court order to remove his children from their home (Severo and his family believe that vaccines are dangerous and often ineffective).
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Beyond America, Brazil, C - Heroes for Truth, Christian Persecution, D - GLBTQ Pressure Within Churches, Freedom Under Fire, GLAAD, GLBTQ Lawsuits & Retribution, Government Promotion, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Hate Speech, Homosexual Pedophilia & Pederasty, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, UK |
Wednesday, August 1st, 2007

“In my opinion, the taboo and repression of sexual relations between adults and youth is supported by two prejudices, that sex has a particular legal age to begin and that every relationship between someone older and younger always implies violence and oppression.”
“[I]if I could choose freely, what I would like for myself would not be a man but a boy, an ‘adolescent’ of the type that the nobles of ancient Greece said was the thing most handsome and pleasurable to be loved and [expletive].”
— Brazilian homosexual activist Luiz Mott
The following is Part One of a two-part series by LifeSiteNews, the excellent pro-family web news service (sign up for Lifesite e-updates HERE), about escalating pro-homosexual activist bigotry and repression in Brazil. Click HERE for Part Two, “‘Homo-Fascism’ in Brazil: Pro-Family Advocate Julio Severo Is Targeted”:
Leader of Brazil Homosexual Movement Under Investigation for Pedophilia
Plan to Shut Down Blog of Brazil Pro-Family Leader Backfires
By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman
BRAZIL, July 30, 2007 (LifeSiteNews.com) – A recent attempt by Brazilian homosexuals to silence two weblogs failed when Google, the hosting service, restored them after blocking them for several days. Now the contents of the blogs have drawn the attention of Brazilian prosecutors, who are investigating Luiz Mott, the leader of Brazil’s homosexual movement, for pedophilia.
The first blog, by the anonymous author Jael Savelli, was blocked for only a few hours several weeks ago, but the second, authored by Brazilian Christian activist Julio Severo and hosted by Google’s “Blogger” service at http://juliosevero.blogspot.com, was blocked from July 16 to July 19.
The site’s contents were removed and replaced with a statement that read: “This blog is being reviewed for possible violations of the Blogger Terms of Service, and can only be opened by the authors.” Although Severo states that Google never informed him of its reasons for blocking the site, the removal occurred after a bitter campaign against him by homosexual activists on Google’s partner service, Orkut.com. The service is widely used by Brazilians to socialize and exchange information, and became an organizing point for opposition to Severo and his site.
Three days after Severo’s site was suppressed, the eminent Brazilian philosopher Olavo de Carvalho blasted the campaign against Severo in his regular column for the newspaper Jornal do Brasil.
“A group of militant gays has secured the removal of the site http://juliosevero.blogspot.com, ” wrote de Carvalho. “The method was to spread through Google a storm of denunciations against the author of the blog, the writer Julio Severo, accusing him of preaching violence against homosexuals. ‘He wants us to remain masked, without the right to defense,’ bellows one of those who incited the attack in the Orkut community used as the headquarters of the initiative. ‘He wants us to be subject to beatings without our aggressors paying for it.'”
“The accusation is manifestly false,” Carvalho continued. “Anyone who reads the blog without deformed lenses perceives that. Severo limits himself to arguing against homosexuality based on Christian morality, which doesn’t command that anyone be beaten. I defy the militant gays to show where he affirms that homosexuals should subject to such violence without the right of protection of the laws.”
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Beyond America, Brazil, Christian Persecution, Freedom Under Fire, Government Promotion, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Tuesday, July 31st, 2007
Why is the “pro-family” Bush Administration voting to accredit international homosexual activist groups — from Quebec and Sweden — that will use their new status to undermine traditional moral values in Third World Nations — in the name of “human rights”? We wonder why the President would alienate his conservative, pro-family base at this critical juncture. This continues Bush’s misguided policy of recognizing homosexuality-based “rights” organizations at the U.N.
TAKE ACTION: Read the C-FAM alert below and contact the White House using their comment page or call the White House comment line today (202-456-1111). (You also can e-mail a comment to the U.S. State Department HERE or call their comment line at: 202-647-6575.) Respectfully urge the President to stop using the authority and goodwill of the United States of America to promote the normalization of homosexuality abroad. Tell the Administration that you oppose the USA voting to approve coveted United Nations consulting status for organizations whose mission is to push a pro-homosexuality agenda — including radically redefining marriage and promoting dangerous GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual) “identities” to vulnerable youth — on unsuspecting nations.
HATE CRIMES/ENDA ALERT: While you’re at it, e-mail or call your U.S. Senators (202-224-3121) and urge them to oppose the “hate crimes” bill and the pro-homosexual/transsexual employment ENDA bill — which we’re calling the “Transgender Bathrooms for Businesses Bill” — which threaten to federalize “sexual orientation” law, thus curtailing your “freedom to be moral.” Call 202-224-3121 or visit http://www.congress.org/.
Certainly, we as a nation can and should support true human rights without crusading for the acceptance of immoral lifestyles. Genuine human rights — and civil rights — are not based on sex, especially deviant sex. Countries should have the right to regulate homosexual sodomy — as we did in America from our inception until 2003, when the Supreme Court reversed a 17-year-old precedent in the Lawrence v. Texas sodomy law case. We should be careful as the world’s most powerful nation not to push the American Secular Left’s decadent values — abortion, homosexuality, condom “sex ed” — on poor countries. Radicals used to call that cultural “imperialism.”
Having America become a leading promoter of immoral-sex-based rights masquerading as “human rights” is a far cry from President Reagan’s vision for this nation being a “shining city on a hill.” Write or call President Bush today: 202-456-1111.– Peter LaBarbera
Friday Fax, Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute (C-FAM)
July 26, 2007 | Volume 10, Number 32
Dear Colleague,
Radical homosexual groups are flooding the UN accreditation process for non-governmental organizations and they seem poised to cause serious problems for traditionally minded countries.
Spread the word.
Yours sincerely,
Austin Ruse
President, C-FAM
Controversial UN Procedures Lead to UN Status for Homosexual Groups
By Samantha Singson
(NEW YORK — C-FAM) Overturning a prior decision by the NGO accrediting committee, the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) voted to grant official consultative status to the Coalition Gaie et Lesbienne du Quebec (CGLQ) and the Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights (RFSL) in Geneva last week.
The voting process was mired in confusion over unclear language. Several delegate requests for clarification interrupted the roll-call vote and led Pakistan to call for a point of order and ask for a re-vote. No re-vote was taken. The motion to grant ECOSOC status passed with 22 countries voting in favor, 13 against, 13 abstaining and 6 absent.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Beyond America, Brazil, Canada, Canada, Court Decisions & Judges, Europe (also see "Meccas"), IGLLC, International Lesbian & Gay Association, Mexico, News, Russia, South America, UK |
Wednesday, June 27th, 2007
The following is excerpted from a LifesiteNews.com article titled, “English-Language Media Wildly Overestimated Brazil Gay Pride Numbers, Underestimated Pro-Family March
Brazilian Gay Pride March vs March for Jesus: A Comparative Analysis.”
By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman, for LifesiteNews.com
SAO PAULO, June 14, 2007 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Some three million Christians marched through the streets of the Brazilian metropolis of Sao Paulo last week, only three days before the annual “Gay Parade”, chanting slogans against homosexuality and affirming their religious beliefs. The “March for Jesus”, held June 7th, was organized by a major evangelical protestant ministry in Brazil and included over thirty live bands playing religious music, many placed on top of flatbed trucks that rolled through the main avenues of the city.
One minister led the crowd, paraphrasing a traditional Latin exorcism prayer with “Vade retro, Satan!”, adding “Vade retro, homosexuality!” (Get back, Satan! Get back homosexuality!). Although the Associated Press, Reuters, and other English-speaking news services claimed that only a million people attended the march, the mainstream Brazilian press widely reported that three million attended, citing the Policia Militar (Military Police).
When questioned by the media, marchers denied hostility towards homosexuals, and expressed concern for their well-being. “Through the Bible, we know that God doesn’t agree with what they do,” members of one church group from the Vila Carrão neighborhood of Sao Paulo told the Brazilian news service G1. “We condemn their actions, and never the people. What we want is for them to know God.” …
Although the mainstream media generally quoted the parade organizers’ estimate of 3.5 million attendees uncritically, both Reuters (quoted in The Australian) and the Brazilian news service Ultimo Segundo stated that the police only counted one million, while admitting that thousands more probably remained uncounted on side streets.
Also in stark contrast to the March for Jesus, this year’s Gay Parade enjoyed heavy support from government and affiliated business institutions in Brazil. Unlike Parades in years past, this year’s event was sponsored by Brazil’s state energy company, Petrobras, as well as the state-owned Caixa Economica Federal Bank.
To read the entire Lifesite article, click HERE.
Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Brazil, D - GLBTQ Pressure Within Churches, E - Praying for the Lost, Government Promotion, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Wednesday, June 27th, 2007
By Matthew Hoffman, from his Matthew Hoffman.net:
Julio Severo, a Brazilian protestant whom I met through my writings on the March for Jesus and the Gay Parade in Sao Paulo, is doing extremely useful work on the issue of what Latins call “homosexualism” — the new ideology, or even religion, that justifies sodomy and other sexual perversions. Among his writings (which can be found on his English blog) is a very incisive analysis of the roots of the moral crisis in Brazil. He notes what should be obvious to all of us: that in a country whose citizens are overwhelmingly Catholic, the blame for the rise of “homosexualism” and other perversions rests on the weakness and doctrinal corruption within the ranks of the Catholic Church itself. (It should be noted that he also blames the situation on corruption among protestants in Brazil). Severo notes that when the Church was strong in Brazil “homosexualism” and other ideologies of sexual liberation and perversion wouldn’t have had a chance:
The social and moral structure of Brazil in the decade of 1950 and 1960 was basically strong, largely because of the predominant Catholicism in more than 90 percent of the population. In many places, evangelicals were threatened with lynching if they tried to evangelize, especially in small towns. Homosexual activity was a shameful and secret behavior, despised by the society. A pregnant girl out of wedlock ran the risk of being expelled from her house. The Brazilian people were socially conservative, although the Carnival and public prostitution were tolerated.
The largest threat to the society came from radical leftist movements. Communists almost took control in Brazil in 1964, but the military took over the government and was able to stop a communist coup.
The Catholic Church was a driving force against the communist threat, but after the Vatican II many Catholic leaders began surrendering to the Theology of Liberation. In the decades of 1970 and 1980, traditional Protestant churches embraced Protestant versions of this theology. In late 1990s and early 2000, Pentecostal and charismatic churches also subscribed. These leftist Christians are today known as progressistas. The Brazilian term progressista (progressive), according to the noted Aurélio Dictionary of Portuguese Language, means “someone who, though not being a member of a socialist or communist party, accepts and/or supports socialist or Marxist principles”. So evangélicos progressistas are evangelicals committed to supporting and promoting the socialist agenda.
I highly recommend this piece to those who want to understand why Brazil, and Latin America generally, are beginning to succumb to the same moral decline already destroying Europe and Anglophone North America:
Julio Severo article: Last Days Watchman: Behind the homosexual tsunami in Brazil
Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Brazil, Catholic, D - GLBTQ Pressure Within Churches, E - Praying for the Lost, Government Promotion, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Tuesday, March 20th, 2007
Excerpted from Brazilian Priests Could Face Jail-time for Saying that Homosexuality is A Sin, by Meg Jalsevac, published Mar 19, 2007, by LifeSite News:
Brazil’s Senate is currently engaged in a debate over proposed legislation that would criminalize anything deemed a condemnation of homosexuality. The new legislation, labeled the ‘homophobia law’ would demand jail time for violations of the law and would not provide for any religious exception.
…According to ZENIT, priests who preached against homosexuality could face 3 to 5 years in jail and seminaries would not be permitted to reject applicants based on their sexual orientation.
…Exodus Brazil, the Brazilian branch of the international ex-homosexual ministry, has expressed grave concern about the law saying, “It will extinguish ex-gay ministry in Brazil for all practical purposes.”
Brazil has been a recent leader in pushing for gay rights and trumping traditional family values. In 2005, Brazil legalized homosexual adoption. As previously reported by LifeSiteNews.com, Brazilian ambassadors have been the driving force behind a 2006 proposal to the Organization of American States to designate sexual orientation an “inalienable right” with full human-rights protection.
Continue reading at LifeSite News…
Posted in B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Brazil, Catholic, Christian Persecution, News, Pending Legislation |

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